Get column index and sort order while performing sorting using tablesorter? - tablesorter

Am using tablesorter to sort my table html table. Is it possible to get column index and sort order using tablesorter?

Can you share some more details about when you need this information.
I wrote this answer assuming you want the sort information after a sort. In this example, only the first sorted column information is returned, but all sorted columns would be contained within the table.config.sortList variable (demo):
$(function () {
.on('sortEnd', function(){
var currentSort = this.config.sortList,
firstColumn = currentSort[0][0],
firstColumnDirection = currentSort[0][1] === 0 ? 'Ascending' : 'Descending';
console.log('column = ' + firstColumn, ', direction = ' + firstColumnDirection);
theme: 'blue'


Display the number of selected column for batch actions with Active Admin

Hi I am developing admin page with Active Admin.
I made a batch action and now I try to show the number of 'selected' column. but I cannot find the way.
This is the batch actions what I wanted (by NG-admin).
Can I make '3 Batch Actions' instead of just 'Batch Actions'? Or can I display the number of selected column in different way?
oh I use this.
// app/assets/javascripts/active_admin.js
$(document).ready(function() {
$('input.collection_selection').on("click", countChecked);
$('input.toggle_all').on("click", countChecked);
let countChecked = function() {
let menuButton = $('a.dropdown_menu_button');
setTimeout(function() {
let count = $('input.collection_selection:checked').length;
if (count > 0) { menuButton.append("<span> (" + count + ")</span>"); }

Free Text Entry in Angular Material mdAutoComplete

I want my angular material autocomplete to be a list of suggestions but not requirements. However I'm not sure how to implement as their is no clear example from the Angular Material docs.
In the example below my model is $ctrl.item.category
Clearly the example below is wrong, as my model is linked to md-selected-item, but this only works if I select an item. I want the user to be able to free enter the text if the item is not in the list. Basically how autocomplete already works in most browsers.
I see plenty of questions on how to disable this, but they are not trying to disable so much as clean up the left over text when an item is not selected. In these cases when an item is not selected then the model value is null, but text is left in the input.
I want the text left int he input to be the model value if the person does not select (or a match is not made).
md-floating-label="Category Name"
md-items="category in $ctrl.categories"
span(md-highlight-text="catSearch" md-highlight-flags="^i") {{category}}
My options ($ctrl.categories) is an array of strings ['Food','Liqour'] and I wan the user to be able to use one of those or free enter Tables as their choice.
In this case you should link md-search-text to your model.
If you want to implement fuzzy search you have to write the filter method yourself. Look at this example:
md-items="item in $ctrl.itemsFilter()"
<span md-highlight-text="$ctrl.query">{{item.label}}</span>
No item matching "{{$ctrl.query}}" were found.
<div ng-messages="$ctrl.myValidator($ctrl.query)">
<div ng-message="short">Min 2 characters</div>
<div ng-message="required">Required value</div>
var items = [ ... ];
ctrl.itemsFilter = function itemsFilter() {
return ctrl.query ? filterMyItems(ctrl.query) : items;
ctrl.myValidator = function (value) {
return {
short: value && value.length < 2,
required : value && value.length < 1,
then you just need to add filterMyItems method to filter your items
To improve the answer of #masitko, I have implemented the filter in a way, that it adds the query to the filtered list. So it becomes selectable and a valid option. So it's possible to make the autocomplete a suggestion box.
I'm using ES6 in my projects. But it should be easily adaptable to ES5 code.
myFilter() {
if (!this.query) return this.items;
query = this.query.toLowerCase(),
// filter items where the query is a substing
filtered = this.items.filter(item => {
if (!item) return false;
return item.toLowerCase().includes(query);
// add search query to filtered list, to make it selectable
// (only if no exact match).
if (filtered.length !== 1 || filtered[0].toLowerCase() !== query) {
return filtered;

How to pass a function to angular ui-grid column total

I'm using angular ui-grid (no ng-grid) and want to pass a function to calculate a column's total value. In the documentation they explicitly say it is possible; it is just that I canĀ“t find how to do it.
This is how I'm showing a total (sum) for another columns:
aggregationType: uiGridConstants.aggregationTypes.sum,
aggregationHideLabel: true,
footerCellFilter: 'currencyFilter',
footerCellClass: 'ui-grid-centerCell'
Now, instead of using uiGridConstants.aggregationTypes.sum, I want to pass a function to calculate the value.
Many thanks and bye ...
My Idea is to Create a method in your Controller like
$scope.sum = function(row){
var sum1 = row.entity.sum1 + row.entity.sum2;
console.log('Sum of Value is = ',sum1);
Note : sum1 and sum2 is columnDefs of Field value like
$scope.gridsOptions = {
columnDefs : [
field : 'sum1',
name :'xx'
field : 'sum2',
name : 'xxx'
You can also solve this by adding custom tree aggregation.
treeCustomAggregations: {
sum: {
aggregationFn: stats.aggregator.sumSquareErr, finalizerFn: function (aggregation) {
//Do rest of your calculations here
var total = $scope.gridApi.grid.columns[column_number].getAggregationValue() ;
aggregation.value = total ;
aggregation.rendered = (aggregation.value).toFixed(1);
Or you can refer this question for custom aggregate template and calling your custom function from it.

tablesorter to sort columns which has <br> within them

I have a table which has one of the column's as datetime: eg: 1/11/2011 12:34 PM
Unfortunately, the width of the column does not allow me to display datetime in full length in one line, hence I am displaying the contents in two lines, like
12:34 PM
But tablesorter will not work if the column contents have a <br> in them. Any idea how I can achieve sorting via tablesorter for this issue? I am having tablesorter revision 2.0.5b. I cannot upgrade to newer version because it might break existing features of the rails app.
tablesorter is the jquery plugin
You'll probably need a custom parser to remove the carriage return; honestly, I don't think a <br> needs to be added if the text is allowed to wrap, and you set a width for that column.
Anyway, try this code (demo)
$(function () {
// set a unique id
id: 'date',
is: function (s, table, cell) {
// return false so this parser is not auto detected
return false;
format: function (s, table, cell, cellIndex) {
// replace extra spacing/carriage returns
var str = s.replace(/\s+/g," "),
date = new Date( str );
return date instanceof Date && isFinite(date) ? date.getTime() : s;
// set type, either numeric or text
type: 'numeric'
theme: 'blue',
headers: {
7: { sorter: 'date' }

how to pass value of hidden column as extra parameter to editurl in jqgrid

i have a hidden column in my grid. i want to pass the value of this column to my editurl when i want to add a new row. I tried using
onclickSubmit: function (options, postdata) {
var rowid = postdata[ + "_id"];
var dataF = jQuery('#list').jqGrid ('getCell', rowid, 'account');
return {account:dataF};
inside the add options of navgrid but this passes NULL value !
please help
