Handling 64 bit integers on a 32 bit iPhone - ios

I would like to handle 64 bit unsigned integers on a iPhone 4s (which of course has a 32 bit ARM 6 processor).
When trying to work with 64 bit unsigned integers, e.g. Twitter IDs, I have the following problem:
// Array holding the 64 bit integer IDs of the Tweets in a timeline:
NSArray *Ids =[timelineData valueForKeyPath:#"id"];
// I would like to get the minimum of these IDs:
NSUInteger minId = (NSUInteger) Ids.lastObject;
The array Ids contains the following numbers (= Tweet Ids):
However, minId returns the incorrect value of 399999248 (instead of 491621445655867393)
How can I find the minimum or the last object in an Array of 64 bit integers on an iPhone 4s?

You need to use a type that is always 64 bit instead of NSUInteger. You can use uint64_t or unsigned long long. You also need to get the integer value out of the NSNumber (arrays can't store C types). to do this you need to call
uint64_t minID = [Ids.lastObject longLongValue];
Changed to use uint64_t in example code as it has been correctly pointed out this shows your intent better.


Writing UInt16List via IOSink.Add, what's the result?

Trying to write audio samples to a file.
I have List of 16-bit ints
UInt16List _samples = new UInt16List(0);
I add elements to this list as samples come in.
Then I can write to an IOSink like so:
IOSink _ios = ...
List<int> _toWrite;
just works, no issues with types despite the signature of add taking List<int> and not UInt16List.
As I read, in Dart the 'int' type is 64 bit.
Are both writes above identical? Do they produce packed 16-bit ints in this file?
A Uint16List is-a List<int>. It's a list of integers which truncates writes to 16-bits, and always reads out 16-bit integers, but it is a list of integers.
If you copy those integers to a plain growable List<int>, it will contain the same integer values.
So, doing ios.add(_sample) will do the same as ios.add(_toWrite), and most likely neither does what you want.
The IOSink's add method expects a list of bytes. So, it will take a list of integers and assume that they are bytes. That means that it will only use the low 8 bits of each integer, which will likely sound awful if you try to play that back as a 16-bit audio sample.
If you want to store all 16 bits, you need to figure out how to store each 16-bit value in two bytes. The easy choice is to just assume that the platform byte order is fine, and do ios.add(_samples.buffer.asUint8List(_samples.offsetInBytes, _samples.lengthInBytes)). This will make a view of the 16-bit data as twice as many bytes, then write those bytes.
The endianness of those bytes (is the high byte first or last) depends on the platform, so if you want to be safe, you can convert the bytes to a fixed byte order first:
if (Endian.host == Endian.little) {
_samples.buffer.asUint8List(_samples.offsetInBytes, _samples.lengthInBytes);
} else {
var byteData = ByteData(_samples.length * 2);
for (int i = 0; i < _samples.length; i++) {
byteData.setUint16(i * 2, _samples[i], Endian.little);
var littleEndianData = byteData.buffer.asUint8List(0, _samples.length * 2);

Getting Garbage value while convert into long Objective -C

I am trying to convert NSString to long but I am getting garbage value. Below is my code :
long t1 = [[jsonDict valueForKeyPath:#"detail.amount"]doubleValue] * 1000000000000000000;
long t2 = [[jsonDict valueForKeyPath:#"detail.fee"]doubleValue] * 10000000000000000;
NSLog(#"t1: %ld",t1);
NSLog(#"t2: %ld",t2);
detail.amout = 51.74
detail.fee = 2.72
O/P :
t1: 9223372036854775807 (Getting Garbage value here)
t2: 27200000000000000 (Working fine)
Thanks in advance.
Each number types (int, long, double, float) has limits. For your long 64 bit (because your device is 64bit) number the upper limit is :9,223,372,036,854,775,807 (see here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/9,223,372,036,854,775,807)
In your case, 51.74 * 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 =
While Long 64bit only has a maximum of
So an overflow happens at 9,223,372,036,854,775,808 and above. Which is what your calculation evaluates into.
Also to note, that what you are doing will also cause problem if you only cater for 64bit long range, because what happens when your app runs on a 32bit (like iPhone 5c or below)?
Generally a bad idea to use large numbers, unless you're doing complex maths. If number accuracies are not critical, then you should consider simplifying the number like 51,740G (G = Giga). etc.
It's because you're storing the product to long type variables t1 and t2.
Use either float or double, and you'll get the correct answer.
Based on C's data types:
Long signed integer type. Capable of containing at least the
[−2,147,483,647, +2,147,483,647] range; thus, it is at least 32
bits in size.
Ref: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C_data_types
9223372036854775807 is the maximum value of a 64-bit signed long. I deduce that [[jsonDict valueForKeyPath:#"detail.amount"]doubleValue] * 1000000000000000000 is larger than the maximum long value, so when you cast it to long, you get the closest value that long can represent.
As you read, it is not possible with long. Since it looks like you do finance math, you should use NSDecimalNumber instead of double to solve that problem.

