Keep correct view.frame.origin.y with autolayout - ios

I'm trying to start using auto layout consistently in my projects but I can't get my head around it.
Here I have a UIView with 2 subviews:
I want it to stay like this in retina 4 inch, but I want to move the view.frame.origin.y 40 or 60 points up on the 3.5 inch screen. Is there any way to do it with standard auto layout constraints?
Obviously, not using autolayout is not an option here.
I've tried putting different constraints up & down but they don't seem to give me the full control over the y values of the frame.

I believe you need to use the UIViewController's topLayoutGuide. Please check out the Apple's Technical Q&A QA1797 "Preventing the Status Bar from Covering Your Views", hope this is exactly what you need.
Sorry for not careful reading your question. I don't think you can have shift of y-coordinate by some arbitrary value for your view without runtime calculations. But you can achieve what you need by combination of the 2 constraints and modification of constraint values in the viewDidLoad method:
Control-drag from your label (which needs to be shifted up on 3.5" screen) to the bottomLayoutGuide and set vertical spacing constraint.
Control-drag from your label to itself and set height constraint for the label.
This gives you 88 pixels shift on 3.5" screen comparing to 4" screen. In the viewDidLoad, you can detect if device has 3.5" screen and increase the 1st constraint value by 20/40/60.
This is not a graceful solution but hope it helps.


How to use auto layout so my app fits all screen sizes in swift?

I need my buttons to stay in the same positions for all phones.
I want it to look like this on all iPhones:
But when I switch to a larger size phone it does this, it also looks ugly on smaller phones as well:
That is a VERY broad question, as a lot of iOS UI depends on autolayout. I suggest you work through these tuts at at least AutoLayout. From your screen shots, it looks as if you have set a width constraint on your view with the green background instead of pinning the leading, trailing, top, and bottom to the edges.
Auto layout is, in essence, a system that performs calculations based on constraints. This means that to perform what you want, you need to add constraints to each of your objects so that the compiler knows how you want to resize your UI. But like others have said, that is a very general question. I suggest looking into the topic a bit before asking, so you can narrow down your question and get better answers.
You need to define positions for all your button or views. You need to define atleast 4 constraints for all your view. By adding constraints you tell your views where they should be placed on all screens. You define their positioning with respect to screen by adding constraints.
When you add trailing, from top and width and height constraint you tell that view should be placed in fixed position i.e. x , y and occupy defined space whatever may be screen size.You can opt for fixed width or height. Instead of fixing height and width you can also define leading or trailing constraints for the view. Constraints will adjust views frame according to screen size.
For beginning you can opt for some tutorials available online. You can check Raywanderlich here. Hope it helps.

How to setup constraints in storyboard with autolayout for dynamic position on different device sizes

i have a question about how to setup constraints in a storyboard with autolayout if I want to guarantee multiscreen support so that all UI-controls are accessible and the UI is not messed up on smaller screen-size devices (IPhone 4s or IPhone SE) when I designing on a bigger screen-size device (IPhone 6). I have a design which is build up on a IPhone 6 (in a sketch-file) which I want to transfer to my storyboard. So in general I want to setup all the view stuff in a storyboard and not via code.
Here are my constraints. The button to the bottom has fixed height of 48 and a leadingMargin to the right and left and a vertical distance of 100 to the bottom. The top button has the equal height to the bottom button and a distance of 28 to the bottom button.
Here is the designed View with the mentioned buttons on an IPhone 6. This is the default size where I want to setup the storyboard cause of the sketch file.
Here is the View on an IPhone 4s
As you can see the buttons are to close to the middle cause of the fixed vertical distance and the fixed height. I mean this is obviously cause of the fixed values. So I made some research about percentage position like mentioned here but is this the correct way? Also other ways looks so complicated to me. How can I prevent fixed values like the height and the vertical distance? Is there a way to set the fixed height of 48 for the IPhone 6 and then scale the button down (for IPhone SE) in regards to the screen size (the same for the bottom vertical distance and other fixed values)?
Can someone give me any advice how I can proceed here?
It is a bit complicated I try to explain it as much as I can.
Note: Auto-layout is just like constructing a building every thing step by step.
Select top button and add these constraints (Leading:8,Trailing:8, And select Aspect Ratio checkbox) + And also add "Horizontal center and Vertical center constraints" select the vertical center constraint and change it's multiplier to 1.5 or increase or decrease it's value accordingly.
There should no error after this only warnings if any.
Select second button and add Top constraint to 8. Select both buttons and add constraints which are highlighted in screen short.
Run and check on different screens. Hope it help.
bottomButton.bottom = superview.bottom * 0.9
Change the bottom constraint by code
bottomConstraint.constant = xx

