Sharing the host OS or sharing the Container OS - docker

When running an Ubuntu Docker container on Mac or other OS host,
is the UBunto OS really running in the container or is it some kind of a virtual interface?
From my understanding containers share the OS, I just need to understand if it is the OS from the host or it really is a operation system within the container?
If a Docker container is some kind of a virtual interface to the host like; Docker Containe:
http is served from the host
File and folders is served from the host
Then a Docker Container could run on any host OS as long as the interface is there, right?
Thanks for any input

Ok, this is from the documentation - I missed it, reading it the first time:
How does a container work?
A container consists of an operating system, user-added files, and meta-data. As we've seen, each container is built from an image. That image tells Docker what the container holds, what process to run when the container is launched, and a variety of other configuration data. The Docker image is read-only. When Docker runs a container from an image, it adds a read-write layer on top of the image (using a union file system as we saw earlier) in which your application can then run.


Can docker container call host syscalls?

I'm running a Docker container (alphine) on MacOS 11.6, there's a Typescript app in that container. I need to simulate and record input from Docker on host. Is it possible to setup Docker in a way that would allow my container to control host's input using node.js osx-mouse package, or by writing a Swift wrapper creating CGEvents?
That's almost certainly not possible. In general Docker containers are prohibited from accessing the host display or other host devices. Since Docker Desktop runs a hidden Linux VM, it's especially difficult: the display technologies are totally different and the VM layer makes it look like the container and host are on physically separate systems.
As a general rule, if you need to interact with the host display or any other hardware, it's much easier to run the task outside a container.

Access Docker daemon on Host without knowing Host OS

I use docker-compose to spin up a few containers as part of an application I'm developing. One of the containers needs to start a docker swarm service on the host machine. On Docker for Windows and Docker for Mac, I can connect to the host docker daemon using the REST Api by using the "host.docker.internal" DNS name and this works great. However, if I run the same compose file on linux, "host.docker.internal" does not work (yet, seems it may be coming in the next version of docker). To make matters worse, on Linux I can use network mode of "host" to work around the issue but that isn't supported on Windows or Mac.
How can I either:
Create a docker-compose file or structure a containerized application to be slightly different based on the host platform (windows|mac|linux) without having to create multiple docker-compose.yml files or different application code?
Access the host docker daemon in a consistent way regardless of the host OS?
If it matters, the container that is accessing the docker daemon of the host is using the docker python sdk and making api calls to docker over tcp without TLS (this is used for development only).
Update w/ Solution Detail
For a little more background, there's a web application (aspnet core/C#) that allows users to upload a zip file. The zip file contains, among other things, an exported docker image file. There's also an nginx container in front of all of this to allow for ssl termination and load balancing. The web application pulls out the docker image, then using the docker daemon's http api, loads the image, re-tags the image, then pushes it to a private docker repository (which is running somewhere on the developer's network, external to docker). After that, it posts a message to a message queue where a separate python application uses the python docker library to deploy the docker image to a docker swarm.
For development purposes, the applications all run as containers and thus need to interact with docker running on the host machine as a stand alone swarm node. SoftwareEngineer's answer lead me down the right path. I mapped the docker socket from the host into the web application container at first but ran into a limitation of .net core that won't be resolved until .net 5 which is that there's no clean way of doing http over a unix socket.
I worked around that issue by eventually realizing that nginx can reverse proxy http traffic to a unix socket. I setup all containers (including the dynamically loaded swarm service from the zips) to be part of an overlay network to give them all access to each other and allowing me to hit an http endpoint to control the host machine's docker/swarm daemon over http.
The last hurdle I ran into was that nginx couldn't write to the mapped in /var/run/docker.sock file so I modified nginx.conf to allow it to run as root within the container.
As far as I can tell, the docker socket is available at the path /var/run/docker.sock on all systems. I have personally verified this with a recent Linux distro (Ubuntu), Windows 10 Pro running Docker for Windows (2.2.0) with both WSL2 (Ubuntu and Alpine) and the windows cmd (cli) and powershell. From memory, it works with OSX too, and I used to do the same thing in WSL1.
Mapping this into a container is achieved on any terminal with the -v, --volume, or --mount flags. So,
docker container run -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
Mounts the socket into an identical path within the container. This means that you can access the socket using the standard docker client (docker) from within the container with no extra configuration. Using this path inside a Linux container is recommended because the standard location and is likely to be less confusing to anyone maintaining your code in the future (including yourself).

I'm still confused by Docker containers and images

I know that containers are a form of isolation between the app and the host (the managed running process). I also know that container images are basically the package for the runtime environment (hopefully I got that correct). What's confusing to me is when they say that a Docker image doesn't retain state. So if I create a Docker image with a database (like PostgreSQL), wouldn't all the data get wiped out when I stop the container and restart? Why would I use a database in a Docker container?
It's also difficult for me to grasp LXC. On another question page I see:
LinuX Containers (LXC) is an operating system-level virtualization
method for running multiple isolated Linux systems (containers) on a
single control host (LXC host)
What does that exactly mean? Does it mean I can have multiple versions of Linux running on the same host as long as the host support LXC? What else is there to it?
LXC and Docker, Both are completely different. But we say both are container holders.
There are two types of Containers,
1.Application Containers: Whose main motto is to provide application dependencies. These are Docker Containers (Light Weight Containers). They run as a process in your host and gets all the things done you want. They literally don't need any OS Image/ Boot Up thing. They come and they go in a matter of seconds. You cannot run multiple process/services inside a docker container. If you want, you can do run multiple process inside a docker container, but it is laborious. Here, resources (CPU, Disk, Memory, RAM) will be shared.
2.System Containers: These are fat Containers, means they are heavy, they need OS Images
to launch themselves, at the same time they are not as heavy as Virtual Machines, They are very similar to VM's but differ in architecture a bit.
In this, Let us say Ubuntu as a Host Machine, if you have LXC installed and configured in your ubuntu host, You can run a Centos Container, a Ubuntu(with Differnet Version), a RHEL, a Fedora and any linux flavour on top of a Ubuntu Host. You can also run multiple process inside an LXC contianer. Here also resoucre sharing will be done.
So, If you have a huge application running in one LXC Container, it requires more resources, simultaneously if you have another application running inside another LXC container which require less resources. The Container with less requirement will share the resources with the container with more resource requirement.
Answering Your Question:
So if I create a Docker image with a database (like PostgreSQL), wouldn't all the data get wiped out when I stop the container and restart?
You won't create a database docker image with some data to it(This is not recommended).
You run/create a container from an image and you attach/mount data to it.
So, when you stop/restart a container, data will never gets lost if you attach that data to a volume as this volume resides somewhere other than the docker container (May be a NFS Server or Host itself).
Does it mean I can have multiple versions of Linux running on the same host as long as the host support LXC? What else is there to it?
Yes, You can do this. We are running LXC Containers in our production.

