Conditionally set OLE definition - activex

In Clarion, I'm looking to set the definition for an OLE dynamically in a window. Right now, this is how I define two OLE objects in a window:
Window WINDOW('Test ActiveX Window'), AT(,,431,92), FONT('MS Sans Serif', 8,, FONT:regular), COLOR(COLOR:White), CENTER, ALRT(F2Key), TIMER(10), GRAY
OLE, AT(10,3,11,7), USE(?MyOLE1), HIDE, CREATE('MyActiveX.MyActiveXCtrl.1'), COMPATIBILITY(021H) END
OLE, AT(30,3,11,7), USE(?MyOLE2), HIDE, CREATE('SomeOtherActiveX.SomeOtherActiveXCtrl.1'), COMPATIBILITY(021H) END
Both objects contain the same method definitions (ex. TestMethod), almost like they implement a common interface. I can currently call them conditionally like this:
if (condition)
testStr = ?MyOLE1{'TestMethod(param1)'}
testStr = ?MyOLE2{'TestMethod(param1)'}
What I'd like to do is only create one object, and then dynamically set the control's definition. I know there are other ways to simplify this (OCX wrappers, etc), but based on the project's requirements, this is how it has to be done. At some point, this code will grow from 2 objects to many more and this will be a lot cleaner.
How can I dynamically set the control's definition (the MyActiveX.MyActiveXCtrl.1 part)?

Here is how to create an OLE object dynamically:
MyOLE Long
MyOLE = 0
MyOLE = Create(0, CREATE:OLE)
! Set the OLE's control definition dynamically:
if (condition)
?MyOLE{PROP:Create} = 'ACTIVEXIDTECH.ActiveXIDTechCtrl.1'
?MyOLE{PROP:Create} = 'SomeOtherActiveX.SomeOtherActiveXCtrl.1'


Call the name of a Texbox with number changing in Visual Basic 6

I'm use Visual Basic 6 to create a table with many Textbox which named txtNo1, txtNo2, txtNo3,...
I want to use the "For...Next..." loop to assign a content to these Textbox.
How can I call all these Textbox in the simplest way?
For i = 1 to 100
txtNo (......) .txt = "ABC"
Next i
Instead of using unique textboxes, each with a unique name, you should use a (textbox) control array:
Place the 1st textbox on the form, name it 'txtNo'
Copy it and paste it onto the form
VB will ask you "There's already a control named 'txtNo'. Would you like to create a control array?". Answer "Yes"
Paste as the textbox as many times as you need it
Then your code looks like
' Control arrays typically start at index 0
For i = 0 to 100
txtNo(i) .txt = "ABC"
Next i
Jim Mack's solution works as well, code for it:
' Assuming your form is named 'Form1'
For each ctrl in Form1.Controls
If TypeOf ctrl Is Textbox
For i = 1 To 100
If ctrl.Name = "txtNo" & CStr(i) Then
ctrl.Text = "ABC"
End If
End If
End If
It's a bit more complex, but therefore more flexible as works with multiple control types (in one loop).
If you need an easiest way to create your textboxes as a table, you can Load the controls at runtime. You have to add only the first TextBox control to your form, set the name to "txtNo", and Index to 0 in the Properties window.
In your code, call Load() to create additional controls, and you can set the Top/Left and other properties
For i = 1 To 100
Load txtNo(i)
txtNo(i).Top = txtNo(i - 1).Top + txtNo(i - 1).Height + 150
txtNo(i).Left = txtNo(i - 1).Left
txtNo(i).Text = "Textbox " & i
txtNo(i).Visible = True
Next i
If you need again to change any control property, from your list of controls, you can iterate only over your control list, instead of all controls of your Form
For i = txtNo.LBound() To txtNo.UBound()
Form1.Controls("txtNo")(i).Text = "New text " & i
Next i

TListView DynamicAppearance with TImageObjectAppearance will not view image when using LiveBindingsDesigner with TFDMemTable

