Apache Mahout modified abstract similarity .. To incorporate trust network .. Need suggestions - mahout

I have modified the AbstractSimilarity class / UserSimilarity method with the following:
Collection c = multiMap.get(user1);
result = result+0.50;
I use the epinions dataset that has two files. One with userid, itemid, rating and a trust network user-user which is stored in the multimap above. The rating set is on the datamodel.
Finally: I would like to add a value to a user (e.g +0.50) if he is on the trust network of the user who asks for the recommendations.
Would it be better to use two datamodels?

You've hit upon a very interesting topic in recommenders: multi-modal or multi-action recommenders. They solve the problem of have several actions by the same users and how to use the data to recommend the primary action using all available data. For instance how to recommend purchases with purchase AND page view data.
To use epinions is good intuition on your part. The problem is that there may be no correlation between trust and rating for an individual user. The general technique you use here is to correlate the two bits of data by using a multi-action indicator. Just adding a weight may have little or no effect and can, in your own real-world data, even produce a negative effect.
The snapshot Mahout 1.0 has a new spark-itemsimilarity CLI job (you can use it like a library too) that takes two actions and correlates the second to the first producing two "indicator" outputs. The primary action is the one you want to recommend, in this case recommending people that an individual might like. The secondary action may be anything but must have the user IDs in common, in epinions it's the trust action. The epinions data is actually what is used to test this technique.
Running both inputs through spark-itemsimilarity will produce an "indicator-matrix" and a "cross-indicator-matrix" These are the core of any "cooccurrence" recommender. If you want to learn more about this technique I'd suggest bringing it up on the Mahout mailing list: user#mahout.apache.org


Using ontology to infer labels for process model

I'm trying to implement a specific type of process mining, that has been presented in this thesis [link]. It is based on HMMs and generates a process model in form of a directed graph, where:
Nodes are called intentions and correspond to hidden states
Edges are called strategies and consist of different activities
These activities correspond to the HMM's observable emissions
Intentions can be fulfilled using different strategies
A user event log consisting of user IDs, timestamps and activities is used as input. The image below is an example of such a process model. The highlighted nodes and edges resemble the path that has been predicted using the Viterbi algorithm.
You can see that the graph's nodes and edges only carry numeric labels, which allow to distinguish between the different strategies and intentions. In order to make these labels more meaningful to the human reader, I'd like to infer some suitable labels.
My idea is to use an ontology to obtain those labels. After some research I figured out that I probably needed to do something that is generally referred to as "ontology learning". For this I would need to create some axioms in RDF/OWL format and then use these as input for a reasoner, that would infer an ontology.
Is this approach correct and reasonable to achieve my goal?
If this is the way to go, I will need some tool to generate axioms in an automated way. So far I couldn't find any tool that would do that completely out-of-the-box. Based on what I've seen so far I conclude that I would need to define some kind of mapping between the original data and the desired axioms. I took a closer look at protégé, which offers a plugin for spreadsheets. It seems to be based on the MappingMasterDSL project [link].
I've also found an interesting paper [link] on ontology learning where an RNN-based model is trained in a end-to-end fashion to translate definitory sentences into OWL formulae. BUT: My user event log data does not contain any natural sentences. Its activities are defined by tokens derived from HTML elements of the user interface. Therefore the RNN-based approach does not seem to be applicable here. (For the interested reader, the related project can be found here [link])
Isn't there really any easier way than hand-crafting the axioms' schema(ta)?
Assuming that I have created my axioms and inferred an ontology, I would like to use the strategies' (edges') observable activities (emissions) to infer a suitable label. I guess I would need to query my ontology somehow. I could use the activity names as parameters for my query and look for some related entities that reveal the desired label. I'm expecting something like:
"I have a strategy with ID=3, that strategy can be executed with
actions a, b and c, give me all entities of the ontology, that
have these actions as property value and show and give me all related
labels for those entities"
But where would the data for the labels actually come from?
I think I'm missing some important step during the process of ontology learning. Where do I find an additional data source for the labels and how do I relate this data to my ontology's entities?
Also I'm wondering if there is a way to incorporate the inherent knowledge of the process model's topology into my ontology.

How to pre process a class data (with a large number of unique values) before feeding it to machine learning model?

Let's say I have a large data from an online gaming platform (like steam) which has 'date, user_id, number_of_hours_played, no_of_games' and I have to write a model to predict how many hours a user will play in future for a given date. Now, user_id has a large number of unique values (in millions). I know for class data we can use one hot encoding, but not sure what to do when I have millions of unique classes. Also, suggest if we can use any other method to preprocess the data.
Using directly the user id in the model is not a good idea, since that would result like you said into a large number of features, but also in overfitting since you would get one id per line (If I understood correctly your data). It would also make your model useless in case of a new user id and you would have to retrain your model each time you have a new user.
What I would recommand in the first place is to drop this variable and try to build a model with only the other variables.
Another Idea that you could try is to perform a clustering on the users you have based on other features, and then pass the cluster as a feature instead of the user id, but I don't know if this is a good idea since I don't know the kind of data you have.
Also, you are talking about making a prediction on a given date. The data you described doesn't suggest that but if you have the number of hours per multiple dates, this is closer to a time series prediction problem, which is different from a 'classic' regression problem.