Constraints for universal storyboard on iPhones

I'm struggling a bit with constraints on iOS with the differents screens sizes nowadays.
I tried google and stackoverflow to find a solution but my english does not seem fluent enough to find an answer.
I got 4 buttons verticaly aligned, the first and the last one are constrained by the edges of screens (kinda easy). But I'm really struggling with the constrains of the 2 middle buttons. I can't find a way to make them equally spaced from the left and right buttons on every size screens.
Is there something easy and tricky to make these constraints right ? Or am I doing it wrong and should I try to do it programmaticaly ?
Add three invisible views in middle of each button, make their width equal with each other with constraint then your four buttons will be equally spaced. For the Y then you just need to pin it at your desired place.
If you are going to support only iOS 9 and higher, then use a UIStackView.
The solutions to this problem is very simple. This can be solved using the concept of "spacer views". You have to place invisible views between each red coloured view. You would be requiring 3 in your case. Then make their background as clear colour. .
Next, make their width equal and constrain their edges to the views that are after and before that view. You then define the size for red coloured view.
REMEMBER dont give the "clear coloured views" any fixed width. It would be determined by the runtime.This would solve the problem. Tell me if any more information is required.
Here is a blog post for the solution for this
This is the youtube video for this
Besides Tj3n's answer with views between buttons, you could use
A UIStackView (iOS 9!) where you use for settings Axis: horizontal, Distribution: equal spacing
A Toolbar (depends on what you want to do with your buttons) with toolbar items and flexible Space between them
Why not size classes? Apple introduced the concept of adaptive user interfaces in iOS 8 relying on a combination of Auto Layout and size classes.
If you aren't aware of what is size classes, there are plenty of tutorials available, please find one.
Summary: Apple very cleverly removed two story borads for iphone and ipad and made a single story board for universal app. No you dont have to struggle trying to apply autolayout constraint that satisfies all the screen sizes :)
Below are few of the size classes and their meaning :)
Regular width x Regular Height ----> iPad Potrait mode/ipad landscape mode
Compact width x Regular Height ----> iPhone 6 plus,iPhone 6,iPhone 5s,iPhone 5,iPhone 4s potrait mode
Compact width X Compact Height ----> iPhone 6,iPhone 5s,iPhone 5,iPhone 4s landscape mode
Regular width x Compact Height ----> iphone 6 plus landscape mode.
You can select the size classes you want to support from story board :) and start applying constraints specific to each size classes (like buttons in middle) or if you have generic one (like your buttons fixed to screen) for all the size classes.
You can deploy, remove, reuse or delete the constraints form various size classes.
SUMMARY: Buddy, If you are not using size class yet, its a high time to start using it :) There is a wonderful video on it in apple WWDC sessions 2014 i believe. Download, watch, start playing with it.
Happy coding :)
you can use equations to get this appearance.
use views' trailing points to get this.
View1.trailing = superview.trailing*(2.0f/9.0f)
View2.trailing = superview.trailing*(4.0f/9.0f)
View3.trailing = superview.trailing*(6.0f/9.0f)
View4.trailing = superview.trailing*(8.0f/9.0f)
if you make View1.width = superview.width*(1/9.0f) you can achieve what you want.
there are a lot of similar solutions for this issue. but the base is using trailing points.
It may also be done with using centerX positions of Views.
View1.centerX = superview.trailing*(3.0f/15.0f)
View2.centerX = superview.trailing*(6.0f/15.0f)
View3.centerX = superview.trailing*(9.0f/15.0f)
View4.centerX = superview.trailing*(12.0f/15.0f)
Thanks to LearneriOS answer, I solved my problem.
In order to get my wished result, I created 3 views with 10 width.
My first and my last button were already constrained. I constrained my first extra view to my first button with Horizontal spacing then i constrained my first extra view with the Center vertically in container. I then constrained my extra view to his own width and heights.
There come the important part: I did go on the constraint menus and selected the width constraint. The value inside was still 10 but I did change the priority from 1000 to 750.
Then I did copy my first extra view and constrained all of them to the nearest buttons, the same way I did with my first entra view but I removed their width constraint (to all the extra views but the first one) and constrained the extra views with the first one by plugging the: Equals Width.
Then I got my result, I hope it was clear enough and thanks again.