I am welcoming Embarcaderos efforts to make TListView more dynamically, and was exited to see Sarina Duponts post here where you could just link the imageindex to the TListView properties in LiveBindings Designer, and even the image property to a datafield (integer) when using DynamicAppearance and TImageObjectAppearance.
But... I tried, and did almost succeed.
In my challenge I have an application where I use TFDMemTable with TREST* function to populate the TFDMemTable. All works well if I don't use the DynamicAppearance and use i.e. ImageListItem and links the datafield I want to use to the imageindex property in TListView using LiveBindings Designer.
With DynamicApperance though, there are no imageindex property to link to, but Sarina Dupont says in here post that you could link the integer field directly to the image property (and IDE/compiler will figure it out).
Well... I figured following out: My data fields (semicreated from TREST* and TFDMemTable) are not neccesserely what they seems to be. Since I am using REST/JSON, the fieldtypes are "anonymized" to WideString, actually the FieldDefs->'dataitem'->DataType is set to "ftWideString". I tried to change this value to ftInteger in hope that this would help, but I did just get this errormessage: "FDMemtTable1: Type mismatch in field for 'datafield', exepecting: WideString actual: Integer".
So... I was nearly there, and I really want to use DynamicAppearance and view several images and textfields for each TListViewItem...
...or is it easier to make a ListViewItem 'Template' dynamically and populate it with data instead, and what is the best way to do that ?
I usually try to avoid LiveBindings. The fastest, most stable and easiest way is to add items using code.
try {
for (int i = 0; i < arrayOfThings->item.Length; i++) {
TListViewItem* item = ListView1->Items->Add();
item->Text = arrayOfThings->item[i]->item_name;
item->Data["itemName"] = TValue::From<UnicodeString>( arrayOfThings->item[i]->item_name);
item->Data["itemId"] = TValue::From<UnicodeString>( IntToStr( arrayOfThings->item[i]->id ));
item->Data["itemDate"] = TValue::From<UnicodeString>(arrayOfThings->item[i]->item_date);
// adding the image - imgClock is name of the image field [TImageObjectAppearance ] added to items in ItemAppearance in the TListView object that uses DynamicAppereance
const UnicodeString imgClock = L"imgClock";
dynamic_cast<TListItemImage*>(item->Objects->FindDrawable(imgClock))->Bitmap = //bitmap source;
} catch (...) {

Not able to use setFillColor method on display objects within a table

So I have a collection of display objects in a table, inserted like so (some excess code was taken out):
for i=1,blockCount do
local block=display.newRect(xcoord,ycoord,blockwidth,blockheight);
local color=blocks[i];
if(color=="red") then
block.collision = redHit;
block:addEventListener( "collision",block);
elseif(color=="blue") then
block.collision = blueHit;
block:addEventListener( "collision",block);
elseif(color=="yellow") then
block.collision = yellowHit;
block:addEventListener( "collision",block);
So grid is just a table full of rectangle objects with different properties. However, in a different spot in the code, I am trying to do this:
for i=1,blockCount do
if (grid[i]~=nil) then
local color=grid[i].blockColor;
if (color=="blue") then
grid[i].collision = redHit;
elseif (color=="red") then
grid[i].collision = blueHit;
In other words, at this spot in the code, I am trying to make all red blocks blue and all blue blocks red. But it's throwing an error that it's unable to change the fill color (saying it's a nil value). Because it is getting there, it is pulling the information from the object by seeing its color, so it is not unable to access properties and functions of the object, and if I comment out that line, changing the other properties works. Why would it not be able to run this simple function?
It means that yours grid table contains not only block elements. So one of elements stored in grid table contains no ".blockColor".
Change it to:
if (grid[i]~=nil and grid[i].blockColor) then

