How to check inheritance in generics with inherited parameter_ - delphi

I have 2 class hierarchies:
TObjectList<T: TAmObject>
--TAmObjectList<T: TAmObject>
I have some of the of the object linked to TTreeView's nodes.
Then I have a task to check:
if TObject(node.Data) is TAmObject
if TObject(node.Data) is TAmObjectList<TAmObject>
First check is good and brings me no problems.
With the second one I have some difficulties.
Pls show me way to make the check.
For example I have TamFarmList linked to node.
Then compiled says me:
TObject(node.Data) is TAmObjectList<TAmObject> = FALSE
TObject(node.Data) is TAmObjectList<TAmFarm> = TRUE
But I need common check for all lists.
Pls show me the way. Is it possible?

This is a problem of covariance that Delphi does not support. Since generic types do not provide reflection of their type parameters you have to find some other ways.
One solution I have used over the past is to do some string parsing of the type name and then use RTTI to do what C# reflection for example is capable of. It is not perfect but has done the job pretty well in the past.
Here is some example code using Spring4D for that.
t: TRttiType;
t := TType.GetType(TObject(node.Data).ClassType);
if (t.GetGenericTypeDefinition = 'TAmObjectList<>')
and (t.GetGenericArguments[0].AsInstance.MetaclassType.InheritsFrom(TAmObject)) then
This works if your instance directly is a TAmObjectList<T> where T is TAmObject. If you want to have it work for descendant list classes you will have to walk up the inheritance hierarchy on your instance performing the GetGenericTypeDefinition check on it.


How to pass a list of objects to a function, which expects a list of objects which implement an interface?

Trying to pass a list of objects to a function, which expects list of objects implementing an interface. Said objects implement that interface. Compiler will not allow it.
Looking for an alternative workaround or my mistake.
The setup
I did not use the actual code, and that should not matter IMO. Seems like a conceptional problem to me.
The class TObjectWithInterface implements the interface ISomeInterface and extends the class TCustomInterfacedObject, which simply works around the reference counting of IInterface as given in the documentation.
TObjectWithInterface = class(TCustomInterfacedObject, ISomeInterface)
If have a procedure which takes a list of objects implementing that interface:
procedure SomeFunction(List: TList<ISomeInterface>)
The issue
Inside of a function of TObjectWithInterface, I try to call that function, using a list of objects of TObjectWithInterface:
procedure TObjectWithInterface.DoTheStuff(ListOfObjects: TList<TObjectWithInterface>)
// ...
SomeFunction(ListOfObjects); // <-- Compiler error: Incompatible types
// ...
The compiler tells me the following:
E2010: Incompatible types: 'System.Generics.Collections.TList' and 'System.Generics.Collections.TList'
The dumb workaround
I really dislike my current workaround, which consists of creating a new list and type casting each TObjectWithInterface to ISomeInterface:
procedure TObjectWithInterface.DoTheStuff(ListOfObjects: TList<TObjectWithInterface>)
ListOfInterfaceObjects: TList<ISomeInterface>;
// ...
ListOfInterfaceObjects := TList<ISomeInterface>.Create;
for var Object in ListOfObjects do
ListOfInterfaceObjects.Add(Objects as ISomeInterface);
// ...
This seems very hacky to me. I may have done something stupid, or do not understand something correctly, as this is the first time, that I am trying to use Interfaces in Delphi. Please don't be mad.
Either way, I hope someone can point out my mistake or, if this is a language limitation, has an alternative workaround.
Your "workaround" to copy the list of objects into a separate list of interfaces is actually the correct and proper solution. You can't use a TList<X> where a TList<Y> is expected, they are different and unrelated types. Just because you are disabling reference counting on the interfaces doesn't change the memory layout of the objects in relation to their interfaces, so you still have to pass around proper memory pointers, which means performing necessary conversions from one to the other.

Casting TList<T:class> to TList<W:class>

I have a list of type TList<TForm>. I need to cast it and use it as TList<TObject> like this:
procedure mainForm.testCast;
listT: TList<TForm>;
listW: TList<TObject>;
obj: TObject;
listT := TList<TForm>.create;
listW := TList<TObject>(listT); // Casting is OK
// This works, but is this fine?
for obj in listW do
The sample works as expected, but is it ok to cast like this between generic lists? Will this cause some data structure corruption etc?
I use it only for looping (DoGetEnumerator) purposes and some string checks i.e. I'll not add/remove items.
The real function is little more complicated. It gets reference to listT using RTTI in a TValue.
The main goal is not to link FMX.Forms in my unit.
Why are TGeneric<Base> and TGeneric<Descendant> incompatible types?
Well, your code will work, but it somewhat dubious in my view. Simply put the cast is not legal because
is false. So a TList<TForm> object is not a TList<TObject>. If it were, then the cast would not be needed.
That this is so is because Delphi's generic types are invariant. More details can be found here:
Why is a class implementing an interface not compatible with the interface type when used in generics?
If you have any difficulty understanding why the designers made generic types invariant, consider for a moment the effect of writing listW.Add(TObject.Create) in your code. Think what it means to the true underlying object of type TList<TForm>.
So the language promises you nothing. You are venturing outside its guarantees. It so happens that the implementation of these two un-related types is compatible enough for your code to work. But that is really just an accident of implementation.
Since you are already using RTTI, then I suggest that you iterate over the list with RTTI. You can call GetEnumerator and so on using RTTI. That way you will call the actual methods of the object.

