passing data-set as parameter in url ssrs - url

i'm trying to use the action option from a cell in a table(text box properties).
the action supposed to open a report from a URL.
this report gets 2 parameters: case_input ( the case_id in the cell, i get it from the data set), and id_pat (null).
i tried this link:
but when the report opened i didn't get the value of id_case.
any ideas?
thank you...:)

make sure that the report you are trying to open using the URL is set to accept a null value for the id parameter.


How to pass 'Select All' parameter in SSRS report url?

I've been stuck with this problems for 2 days now and I don't know how to corner it.
Basicly, I'm building list of report URL's with provided parameters in URL so I can run them without selecting each checkbox. I've found the way how to select most of the values without problem, but sometimes I want to choose "(Select All)" option from dropdown, but I don't know how. What do I need to pass in parameter so that it would select all for rendering a report?
Do you have any suggestions?
for example,this works for me:
Default the Parameter(s) to NULL in the RDL. Then you can simply call the report without specifying a value for the parameter and it will automatically pass NULL into the proc.
Then in your proc you will need to change your predicate (probably, although no code has been provided) to something like this:
Where (tablealias.Company = #Company or #Company is NULL)
AND (tablealias.partner = #Partner or #Partner is NULL)
So taking company as an example, if you specify a value in the URL it will search for that value in the proc, if you don't it will return regardless of company.

SQL Server report's saved URL as bookmark not working

I have report deployed on a SQL Server Reporting server. It has one multivalue parameter called 'Names' as a input for stored procedure which fetch data to display the result. In URL, I am adding all values selected for multivalue parameter are concatenating with '&' character.
I need to store this URL for further uses as a bookmark in my browser which is also working fine. Problem occurs when over a time one of the values for that parameter gets missing from the database then report comes blank.
Some points I would like to clear here:
Stored procedure is working fine even if some values are missing.
I could figure out that this might be because of that value is not present in the dropdown of 'Names' so it is unable to assign it before running the stored procedure. As a solution to this problem I tried to hide this parameter from report by clearing prompt box for 'Names', but I now get
The ''Names'' parameter is missing a value
When you upload the report (.rdl) into reporting server, make sure "Name" parameter has a default value, this way the stored procedure is able to get the default value even if the link is missing the "Name" parameter

How to pass parameter from main report to subreport

I have a main report. It´s working fine. My problem is in the sub report. In my sub-report I have a procedure with startdate and enddate. I would like to know if it is possible I can use the same date range from main report in my sub-report. I got a solution, but my solution needs to input the date range in main report and the same date range in my sub-report
Right-click on the sub-report object and choose Change Sub-report Links, then select how the parameter is to be used by the sub-report.
you can watch this YouTube video explains how to change sub-report Links
you can read this post too about the same subject
you need to create the same parameters in sub report that you have created in main report and link those parameters using sub report links, Which you can get my right click the sub report in main report.
once you link both paramterts same input will be passed to sub report aswell.
To pass that date range to the subreport do a right click on it and Change Subreport Link. On Subreport Links window search for your parameters in the left side and move them to the right one, make sure once you have them on the right one the option for Select data in subreport based on field: is unchecked for those 2 parameters. Then click OK and open the subreport. Once inside the subreport, go to Report/Selection Formulas/Record... to open the record selection formula. Under your Report Fields you will see the 2 parameters and you will be able to pass them to the date field you have in your subreport.

SSRS Render Report through URL

I have a report that is being passed parameters through the URL, but would like to have the report load by default before the user has to click the 'View Report' button. I have rs:Command=Render in the URL but this doesn't seem to be doing it. Is there another tag that I am missing here? The URL is currently as follows:
The report comes up with the appropriate values selected by default, as passed above, but it does not run until I hit View Report. Do I need to specify all the other parameters in the report through the URL in order for it to run by default, even though those parameters already have default values?
Found it, the report renders automatically as long as all parameters have a 'Default' value specified. Two text parameters in the report needed to have their default expressions set to =""

Jasperreport about Hyperlink to second report

I hava two report in the this file C:\tomcat\webapps\vivicloud\vivitrend\src\main\jasperreports: main report "dailyOrderReport.jrxml" / second report "dailyOrderReportDetail2.jrxml"
Main report have a ${sequence} field. I want to click the main report ${sequence} field can transfer parameter and link to "dailyOrderReportDetail2".
In the sequence filed I config the hyperlink and detail is
Hyperlink Target :self
Hyperlink Type: ReportExecution
Link parameter :
Parameter Name Expression
_report "repo:dailyOrderReportDetail2"
sequence $F{sequence}
But can not to link to dailyOrderReportDetail2.
In what you are trying to do i think you should skip the "repo:" in front of your linked report. And check that the relative path to your second report dailyOrderReportDetail2.jrxml is correct.
Check the first answer here for a step by step mini tutorial on how to do it (using servlets), or see a similar approach on this blog.
Hope this helps you get in the right direction, or at least gives you some pointers.
If both report are already running in JasperReport Server then problem must be in relative path of second report.
just check relative path of the second report must be written in red color and give the full path like:-
"repo:/path of the second report "
I know this is late, but might help someone else in the future.
I'm guessing you mean kind of like a drill-down report. Make sure all the parameters are exactly the same in the second report that need to pass over from the first report.
NOTE: You will not use the .jrxml file of the "sub report". The second report needs to be actually published with input controls and all.
Click the field you want to be the hyperlink
Click hyperlink in properties tab
Link Target : Blank
Link Type : ReportExecution
Parameters (very important)
1. Parameter: _report
Expression: path of published report (not .jrxml)
2. parameter: your choice :
Expression: Whatever carries over
now when you publish this main report and you click on the hyperlink, it will run the second report with the parameters set.
