SurveyMonkey API - Developer Inactive - surveymonkey

I am trying to use the SurveyMonkey Api. Currently I need to get the Access Token, but when I call the url with the right parameters, I get the following response:
<h1>Developer Inactive</h1>
Why is this happening? Am I missing something?
Thank you in advance!

Check your API key is 'active' for the application.
Initially you might find the key set to "waiting"
SurveyMonkey has a habit of keeping developers waiting for the keys to be accepted.
(Super annoying unfortunately)

You can use API Token if you are using surveyMonkey Version 3.
webClient.Headers.Add("Authorization", "bearer " + api_token);


Online meeting using Microsoft Graph API

I am working on an Angular 7 application that uses GraphAPI. I am trying to create an online meeting from this application.
Each time I send a POST request I get 'Forbidden' as response. I have used apis's with Delegated permission before and it works.
Since online meeting requires 'Application Permission' I am not sure where to specify it. Could anyone help me with this?
You specify the permissions in App Registration > your app > settings.
You have a problem with the way you are trying to access the token. I used to get the same error however, got resolved by passing userName and Password as well in the auth request and using grant_type as password.

GeoKit API response is unreliable, Gives different responses every time for same payload

GeoKit gem version: 1.11.0
Payload: "3880 S El Camino Real, San Mateo, CA 94402, USA"
Api call: Geokit::Geocoders::MultiGeocoder.geocode(payload)
Response 1: "Provider: Google, Street: 3880 S El Camino Real.., Success: true"
Response 2: "An error has occurred during geocoding: Keyless access to Google Maps Platform is deprecated. Please use an API key with all your API calls to avoid service interruption. For further details please refer to"
If the google API has been changed as per response 2 to accept only api calls with key, then every api call(mentioned above) should give response 2. What is the actual expected behavior here?
Please clarify. Thanks.
That the responses are random is a bit strange, but not that important.
First of all, as a general advice, I would update the geokit gem, as the version you are using is older than one year.
If you follow the link, you can read, that it should not be possible to make these api key without an API key. To get an API key, you need a free billing account. When this is setup you can get an API key, which has 200 USD worth of free API requests per month (which is quite a lot).
When you have the key, you can configure it by setting Geokit::Geocoders::GoogleGeocoder.api_key.

weibo get status of other user?

I want to get the timeline post of the other user using weibo api but not API. I am using few API Call like user_timeline,trends but not getting any proper data. please, let me know if I missing any API or any settings in App. I have appKey, secret key and redirect url.
As far as I can tell, the API calls that would get you this info have all been restricted. The English documentation is not updated, but the chinese documentation specifies for example that you can only use User_timeline to get your own timeline, not others.

Twitter API issues.“Authentication needed”"Failed to validate oauth signature and token"

Friends,I got a question,and I have googled it,but I didn't find the answer.
I create an iOS twitter app,and apply for a twitter API.
I used my API key in my app,Xcode returns error.
Just like this:
("Failed to validate oauth signature and token")
and this picture is my twitter api status
(sorry,I do not have enough coin to upload a pic,so post my pic here. )
what is wrong with my twitter api,can anyone help me?
Thanks very much.
What is wrong?
Best regards.
This error message relates to a HTTP 401 response.
Please make sure you are properly signing your OAuth requests. This guide will help you with the common pitfalls: Troubleshooting OAuth 1.0A.
In particular, if you are using valid keys and properly signing your OAuth requests but still receiving 401 errors, please check your system time. Since the OAuth signature relies on the current time, it must be in sync with the one from Twitter servers (exposed in all Date response headers from the Twitter API).
The "performance issues" described on the Twitter API status page apply to Twitter as a whole, and have nothing to do with your application. If you are having issues interacting with the Twitter API, we cannot diagnose those from the information provided ("error 3").

Can we grant access to an app to post something on a page in facebook?

The scenario is I want to post some details on a facebook page created by me from my other app. So want to know how can we give access to app through access token means how can we get the access token for this?
Thank You
Yes, take a look at the following URL and the "Page Access Tokens" section for information on how to do obtain a token.
API - Obtain Page Token
Note, however, that there is a known issue when trying to use the links api point, if you intend to define your own link in the post.
Bug report
You'll probably want to use the feed API point instead. I've not actually managed to get this working yet though, and I'm awaiting feedback from FB themselves. I'll update you if/when I hear something useful back.
Good luck.
You can get the access_token for you page by enabling the manage_pages permission, and then calling the API endpoint: /me/accounts to get the access_token for all the pages you manage.
You can then use this access token to post to your page using the Graph API call: /{page_id}/feed
