Can I display the log of system call in Ruby? - ruby-on-rails

I need to call a command(in a sinatra or rails app) like this:
`command sub`
Some log will be outputed when the command is executing.
I want to see the log displaying continuously in the process.
But I just can get the log string after it's done with:
result = `command sub`
So, is there a way to implement this?

On windows i have the best experience with IO.popen
Here is a sample
require 'logger'
$log = "#{__FILE__}.log", 'monthly' )
#here comes the full command line, here it is a java program
command = %Q{java -jar getscreen.jar #{$userid} #{$password}}
$log.debug command
STDOUT.sync = true
# Note the somewhat strange 2> syntax. This denotes the file descriptor to pipe to a file. By convention, 0 is stdin, 1 is stdout, 2 is stderr.
IO.popen(command+" 2>&1") do |pipe|
pipe.sync = true
while str = pipe.gets #for every line the external program returns
#do somerthing with the capturted line
rescue => e
$log.error "#{__LINE__}:#{e}"
$log.error e.backtrace

There's six ways to do it, but the way you're using isn't the correct one because it waits for the process the return.
Pick one from here:
I would use IO#popen3 if I was you.


How do I temporarily redirect stderr in Ruby on Rails?

This is my code (recompilation of How do I temporarily redirect stderr in Ruby? (which can't be used because of native extension writes):
def silence_stdout(log = '/dev/null')
orig = $stdout.dup
$stdout.reopen(, 'w'))
$stdout = orig
silence_stdout('ttt.log') do
#do something
But I have a problem, the file is filled with the code only after the puma stops (Ctrl + C).
Probably should I close the file? But I do not understand how to do it. All my attempts to close the file end as "log writing failed. closed stream" or "no block given (yield)".
I ask for advice.

read and execute ruby script

puts 'hello'
puts 'foo'
puts `jruby script.rb` # receive the expected result
The question:
How can the same be achieved with reading the "script" before execution?
main.rb:'script.rb', 'r').read.gsub('"', '\"')
# puts `jruby -e '#{code}'` # Does not work for relatively big files;
Windows and unicode are the reasons of this question;
Please note that `jruby script.rb' creates a new process which is essential.
Store the modified script in a Tempfile and run that instead of passing the whole contents as an eval argument:
require 'tempfile'
code ='script.rb').gsub('"', '\"')
tempfile = 'mytempfile'
f.write code
puts `jruby '#{f.path}'`
The reason you’re likely getting an error is either a lack of proper escaping or a limit on the maximum argument length in the shell.
Also, beware that in your original implementation you never close the original file. I’ve fixed that by instead using
In the command line, using
$ getconf ARG_MAX
will give the upper limit on how many bytes can be used for the command line argument and environment variables.
#Andrew Marshall's answer is better, but suppose you don't want to use a temp file, and assuming we can use fork in JRuby,
require 'ffi'
module Exec
extend FFI::Library
ffi_lib FFI::Platform::LIBC
attach_function :fork, [], :int
code ='script.rb')
pid = Exec.fork
if 0 == pid
eval code
exit 0
Process.waitpid pid
use require
require "script.rb"

ipython redirect stdout display corruption

I'm developing a system in python, and one functionality I need is the ability to have console output go to both the console and a user-specified file. This is replicating the Diary function in MATLAB. I have the following that works perfectly well on both IDLE on windows and python cmdline in ubuntu (this all exists inside a module that gets loaded):
class diaryout(object):
def __init__(self):
self.terminal = sys.stdout = None
def __del__(self):
# do nothing, just catch the error; maybe it self was instantiated, but never opened
1/1 = None
def dclose(self):
def write(self, message):
def dopen(self,outfile):
self.outfile = outfile
try: = open(self.outfile, "a")
except Exception, e:
# just pass out the error here so the Diary function can handle it
raise e
def Diary(outfile = None):# NEW TO TEST
global this_diary
if outfile == None:
# None passed, so close the diary file if one is open
if isinstance(this_diary, diaryout):
sys.stdout = this_diary.terminal # set the stdout back to stdout
this_diary.dclose() # flush and close the file
this_diary = None # "delete" it
# file passed, so let's open it and set it for the output
this_diary = diaryout() # instantiate
this_diary.dopen(outfile) # open & test that it opened
except IOError:
raise IOError("Can't open %s for append!"%outfile)
this_dairy=none # must uninstantiate it, since already did that
except TypeError:
raise TypeError("Invalid input detected - must be string filename or None: %s"%Diary.__doc__)
this_dairy=none # must uninbstantiate it, since already did that
sys.stdout = this_diary # set stdout to it
Far superior to both IDLE and the plain python cmline, I'm using ipython; herein my problem lies. I can turn on the "diary" perfectly fine with no error but the display on the console gets messed. The attached screenshot shows this . The output file also becomes similarly garbled. Everything goes back to normal when I undo the redirection with Diary(None). I have tried editing the code so that it never even writes to the file, with no effect. It seems almost like something is forcing an unsupported character set or something I don't understand.
Anyone have an idea about this?