Delphi extending class

first of all, sorry if the title is a bit confusing.
i'm planning to develop a small erp application. this apllication will use plugins/addons. this addon might add or extend some modules of the base application.
for example, i have TCustomer class with property "id", and "name".
addon 1 will add a property "dateofbirth".
addon 2 will add a property "balance" and a method "GetBalance".
addon 1 and addon 2 are not aware of each other. addon 1 might be installed and not addon 2 or vice versa. so both addons must inherit the base tcustomer class.
the problem is when both addon are installed. how do i get extended properties in both addons? i will also have to extend the form to add controls to show the new properties.
can it be done using delphi? what is the best way to achieve this? maybe you can point me to some articles of examples?
thanks and sorry for my poor english
Well, as you are already aware, you can't have more than one plug-in extend an existing class by inheritance. It would confuse the heck out of any app, including any programmer's dealing with the code.
What you need is some type of register mechanism in your TCustomer class where every plugin can register its specific properties, or provide a couple of call back functions for when a TCustomer instance is created (initialized), loaded, stored, or deleted. The core TCustomer after all really doesn't need to know more about the plug-in's than the fact that they might exist.
Depending on how you intend to load/store your data, the core TCustomer class doesn't even have to be aware of the extensions. It would be quite sufficient to make the persistence mechanism aware of plug-ins and provide a way for them to register a call back function to be called whenever a TCustomer / TOrder / TWhatever is initialized / loaded / saved / deleted.
You will also have to make the GUI aware of the plugins and provide the means for them to register pieces of UI to have the main GUI create an extra tab or some such for each plug-in's specific controls.
Sorry no code example. Haven't yet implemented this myself, though I thought about the design and it is on my list of things to play around with.
That said, to give you an idea, the basic mechanism could look something like this:
TBaseObject = class; // forward declaration
// Class that each plug-in's extensions of core classes needs to inherit from.
TExtension = class(TObject)
procedure Initialize(aInstance: TBaseObject);
procedure Load(aInstance: TBaseObject);
procedure Store(aInstance: TBaseObject);
procedure Delete(aInstance: TBaseObject);
// Base class for all domain classes
TBaseObject = class(TObject)
MyExtensions: TList<TExtension>;
procedure RegisterExtension(const aExtension: TExtension);
procedure Store;
procedure TBaseObject.RegisterExtension(const aExtension: TExtension);
procedure TBaseObject.Store;
Extension: TExtension;
// Normal store code for the core properties of a class.
// Give each extension the opportunity to store their specific properties.
for Extension in MyExtensions do
Such an "evolving" class is some kind of multi-inheritance.
I think you shall better use interfaces instead of classes.
That is, each plug-in will serve a class implementation, but you will work with interfaces, and an interface factory.
See this article about "why we need interfaces", or this article from our blog about interfaces and a comparison with classes.
You can test if a class implements an interface: for a plug-in system like yours, this is probably the best way to implement an open implementation. Duck typing is very suitable for plug-ins. The whole Delphi IDE (and Windows itself) is using interfaces for its plug-in systems (via COM for Windows). For a less strong implementation pattern, you can use not interfaces, but late bindings: see the answer of this SO question.
Take a look at the SOLID principles, especially the single responsibility principle. Your question directly breaks this principle: you attempt to mix client personal information (like name) and accounting (like a balance). If your project grows up, you'll probable be stuck by such a design.

