How to make new instances of a SCNNode with different texture - ios

I load meshes from COLLADA files into SceneKit. Let's say I have a cube with a material that has a certain texture. Then in code, I want to make new copies of this SCNNode - I have used clone so far - and then I need to set a new texture. This is where it gets problematic because if I get the named material of one of the cloned cubes and update its texture (thematerialofmycube.diffuse.contents = #"somefile.png"), will set the same texture to all instances of the cube. clone obviously does not deep copy things like geometry, materials and textures. So what I have tried is making a copy of the geometry itself, and also tried making a new material, setting a new texture to the new material, and adding that material to the materials array of the new geometry, while also removing the old material. There seems to be no straightforward way of doing it this way (the materials are named, but exist in an array so several materials could theoretically have the same name - which leads to some bulky adding/removing of objects from the array), and when I do it, the new textures show up, but they show up upside down, and also the order of materials seem incorrect as I get "backside" textures in place of frontside textures and vice versa. I hope I don't have to draw all this stuff in my 3d editor, there must be a good way of making new instances with arbitrarily specified textures in code.
What I'm specifically doing is I drew a trump card in my 3d editor, and exported it to COLLADA. Now I have 52 pngs of trump card faces - I need to replace the faces of new instances of trump cards obviously.

It seems that the order of the materials in that array is (very) important. If I insert the new material with the updated texture in the same array index as the one I remove, essentially doing a replace, then textures show up on the correct face and aren't upside down - ie they show up in the same way as with the source SCNNode. I have yet to run this for a longer time to see if this works consistently.

[SCNNode clone] do this way for efficiency reasons.Try this code (If you want make a SCNNode Category:
// SCNNode duplicate
- (SCNNode *)duplicateNode:(SCNNode *)node
SCNNode *newNode = [node clone];
newNode.geometry = [node.geometry copy];
newNode.geometry.firstMaterial = [node.geometry.firstMaterial copy];
return newNode;

Swift answer:
fileprivate func deepCopyNode(node: SCNNode) -> SCNNode {
let clone = node.clone()
clone.geometry = node.geometry?.copy() as? SCNGeometry
if let g = node.geometry {
clone.geometry?.materials ={ $0.copy() as! SCNMaterial }
return clone

Been a long time since this was asked. But thought I'd offer a helper function I have:
func deepCopyNode(_ node: SCNNode) -> SCNNode {
// internal function for recurrsive calls
func deepCopyInternals(_ node: SCNNode) {
node.geometry = node.geometry?.copy() as? SCNGeometry
if let g = node.geometry {
node.geometry?.materials = { $0.copy() as! SCNMaterial }
for child in node.childNodes {
// CLONE main node (and all kids)
// issue here is that both geometry and materials are linked
// still. In our deepCopyNode we want new copies of everything
let clone = node.clone()
// we use this internal function to update both
// geometry and materials, as well as process all children
// this is the *deep* part of "deepCopy"
return clone


How to apply collision with real-world objects to a 3D object (.usdz) in RealityKit?

I'm trying to apply collision between real-world objects like wall, sofa and ... with a .usdz file imported in the project. I have tried using PhysicsBodyComponent and CollisionComponent but without any results. Here is the code for importing the 3D object:
let entityName = objects.objectName
guard let entity = try? Entity.load(named: entityName, in: .main) else {
// Creating parent ModelEntity
let parentEntity = ModelEntity()
// Anchoring the entity and adding it to the scene
// Add entity on horizontal planes if classified as `floor`.
// Minimum bounds is 10x10cm
let anchor = AnchorEntity(.plane(.horizontal, classification: .floor, minimumBounds: [0.1, 0.1])) = entityName
// Playing availableAnimations on repeat
entity.availableAnimations.forEach { entity.playAnimation($0.repeat()) }
// Add a collision component to the parentEntity with a rough shape and appropriate offset for the model that it contains
parentEntity.generateCollisionShapes(recursive: true)
// Installing gestures for the parentEntity
self.arView.installGestures([.translation, .rotation], for: parentEntity)
Virtual objects do not interact with physical objects(wall, sofa, plains etc..) on a collision base.
I can offer you 2 possible solutions:
Virtual based bounding boxes - You can add virtual containers to such elements by tracking the added planes/meshes and add bounding boxes for each.
That way, you can interact
Raycast on the movement vector - You can raycast the movement vector on to plains(or the center of the model in case it does not move). In such a case, you will receive back the relevant plane/mesh.