Ruby/Rails: pass arguments to command line application from rake task

How do you pass arguments from within a rake task and execute a command-line application from Ruby/Rails?
Specifically I'm trying to use pdftk (I can't find a comparable gem) to split some PDFs into individual pages. Args I'd like to pass are within < > below:
$ pdftk <filename.pdf> burst output <filename_%04d.pdf>
In the ruby code for your rake task:
`pdftk #{input_filename} burst output #{output_filename}`
You could also do:
system("pdftk #{input_filename} burst output #{output_filename}")
system() just returns true or false. backticks or %x() returns whatever output the system call generates. Usually backticks are preferred, but if you don't care, then you could use system(). I always use backticks because it's more concise.
More info here:
e.g. as:
filename = 'filename.pdf'
filename_out = 'filename_%04d.pdf'
`pdftk #{filename} burst output #{filename_out}`
system("pdftk #{filename} burst output #{filename_out}")
system returns a retrun code, the backtick-version return STDOUT.
If you need stdout and stderr, you may also use Open3.open3:
filename = 'filename.pdf'
filename_out = 'filename_%04d.pdf'
cmd = "pdftk #{filename} burst output #{filename_out}"
require 'open3'
Open3.popen3(cmd){ |stdin, stdout, stderr|
puts "This is STDOUT of #{cmd}:"
puts "This is STDERR of #{cmd}:"

Getting return status AND program output

I need to use Lua to run a binary program that may write something in its stdout and also returns a status code (also known as "exit status").
I searched the web and couldn't find something that does what I need. However I found out that in Lua:
os.execute() returns the status code
io.popen() returns a file handler that can be used to read process output
However I need both. Writing a wrapper function that runs both functions behind the scene is not an option because of process overhead and possibly changes in result on consecutive runs. I need to write a function like this:
function run(binpath)
return output,exitcode
Does anyone has an idea how this problem can be solved?
PS. the target system rung Linux.
With Lua 5.2 I can do the following and it works
-- This will open the file
local file = io.popen('dmesg')
-- This will read all of the output, as always
local output = file:read('*all')
-- This will get a table with some return stuff
-- rc[1] will be true, false or nil
-- rc[3] will be the signal
local rc = {file:close()}
I hope this helps!
I can't use Lua 5.2, I use this helper function.
function execute_command(command)
local tmpfile = '/tmp/lua_execute_tmp_file'
local exit = os.execute(command .. ' > ' .. tmpfile .. ' 2> ' .. tmpfile .. '.err')
local stdout_file =
local stdout = stdout_file:read("*all")
local stderr_file = .. '.err')
local stderr = stderr_file:read("*all")
return exit, stdout, stderr
This is how I do it.
local process = io.popen('command; echo $?') -- echo return code of last run command
local lastline
for line in process:lines() do
lastline = line
print(lastline) -- the return code is the last line of output
If the last line has fixed length you can read it directly using file:seek("end", -offset), offset should be the length of the last line in bytes.
This functionality is provided in C by pclose.
Upon successful return, pclose() shall return the termination status
of the command language interpreter.
The interpreter returns the termination status of its child.
But Lua doesn't do this right (io.close always returns true). I haven't dug into these threads but some people are complaining about this brain damage.
If you're running this code on Win32 or in a POSIX environment, you could try this Lua extension:
Alternatively, you could write a small shell script (assuming bash or similar is available) that:
executes the correct executable, capturing the exit code into a shell variable,
prints a newline and terminal character/string onto standard out
prints the shell variables value (the exit code) onto standard out
Then, capture all the output of io.popen and parse backward.
Full disclosure: I'm not a Lua developer.
yes , your are right that os.execute() has returns and it's very simple if you understand how to run your command with and with out lua
you also may want to know how many variables it returns , and it might take a while , but i think you can try
local a, b, c, d, e=os.execute(-what ever your command is-)
for my example a is an first returned argument , b is the second returned argument , and etc.. i think i answered your question right, based off of what you are asking.
