How to access to caller details with Avaya? - avaya

Our support team uses Avaya phones, they use in-house CRM. One of the requirements from them is to get access to caller id so that CRM application can display caller specific details. Does Avaya provides any API to achieve the same?

That depends of what equipment they have.
If the Agents user One-x Agent you already have screenpop. You can launch a custom URL with the data that One-X have (ANI -callerID-, VDN, DNIS, UUI, etc).
If they have physical phones (desktop phones) you will need to go in other way like a custom development but in this case you will need to have licenses and other servers like AES (Application Enablement Services) and advanced Tsapi development knowledge about how to do it.
Do a little research over the Avaya support site about AES SDK Tsapi, and DMCC SDK.


How to support my app in Citrix MDM solution

I have application on App store. I want to add support for Citrix MDM solution, which will allow end user to install application as in-office app.
Want to know what are the steps I need to perform in application?
I have gone through the details on citrix and got following information in bits and pieces and have some question on top of information
Need to use the MAM SDK in iOS app. From where I should Download the SDK? Is it freely available for POC purpose?
If I integrate the SDK what are the changes I need to do in application? any sample application available?
Need to wrap the iOS application . Is it required if I use MAM SDK?
My application communicate with my server and has user authentication. Do I need to change anything on my server?
Is dummy/temporary server setup of Citrix is available to test my application?
Let me tackle each question.
You'll want to download the MAM SDK from the web site. To do so though you'll need to first create a user account. It is free to download.
The changes to your iOS app are fairly straightforward. I won't repeat them here, but in the MAM SDK download you'll find step-by-step instructions on what you need to do. There is a sample app with source code provided.
You no longer need to MDX Wrap your iOS application. That's the older way of getting your apps managed by Citrix Endpoint Management. The new MAM SDK approach replaces that mechanism.
There are no changes needed to your authentication.
There's no dummy server available, but you can request a trial site. Create an account at Citrix Cloud and request a trial of Endpoint Management.
Source: I'm an engineer for the Citrix Endpoint Management product.

Electron App (PAAS) - Is it legal to integrate WhatsApp / Skype / Telegram and other messaging?

Companies behind applications like Franz or All-in-One Messenger bundle various messaging service providers into a single app and sell them as a product.
Is this legal, and if not, can Skype / WhatsApp etc. block or sue them?
What Franz and other applications actually do is not to bundle the applications, they only provide a convenient mode of access.
Since Electron is based upon Chromium, it's basically another browser with some benefits, such as native desktop notifications, remembering credentials, etc. And because they don't modify the code of the applications but instead only listen to the events that are already built-in, there's no reason for service providers to sue them. (And, AFAIK, no legal basis [because then they could also sue Google or Mozilla for allowing people to visit their services with their products, which is exactly what they want by building their services], but IANAL.)
As a side-note: I doubt that the service providers can actually detect whether a user is visiting their web UI using Franz et al. or plain Chrome/Chromium. I believe Franz does not alter the User-Agent string and will thus show up as yet another Chrome user.

Using MS graph API in production environment

I am integrating Onenote with my application. I am using MS Graph API's for getting data from Onenote. To consume the api's I am generating the token as mentioned at link get auth tokens.
I am registering my application at MS application registration portal. Do we need to purchase any kind of paid license to use services provided by MS graph API's.
The app registration process seems simple and doesn't differentiate between applications that can be used in production/test environment.
The app registration process seems simple and doesn't differentiate
between applications that can be used in production/test environment.
Apps registered in the app registration portal can be used for production or test environments. There isn't any switch that needs to be set when you're ready to ship. Congrats on shipping your app to production!
Do we need to purchase any kind of paid license to use services
provided by MS graph API's.
We don't charge for access to the API. Some of the services exposed in Graph via APIs require licenses like Intune. It sounds like you're using OneNote so as long as users of your app are already using OneNote you're fine to access their notes via our API. Just be sure not to DDOS us :)
If you can share, our community would love to hear about your app!

