Web server for testing POST requests - post

I am developing part of an application which will POST requests to another server, and examine the request as the web server would see it.
Is there any web server that I can set up (quickly and easily) that will allow me to view the requests to it, and return a sensible code. It doesn't need to process the data in any way. It basically just for development / testing purposes.

You can use REST-client tool to observe the performance.


Unable to Distinguish between app server and Web Server in Rails

I just confused to distinguish between app server and web server.
as far as i know , web server handles user request , fetch from database and renders back to user and so on .
Now my question is what does a app server do in a web-application??
why it is useful to use app server along with web server ??
A Web server exclusively handles HTTP requests, whereas an application server serves business logic to application programs through any number of protocols.
An example
As an example, consider an online store that provides real-time pricing and availability information. Most likely, the site will provide a form with which you can choose a product. When you submit your query, the site performs a lookup and returns the results embedded within an HTML page. The site may implement this functionality in numerous ways. I'll show you one scenario that doesn't use an application server and another that does. Seeing how these scenarios differ will help you to see the application server's function.
Scenario 1: Web server without an application server
In the first scenario, a Web server alone provides the online store's functionality. The Web server takes your request, then passes it to a server-side program able to handle the request. The server-side program looks up the pricing information from a database or a flat file. Once retrieved, the server-side program uses the information to formulate the HTML response, then the Web server sends it back to your Web browser.
To summarize, a Web server simply processes HTTP requests by responding with HTML pages.
Scenario 2: Web server with an application server
Scenario 2 resembles Scenario 1 in that the Web server still delegates the response generation to a script. However, you can now put the business logic for the pricing lookup onto an application server. With that change, instead of the script knowing how to look up the data and formulate a response, the script can simply call the application server's lookup service. The script can then use the service's result when the script generates its HTML response.
In this scenario, the application server serves the business logic for looking up a product's pricing information. That functionality doesn't say anything about display or how the client must use the information. Instead, the client and application server send data back and forth. When a client calls the application server's lookup service, the service simply looks up the information and returns it to the client.
By separating the pricing logic from the HTML response-generating code, the pricing logic becomes far more reusable between applications. A second client, such as a cash register, could also call the same service as a clerk checks out a customer. In contrast, in Scenario 1 the pricing lookup service is not reusable because the information is embedded within the HTML page. To summarize, in Scenario 2's model, the Web server handles HTTP requests by replying with an HTML page while the application server serves application logic by processing pricing and availability requests.
Hope this is clear now!

Monitor server requests

I have a ASP.NET MVC3 web application. To get data from third party, my application makes several HTTP requests from server. I want to see all the http requests made to the third party from server for each page loads. I have installed glimpse from nu-get package. but I could not see any remote HTTP calls made from server. I am debugging my application in my local machine. is it possible to get this information using glimpse? if not is there any other tool can help me out here?
Unfortunately, Glimpse does not currently show HTTP requests your application has made - but that sounds like a great feature!
You do have a few options:
Create a custom tab using Glimpse's extensibility model. You could tap into whatever HTTP client you are using and expose the data.
Additionally, you could leverage Glimpse's Trace Tab to trace out messages about your HTTP requests.
Finally, you could use ANTS Performance Profiler which recently added a feature to see all the HTTP requests an application makes, in addition to CPU level timing information and SQL queries. (And it has a free trial!)

Setup a Rails app to avoid having to use CORS

I am running a MAMP server with default settings (port 8888) locally, and I have a Rails app running on its default port (3000).
In production, I will be having a Kentico server running that will need to run GET, POST and PUT requests via ajax to the Rails app.
Right now though, I am just wanting to set it up in a way so that locally I can develop this out without having to implement any form of CORS. Since POST and PUT requests are part of the mix, there's no way I can use JSONP.
Is there any way to do this, and if so will it translate to the same way of doing it once in production?
CORS would be the most standards compliant way of doing cross-domain communications. But other options include:
Set up a proxy server to proxy requests on the server-side to your Rails app
Use an iframe-based solution. This involves setting up a page on your server that makes same-domain XHR requests. You'd then include this page on the client-side using an iframe, and talk to it via inter-frame communication mechanisms such as postMessage.
Here's an overview of the latter technique: http://softwareas.com/cross-domain-communication-with-iframes

Data scraping from the web using dart

I am making a web application, in which i need to scrape the web to get some data. I can't see a way to do this without using the dart:io.HttpConnection which is not imporatble for web apps. What should i do, Can i make a server application and then use it with a client version, or something else?
You would need to build this server side since the browser security model does not allow you to connect to other origins than the one that served your application (unless of cause you can use JSONP or CORS to do the scraping but I doubt that). So you need to create a service on your server that uses HttpClient to do the scraping for you and then call this service from your client using XMLHttpRequest

Communicating between Node.Js and ASP.NET MVC Application

I have an existing complex website built using ASP.NET MVC, including a database backend, data layer, as well as the Web UI layer. Rebuilding this website in another language is not a feasible option.
There are some UI elements on some views (client side) which would benefit from live interactivity, involving both push and pull, so rather than implement some kind of custom long polling or websocket server in asp.net, I am looking to leverage node.js for Windows, and Socket.io.
My problem is that I need two way communication between both applications. Each user should only be able to receive data once they are authorised on the ASP.NET website, so I first need communication for this. Secondly, once certain events occur on the ASP.NET website I want to immediately push this data to the Node server, to be broadcast to specific users or groups of users. Thirdly, I would like any data sent to the node.js server to be pushed to the ASP.NET website for processing, as this is where all our business logic lies. The sole reason for adding Node.js is to have the possibility to push data directly to the client, I do not want to build any business logic into it (or as little as possible).
I would like to know what the fastest method of two-way push communication is between Node.Js and ASP.NET. The only good option I'm aware of so far is to create a special listener on a specific port on the node.js server and connect to that, but I was wondering if there's a more elegant or more efficient method? I also know that you could use a database inbetween but surely this would need to be polled and would be less efficient? Both servers will be running on the same server under a Visual Studio project.
Many thanks for any help you can provide.
I'm not an ASP.NET expert, but I think there are multiple ways you can achieve this:
1) As you said, you could make Node listen on a specific port for data and then react based on the data received (TCP)
2) You can make POST requests to Node.js (HTTP) and also send an auth-key in the process to be extra-secure. Like on 1) Node would react to the data you send.
3) Use something like Redis for pub-sub, send messages from ASP.NET (pub) and get them on the Node.js part (sub). This is even better if you want to scale your app across multiple machines etc.
The only good option I'm aware of so far is to create a special
listener on a specific port on the node.js server and connect to that,
but I was wondering if there's a more elegant or more efficient
You can try to look at redis pub/sub model where ASP.NET MVC application and node.js would communicate through separate channels in order to achieve full-duplex communication. Or you can also try to use CouchDB change nofitications.
I also know that you could use a database inbetween but surely this
would need to be polled and would be less efficient?
Former techniques do not require you to poll for changes, but instead they will notify you when the changes happens or channel message arrives.
