Guideline 2.4.1 Releasing to App Store - ios

I am trying to submit an app to the app store, and this is the issue I got:
Guideline 2.4.1 - Performance - Hardware Compatibility We noticed that
your app did not run at iPhone resolution when reviewed on iPad.
I have set constraints on all the view controllers. Would you know how to solve this issue (I have seen other posts related to this, but none have had an answer on how to solve that problem? Also, this has nothing to do with the deployment target, because I released only for iPhone, it is just that apple wants it to work for both iPhone and iPad, for some reason)?

Possible Solution (that worked for us)
View the app in iPhone 4 and design for that as well. For some reason the view dimensions of iPhone 4 and iPad are the same.
I had this issue happen to me a couple months ago. It basically means your app is not usable when used on iPads. This definition of un-usable could mean buttons are blocked off items are not structured correctly.


SpriteKit game deployed from TestFlight may not display correct on iPhones

I’m having an issue with games I’ve been developing for iOS using SpriteKit
The issue deals with when the games are deployed through TestFlight and installed on iPhone devices.
On some phones the games will not display correctly. They will appear zoomed in from the center and be clipped at the edges.
Here is a screen shot (taken from an iPhone 6) of what one of the games is supposed to look like:

Here is what the game can look like when it is clipped (screen shot taken from an iPhone X):

I have three iPhone devices I’ve been using for testing:
iPhone 5 running iOS 10.3.3
iPhone 6 running iOS 11.2.1
iPhone 8 running iOS 11.2.1
On all three of these devices the game displays correctly whether I install the game through TestFlight or deploy directly from Xcode.
I also have a tester who has an iPhone 7 Plus running iOS 11, and games installed from TestFlight on his device display correctly as well.
And, of course, the games display fine in all versions of the IOS simulator I’ve used for testing and debugging,
At one point I was able to have temporary access to an iPhone 6s that was having the problem. I could not find any change I could make in SpriteKit that would allow the game to display correctly. Furthermore the View Debugging feature of Xcode indicated everything was fully visible on the screen when it was clearly clipped on the device.
Also, for another user, I was able to get the game to display correctly by having them perform a factory reset of the phone in reinstalling a backup
All of this seems to indicate the problem does not lie with the code for the games, and is rather some physical problem with the phones themselves.
It is also very confusing, and I’m unclear about the cause and how to fix it.
At any rate, this does not appear to be a problem I can solve from my end of things, and I feel that I may need to reach out to Apple for help, only I’m unsure of the best way to go about this.
I don’t know if I could try logging a bug report, as I do not have clear steps on how to reproduce the problem.
I’m wondering if there is anyone I can contact through my developer account that I have that could help to troubleshoot this issue.
What suggestions do people have for dealing with this problem?