Azure Mobile Services versus Custom API

We currently have a MVC5 web application that has recently gone live. Much of the business logic is contained within GET and POST controller methods in C# files. A native iOS app is planned for the project and the concern was expressed that we must ensure that the business logic is the same for the web app and the mobile app. I'm asking for anyone with experienced with Azure Mobile Services to elaborate on how we can easily ensure consistency between the web app and the mobile in terms of backend business logic. I see two options as of right now: 1. Create an API project and ensure both the web app and the mobile app call the same endpoints 2. Integrate Azure Mobile Services and ensure that the business logic matches the web app at all times. I'm just looking for guidance.
If you are starting work now, I would start work with Azure Mobile Apps rather than Azure Mobile Services. Azure Mobile Apps can provide a web app and a mobile-friendly API for you.
Azure Mobile Apps provides three distinct things on top of Azure Web Apps. The first is a mobile-friendly data-sync capability. This is a RESTful interface that provides access to data from a backend resource. You can use it directly as a REST endpoint - great for your websites, but it is also an OData source. There are clients available for iOS (Objective-C/Swift), Xamarin (C#/.NET) and more coming that use this to provide a sync capability. The addition of a SQLite store provides an offline sync capability that your mobile app can utilize for performance and network efficiency.
The second is authentication that works with the mobile data-sync capability. This can be used across your web and mobile apps and links into enterprise authentication systems (via Azure AD), Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Microsoft Account. One of the more interesting things you can do is provide personalized results - a user can only access their own records via data-sync. Mobile authentication is different and the SDKs provided in addition will provide that functionality for you.
Finally, there is a pass-through for Notification Hubs - a powerful push notifications system that provides access to APNS (for iOS devices), GCM (for Android devices) and WNS (for Windows-based devices) as well as push capabilities to Chrome and Safari web apps, Baidu and Kindle.
Nothing stops you from doing all this from a standard MVC5 ApiController, but the wrapping of the client-side SDK plus the additional functionality of the table controller reduces the complexity of the code you have to write.

Quickbooks Online Edition - Fetching data to display on website

I want to fetch real-time data from my Quickbooks Online edition's (India) account to display customer details like Open Balance, address etc. on my PHP website.
What is the best way to go about fetching data from Quickbooks Online Edition -
Do I follow the instructions in ? But this requires a website with SSL certificate.
Do I create a Intuit Anywhere app ( ) and then use IDS (Intuit Data Services) to fetch the required data using the API?
Can I use the PHP devkit ( ) and feed my credentials directly to the code and access my Quickbooks account's data?
Do I use qbXML (which however does not seem to be the recommended method)?
Or is there a better solution?
Thanks in advance.
First, a disclaimer - if you're using the India version of QuickBooks Online ( you'll likely find that nothing works at all. Currently, Intuit does not officially support ANY non-US version of QuickBooks Online (QuickBooks for Windows non-US is supported via qbXML) for integration, regardless of which method you go with. It might work... but I doubt it.
With that said... generally speaking:
If you're building a SaaS application and trying to allow your
end-users to connect their QuickBooks accounts to your app, use
Intuit Anywhere.
Otherwise, if it's a custom/one-off/internal application, and you hate your life, use HOSTED mode via and the HOSTED instructions on our QuickBooks integration wiki (HOSTED mode is notoriously unreliable and difficult to get going due to reverse DNS checks, a very specific certificate format, lack of working example code, bugs on Intuit's end, some serious nasty-ness hooking the certificate up to your .NET HTTPS request, etc.).
Otherwise, if it's a custom/one-off/internal application, and you DON'T hate your life, use DESKTOP mode via and the DESKTOP instructions on our QuickBooks integration wiki.
None of the APIs allow you to just pass your credentials in and get access - you'll always have some sort of API token to deal with (a "connection ticket" for qbXML, or OAuth for Intuit Anywhere).
If you build for Intuit Anywhere, you'll use IDS XML. Otherwise, you'll use qbXML.
