Ruby gem to "lock" an accepted agreement [closed] - ruby-on-rails

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am looking for a Ruby gem to lock an agreement digitally. In other words, when a user clicks "I have read and accept the agreement", I would like to be able to save a copy of the agreement right at the time the user accepted and be able to later on prove that that was indeed a copy of the agreement at that time (in other words make it tamper proof).

I think this is not possible. If you are able to create this prove yourself then you are also able to recreate that proof with a different content or any timestamp.
But there are services that add digital signatures to your document. If both sides (or a court) also trusts this service provider then this might be a way:
The basic idea is: After the user agreed, you send all interesting pieces or information (content of agreement, ip address, timestamp, user address, etc.) to the service. The services returns you a signed version of that document. This works as a proof, since you are unable to change that document later on.


stock register VC & confirmation password? Available? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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before i go off and code my own, it seems like a natural that Parse supplies a proper password scenario for the register view controller, which includes the password confirmation textbox. I see the example setup in AnyWall but prefer not to go with the xib if possible. I see no mention of it, but realizing they took pains to create it for AnyWall, i went looking.
Perhaps because of their desire to have "Done" disabled until all was ready, and the required NSNotification setup made them decide not into include it? Just guessing. Thoughts?
{edit: is there any active parse forum, where those of use who are using parse can simply free-flow questions and thoughts? I understand this is not an official parse asset but they do direct us here now that the "forum" they offered is archived. But this is not very active, and many of us refuse to use Google assets.
SO is awesome, but would there be traction to setup a standard web forum where there is not as rigid a process and perhaps more people would just "talk"?}

How can I get data from a website to ios app [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I want to create an iOS app that can show the bike stations and their availability(how many bikes are available in each station) from a website and I want to know how can I do it (which request?...)
There are plenty of ways you can do that.
First you should investigate if the BIKE Data Website offers a Web Service that you can utilize ? I suspect not. Then you create your Own Web service (I think it will be ideal to create REST - http/JSON) type service since that is lighter in comparison to the SOAP.
In your Service You will need to do a HTTP Request on the URL where the data is, html will be returned from the page, then look through the html and parse and get the data you need and return values to your app.
I hope this provides a pointer.

Use of Developer's key for an API [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am new to the shared API technologies. I have noticed, that almost every API has a developer key. For Example, facebook, Google Plus, Googe Maps, Apple iOS, etc...
Well I am not able to understand what is the use of this developers key.? If I am hosting an API how would developers key would benefit me.?
From what I perceived is: The API hosting company is aware of the total transactions from the developers product from which they can charge them.
Is there something more about the developers key.? Does it also maintains the security of the API, if yes, then how.?
A developer key is simply an authentication of who is using the API. If I have an API that I provide to you, and suddenly you start hitting my API with 1000 requests per second, I want an easy way to be able to measure that it is you causing all this load, so I can give you a call and ask you to fix the bug or even revoke your access.
The opposite would be an open API that anyone can hit without credentials. This would limit my options if suddenly bad actors started abusing my API. The only recourse I would have would be to look at what IP address all the requests are coming from, which is a dubious way to identify a consumer of my API. And how would I get ahold of you to ask you to stop?

2D-3D non-rigid registration [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am looking for a way to implement 2D-3D non-rigid image registration with minimal efforts and maximal reuse of existing code. So far I have found:
However, these libraries appear to be be limited to rigid 2D-3D registration, and the non-rigidity is mandatory in my case. Any help is welcome.
Elastix does indeed support non-rigid registrations, hence the name ;)
You can find a list of some default parameter files here: which is great if you do not want to dive into details. Check out the B-Spline text file if you want to perform a non-rigid registration.
Most important parameters are the FixedImageDimension and the MovingImageDimension. The rest should be ok.
Calling Elastix works like this:
elastix -m <MovingDataFile> -f <FixedDataFile> -out <OutputFolder> -p <ParameterFile> -threads <NumberOfThreads>

How do i implement a database for my ios app? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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So i created my first app which allows users to track there fitness information (workouts, routines, etc). I want take my app to the next step by allowing the user to create there own account and be able to access their workouts from any ios device (all they have to do is log in). I know i have to use databases, but I just don't know where or how to start this process.
Could you recommend any tutorials or perhaps a resource you used to teach yourself? I'm familiar with sql (took a course on it in university.
thanks guys, I apologize for the newb question.
There are many third-party services you can use that can take care of the backend for your app so that you don't need to worry about managing the database yourself. Two of the most popular ones are parse and stackmob. Take a look at their documentations. I personally use parse and would recommend it.
I've never written any os apps, but for applications in general.
There are many ways, one of which is getting a server/website (you can get free ones) and set up the MYSQL database to have the tables you need like users etc.
Then simply send requests via POST/GET to the server which will enter it into the database.Then when they want to login just do the reverse.
I would personally uses sockets, and probably encrypt the data. You may as-well send information such as how long they've used the app for etc.