How to scale and position a SCNNode that has a SCNSkinner attached?

Using SceneKit, I'm loading a very simple .dae file consisting of a large cylinder with three associated bones. I want to scale the cylinder down and position it on the ground. Here's the code
public class MyNode: SCNNode {
public convenience init() {
let scene = SCNScene(named: "test.dae")
let cylinder = (scene?.rootNode.childNode(withName: "Cylinder", recursively: true))!
let scale: Float = 0.1
cylinder.scale = SCNVector3Make(scale, scale, scale)
cylinder.position = SCNVector3(0, scale, 0)
This doesn't work; the cylinder is still huge when I view it. The only way I can get the code to work is to remove associated SCNSKinner.
cylinder.skinner = nil
Why does this happen and how can I properly scale and position the model, bones and all?
when a geometry is skinned it is driven by its skeleton. Which means that the transform of the skinned node is no longer used, it's the transforms of the bones that are important.
For this file Armature is the root of the skeleton. If you translate/scale this node instead of Cylinder you'll get what you want.

ARKit hide objects behind walls

How can I use the horizontal and vertical planes tracked by ARKit to hide objects behind walls/ behind real objects? Currently the 3D added objects can be seen through walls when you leave a room and/ or in front of objects that they should be behind. So is it possible to use the data ARKit gives me to provide a more natural AR experience without the objects appearing through walls?
You have two issues here.
(And you didn't even use regular expressions!)
How to create occlusion geometry for ARKit/SceneKit?
If you set a SceneKit material's colorBufferWriteMask to an empty value ([] in Swift), any objects using that material won't appear in the view, but they'll still write to the z-buffer during rendering, which affects the rendering of other objects. In effect, you'll get a "hole" shaped like your object, through which the background shows (the camera feed, in the case of ARSCNView), but which can still obscure other SceneKit objects.
You'll also need to make sure that an occluded renders before any other nodes it's supposed to obscure. You can do this using node hierarchy ( I can't remember offhand whether parent nodes render before their children or the other way around, but it's easy enough to test). Nodes that are peers in the hierarchy don't have a deterministic order, but you can force an order regardless of hierarchy with the renderingOrder property. That property defaults to zero, so setting it to -1 will render before everything. (Or for finer control, set the renderingOrders for several nodes to a sequence of values.)
How to detect walls/etc so you know where to put occlusion geometry?
In iOS 11.3 and later (aka "ARKit 1.5"), you can turn on vertical plane detection. (Note that when you get vertical plane anchors back from that, they're automatically rotated. So if you attach models to the anchor, their local "up" direction is normal to the plane.) Also new in iOS 11.3, you can get a more detailed shape estimate for each detected plane (see ARSCNPlaneGeometry), regardless of its orientation.
However, even if you have the horizontal and the vertical, the outer limits of a plane are just estimates that change over time. That is, ARKit can quickly detect where part of a wall is, but it doesn't know where the edges of the wall are without the user spending some time waving the device around to map out the space. And even then, the mapped edges might not line up precisely with those of the real wall.
So... if you use detected vertical planes to occlude virtual geometry, you might find places where virtual objects that are supposed to be hidden show through, either by being not quite hiding right at the edge of the wall, or being visible through places where ARKit hasn't mapped the entire real wall. (The latter issue you might be able to solve by assuming a larger extent than ARKit does.)
For creating an occlusion material (also known as blackhole material or blocking material) you have to use the following instance properties: .colorBufferWriteMask, .readsFromDepthBuffer, .writesToDepthBuffer and .renderingOrder.
You can use them this way:
plane.geometry?.firstMaterial?.isDoubleSided = true
plane.geometry?.firstMaterial?.colorBufferWriteMask = .alpha
plane.geometry?.firstMaterial?.writesToDepthBuffer = true
