NSFileHandle reading corrupt data from Video file - ios

I'm using NSFileHandle to get the data of a video as its being recorded.
It works fine notification-wise and I'm getting notified using NSFileHandleDataAvailableNotification. The problem is the video file eventually doesn't work.
Everytime when comparing the original file with the file created using NSFileHandle data, there are always just several bytes being wrong , meaning NSFileHandle reads them incorrectly.
This is how I append the data
-(void) gotData: (NSNotification *) not{
NSFileHandle *handle = not.object;
NSData *data = [handle availableData];
NSLog(#"got %d", data.length);
[test appendData: data];
[handle waitForDataInBackgroundAndNotify];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self name:NSFileHandleDataAvailableNotification object: handle];
This is how I'm writing the data eventually :
[test writeToFile:[NSTemporaryDirectory() stringByAppendingPathComponent:#"x.mp4"] atomically:YES];
And when doing a diff between the original file and the one from NSFileHandle, here are the bytes wrong (even though both are the exact same size):
I'm really clueless about this stranger behaviour, and if you ever got stuck with a similar issue I'd love your help on this.

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say there is no way that NSFileHandle is giving you incorrect data. What I think is happening is that the data is actually being changed (by the program that is writing it out) after you have gotten the data.
I don't know what you are trying to accomplish exactly so I cant suggest a better approach.
I have some similar code that reads data from a file that is being written out by another process, only mine uses readabilityHandler instead of NSFileHandleDataAvailableNotification. I dont have much reason to believe that this would fix your problem, but it is wort a try. I know that you can run into threading issues with NSNotification so that might be something to look at.
You maybe should use [NSFileHandle offsetInFile] (and compare with your expected location based on data received) to check if things are getting rewound or something.


Getting byte Data from File

WHAT IM DOING I am trying to get an audio file (could be up to an hour long. eg. a Podcast) that I've recorded with AVAudioRecorder to be uploaded to our backend. In addition to being uploaded to the server it needs to be able to be "Paused" and "Resumed" if the user chooses. Because of this, I believe, I need to use dataWithBytesNoCopy:buffer on the NSData class to achieve this.
WHERE IM AT I know for a fact I can get the data with using the passed self.mediaURL property:
if (self.mediaURL) {
NSData *audioData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:self.mediaURL];
if (audioData) {
[payloadDic setObject:audioData forKey:#"audioData"];
However, this will not give me the desired functionality. I am trying to keep track of the bytes uploaded so that I can resume if the user pauses.
QUESTION How can I use the provided self.mediaURL so that I can retrieve the file and be able to calculate the byte length like this example?
Byte *buffer = (Byte*)malloc((long)audioFile.size);
NSUInteger buffered =[rep getBytes:buffer fromOffset:0.0 length:(long)rep.size error:nil];
NSMutableData *body = [[NSMutableData alloc] init];
body = [NSMutableData dataWithBytesNoCopy:buffer length:buffered freeWhenDone:YES];
Instead of making things more complicated for yourself by trying to reinvent the wheel, use what the system gives you. NSURLSession lets you do a background upload. You hand the task to the session (created using the background session configuration) and just walk away. The upload takes place in pieces, when it can. No "pause" or "resume" needed; the system takes care of everything. Your app doesn't even have to be running. If authentication is needed, your app will be woken up in the background as required. This architecture is just made for the situation you describe.
If the problem is that you want random access to file data without having to read the whole thing into a massive NSData, use NSFileHandle.

Progressbar on file-upload to Amazon S3 for iOS?