iPhone only app rejected for not running on iPad

I received the following from Apple. I tried fixing the constraints for just iPad but I can get the scroll bar to come on top. How would I fix this? It is an iPhone only app. Thanks
From Apple
Performance - 2.4.1
We noticed that your app did not run at iPhone resolution when reviewed on iPad running iOS 10.2. Specifically, we were unable to register as the sign-up option was behind the amount section.
We've attached screenshot(s) for your reference.
Next Steps
Please revise your app to ensure it runs and displays properly at iPhone resolution on iPad.
For information on iOS device screen sizes and resolutions, please see the iOS Human Interface Guidelines as well as the Points versus Pixels in the View Programming Guide for iOS.
Additional Information
If you have difficulty reproducing a reported issue, please try testing the workflow described in Technical Q&A QA1764: How to reproduce bugs reported against App Store submissions.
If you have code-level questions after utilizing the above resources, you may wish to consult with Apple Developer Technical Support. When the DTS engineer follows up with you, please be ready to provide:
- complete details of your rejection issue(s)
- screenshots
- steps to reproduce the issue(s)
- symbolicated crash logs - if your issue results in a crash log
This is not an issue with supported devices - even if the iOS app is for iPhone only, it has to run on iPhone resolution on an iPad. This is the same sizing (or very, very close) as running on a iPhone 4 simulator, based on the screenshots.
Fix the constraints for iPhone 4 and it will be approved.
I got the same issue with my app which had the Deployment Info set to iPhone. Did they attach a screenshot with their response?
The issue with mine was that the constraints weren't set up properly. On smaller screen sizes (which the 1x setting on the iPad shows) my buttons were pushed together.
Check out your build on the simulator using an iPhone 5.
I had the same issue with my app.
My application was intended for iPhone and not for iPad, but the apple review team told me this:
It would be appropriate to revise your app to ensure that it runs on
iPad at iPhone resolution.
My solution:
Optimize the user interface for iPhone 4
I hope it helps.
Supported minimum iOS version is not relevant! I got rejection with iPad (1X) screenshot. App supports min version 10!
The problem is your app supports "minimum iOS version=9". it means your app must support 1x (not only2x or 3x) . Probably Apple itc review team tests the apps on ipad mini with 1x screen for iphone 4 device testing.
just optimize UI for 1x (iphone 4/4s)
I had also same issues throw me by apple. i search and got it solution to give support iPhone4 . this will resolved the issues.
Update your view constraint and give support to iphone4 or Run the app in the ipad and give support.
Simple remove suffix _iphone.storyboard or _ipad.storyboard, just may use Main.storyboard will fix this appstore issue

iPad doesn't go past the launchscreen

I'm fairly new to Objective-C and my application recently got rejected from the app store due to the app not working on the iPad (even though I set it to iPhone only but apparently the rules have changed so now you have to support both?). My app works completely fine on the iPhone but when it comes to the iPad, it gets stuck on the launchscreen, I feel like this may be something really obvious, has anyone come across this?

App store review guidelines 2.10 - should iPhone app be adjusted to iPad?

I find paragraph 2.10 of App store review guidelines a bit ambiguous. It says : "iPhone Apps must also run on iPad without modification, at iPhone resolution, and at 2X iPhone 3GS resolution"
My app is deployment target is iphone and the supposed device orientation is portait
When I tested my app on ipad simulator it looks as follows:
This is just a piece of the view to give you the notion of how it actually look like - the app view does not fit the whole frame of ipad simulator.
The reason why I got my app rejected is completely different, however I don't want to waste another 8 days to see the rejection again because of some weird issue, so that's why I ask. Moreover, do you know if they stop review when they encounter a problem? Or they always undeline all the issues?
My question is: should I do something with this ipad view even if my app's target device is iphone? If yes, what do you suggest me to do?
Thanks in advance
iPad will be able to download your iPhone app and run it, but your app won't be fully compatible with it. iPad users may encounter issues such as bugs and incompatible features.
iPad users will only be able to download your app from the App Store by searching its name and filtering the search results with "iPhone Only". Therefore don't expect full visibility.
Your iPhone app will run successfully on an iPad most of the times but it will be presented with a scaled screen.

can i submit an app without sizing the screens to work on all iDevices?

I've searched far and wide for the answer to this. i haven't been able to find an answer anywhere, so i turned to stack overflow in hopes you would be able to give me an answer. I'm about to submit my first app to the app store. do i have to make the app function on all iDevices (iPad, iPhone 4, iPhone 5, iPod touch, etc.)? or can i just submit my app for one single device and screen size and leave it at that? will they reject it?
i went through this pdf:
but i never found an answer to my question.
You specify what kind of device family your app will run. You can not limit your app only to (for example) iPhone 4. As far as I know right now if you specify your app running on iPhones it has to support 3.5 and 4 inches screens. So getting exactly to your question: no, you can not leave your app running fine only on one device and screen size. Except the approval process it would probably cost you very low rating on the App Store.
When you build the app, in Xcode you select the device families that the app supports. The choice is currently iPhone, iPad, or both. If you choose iPhone, you'll have to support both the 3.5" and 4" screen sizes. If you used Auto Layout, this should be easy.