plane.geometry?.firstMaterial?.readsFromDepthBuffer = true
plane.renderingOrder = -100
...or this way:
func occlusion() -> SCNMaterial {
let occlusionMaterial = SCNMaterial()
occlusionMaterial.isDoubleSided = true
occlusionMaterial.colorBufferWriteMask = []
occlusionMaterial.readsFromDepthBuffer = true
occlusionMaterial.writesToDepthBuffer = true
return occlusionMaterial
plane.geometry?.firstMaterial = occlusion()
plane.renderingOrder = -100
In order to create an occlusion material it's really simple
let boxGeometry = SCNBox(width: 0.1, height: 0.1, length: 0.1, chamferRadius: 0)
// Define a occlusion material
let occlusionMaterial = SCNMaterial()
occlusionMaterial.colorBufferWriteMask = []
boxGeometry.materials = [occlusionMaterial] = SCNNode(geometry: boxGeometry)
// Set rendering order to present this box in front of the other models = -1
Great solution:
GitHub: arkit-occlusion
Worked for me.
But in my case i wanted to set the walls by code. So if you don't want to set the Walls by user -> use the plane detection to detect walls and set the walls by code.
Or in a range of 4 meters the iphone depht sensor works and you can detect obstacles with ARHitTest.
ARKit 6.0 and LiDAR scanner
You can hide any object behind a virtual invisible wall that replicates real wall geometry. iPhones and iPads Pro equipped with a LiDAR scanner help us reconstruct a 3d topological map of surrounding environment. LiDAR scanner greatly improves a quality of Z channel that allows occlude or remove humans from AR scene.
Also LiDAR improves such feature as Object Occlusion, Motion Tracking and Raycasting. With LiDAR scanner you can reconstruct a scene even in a unlit environment or in a room having white walls with no features at all. 3d reconstruction of surrounding environment has become possible in ARKit 6.0 thanks to sceneReconstruction instance property. Having a reconstructed mesh of your walls it's now super easy to hide any object behind real walls.
To activate a sceneReconstruction instance property in ARKit 6.0 use the following code:
#IBOutlet var arView: ARView!
arView.automaticallyConfigureSession = false
guard ARWorldTrackingConfiguration.supportsSceneReconstruction(.mesh)
else { return }
let config = ARWorldTrackingConfiguration()
config.sceneReconstruction = .mesh
Also if you're using SceneKit try the following approach:
#IBOutlet var sceneView: ARSCNView!
func renderer(_ renderer: SCNSceneRenderer,
nodeFor anchor: ARAnchor) -> SCNNode? {
guard let meshAnchor = anchor as? ARMeshAnchor
else { return nil }
let geometry = SCNGeometry(arGeometry: meshAnchor.geometry)
geometry.firstMaterial?.diffuse.contents =
colorizer.assignColor(to: meshAnchor.identifier)
let node = SCNNode() = "Node_\(meshAnchor.identifier)"
node.geometry = geometry
return node
func renderer(_ renderer: SCNSceneRenderer,
didUpdate node: SCNNode,
for anchor: ARAnchor) {
guard let meshAnchor = anchor as? ARMeshAnchor
else { return }
let newGeometry = SCNGeometry(arGeometry: meshAnchor.geometry)
newGeometry.firstMaterial?.diffuse.contents =
colorizer.assignColor(to: meshAnchor.identifier)
node.geometry = newGeometry
And here are SCNGeometry and SCNGeometrySource extensions:
extension SCNGeometry {
convenience init(arGeometry: ARMeshGeometry) {
let verticesSource = SCNGeometrySource(arGeometry.vertices,
semantic: .vertex)
let normalsSource = SCNGeometrySource(arGeometry.normals,
semantic: .normal)
let faces = SCNGeometryElement(arGeometry.faces)
self.init(sources: [verticesSource, normalsSource], elements: [faces])
extension SCNGeometrySource {
convenience init(_ source: ARGeometrySource, semantic: Semantic) {
self.init(buffer: source.buffer, vertexFormat: source.format,
semantic: semantic,
vertexCount: source.count,
dataOffset: source.offset,
dataStride: source.stride)
...and SCNGeometryElement and SCNGeometryPrimitiveType extensions:
extension SCNGeometryElement {
convenience init(_ source: ARGeometryElement) {
let pointer = source.buffer.contents()
let byteCount = source.count *
source.indexCountPerPrimitive *
let data = Data(bytesNoCopy: pointer,
count: byteCount,
deallocator: .none)
self.init(data: data, primitiveType: .of(source.primitiveType),
primitiveCount: source.count,
bytesPerIndex: source.bytesPerIndex)
extension SCNGeometryPrimitiveType {
static func of(type: ARGeometryPrimitiveType) -> SCNGeometryPrimitiveType {
switch type {
case .line: return .line
case .triangle: return .triangles