Docker container with HBA card

How can i attach a HBA card (which is on my physical server running on centos 7) to a docker container? As I'm doing POC for migration to docker from existing environment this is much needed. It's similar to direct IO in VMware ESXi(Attaching a physical hba to VM can be done via Direct I/O).
Docker isn't a hypervisor, containers aren't VMs, and "attaching devices" to a container doesn't necessarily make sense -- a container is just a process running on your host.
You can expose a device node in /dev to a container using the --device flag to docker run, although exposing a block device inside a container usually leads to other complications (e.g., a normal container can't mount filesystems, so you would need to run it with --privileged, which may or may not be acceptable form a security perspective depending on your environment).
For storage, it is more common to mount devices on the host, and then expose those filesystems to container as Docker volumes (-v /host/path:/container/path).

Which Docker base image should be used to install Apps in a container without any additional OS?

I am running a Docker daemon on my GUEST OS which is CentOS. I want to install software services on top of that in an isolated manner and I do not need another OS image inside my Docker container.
I want to have a Docker container with just the additional binaries and libraries for the software application I am going to install.
Is there a "whiteglove/blank" base image in Docker I can use ? I want a very lean container that uses as a starting point what my GUEST OS has to offer. Is that possible ?
What you're asking for isn't possible out-of-the-box with Docker. Each Docker image has its own root filesystem, which needs to have some sort of OS installed.
Your options are:
Use a minimal base image, such as the BusyBox image. This will give you the absolute minimum you need to get a container running.
Use the CentOS base image, in which case your container will be running the same or very similar OS.
The reason Docker images are like this is because they're meant to be portable. Any Docker image is meant to run anywhere Docker is running, regardless of the operating system. This means that the Docker image must contain an entire root filesystem and OS installation.
What you can do if you need stuff from the host OS is share a directory using Docker volumes. However, this is generally meant to be used for mounting data directories, and it still necessitates the Docker image having an OS.
That said, if you have a statically-linked binary that has absolutely no dependencies, it becomes easy to create a very minimal image. This is called a "microcontainer", and Go in particular is well-suited to producing these. Here is some further reading on microcontainers and how to produce them.
One other option you could look into if all you want is the resource management part of containers is using lxc-execute, as described in this answer. But you lose out on all the other nice Docker features as well. Unfortunately, what you're trying to do is just not what Docker is built for.
As I understood docker, when you use a base image, you really do not install an additional OS.
Its just a directory structure sort of thing with preinstalled programs or we can say a file system of an actual base image OS.
In most cases [click this link for the exception], docker itself [the docker engine] runs on a linux VM when used on mac and windows.
If you are confused with virtualization, there is no virtualization inside Docker Container. Containers run in user space on top of the host operating system's kernel. So, the containers and the host OS would share the same kernel.
So, to sumarize:
Consider the host OS to be windows or mac.
Docker when installed, is inside a linux VM running on these host OS.[use this resource for more info]
The base linux images inside the docker container then use this linux VM machine as host OS and not the native windows or mac.
On linux, The base linux images inside the docker container direclty uses the host OS which is linux itself without any virtualization.
The base image inside Docker Container is just the snapshot of that linux distributions programs and tool.
The base image make use of the host kernel (which in all three cases, is linux).
Hence, there is no virtualisation inside a container but docker can use a single parent linux virtual machine to run itself [the docker engine] inside it.
When you install a base image inside docker, there is no additional OS that is installed inside the container but just the copy of filesystem with minimal programs and tools is created.
From Docker's best practices:
Whenever possible, use current Official Repositories as the basis for your image. We recommend the Debian image since it’s very tightly controlled and kept extremely minimal (currently under 100 mb), while still being a full distribution.
What you're asking for is completely against the idea of using Docker Containers. You don't want to have any dependability on your GUEST OS. If you do your Docker wont be portable.
When you create a container, you want it to run on any machine that runs Docker. Be it CentoOS, Ubuntu, Mac, or Microsoft Azure :)
Ideally there are no advantages of your base container OS having to do anything with your Host OS.
For any container, you need to have at least a root file system. That is why you need to use a base image that have the root file system. Your idea is not completely against the container paradigm of usage; as opposed to VMs, we want container to be minimal without much of repetitive elements that it can leverage from the underlayer OS.
Following the links of Rohan Singh, I found some related info, that doesn't generally contradict, but relates to the core ide of the question:
The base image for all Docker images is the scratch image. It has essentially nothing in it. This may sound useless, but you can actually use it to create the smallest possible image for your application, if you can compile your application to a static binary with zero dependencies like you can with Go or C.