Saving a composite datawindow in PowerBuilder

Is there a way to save results in a composite datawindow as a text or excel spreadsheet? Powerbuilder states for composites the format to save it is PSReport. That doesn't work for what I'm trying to do. Is there any other workaround for this issue?
A composite datawindow may contain any number of nested datawindows. So if memory serves, you cannot save the entire composite datawindow as data in a meaningful way (SaveAs will just give you a one-line bit of meaningless data), but you CAN save each of the nested datawindows inside the composite.
Here is some PFC code I wrote (for inside a menu item) which makes a copy of a nested report and then executes a SaveAs (dialog in this case):
//must create a 'dummy' datawindow,
//and put the data on the nested report into it
u_dw ldw_Temp
Window lw_Parent
String ls_Syntax, ls_Error
If Not IsValid(i_dwo) Then
MessageBox('Unexpected Error', &
'The pointer to the datawindow object was invalid. Contact Systems.')
End If
If i_dwo.Type = 'report' Then
MessageBox('Unexpected Error', &
'The pointer did not refer to a report. Contact Systems.')
End If
If idw_Parent.of_GetParentWindow(lw_Parent) = 1 Then
ls_Syntax = i_dwo.object.datawindow.syntax
If lw_Parent.OpenUserObject(ldw_Temp) = 1 Then
If ldw_Temp.Create(ls_Syntax,ls_Error) = 1 Then
ldw_Temp.Object.Data.Primary = i_dwo.Object.Data.Primary
ldw_Temp.Event pfc_SaveAs()
If IsNull(ls_Error) Or ls_Error = '' Then ls_Error = '<unknown error>'
MessageBox('Error','Error creating datawindow object: ' + ls_Error)
End If
MessageBox('Error','Error creating datawindow control on ' + lw_Parent.ClassName())
End If
MessageBox('Error','Unable to obtain pointer to the parent window.')
End If
Basically this code gets the syntax of the datawindow object underlying the nested report (ls_Syntax = i_dwo.object.datawindow.syntax above), then creates a datawindow control on the parent form and loads that syntax into it, and then copies the data from the one into the other. Finally it calls SaveAs on the copy, and the user is presented with a dialog asking where they want to save the data from the nested report and in what format.
You could automate this so that it saves each nested report as a separate file, and then if you like you could automate the formation of those separate files into a single file (sheets inside a workbook, appended text files, etc).
There are other ways to do what you are asking, depending on what exactly you are trying to accomplish.
The i_dwo variable was loaded in the right-mouse up even of the datawindow control (the dwo event variable there).
That may get you running, please ask questions if you have any.

World of Warcraft Lua - Changing frame:SetAttribute()

I'm working on an addon for World of Warcraft that completely overhauls the interface to adapt to my play style.
In this addon, I would like to have a large button that acts as a "main dps rotation" for my mage. I would like it to change what spell it casts based on what is optimal at any given time. It doesn't cast the spell automatically, it just presents the next best option for the user.
Here is my code so far:
print "Interface Overhaul : LOADED"
heatingUpIsActive = false
local Button = CreateFrame("Button", "MyButton", UIParent,"SecureActionButtonTemplate")
Button:SetText("Main Rotation")
Button:SetAttribute("type", "spell")
Button:SetAttribute("spell", "Fireball")
local function auraGained(self, event, ...)
if (UnitAura("player", "Heating Up")) then
if (heatingUpIsActive == false) then
heatingUpIsActive = true
print (heatingUpIsActive)
print ("Heating Up is active!")
Button:SetAttribute("spell", "Inferno Blast")
heatingUpIsActive = false
print("Heating Up is NOT active.")
Button:SetScript("OnEvent", auraGained);
local tex = Button:CreateTexture("ARTWORK");
If heatingUpIsActive == true, I would like the button to cast ("spell", "Inferno Blast") instead of ("spell", "Fireball"), but it doesn't work if I place that into the correct part of the if statements.
Any thoughts?
As Mud said, you cannot rebind buttons in combat anymore. Blizzard made this change to prevent bots from being able to automate combat. Notably, in order to cast a spell you need to use one of the secure templates, and these secure templates only allow modification of the attributes that control what they do when you're not in combat. So you cannot have one button change spells mid-combat. Similarly, they also prevent you from modifying attributes like their position or visibility, so you cannot move buttons under the mouse either.
The best you can do is display a visual indicator of what spell should be cast, but rely on the user to actually press the correct button.