SKEffectNode - CIFilter Blur Size Limit - Big Black Box

I am trying to blur multiple SKNode objects. I do this by having a parent SKEffectNode with a CIFilter set to #"CIGaussianBlur". Like so:
- (SKEffectNode *)createBlurNode
SKEffectNode *blurNode = [[SKEffectNode alloc] init];
blurNode.shouldRasterize = YES;
[blurNode setShouldEnableEffects:NO];
[blurNode setFilter:[CIFilter filterWithName:#"CIGaussianBlur"
keysAndValues:#"inputRadius", #10.0f, nil]];
return blurNode;
This works fine for a bunch of nodes currently onscreen. But when I space these notes far away from each other (about 3000 pixels), the blurring no longer happens and I get a big black box. This happens regardless of whether the SKNodes I'm blurring are SKShapeNodes or SKSpriteNodes. Here's a sample project with this issue: Sample Project. (By the way, thanks to BobMoff for the initial version found here):
Here's happy blur (when nodes are less than 3000 pixels away from each other):
Sad blur (when nodes are more than 3000 pixels away from each other):
This behavior occurs whenever an SKEffectNode is the parent. It doesn't matter if it's enabling effects, blurring, etc. If the parent node is an SKNode, it's fine. i.e. Even if the parent blur node is created like it is below, you will get the blackness:
- (SKEffectNode *)createBlurNode
SKEffectNode *blurNode = [[SKEffectNode alloc] init];
// blurNode.shouldRasterize = YES;
// [blurNode setShouldEnableEffects:NO];
// [blurNode setFilter:[CIFilter filterWithName:#"CIGaussianBlur"
// keysAndValues:#"inputRadius", #10.0f, nil]];
return blurNode;
I had a similar problem, with a very wide, panning scene that I wanted to blur.
To get the blur effect to work, I removed any nodes that were sticking out too far past the edges of the scene:
// Property declarations, elsewhere in the class:
var blurNode: SKEffectNode
var mainScene: SKScene
var exParents: [SKNode : SKNode] = [:]
* Remove outlying nodes from the scene and activate the SKEffectNode
func blurScene() {
let FILTER_MARGIN: CGFloat = 100
let widthMax: CGFloat = mainScene.size.width + FILTER_MARGIN
let heightMax: CGFloat = mainScene.size.height + FILTER_MARGIN
// Recursively iterate through all blurNode's children
blurNode.enumerateChildNodesWithName(".//*", usingBlock: {
[unowned self]
node, stop in
if node.parent != nil && node.scene != nil { // Ignore nodes we already removed
if let sprite = node as? SKSpriteNode {
// Calculate sprite node position in scene coordinates
let sceneOrig = sprite.scene!.convertPoint(sprite.position, fromNode: sprite.parent!)
// Find left, right, bottom and top edges of sprite
let l = sceneOrig.x - sprite.size.width*sprite.anchorPoint.x
let r = l + sprite.size.width
let b = sceneOrig.y - sprite.size.height*sprite.anchorPoint.y
let t = b + sprite.size.height
if l < -FILTER_MARGIN || r > widthMax || b < -FILTER_MARGIN || t > heightMax {
self.exParents[sprite] = sprite.parent!
blurNode.shouldEnableEffects = true
* Disable blur and reparent nodes we removed earlier
func removeBlur() {
self.blurNode.shouldEnableEffects = false
for (kid, parent) in exParents {
exParents = [:]
This does remove content from your effect node, so extremely wide nodes won't show up in the final result:
You can see the mountain highlighted in red stuck out too far and was removed from the resulting blur.
This code only considers SKSpriteNodes. Empty SKNodes don't seem to break the effect node, but if you're using other visible nodes like SKShapeNodes or SKLabelNodes, you'll have to modify this code to include them.
If you have ignoreSiblingOrder = false, this code might mess up your z-ordering since you can't guarantee what order the nodes are added back to the scene.