In Core Data which attribute type (Integer 16 / 32 / 64) should I use to store small numbers? [duplicate]

I want to keep NSUInteger into my core data and I don't know which type should I use (integer 16, 32, 64) to suit the space needed.
From my understanding:
Integer 16 can have minimum value of -32,768 to 32,767
Integer 32 can have minimum value of -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647
Integer 64 can have minimum value of -very large to very large
and NSUInteger is type def of unsigned long which equal to unsigned int (Types in objective-c on iPhone)
so If I convert my NSUInteger to NSNumber with numberWithUnsignedInteger: and save it as NSNumber(Integer 32) I could retrieve my data back safely right?
Do you really need the entire range of an NSUInteger? On iOS that's an unsigned 32 bit value, which can get very large. It will find into a signed 64 bit.
But you probably don't need that much precision anyway. The maximum for a uint32_t is UINT32_MAX which is 4,294,967,295 (4 billion). If you increment once a second, it'll take you more than 136 years to reach that value. Your user's iPhone won't be around by then... :)
If at all possible, when writing data to disk or across a network, it's best to be explicit about the size of value. Instead of using NSUInteger as the datatype, use uint16_t, uint32_t, or uint64_t depending on the range you need. This then naturally translates to Integer 16, 32, and 64 in Core Data.
To understand why, consider this scenario:
You opt to use Integer 64 type to store your value.
On a 64-bit iOS device (eg iPhone 6) it stores the value 5,000,000,000.
On a 32-bit iOS device this value is fetched from the store into an NSUInteger (using NSNumber's unsignedIntegerValue).
Now because NSUInteger is only 32-bits on the 32-bit device, the number is no longer 5,000,000,000 because there aren't enough bits to represent 5 billion. If you had swapped the NUInteger in step 3 for uint64_t then the value would still be 5 billion.
If you absolutely must use NSUInteger, then you'll just need to be wary about the issues described above and code defensively for it.
As far as storing unsigned values into the seemingly signed Core Data types, you can safely store them and retrieve them:
NSManagedObject *object = // create object
object.valueNumber = #(4000000000); // Store 4 billion in an Integer 32 Core Data type
[managedObjectContext save:NULL] // Save value to store
// Later on
NSManagedObject *object = // fetch object from store
uint32_t value = object.valueNumber.unsignedIntegerValue; // value will be 4 billion

Efficiency NSString vs NSInteger/int - only for textual representation

I'd like to know if it would make any sense to cast/convert a number, parsed from a csv file, e.g. customer id, to a NSString?
Or maybe better a simple int? As I'm quite new to obj-c, I'm not really sure, wether to consistently use the NSxyz types, or use what I'm used to, coming from Java/C/C++.
Actually the value only is stored in a variable, and then loaded into some textfields (which again would imply a conversion back to NSString I guess?).
Would there be any benefit in less memory being used? Let's assume the ids had 6 digits, parsing roughly 10'000-100'000 customers. Same would apply to smaller numbers, e.g. the addresses street number.
In a string, 1 letter == 1 byte, so if you have 6 digits, you are occupying 6 bytes.
An int instead takes generally 2 (short), 3 or 4 (long) bytes. It can arrive also to 8 bytes with an int_64. But, you are limited because for example in the 2 byte case (16 bit) you can consider 2^16 numbers.
In your case you could use an int, but i would use an NSString, also because you need it in your textfield.
An NSInteger is an int. An NSUInteger is an unsigned int.
An NSNumber is an Object (so no primitive) which can store an int, a float, a double or a boolean. So you can store many type of primitive in this type of variable and then use the appropriate:
[number floatValue];
[number boolValue];