How do I determine the type of the implementing object of an interface

I'm attempting to write a unit test for a simple factory class that creates one of several possible implementing objects and returns it as an interface reference.
DUnit has a built in procedure, CheckIs(AObject: TObject; AClass: TClass; msg: string), that based on its name and the parameters it accepts should fail the test if the object's class type doesn't match the expected one. The only problem is it requires an object reference not an interface reference.
So I'm trying to use CheckTrue and perform the comparison in the body of the test but I'm not as familiar with Delphi's type checking support as I am with C#'s.
I know the is operator is out of the question since it only works with object references.
CheckTrue(LMyInterfaceReference {comparison here} TMyClass);
Any suggestions?
BTW, I'm using Delphi 2009 so I don't have access to the new RTTI support added in 2010+.
I'm wondering why you MUST have to test this... maybe you really don't have to.
But if knowing the underlying object of a Interface is a must, you have two choices:
Add a method to the interface which returns the underlying object, just a TObject, and implement this in each class just by returning self.
Hack a bit, for example using this Interface to object routine.
If you don't like hacks and don't feel like upgrading to Delphi 2010+ you may use an interface like this:
IImplementingObjectInterface = interface
function GetImplementingObject: TObject;
Make sure your objects also implement this interface and use it to extract the implementing object. If you need to do this for a lot of objects you can define your own TInterfacedObject derivate that already implements this so you can simply change your inheritance and be done.
Barry Kelly (one of the main Embarcadero Delphi Compiler Engineers) wrote a nice An ugly alternative to interface to object casting this week.
It answers your question.
The fun is that Hallvard Vassbotn wrote a very similar piece of code back in 2004.
From Delphi 2010 on, you can just use an is check or as cast to go back from interface references to object references.

Do Delphi generic collections override equals?

This is a question for the generic collection gurus.
I'm shocked to find that TList does not override equals. Take a look at this example:
"Result" is false, even though the two Lists contain the same data. It is using the default equals() (which just compares the two references for equality).
Looking at the code, it looks like the same is true for all the other generic collection types too.
Is this right, or am I missing something??
It seems like a big problem if trying to use TLists in practice. How do I get around this? Do I create my own TBetterList that extends TList and overrides equals to do something useful?
Or will I run into further complications with Delphi generics...... ?
[edit: I have one answer so far, with a lot of upvotes, but it doesn't really tell me what I want to know. I'll try to rephrase the question]
In Java, I can do this:
List<Person> list1=new ArrayList<Person>();
List<Person> list2=new ArrayList<Person>();
boolean result=list1.equals(list2);
result will be true. I don't have to subclass anything, it just works.
How can I do the equivalent in Delphi?
If I write the same code in Delphi, result will end up false.
If there is a solution that only works with TObjects but not Strings or Integers then that would be very useful too.
Generics aren't directly relevant to the crux of this question: The choice of what constitutes a valid base implementation of an Equals() test is entirely arbitrary. The current implementation of TList.Equals() is at least consistent will (I think) all other similar base classes in the VCL, and by similar I don't just mean collection or generic classes.
For example, TPersistent.Equals() also does a simple reference comparison - it does not compare values of any published properties, which would arguably be the semantic equivalent of the type of equality test you have in mind for TList.
You talk about extending TBetterList and doing something useful in the derived class as if it is a burdensome obligation placed on you, but that is the very essence of Object Oriented software development.
The base classes in the core framework provide things that are by definition of general utility. What you consider to be a valid implementation for Equals() may differ significantly from someone else's needs (or indeed within your own projects from one class derived from that base class to another).
So yes, it is then up to you to implement an extension to the provided base class that will in turn provide a new base class that is useful to you specifically.
But this is not a problem.
It is an opportunity.
You will assuredly run into further problems with generics however, and not just in Delphi. ;)
What it boils down to is this:
In Java (and .NET languages) all types descend from Object. In Delphi integers, strings, etc. do not descend from TObject. They are native types and have no class definition.
The implications of this difference are sometimes subtle. In the case of generic collections Java has the luxury of assuming that any type will have a Equals method. So writing the default implementation of Equals is a simple matter of iterating through both lists and calling the Equals method on each object.
From AbstractList definition in Java 6 Open JDK:
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (o == this)
return true;
if (!(o instanceof List))
return false;
ListIterator<E> e1 = listIterator();
ListIterator e2 = ((List) o).listIterator();
while(e1.hasNext() && e2.hasNext()) {
E o1 =;
Object o2 =;
if (!(o1==null ? o2==null : o1.equals(o2)))
return false;
return !(e1.hasNext() || e2.hasNext());
As you can see the default implementation isn't really all that deep a comparison after all. You would still be overriding Equals for comparison of more complex objects.
In Delphi since the type of T cannot be guaranteed to be an object this default implementation of Equals just won't work. So Delphi's developers, having no alternative left overriding TObject.Equals to the application developer.
I looked around and found a solution in DeHL (an open source Delphi library). DeHL has a Collections library, with its own alternative List implementation. After asking the developer about this, the ability to compare generic TLists was added to the current unstable version of DeHL.
So this code will now give me the results I'm looking for (in Delphi):
PersonsEqual:=list1.Equals(list2); // equals true
It works for all types, including String and Integer types
StringsEqual:=stringList1.Equals(stringList2); // also equals true
You will need to check out the latest unstable version of DeHL (r497) to get this working. The current stable release (0.8.4) has the same behaviour as the standard Delphi TList.
Be warned, this is a recent change and may not make it into the final API of DeHL (I certainly hope it does).
So perhaps I will use DeHL instead of the standard Delphi collections? Which is a shame, as I prefer using standard platform libraries whenever I can. I will look further into DeHL.