Stuff I tried that didn't work
Simply saying node.hidden = true instead of using removeFromParent() doesn't work. That would be WAY too easy ;)
Using an SKCropNode to crop out outlying content didn't work for me. I tried having the SKEffectNode parent the SKCropNode and the other way around, but the black square appeared no matter how small I made the cropped area. This might still be worth looking into if you're desperate for a cleaner solution.
As noted here, SKScenes are secretly SKEffectNodes and you can set their filter just like our blurNode above. SKScenes don't show a black screen when their content is too big. Unfortunately, they seem to just silently disable the filter instead. Again, I might have missed something, so you could explore this option further if you're trying to apply an effect across the entire scene.
Alternate Solutions
You can capture an image of the whole screen and apply a filter to that, as suggested here. I ended up going with an even simpler solution; I took a generic screenshot of the stuff I wanted to blur, then applied a very heavy blur so you can't see the precise details. I used that as the blurred background and you can hardly tell it's not the real thing ;) This also saves a healthy chunk of memory and avoids a small UI hiccup.
This is a pretty nasty bug, and I hope Apple comes up with a solution soon. You can click this cute picture of a camera to get a GPU trace and some insight on what's happening:
The device seems to be discarding the framebuffer for the effect node because it takes up too much memory. This is affirmed by the fact that when there's more memory pressure on the device, it's easier to get the 'black square' on smaller content in the SKEffectNode.
I used a method that worked for my game but it requires the blurred area to be static without movement.
On iOS 10 using Swift 3 I used SKSpriteNode, SKView, SKEffectNode, CIFilter. I created a sprite from a texture returned from the SKView method "texture from node" and passed the current scene as the parameter because it inherits from SKNode. So essentially I was taking a "screenshot" of the scene and creating a sprite from it. I then put it in an SKEffectNode with a blur filter. (set "should rasterize" to true for better performance as I only needed to blur once). Finally I added the new sprite to the scene. From there you could add sprites to the scene and place them above the new blurred node.
let blurFilter = CIFilter(name: "CIGaussianBlur")!
let blurAmount = 15.0
blurFilter.setValue(blurAmount, forKey: kCIInputRadiusKey)
let blurEffect = SKEffectNode()
blurEffect.shouldRasterize = true
let screenshotNode = SKSpriteNode(texture: gameScene.view!.texture(from: gameScene))
blurEffect.filter = blurFilter
Possible workaround for the bug:
Use a camera, zoom WAY out, so you can see most everything of your background, take a screenshot style rendering of this image. Crop it to your needs, and then blur it. Then rasterise this.
Then scale this image back up, and slice it up if needs be, and place accordingly.
SKEffectNode renders into a texture. In most iOS systems the maximum size for a texture is 2048x2048. If an SKEffectNode is trying to render content larger than that, it will just use a 2048x2048 texture and anything outside of it will just not appear in the texture. It won't give you any error or warning about this happening; it simply does it silently.
And no, there is no way to tell SKEffectNode to use a texture of a specific size, and pan&clamp the content into it. It always uses a texture that will cover all the child nodes, and if the texture would be too large, it just silently uses that 2048x2048 texture.