Improve Mahout suggestions

I'm searching for the way to improve Mahout suggestions (form Item-based recommender, and data sets originally are user/item/weight) using an 'external' set of data.
Assuming we already have recommendations: a number of Users were suggested by the number of items.
But also, it's possible to receive a feedback from these suggested users in a binary form: 'no, not for me' and 'yes, i was suggested because i know about items'; this way 1/0 by each of suggested users.
What's the better and right way to use this kind of data? Is there any approaches built-in Mahout? If no, what approach will be suitable to train the data set and use that information in the next rounds?
It's not ideal that you get explicit user feedback as 0-1 (strongly disagree - strongly agree), otherwise the feedback could be treated as any other user rating from the input.
Anyway you can introduce this user feedback in you initial training set, with recommended score ('1' feedback) or 1 - recommended score ('0' feedback) as weight and retrain your model.
It would be nice to add a 3-rd option 'neutral' that does not do anything, to avoid noise in the data (e.g. recommended score is 0.5 and user disagrees, you would still add it as 0.5 regardless...) and model over fitting.
Boolean data IS ideal but you have two actions: "like" and "dislike"
The latest way to use this is by using indicators and cross-indicators. You want to recommend things that are liked so for this data you create an indicator. However it is quite likely that a user's pattern of "dislikes" can be used to recommend likes, for this you need to create a cross-indicator.
The latest Mahout SNAPSHOT-1.0 has the tools you need in *spark-itemsimilarity". It can take two actions, one primary the other secondary and will create an indicator matrix and a cross-indicator matrix. These you index and query using a search engine, where the query is a user's history of likes and dislikes. The search will return an ordered list of recommendations.
By using cross-indicators you can begin to use many different actions a user takes in your app. The process of creating cross-indicators will find important correlations between the two actions. In other words it will find the "dislikes" that lead to specific "likes". You can do the same with page-views, applying tags, viewing categories, almost any recorded user action.
The method requires Mahout, Spark, Hadoop, and a search engine like Solr. It is explained here: http://mahout.apache.org/users/recommender/intro-cooccurrence-spark.html under How to use Multiple User Actions

Which machine learning model should be used in this situation?

Recently I'm working on my course project, it's an android app that can automatically help fill consuming form based on the user's voice. So here is one sample sentence:
So what I want to do is let the app fill forms automatically, my forms have several fields: time(yesterday), location(MacDonald), cost(10 dollars), type(food). Here the "type" field will include food, shopping, transport, etc.
I have used the word-splitting library to split the sentence into several parts and parse it, so I can already extract the time, location and cost fields from the user's voice.
What I want to do is deduce the "type" field with some kind of machine learning model. So there should be some records in advance, input by user manually to train the model. After training, when new record comes in, I first extract the time, location and cost fields, and then calculate the type field based on the model.
But I don't know how to represent the location field, should I use a dictionary to include many famous locations and use index to represent the location? If so, which kind of machine learning method should I use to model this requirement?
I would start with the Naive Bayes classifier. The links below should be useful in understanding it:
I wonder if time and cost are that discriminative/informative in comparison to location for your task.
In general, look at the following link on working with text data (it should be useful even if you dont know python):
It should include three stages:
Feature Representation:
One way to represent the features is the Bag-of-Word representation, which you fix an order of the dictionary and use a word frequency vector to represent the documents. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bag-of-words_model for details.
Data and Label Collection:
Basically, in this stage, you should prepare some [feature]-[type] pairs to training your model, which can be tedious or expensive. If you had already published your app, and collected a lot of [sentence]-[type] pair (probably chosen by app user), you can extract the features and build a training set.
Model Learning:
Cdeepakroy has suggested a good choice of the model: Naive Bayes, which is very efficient for classification task like this. At this stage, you can just find a suitable package, insert your training data, and enjoy the classifier it returns.

Mahout -- Recommend for a type of people

I am a newbie learning mahout.
I learned that there are five recommenders in mahout. User-based, Item-based,...
The datasets I used is movielens 100K
I am thinking implement a little different movie recommender from user based one. i.e., instead of taking user id as an input to recommend movies to only one user, I want to take user demographic information, e.g., age range, gender, occupation, and zip code.
But the problem is how do I create my own user similarity method (The original one is taking two long type user id as parameters) and how do I combine u.user file and u.data file together?
I understand your question now. I think the simplest thing is to temporary create a dummy user with the demographic properties you are querying for, and then recommend for that dummy user.
Yes, you would have to write a UserSimilarity that implements whatever similarity rule you want on top of the demographic data.
Maybe there is another solution.
I implement my own Rescorer to deal with u.user file and input (gender, age range, ...). If each piece of information is equal, then I put the according user id into a FastIDSet.
Then, in the rescore method, I will check if the current user id is in FastIDSet, if yes, the augment the score.
In my own Recommender, I will use PlusAnoymousUserDataModel to get a temp id, and call the method recommen(id, howMany, rescorer)
However, after I tried different dataset file, I get 0 recommended item.
I am thinking whether it is the right way to use PlusAnoymousUserDataModel.
