How to push image(from url) into aws without saving image into localhost/paperclip - ruby-on-rails

I have a image url like
#img = ''
Is there any process to push this image directly into aws without using paperclip/saving into localhost in ruby on rails.
Thanks in advance

There is. AWS has a JS library that allows direct upload from the browser. There is a blog post here:
And here using JQuery
However, a little more googling should find a wealth of advice and gems.
There will be a bit of wrangling involved as the method of authentication is non-trivial.


How to see the speedup when using Cloudinary "direct upload" method?

I have a RoR web app that allow users upload images and use Cloudinary as cloud storage. I read their document and find a cool way called "direct uploading" which reduce my server's loading. To my knowledge, the spirit is changing workflow
image -> server -> Cloudinary
image -> Cloudinary
and my server only store an Cloudinary url to database, not the image file (Tell me if I'm wrong, thx).
So my question is, how to check whether I have changed to "direct uploading" method successfully? Open element inspector to see time cost for each POST and GET requests? Other better options?
I expect big advances via this way, but how can I feel it?
Thanks form a rookie =)
# The app is deployed on heroku.
# Doesn't change to direct uploading method yet.
# This app is private, only serve for around 10 people.
You can indeed (and it is very recommended to) bypass your server and let Cloudinary take care of the upload processing directly. This indeed lowers the processing of your server to simply store the uploaded image's details, and the image is directly stored in your Cloudinary account. This indeed quickens the upload process. You can test out the sample project which demonstrates both server-side and client-side uploads.

Upload big file on Rails-API

I wonder how manage on a rails-api the upload of a "big" file (arround 100m). Is it possible to stream to s3 the rack tempfile during the upload?
I'm creating a new service how just need to receive post request with parameters and files ask the original app if it's everything is ok, and process them. Lot's people over blogs tell that ruby is not the best language for that, it's not a problem to change.
So I would like to know if making a rails api who will received post, return status, and communicate with the other rails app is a good thing.
Thanks in advance
Yes it's possible. Amazon has their own AWS SDK Gem which provides the s3 functionality.
s3 =
Here's how to get started using it.
This question however is a little off-topic because you show no proof of trial and error.

Getting images from Amazon S3 in AngularJS

I'm developing a website with AngularJS in frontend that sends requests to a Rails 4 API backend. I have to manage quite images, so I would like to use Amazon S3 (but I'm a newbie with this and I'm a bit lost).
I have uploaded an image to the folder in a new bucket ( I have created in the path:
How can I get this image to display it in a view in my AngularJS front-end?
Im trying something like:
<img src="">
But it is not working.
See #Sebastian comment above. Point for him.

How to post images directly to s3 on a heroku app from a json request?

I have a rails app hosted on heroku and a mobile app made with rhodes.
I'd like to send images from the mobile app to my rails app using an HTTP POST request. Since heroku doesn't allow you to store files, I'm using amazon s3.
I can't send the file from heroku to s3 because it takes more than 30 seconds and causes a timeout. I've seen plenty of examples of uploading a file direct to s3 when the user has a form, but this obviously won't work in this case.
I tried using the suggestion here:
rails 3, heroku, aws-s3, simply trying to upload a file to S3 that is POSTed (http/multipart) to our app
but I still get a 503 request timeout.
I don't want to put my amazon s3 keys on the app.
Right now, I feel like my only option is to host my app on EC2 which I would rather not do as I like the simplicity of Heroku.
Also, it seems strange that these uploads would take so long regardless. I'm only posting images from a mobile phone camera, so they're not huge files.
I was getting the same error in a project in my job. Some people says that the only way to solve this is by uploading files directly to the S3 bucket. This is difficult in our case, because we are using Paperclip Gem for Rails and different size versions of the image.
Some other people says that "The Heroku timeout is a set in stone thing that you need to work around. Direct upload to S3 is the only option, with some sort of post-upload processing required", so I recomend to do the next:
Maybe this is not a solution but, it could be very useful, it was for me in a Rails App:
Worker Dynos, Background Jobs and Queueing
Perhaps you should move this heavy lifting into a background job which can run asynchronously from your web request.
So I finally figured out how to do this.
After lots of back and forth with AWS reps and Cloudfiles reps and pulling my hair out, I realized it would be a lot less work to just get another rails server that could write to the filesystem.
So, I started another rails app on openshift. It's just as easy as Heroku to get started (in fact, I might consider moving my rails app there, but it's too new for my taste right now and doesn't have the community around it that Heroku does).
Then, I just had to have communications between my two rails apps.
I know it's not the best/scalable/elegant fix, but it got the job done, and that's what matters in the end!

how to get bytes loaded to server using rails paperclip gem?

i am using paperclip gem to upload images on the server side, i need to get updated with the bytes loaded on server through the upload process.
my aim is to update the progress bar accordingly. how do I do this?
You can only do this by using a Flash-based uploading tool which has direct access to the file and the upload stream. Just integrate it with Paperclip (and there are a ton of examples on google showing how to)
I would recommend one of these:
