stock register VC & confirmation password? Available? [closed] - ios

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Closed 8 years ago.
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before i go off and code my own, it seems like a natural that Parse supplies a proper password scenario for the register view controller, which includes the password confirmation textbox. I see the example setup in AnyWall but prefer not to go with the xib if possible. I see no mention of it, but realizing they took pains to create it for AnyWall, i went looking.
Perhaps because of their desire to have "Done" disabled until all was ready, and the required NSNotification setup made them decide not into include it? Just guessing. Thoughts?
{edit: is there any active parse forum, where those of use who are using parse can simply free-flow questions and thoughts? I understand this is not an official parse asset but they do direct us here now that the "forum" they offered is archived. But this is not very active, and many of us refuse to use Google assets.
SO is awesome, but would there be traction to setup a standard web forum where there is not as rigid a process and perhaps more people would just "talk"?}


Ruby gem to "lock" an accepted agreement [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am looking for a Ruby gem to lock an agreement digitally. In other words, when a user clicks "I have read and accept the agreement", I would like to be able to save a copy of the agreement right at the time the user accepted and be able to later on prove that that was indeed a copy of the agreement at that time (in other words make it tamper proof).
I think this is not possible. If you are able to create this prove yourself then you are also able to recreate that proof with a different content or any timestamp.
But there are services that add digital signatures to your document. If both sides (or a court) also trusts this service provider then this might be a way:
The basic idea is: After the user agreed, you send all interesting pieces or information (content of agreement, ip address, timestamp, user address, etc.) to the service. The services returns you a signed version of that document. This works as a proof, since you are unable to change that document later on.

Web Scraping Automation programs [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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This may be off topic but if anyone can help or point me in the right direction.....or the correct place to put this question?
Can anyone suggest a good Automated Web Scraping program for use on a windows machine?
I would like to be able to automate the process and set it to be able to "scrape" the site every 5 mins or so and have the resulting xml exported to another website or database?
If the actual process is taking too long, those 10 seconds or more likely to being the network latency rather than actual parsing and scraping its self. If that is the case, you probably want to have them executing in parallel rather than sequentially if you have not already done so.
It would help if you had a more specific issue as there is several ways about going about this. You could have it still parsing on the phone. If that is too problematic for whatever reason, in my opinion, I would instead build a separate HTTP REST server for the phone client to have it interact with to get the data it requires.
There is many ways about going about this, and these are simply recommendations. If you want a more specific answer, you'll need a more specific question. Consider then asking a more speific programming issue if you run into one.

How do i implement a database for my ios app? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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So i created my first app which allows users to track there fitness information (workouts, routines, etc). I want take my app to the next step by allowing the user to create there own account and be able to access their workouts from any ios device (all they have to do is log in). I know i have to use databases, but I just don't know where or how to start this process.
Could you recommend any tutorials or perhaps a resource you used to teach yourself? I'm familiar with sql (took a course on it in university.
thanks guys, I apologize for the newb question.
There are many third-party services you can use that can take care of the backend for your app so that you don't need to worry about managing the database yourself. Two of the most popular ones are parse and stackmob. Take a look at their documentations. I personally use parse and would recommend it.
I've never written any os apps, but for applications in general.
There are many ways, one of which is getting a server/website (you can get free ones) and set up the MYSQL database to have the tables you need like users etc.
Then simply send requests via POST/GET to the server which will enter it into the database.Then when they want to login just do the reverse.
I would personally uses sockets, and probably encrypt the data. You may as-well send information such as how long they've used the app for etc.

SQLite software to use db with iOS [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Hi i'm starting to test data persistance for iOS and i want to use some databases, i tried few project with the command line but i would love to start using a software that will speed up the process.
I read already a post on here where an user listed few software from a website.
Here i copy the link he shared,
i would love to know if any of you tested those software, and which one you raccomand.
On many books i read they use a firefox plugin, but i find firefox already too slow to add such a powerful plugin.
Please if you find this question stupid, don't flag or downvote. I looked for a similar topic and i didn't find the answer i wanted. Thank you
I've always used SQLite Database Browser. It's free, easy to use and gets the job done.
I have used Base: available on the MAC App Store:
I've used Arango Db. It's free

Is the xxm step by step install tutorial clear enough? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I know the xxm install guide is a lot to read and doesn't get you up and running as fast and easily as it would when you've seen it done.
So I've installed xxm on a clean Windows install, and made screenshots at every step. I haven't made much tutorials before, and wouldn't even know where to start to make one of those walk-through video's with a voice-over...
Is it clear enough? How could I improve it? (First thing that comes up to mind is I should have set the screen to 800x600)
Should I extend this tutorial with how to include fragments on pages or how to debug a project, or should I make new tutorials about those?
For a programmer or an I.T. person (who is already technically-inclined) that understands the shortcuts and shorthand notations (virt-dir, for example), it's quite good. Although, looking at the website, it should cover running as a standalone HTTP server, as this is claimed to be supported.