I was using the services from Parse a while back, and they had implemented an amazing feature for uploading data, with a method something like this:
PFFile *objectToSave...; //An image or whatever, wrapped in a Parse-file
[objectToSave saveInBackgroundWithBlock:^(BOOL succeeded, NSError *error) {
//Do stuff after upload is complete
} progressBlock:^(int percentDone) {
[someLabel setText:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%i%#", percentDone, #"%"]];
Which let me keep track of the file-upload. Since Parse only let me upload max 10mb files, I chose to move to the cloud-area to explore a bit. I've been testing with Amazon's S3-service now, but the only way I can find how to upload data is by calling [s3 putObject:request];. This will occupy the main thread until it's done, unless I run it on another thread. Either way, I have no idea of letting my users know how far the upload has come. Is there seriously no way of doing this? I read that some browser-API-version of S3's service had to use Flash, or set all uploads to go through another server, and keep track on that server, but I won't do either of those. Anyone? Thanks.
My users are supposed to be uploading video with sizes up to 15mb, do I have to let them stare at a spinning wheel for an unknown amount of time? With a bad connection, they might have to wait for 15 minutes, but they would stare at the screen in hope the entire time.
Seems like I didn't quite do my homework before posting this question in the first place. I found this great tutorial doing exactly what I was asking for. I would delete my question, but I'll let it stay just in case it might help other helpless people like myself.
Basically, it had a delegate-method for this. Do something like this:
S3PutObjectRequest *por = /* your request/file */;
S3TransferManager *tm = /* your transfer manager */;
por.delegate = self;
tm.delegate = self;
[tm upload: por];
Then use this appropriately named delegate-method:
-(void)request:(AmazonServiceRequest *)request
didSendData:(long long)bytesWritten
totalBytesWritten:(long long)totalBytesWritten
totalBytesExpectedToWrite:(long long)totalBytesExpectedToWrite
CGFloat progress = ((CGFloat)totalBytesWritten/(CGFloat)totalBytesExpectedToWrite);
It will be called for every packet it uploads or something. Just be sure to set the delegates.
(Not sure if you need both delegates to be set though)

Xcode - iOS - Simply upload a file to FTP Server

I'm trying to work with FTP Servers.
I have googled around for everything and everything is hard to understand for beginners like me. SimpleFTPSample is hard to understand because it is so much at a time. views, buttons, labels, textflelds, upload, download, request, list, get. Same with BlackRaccoon and everything else.
How to Simply and programily upload "test.txt" to FTP Server: "" in Xcode (iPhone app) without views or button. Just code that can be in the ViewDidLoad for example.
Maybe something like this?:
NSURL* url = [NSURL URLWithString:#"ftp://username:pw#"];
CFReadStreamRef stream = CFReadStreamCreateWithFTPURL(NULL, (__bridge CFURLRef) url);
stream.delegate= self;
[stream scheduleInRunLoop:[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] forMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode];
[stream open];
but which file?
expand this, or write a new code. i don't know, this is new for me.
Thanks Jonathan
As the writer of Black Raccoon perhaps I'm biased (well, I KNOW I'm biased), but I've attempted to make it as simple and powerful as possible. Let's look at what you want to do, upload a file:
There are four things we need to upload a file - start up code, then four delegate methods: overwrite check, data, success and the fail. Let's assume that you read the entire file into memory (okay for small files less than 2 megs).
First, you need this in your header:
BRRequestUpload *uploadData; // Black Raccoon's upload object
NSData *uploadData; // data we plan to upload
Now for the code part:
- (IBAction) uploadFile :(id)sender
//----- get the file path for the item we want to upload
NSString *applicationDocumentsDir = [NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES) objectAtIndex:0];
NSString *filepath = [NSString stringWithFormat: #"%#/%#", applicationDocumentsDir, #"file.text"];
//----- read the entire file into memory (small files only)
uploadData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile: filepath];
//----- create our upload object
uploadFile = [[BRRequestUpload alloc] initWithDelegate: self];
//----- for anonymous login just leave the username and password nil
uploadFile.path = #"/home/user/myfile.txt";
uploadFile.hostname = #"";
uploadFile.username = #"yourusername";
uploadFile.password = #"yourpassword";
//----- we start the request
[uploadFile start];
The first will be asking your code if you want to overwrite an existing file.
-(BOOL) shouldOverwriteFileWithRequest: (BRRequest *) request
//----- set this as appropriate if you want the file to be overwritten
if (request == uploadFile)
//----- if uploading a file, we set it to YES (if set to NO, nothing happens)
return YES;
Next, Black Raccoon will ask you for chunks of data to send. If you have a very large file you NEVER want to try to send it all in one shot - Apple's API will choke and drop data. However, we only have one small chunk so we do this:
- (NSData *) requestDataToSend: (BRRequestUpload *) request
//----- returns data object or nil when complete
//----- basically, first time we return the pointer to the NSData.
//----- and BR will upload the data.
//----- Second time we return nil which means no more data to send
NSData *temp = uploadData; // this is a shallow copy of the pointer
uploadData = nil; // next time around, return nil...
return temp;
Remember we can ONLY do this for a small file.
Next we have our completion handler (if things worked according to plan):
-(void) requestCompleted: (BRRequest *) request
if (request == uploadFile)
NSLog(#"%# completed!", request);
uploadFile = nil;
Lastly we have our failure handler:
-(void) requestFailed:(BRRequest *) request
if (request == uploadFile)
NSLog(#"%#", request.error.message);
uploadFile = nil;
It would be WONDERFUL if it was as simple as saying [BRFtpUploadTo: dest srcfile: srcFile destfile: dstFile] but there are many reasons why you SHOULDN'T. Part of it has to do with how Apple has implemented their internal FTP. There are also the issues of blocking, errors, etc. In the end, FTP sounds like it should be trivial but ends up being a bit of a nightmare.
FTP is non-trivial which is why there are so many implementations. I'm not arguing that Black Raccoon is the best, but it is maintained with response to issues being between minutes to a couple of days.
It may look daunting at first, but Black Raccoon is, in my opinion, one of the better FTP libraries. I've spent a lot of time and effort to make it a quality product with excellent response to issues. How do I do this for free? Volume. ;)
Good luck with whatever FTP software you end up with!
Upload path is required when uploading. That is the way FTP works.
The port is the standard FTP port. I know of no way to change this without violating the API. If you figure it out, you stand a good chance of not passing Apple's check.
This code will upload/download any file.
I do not know how to make this work under secure conditions. This uses Apple's FTP protocol. There are other FTP packages that have built this from scratch and are far more intelligent. I would look into them.
BR was designed because I needed simple FTP communication. White Raccoon didn't do this for me because at the time (it has since been modernized).

