Any way to run an iPhone simulator on a web app? - ios

Is there an iPhone simulator plugin anywhere? We want to load some of our apps to our demo website for marketing purposes.
Does anyone know of anything that can do this?

It's impossible, unless Apple releases some sort of plugin itself (which I can confidently say, will never ever happen). The closest you can get is to use some mockup templates/scripts to simulate the behavior of your app with Javascript/CSS/HTML5 canvas.
You can look into some web apps which provide similar functionality. Of course, not like the real thing, but at least, they can be a good starting point and even complete solutions for relatively simple projects. I've googled web iphone app mockup and got a few results: or may be helpful.


Does anyone know of a way to take an existing MVC Web application that uses IIS and MSSQL and run it on an iPad?

All my searches have turned up nothing of use. I saw mention of UTM but you have to do some shady stuff to get that to work and Merge VM Pro but that only has 5 reviews and 2 say it is a pile of junk.
I can't find any container frameworks that run on iPad.
Most search results are people saying Apple won't let other operating systems run on their devices which certainly fits Apple approach.
Any other legit ideas are appreciated. Basically I have an existing MVC Web app but I need it to work when iPad has no connectivity so can't use it like it is intended with just going to it from a Web Browser. It is a pretty beefy app so rewriting it in some other tech to run on iPad (e.g. Swift, Xamarin, HTML5) is what I am trying to avoid.

iOS Interactive Remote Debugging

Is it possible to interactively remote debug an iOS App with xCode (or some other interactive debugger, if necessary)?
Has anyone got a neat framework I can stick in my App that will allow this? I can imagine Apple might not want this for live Apps, but for enterprise deployment and for Beta deployment, it would be ace.
A workflow that might work is a customer with a bug can get in touch and then I can email them with a link that will launch my app and connect it to my debug server. With magic.
There's an S.O. question from back in '11 about this – I'm hoping things might have moved on. However, a post here suggests it's probably not possible.
I want to be clear crash reporting, log acquiring and analytics are all very nice and everything (you're right – I use them too), but that is not what this question is about. Thank you :-)
Definitive answers along the lines of "This is just not possible because …" or, "It's possible but fearsomely involved because …", or ideally "Yeah, it's easy and cool, check out …" would be wonderful.
I think what you are searching is not possible. If you want, take a look at Bugfender, it's a product we have built that helps somewhat to do what you want.
With Bugfender you can get the logs from a remote device you choose, is not remote debugging but for now it might be the closest thing to what you want.

Getting Started with iOS Newsstand App Automation

I am currently testing few features of a newsstand app manually. The kind of testing I do is pretty basic. To list a few:
Launch and exit the App
Launch, Navigate to menus and Login, Logout
Launch, take screenshot of splash screen
Launch, test the color of some text.
and so on. As there are 100s of tests like this, I want to automate these.
I do not have a Mac. Are there any tools (open source preferably) for achieving this?
Please note that I am kind of learning this myself and my company would not provide the cost required at this time. Its more of a PoC. So, when I have something concrete they will support eventually.
Please advice what tool I can use to achieve this (I hear a lot of things about Cucumber but I dont know Ruby. I am willing to learn, if that is the only best tool available).
Also, a sample code snippet on how to launch a newsstand app on the real device through an automated way would be cool.
Thank you!
Apple provides a Automation f/w as part of Instruments.
There are various tutorials/getting started guides available. Try searching "UIAutomation getting started" in google.
Some other third-party options for iOS application test automation:
Monkey Talk
Telerik Test Studio
UI Spec
I had evaluated these tools some time back and decided to use Apple's UIAutomation f/w. It has many flaws but we have been able to use it successfully.
You will need OSX and XCode for automation. All UIAutomation frameworks are based around the instruments executable provided by Xcode.
I can also recommend the Illuminator framework which I wrote to overcome a lot of the bugs and shortcomings in Apple's UIAutomation.

Reagarding the titanium framework

I recently started trying to develop apps using titanium.
When i ran one basic app containing two table views and some static data, it showed me 80 memory leaks and about 15 warnings - i think coming from the frameworks.
As an iOS developer, i'm used to seeing less than 5 memory leaks in complex apps too.
So, I'd like to know whether applications are getting accepted by apple when developed through titanium.
Also, I'd like to know whether,looking at the state of the titanium frameworks,its worth learning it right now.
Thanks in advance!
Your First Question, Yes! they are being accepted by Apple App Store.
And For your second question, its relative to likings of individual. I started mobile application development with titanium, but soon I realized that there is no better way to create an application then to create it natively. I would say if the applications you are developing are not scaled at enterprise level magnitude (means thousands of lines of code), better develop apps natively.
Titanium is increasing support and improving frameworks rapidly, its also reduces lines of code by third! and the best thing about it is, its cross-platform! but to my personal liking i always prefer native development. The power, the iOS gives you, Titanium wont!
One more thing i would like to add, despite all, you should learn it! :)

IPad and Openframeworks

Can someone point me in the right direction to learning how to use Openframeworks to develop and IPad app. Perhaps some good tutorials, I can't seem to find any good documentation.
The docs of openFrameworks is quite outdated. But you can discover OF through the examples. Just download the iPhone package here: and follow the instructions in the included readme. I think a good start is, try to get the examples running on your device and start to modify the examples. If you have any further questions, the people here --> will be happy to help you out.
For a more in-depth discover of openFrameworks, look at the inofficial doxygen docs here -->
Getting OF running on iPad is actually pretty much the same thing as running on iphone.
have you got it running before?
if you haven’t, first thing is you need to pay Apple $99 if you want to run it on real device,
otherwise it’s free to try on the simulator.
there is some instructions on OF site for the first run,
just go through it these complicated stuffs only need to be done once:
(the guide is totally not updated at all, but it’s pretty much the same process with minor UI difference)
Any iOS OF example should runs on iPad the same way as iPhone does.
but to get iPad native resolution, you’ll have to change it manually.
it's in Application>General and in Deployment Info change the Devices drop down to iPad. (screenshot attached)
try it with any iOS examples
and if you want to put any code for mac version,
just make a copy of any iOS example and hand paste the code in appropriate void,
they are pretty much the same except mouse event vs touch event.
which a bit different in logic but just play around with it. not too hard to get used to.
basically touch events are touch.x/touch.y instead of mouseX mouseY.
(and touch events are private to each void so you might need other variables to pass it somewhere else)
I don't have a forum link but there was an openframeworks forum question on this just last week and folks posted a number of sites that have good examples/tutorials. Here's one on doing pixel operations for graphic effects:
