Forge API call to /should_fetch_core_instructions -

HWhen I run the "forge build" command in the terminal I always get this message:
$ forge build ios
[ INFO] Forge tools running at version 3.3.82
[ INFO] Update result: you already have the latest tools
[ ERROR] Forge API call to app/[HASH]/should_fetch_core_instructions went wrong: Unknown error
This worked fine in the past and I have to idea where to start looking to fix this issue.
Any idea?


Ionic Emulate iOS/Android command not working

Context: I am currently on Ionic version 3.15.2. The 'ionic serve' command works. The 'ionic cordova emulate ios' and 'ionic cordova emulate android' do not work. I have tried deleting/reinstalling certain packages and dependencies from Ionic but nothing has helped. I have a feeling I need to delete/reinstall Xcode all together but I figured I would ask for help here first. This is the error message I get on my terminal when I try to use the Ionic simulator/emulator:
Command /usr/bin/codesign failed with exit code 1
The following build commands failed:
CodeSign build/emulator/****
(1 failure)
Error: Error code 65 for command: xcodebuild with args:
[ERROR] An error occurred while running cordova emulate ios (exit code 1).
Note: I used the asterisks in place of the path for privacy reasons
It's weird that ionic serve works but the other two commands don't...
Even ionic info should fail with the latter error.
It's because of the module #ionic/cli-plugin-proxy. As soon as I uninstalled it I could successfully run ionic info. But it detected IONIC_HTTP_PROXY in my environment and asked me to install it again.
So I did manually later, but the error returned. So I installed the missing module using npm install -g #ionic/cli-framework. After that I could successfully run ionic info again.
Therefor I guess it's an unresolved dependency issue inside the #ionic/cli-plugin-proxy module.

cordova visual studio ios build

Hello I am trying to build my app on Mac but always get same error.
Error: An error occurred uploading to the build server Error: certificate is not yet
valid myAppp 1 Build
I wrote remotebuild start to command line on mac ant it is listening port 3000, What can I do to solve problem ?

ionic build ios error unrecognized command

Just testing a app. Trying to run the ios simulator. Got error message. Please help.
$ ionic build ios Running command: "C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe"
C:/Users/Johnson/desktop/ionic/todo add to body class: platform-ios
Running command: cmd "/s /c
'C:\Users\Johnson\desktop\ionic\todo\platforms\ios\cordova\build' is
not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or
batch file. ERROR building one of the platforms: Error: cmd: Command
failed with exit code 1 You may not have the required environment or
OS to build this project Error: cmd: Command failed with exit code 1
As the error says
You may not have the required environment or OS to build this project
this refers to you not having iOS build tools (xcode) available on your machine. xcode is not available on windows machines.
You cannot build iOS apps on Windows machines. You may build for android, providing you have the android sdk + build tools installed. index.html not found in app (ios, android emulator)

Having issues running my app both on android and ios. When I run my app, emulators run fine, but the emulator devices say there is no index.html in the project when there is. Not sure exactly where to begin to debug. Everybody else on my team can load the app but me. I've tried completely reinstalling TriggerToolkit but couldn't get anywhere. Don't get any errors in the logs while the ios emulator is running, just a popup message in the emulator
"Error No index.html found in app. Mobile apps require an index.html".
When I run forge build ios I get this:
[ INFO] Forge tools running at version 3.3.11
[ INFO] Update result: you already have the latest tools
[ INFO] Configuration is unchanged: using existing templates
[ ERROR] Failed to parse command line arguments at ios
When I run forge build android I get this:
[ INFO] Forge tools running at version 3.3.11
[ INFO] Update result: you already have the latest tools
[ INFO] Configuration is unchanged: using existing templates
[ ERROR] Failed to parse command line arguments at android
Have a feeling this is because I'm working in a collaborative environment and something is getting mangled, just not sure what.
I'm using this method for collaboration: How can I add another collaborator to my project?

Error with use of new build tools version: 3.3.0

I was prompted to download the new forge tools version, and then I've successfully downloaded the version 3.3.0 from
Next I've run "source"
After that, I then run "forge build", and I get the following message:
(forge-environment) forge build
[ INFO] Forge tools running at version 3.3.0
[ INFO] Update result: you already have the latest tools
[ INFO] Your app configuration has changed: we need to rebuild your app
[ INFO] Starting new build
[ ERROR] Forge API call to app/5164f58e8cfb11e1931112313d1adcbe/template went wrong:
The platform version requested is incompatible with the version of the build tools you
are using.
Requested Forge platform version: v1.2
Your current build tools version: 3.3.0
Update your build tools from:
Is there an additional setup that I should do?
The v1.2 platform was temporarily incompatible with the newest build tools: we fixed that and pushed out an update.
If you try to run forge build again, you should be good to go.