iOS: sending .jpg image as base64 to tcp server

This one is going to kill me. I'm so close to getting this done except for this one stupid problem. And I am not sure I will be able to adequately describe the problem, but I'll try.
My enterprise app uses the iPhone camera to take pictures of receipts of purchases made by our field personnel. I used a real cool API for turning the jpeg data to base 64 (https://github.com/nicklockwood/Base64) to send via TCP connection to the VB 2010 server, which reads it as a text string and converts it back to a binary.
When the base64 file is created, it is first saved to disk on the phone, because there may be more images. Then when ready to send, the process will read each base64 file and send it one at a time.
The text string created by the base64 function is quite large, and at first it was only sending about 131,000 bytes, which would convert back to binary easily enough but would render about 1/4 to 1/3 of the image. I just figured that the data was being truncated because the app was trying to get ahead of itself.
So then I found a nice snippet that showed me how to use the NSStreamEventHasSpaceAvailable event to split the base64 string into several chunks and send them sequentially. (http://www.ios-developer.net/iphone-ipad-programmer/development/tcpip/tcp-client) That works great insofar as it sends the full file -- that is, the resulting file received by the server is the correct size, the same as the base64 file before it's sent.
The problem here is that at some point the file received by the server is corrupted because it seems to start all over at the beginning of the file... in other words, the data starts to repeat itself.
The odd part is that the repeating part starts at exactly the same spot in the received file every time: at position 131016. It doesn't start the repetition at the end of the file, it just interrupts the file at that point and jumps back to the beginning. And it happens that that was the size of the file that was sent before I started using the HasSpaceAvailable event. I can't figure out what the significance of the value 131,016 is. Maximum buffer size somewhere?
Using all kinds of NSLogs and breakpoints, I have pretty much determined that the data is leaving the phone that way, and not being scrambled by the server. I also wrote in an NSMailComposeViewer method that would email me the base64 file as an attachment, and it comes through perfectly.
Here is the code for when the file is read from disk and sent to the server:
int i;
for (i = 0; i < [imageList count];i++){
NSArray *documentsPath = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES);
NSString *documentsDirectory= [documentsPath objectAtIndex:0]; //Get the docs directory
NSString *imagePath = [documentsDirectory stringByAppendingPathComponent:imageFileName];
imageFileName = [imageList objectAtIndex:i] ;
NSLog(#"Image index: %d - image file name: %#",i,imageFileName);
BOOL fileExists = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:imagePath];
if(fileExists == YES){
NSString *imageReceipt = [NSString stringWithContentsOfFile:imagePath encoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding error:nil];
int32_t imageStringLen = [imageReceipt length];
NSString *imageSize = [NSString stringWithFormat: #"%d",imageStringLen];
NSString *currentImage = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"image,%#,%#,%#",imageFileName,imageSize,imageReceipt]; //creates a CSV string with a header string with the filename and file size, and then appends the image data as the final comma-separated string.
data = [[NSMutableData alloc] initWithData:[currentImage dataUsingEncoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding]];
[outputStream write:[data bytes] maxLength:[data length]];
And then here is the code that uses the HasSpaceAvailable event:
case NSStreamEventHasSpaceAvailable:
if (data != nil)
//Send rest of the packet
int ActualOutputBytes = [outputStream write:[data bytes] maxLength:[data length]];
int totalLength = [data length];
if (ActualOutputBytes >= totalLength)
//It was all sent
data = nil;
//Only partially sent
[data replaceBytesInRange:NSMakeRange(0, ActualOutputBytes) withBytes:NULL length:0]; //Remove sent bytes from the start
(I especially like this code because it would allow placing a ProgressView control on the screen.)
The network stream event handler code is in the root view controller, but the image data in base64 is being sent from another view controller. My instinct tells me that this is not a problem because it has worked fine until now, but with much shorter strings.
Now, there's one other issue that may be related -- and probably is. I can't seem to complete the transfer of the data unless I close the app. The server doesn't see it until the connection is closed, I guess. I have tried placing [outputStream close] in various places in the code to no avail. I've also tried terminating the base64 string with a linefeed or carriage return or both.
The server is programmed to save the file when it has seen the correct number of bytes, but that never happens until the app is closed. I know by using WireShark on the server that some of the data is being received, but the remaining data, as I have said, doesn't arrive until the app is closed.
I suspect that this last part (completing the transfer) is the problem, but for the life of me, I can't find anything online that addresses this, unless I am just too ignorant to know what search terms to use.... which is highly likely.
I hope I have given enough information. Can anyone help me?
The solution to the problem appeared to be different than what was suspected in the original answer. Through the discussion in the comments the QP has been led to a solution. Here is a summary:
The transmission of data through a raw TCP socket requires thorough handling of the enqueing logic, which was not properly taken into account by the QP. I recommended to use the socket library CocoaAsyncSocket which handles this part of the task and which in turn led the QP to a working solution.
Original Answer:
I'd guess NSString is not up to the task. It's made to hold, well, strings.
Try to read the file into an NSData directly instead and sending it as binary. (Its ascii in the end, isn't it?) Besides, this will be much more resource friendly than your current code.