How to Manage Complicated Views Hierarchy using Auto-layout in iOS Sdk

I am working on an iOS application and it will be compatible for all devices iPhone 3.5, 4, 4.7, 5.5 inches and iPad also.
I am designing a screen it has 5 subviews, as i view this screen in different screen it does not resize properly.
I am using Auto-layout to manage that screen and I have set the every possible constraint to manage this screen.I have to manage the Subviews height and width as the devices changes.
Following are the steps taken care by me
1)Set the Equal Height Constraint for all subviews
2)Equal Width Constraint for TopView1 and TopView2 set the High priority and set the proper Horizontal spacing, Leading, trailing edges for these two top spaces accordingly.
3)Equal Width Constraint for MiddleView1 , MiddleView2 and MiddleView3 and set the High priority and set the proper Horizontal spacing for these two and vertical spaces from TOpViews accordingly.
4)Set the Width Constraint for bottomView and set the High priority and set the proper Horizontal spacing for these two and vertical spaces from MiddleViews and bottom spaces accordingly.
Prior to this i have not used auto-layout in such complicated way.
Following are the screen shotes depict my problem.
#Ash Furrow please see attached a screen shotes with constraints.
I am laying out the base screen on Any Width Any Height
Please anybody suggest me how should i manage this view
Hmm. Looking at what you've done and the feedback to your question, everything seems correct.
I think I see the problem. The issue doesn't appear to be with your storyboard (here in case anyone is interested), but rather the use of Xcode. Instead of changing the view controller's simulated "Size" metric, use the Assistant Editor to view a preview of whatever device you want. I've tried that, and ran the code, and in both cases they appear to work.
So to recap, use the Preview in the Assistant Editor instead of changing the view controller's properties to resize a view hierarchy.

Views not laying out properly for iPhone 4

I have laid out my ViewControllers in Storyboard using Auto Layout, and everything looks perfect on an iPhone 5. Now I'm testing for iPhone 4 and things are not in their correct position. For example, I placed a UIView at the bottom of its parent UIView. It's width is the screen width and its height is 100. It shows up nicely on an iPhone 5 but doesn't appear at all on an iPhone 4 (I think it's because it's drawn at the height it should for an iPhone 5 which is too far below the screen for a 4)
If I'm using Auto Layout, do I still need to make adjustments to my Views? If so, what's the point of using Auto Layout at all?
Here is the approach to make your layouts fit to retina & non retina form factors.
I am not saying these are the rules, but I follow this approach & hardly get any conflicts which is difficult to resolve.
First & foremost : Always try to design your storyboard on non-retina form factor (I mean in your case design it on iPhone4 size & then apply retina-Form Factor & verify how it fits on iPhone5 size.).
Definitely your view at the bottom of its parent will be having a fix constraint for "Y" position. Usually, you need to make a relative constraint. So when you show it up on iPhone4, the Y & the height might be going beyond the maximum Y axis value.
Try checking these values for your layout in Assistant Editor like topSpace, leadingSpace, trailingSpace, bottomSpace .
AutoLayout doesn't mean that it will fit to your needs, however it adjusts the component accordingly.
In case of any warning in Storyboard, try using the help & suggestion provided like, add missing constraint or adjust frame to suggested
Storyboard will never behave in the same manner for each & every screen or view your design. You need to practise it more & more & you get to know how to add constraints.
Hope that helps.
