Rhmobile: How to open rhodes application in console - rhomobile

i want to open rhodes application in console mode like we open rails application in console mode.
rails console
is there any command in rhodes to open a rhodes app in console mode.

No. Although rhodes uses some concepts of rails framework, it does not have the same tools and behaviors than it and you can not open it in console mode.


Can I build an electron app from rails app?

I am working on a Rails project and I am trying to figure out if I can use Electron to create a desktop app or if there is another way to turn a Rails app into a desktop app.

Get access to console in Sencha Touch app running on iPhone

I want to use console.time('a') and console.timeEnd('a') in my Sencha Touch iOS app. This functions prinnt measured time in microseconds on console.
How to get access to console while I'm running my app on iPhone?
I tried with Safari Remote Web Inspector (like Phonegap iOS Safari debug workflow), but it doesn't work. It give me access to index.html, and Web Inspector opens correctly, but all his tabs are empty including console tab.
(I tried used Safari Remote Web Inspector with PhoneGap and it works correctly)
I don't use Xcode, becouse I am building my app with Sencha Cmd. And I do not want to change that, because I am testing Sencha Touch performance without PhoneGap.
There is a cordova plugin which you can use to see the output of console in XCode.

How to debug trigger.io android 4.4 apps?

Android 4.4 uses chromium, I'm trying to use chrome dev tools to debug my app. However, I cannot find my app in the ADB console (yet the device is detected, and I can see chrome tabs on my device). Any idea how to enable debugging for my app?
Here chrome-remote-debugging it says that in order to configure web view for debugging one needs to call setWebContentsDebuggingEnabled - does trigger.io do that?

Debug a PhoneGap app running in Emulator using WebStorm

Is there a way to debug the javaScript of a PhoneGap based iOS app within WebStorm while the app is running in the iOS emulator? The problem is that some of the events (like 'deviceready') need to be fired to enter certain code paths that I want to debug.
It is all described here in great detail:
It is a great article that every phonegap starter should read, as it describes how you can set up your development environment.
I have many options:
Phonegap simulator
iOS emulator remote debugger
remote debugging on the actual device
It won't integrate with webstorm but the debugging tools described above are much more powerful anyway.

Debugging GWT on tablets (Android, iPad)

We're running with a strange error running our GWT application on tablets (both iPad and Android). It's a touch event the one producing the error ("undefined is not an object")
How can you debug a GWT application for this scenario. We need to produce tablet touch events or run the GWT code on development mode in the tablet.
A couple options that have helped us debug GWT apps on the iPad:
a Windows machine with a touchscreen (we have this one at the office)
Java logging + the popup log panel (or remote logging) (Google Developer's Guide)
Firebug Lite - this may not help with this specific problem, but maybe in the future. :)
Hope some of these help.
I believe you can debug a compiled GWT application (works for me using GWT 2.4).
You need to have the GWT Developer Plugin installed in the tablet browser. I don't know if it's possible but if it is, all you need to do is append the gwt.codesvr=<yourDevMachineIp>:<yourDevModePort> query parameter to your app URL while running Dev Mode for your app in Eclipse.
Disclaimer: I've only tried this with a compiled app in a browser running on the same machine as my Eclipse IDE. If you're successful, please post a brief note here.