stringWithContentsOfFile and initWithContentsOfFile return null after several runs

I am creating an iOS app which reads in a text file and displays the contents in a UIText field.
For the 1st three consecutive runs of thee app (Restarting a new session without exiting),
the data is read in fine. However on the fourth attempt, the data returned from the file is all nulls.
I've verified the file integrity. The issue exists when using stringWithContentsOfFile or initWithContentsOfFile.
After many hours of troubleshooting, I believe the issue is somehow related to a buffer being cleared within the above mentioned methods.
Any insight regarding this issue is greatly appreciated. I've tried many things with no luck.
Here's the code I use to read in the file:
TheString = [NSString stringWithContentsOfFile:[[NSBundle mainBundle]
pathForResource:#"My_TextFile" ofType:#"txt"] encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:NULL];
Here's the code I use to display certain contents of the file (The contents are placed in an array of type NSArray):
NSArray *My_Array;
My_Array= [TheString componentsSeparatedByString:#"\n"];
/* Obtain specific data to display */
DisplayedData = [My_Array objectAtIndex:M[l]-1];
/* Display the data in the view */
MyUITextView.text = DisplayedData;
/* Log the data */
NSLog(#"%#", MyUITextView.text);
On the 4th invocation of the code above, the data returned is blank and NSLOG is returning nulls
Thanks so much for any help!
Maybe I'm a little bit late with answer, but, anyway, maybe somebody will find it useful.
OK, I have also spent a day trying to figure out why my custom class for scrollable view is working 3 times and refuse at the 4-th time... I found that the problem has quite the same attributes as yours: nested NSString objects unexpectedly disappear. Though pointers point to the same address in memory, memory is already filled with quite arbitrary objects instead my NSStrings.
And I paid attention that I created these NSStrings using the following class method:
+ (id)stringWithContentsOfFile:(NSString *)path encoding:(NSStringEncoding)enc error:(NSError **)error
So, I'm not the owner of these NSStrings.
And I assumed that to be the owner can be a solution, so I created my NSStrings through alloc and
- (id)initWithContentsOfFile:(NSString *)path encoding:(NSStringEncoding)enc error:(NSError **)error
instance method.
App was repaired!