SceneKit get texture coordinate after touch with Swift

I want to manipulate 2D textures in a 3D SceneKit scene.
Therefore i used this code to get local coordinates:
#IBAction func tap(sender: UITapGestureRecognizer) {
var arr:NSArray = my3dView.hitTest(sender.locationInView(my3dView), options: NSDictionary(dictionary: [SCNHitTestFirstFoundOnlyKey:true]))
var res:SCNHitTestResult = arr.firstObject as SCNHitTestResult
var vect:SCNVector3 = res.localCoordinates}
I have the texture read out from my scene with:
var mat:SCNNode = myscene.rootNode.childNodes[0] as SCNNode
var child:SCNNode = mat.childNodeWithName("ID12", recursively: false)
var geo:SCNMaterial = child.geometry.firstMaterial
var channel = geo.diffuse.mappingChannel
var textureimg:UIImage = geo.diffuse.contents as UIImage
and now i want to draw at the touchpoint to the texture...
how can i do that? how can i transform my coordinate from touch to the texture image?
Sounds like you have two problems. (Without even having used regular expressions. :))
First, you need to get the texture coordinates of the tapped point -- that is, the point in 2D texture space on the surface of the object. You've almost got that right already. SCNHitTestResult provides those with the textureCoordinatesWithMappingChannel method. (You're using localCoordinates, which gets you a point in the 3D space owned by the node in the hit-test result.) And you already seem to have found the business about mapping channels, so you know what to pass to that method.
Problem #2 is how to draw.
You're doing the right thing to get the material's contents as a UIImage. Once you've got that, you could look into drawing with UIGraphics and CGContext functions -- create an image with UIGraphicsBeginImageContext, draw the existing image into it, then draw whatever new content you want to add at the tapped point. After that, you can get the image you were drawing with UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext and set it as the new diffuse.contents of your material. However, that's probably not the best way -- you're schlepping a bunch of image data around on the CPU, and the code is a bit unwieldy, too.
A better approach might be to take advantage of the integration between SceneKit and SpriteKit. This way, all your 2D drawing is happening in the same GPU context as the 3D drawing -- and the code's a bit simpler.
You can set your material's diffuse.contents to a SpriteKit scene. (To use the UIImage you currently have for that texture, just stick it on an SKSpriteNode that fills the scene.) Once you have the texture coordinates, you can add a sprite to the scene at that point.
var nodeToDrawOn: SCNNode!
var skScene: SKScene!
func mySetup() { // or viewDidLoad, or wherever you do setup
// whatever else you're doing for setup, plus:
// 1. remember which node we want to draw on
nodeToDrawOn = myScene.rootNode.childNodeWithName("ID12", recursively: true)
// 2. set up that node's texture as a SpriteKit scene
let currentImage = nodeToDrawOn.geometry!.firstMaterial!.diffuse.contents as UIImage
skScene = SKScene(size: currentImage.size)
nodeToDrawOn.geometry!.firstMaterial!.diffuse.contents = skScene
// 3. put the currentImage into a background sprite for the skScene
let background = SKSpriteNode(texture: SKTexture(image: currentImage))
background.position = CGPoint(x: skScene.frame.midX, y: skScene.frame.midY)
#IBAction func tap(sender: UITapGestureRecognizer) {
let results = my3dView.hitTest(sender.locationInView(my3dView), options: [SCNHitTestFirstFoundOnlyKey: true]) as [SCNHitTestResult]
if let result = results.first {
if result.node === nodeToDrawOn {
// 1. get the texture coordinates
let channel = nodeToDrawOn.geometry!.firstMaterial!.diffuse.mappingChannel
let texcoord = result.textureCoordinatesWithMappingChannel(channel)
// 2. place a sprite there
let sprite = SKSpriteNode(color: SKColor.greenColor(), size: CGSize(width: 10, height: 10))
// scale coords: texcoords go 0.0-1.0, skScene space is is pixels
sprite.position.x = texcoord.x * skScene.size.width
sprite.position.y = texcoord.y * skScene.size.height
For more details on the SpriteKit approach (in Objective-C) see the SceneKit State of the Union Demo from WWDC14. That shows a SpriteKit scene used as the texture map for a torus, with spheres of paint getting thrown at it -- whenever a sphere collides with the torus, it gets a SCNHitTestResult and uses its texcoords to create a paint splatter in the SpriteKit scene.
Finally, some Swift style comments on your code (unrelated to the question and answer):
Use let instead of var wherever you don't need to reassign a value, and the optimizer will make your code go faster.
Explicit type annotations (res: SCNHitTestResult) are rarely necessary.
Swift dictionaries are bridged to NSDictionary, so you can pass them directly to an API that takes NSDictionary.
Casting to a Swift typed array (hitTest(...) as [SCNHitTestResult]) saves you from having to cast the contents.
