Is using storyboard for iOS 7 dev mandatory? - ios

I don't know if this question fits here or not. My apologies if it doesn't.
I am developing an iOS 7 app and have used XIBs instead of storyboard.
Can this be any reason for app rejection?

No it can not be a reason for rejection.
You a free to use either storyboard or xib or even declare all your UI in code like Telegram messenger does.
Check App Store Review Guidelines to see possible reasons for rejection.


Guideline 2.4.1 Releasing to App Store

I am trying to submit an app to the app store, and this is the issue I got:
Guideline 2.4.1 - Performance - Hardware Compatibility We noticed that
your app did not run at iPhone resolution when reviewed on iPad.
I have set constraints on all the view controllers. Would you know how to solve this issue (I have seen other posts related to this, but none have had an answer on how to solve that problem? Also, this has nothing to do with the deployment target, because I released only for iPhone, it is just that apple wants it to work for both iPhone and iPad, for some reason)?
Possible Solution (that worked for us)
View the app in iPhone 4 and design for that as well. For some reason the view dimensions of iPhone 4 and iPad are the same.
I had this issue happen to me a couple months ago. It basically means your app is not usable when used on iPads. This definition of un-usable could mean buttons are blocked off items are not structured correctly.

How to make iphone app work in ipad with correct resolution

Hi i am new to IOS Development, i developed one app and tried to place it Apple store but it got rejected due to design issue raised in iPad resolution.I am using single Xib file in my design.please suggest me what can i do for to work my app in all devices like iPhone and iPad. Thanks in advance.
For universal app layout and asset management please check this article.And also try to use storyboard rather than XIB approach.
If you prefer the older XIB approach, it's likely that you'll need to create a XIB file for iPad and another XIB file for iPhone. I did it. It's annoying but it works for both platforms.

IPhone app is not compatible with IPad

I have submitted my app to Apple store, It was rejected for some reasons. One of the reasons that my app must be tested and compatible on iPad. Do I need to make my app to be Universal? The 1st version was submitted without any problem and it was not a Universal.
My question is: What do I need to make my app compatible on both iPhone and IPad?
No, your app doesn't need to be universal. But it should run on the iPad without modification.
I'm wondering if you're bumping up against the Launch xib bug? If you're using a Launch xib (new in iOS 8) instead of Launch Images, the system will mistakingly treat it like a Universal app.
Otherwise, get an iPad and run your app on it so that you can see what the problem is.

I want to see the old buttons in my app in iOS 7

I'm really newbie in iOS development and I have an app that was developed with Xcode 4.6 and was running in iOS 6.1 (, but after I download the new Xcode (few hours ago) and try to run in my iPhone, what happened is that the layout was completely broken, because the new iOS changed automatically the old buttons to the new iOS buttons:
[Take a look in "Login" and "Cancelar" (cancel) buttons bellow]
Other thing that happened is taht the phrase in top of this app was white, but now is black.
So, the question is: how to back the layout to the old layout, without the brand new of iOS 7? I need to do this now because I have some important issues that I need to fix and send to Apple Store before change the layout of my app (that my team already is developing a brand new design for that).
Thank you!
Build your app. against sdk 6.1. App. will keep working for iOS 7. and you still can publish this version to the apple store.
Your only option is to restyle the buttons to look like how they used to - if that is truly what you want the app to look like. The more logical solution is to redesign your app for the new iOS 7 look and feel just as Apple have done and other developers are doing.

iOS: popover on iPhone app

In my app for IPHONE I use a popover but I don't know if my app will be reject if I use this element in iPhone app and not in iPad app; do you know if I can have this problem?
This is no problem and there are many apps having that feature but you need to code it yourself that popover function is not available for iPhone. A app I often use that has that feature is called Week Cal.
Apple can reject for anything. However that being said I have seen numerous applications for iPhone that use custom popovers. Facebook app is just one example. You should be fine as long as you don't use any private API's