iOS calculating sum of filesizes always negative

I've got a strange problem here, and i'm sure it's just something small.
I recieve information about files via JSON (RestKit is doing a good job).
I write the filesize of each file via coredata to a local store.
Afterwards within one of my viewcontrollers i need to sum up the files-sizes of all files in database. I fetch all files and then going through a slope (for) to sum the size up.
The problem is now, the result is always negative!
The coredata entity filesize is of type Integer 32 (filesize is reported in bytes by JSON).
I read the fetchresult in an NSArray allPublicationsToLoad and then try to sum up. The Objects in the NSArray of Type CDPublication have a value filesize of Type NSNumber:
for(int n = 0; n < [allPublicationsToLoad count]; n = n + 1)
CDPublication* thePub = [allPublicationsToLoad objectAtIndex:n];
allPublicationsSize = allPublicationsSize + [[thePub filesize] integerValue];
sum = [NSNumber numberWithFloat:([sum floatValue] + [[thePub filesize] floatValue])];
Each single filesize of the single CDPublications objects are positive and correct. Only the sum of all the filesizes ist negative afterwards. There are around 240 objects right now with filesize-values between 4000 and 234.645.434.123.
Can somebody please give me a hit into the right direction !?
Is it the problem that Integer 32 or NSNumber can't hold such a huge range?
The NSNumber object can't hold such a huge number. Because of the way negative numbers are stored the result is negative.
Negative numbers are stored using two's complement, this is done to make addition of positive and negative numbers easier. The range of numbers NSNumber can hold is split in two, the highest half (the int values for which the highest order bit is equal to 1) is considered to be negative, the lowest half (where the highest order bit is equal to 0) are the normal positive numbers. Now, if you add sufficiently large numbers, the result will be in the highest half and thus be interpreted as a negative number. Here's an illustration for the 4-bit integer situation (32 works exactly the same but there would be a lot more 0 and 1 to type;))
With 4 bits you can represent this range of signed integers:
0000 (=0)
0001 (=1)
0010 (=2)
0111 (=7)
1000 (=-8)
1001 (=-7)
1111 (=-1)
The maximum positive integer you can represent is 7 in this case. If you would add 5 and 4 for example you would get:
0101 + 0100 = 1001
1001 equals -7 when you represent signed integers like this (and not 9, as you would expect). That's the effect you are observing, but on a much larger scale (32 bits)
Your only option to get correct results in this case is to increase the number of bits used to represent your integers so the result won't be in the negative number range of bit combinations. So if 32 bits is not enough (like in your case), you can use a long (64 bits).
[myNumber longLongValue];
I think this has to do with int overflow: very large integers get reinterpreted as negatives when they overflow the size of int (32 bits). Use longLongValue instead of integerValue:
long long allPublicationsSize = 0;
for(int n = 0; n < [allPublicationsToLoad count]; n++) {
CDPublication* thePub = [allPublicationsToLoad objectAtIndex:n];
allPublicationsSize += [[thePub filesize] longLongValue];
This is an integer overflow issue associated with use of two's complement arithmetic. For a 32 bit integer there are exactly 232 (4,294,967,296) possible integer values which can be expressed. When using two's complement, the most significant bit is used as a sign bit which allows half of the numbers to represent non-negative integers (when the sign bit is 0) and the other half to represent negative numbers (when the sign bit is 1). This gives an effective range of [-231, 231-1] or [-2,147,483,648, 2,147,483,647].
To overcome this problem for your case, you should consider using a 64-bit integer. This should work well for the range of values you seem to be interested in using. Alternatively, if even 64-bit is not sufficient, you should look for big integer libraries for iOS.
