Display the number of selected column for batch actions with Active Admin - ruby-on-rails

Hi I am developing admin page with Active Admin.
I made a batch action and now I try to show the number of 'selected' column. but I cannot find the way.
This is the batch actions what I wanted (by NG-admin).
Can I make '3 Batch Actions' instead of just 'Batch Actions'? Or can I display the number of selected column in different way?

oh I use this.
// app/assets/javascripts/active_admin.js
$(document).ready(function() {
$('input.collection_selection').on("click", countChecked);
$('input.toggle_all').on("click", countChecked);
let countChecked = function() {
let menuButton = $('a.dropdown_menu_button');
setTimeout(function() {
let count = $('input.collection_selection:checked').length;
if (count > 0) { menuButton.append("<span> (" + count + ")</span>"); }


How to embed html in Google Forms question's description

I am trying to adapt Zack Akil's script to generate a Google Form from a Google Sheet using App Script, but one thing that I am struggling with is to make the sheet's input parsed as HTML. I generate a form based on my sheet, all the text on cells is placed in Forms as plain text, the HTML is not parsed (see figure below).
I pasted the script from Zack and I kindly ask you to point out where should I modify in order to have this parsed on the form.
function getSpreadsheetData(sheetName) {
// Return an list of objects (one for each row) containing the sheets data.
var arrayOfArrays = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName(sheetName || 'Sheet1').getDataRange().getValues();
var headers = arrayOfArrays.shift();
return arrayOfArrays.map(function (row) {
return row.reduce(function (memo, value, index) {
if (value) {
memo[headers[index]] = value;
return memo;
}, {});
function create_ranges_for_data(form, data, data_section_name){
// loop throughh each row
data.forEach(function (row) {
// create a new question page
// add page title
// create number range input with the title being the document to be labeled
.setBounds(1, 10)
function make_form_using_column(column_name) {
// create a new Google Form document
var form = FormApp.create('Data labelling - ' + column_name)
desc = "Thank you for taking the time to label this data!";
var data = getSpreadsheetData();
create_ranges_for_data(form, data, column_name);
function gen_form(){
var COLUMN_TO_USE = 'Input text'
You can't use HTML text formatting. most sites block it because it poses a security risk. You might need to install an add-on or, like fullfine said, use bold text.

Get column index and sort order while performing sorting using tablesorter?

Am using tablesorter to sort my table html table. Is it possible to get column index and sort order using tablesorter?
Can you share some more details about when you need this information.
I wrote this answer assuming you want the sort information after a sort. In this example, only the first sorted column information is returned, but all sorted columns would be contained within the table.config.sortList variable (demo):
$(function () {
.on('sortEnd', function(){
var currentSort = this.config.sortList,
firstColumn = currentSort[0][0],
firstColumnDirection = currentSort[0][1] === 0 ? 'Ascending' : 'Descending';
console.log('column = ' + firstColumn, ', direction = ' + firstColumnDirection);
theme: 'blue'

jqTreeView - getting selected node's value in select event

Following is how I populate my jqTreeView.
new JQTreeView
DataUrl = Url.Action("RenderTree"),
Height = Unit.Pixel(500),
Width = Unit.Pixel(150),
HoverOnMouseOver = false,
MultipleSelect = false,
ClientSideEvents = new TreeViewClientSideEvents()
function spawnTabAction(args, event) {
public JsonResult RenderTree()
var tree = new JQTreeView();
List<JQTreeNode> nodes = new List<JQTreeNode>();
nodes.Add(new LeafNode { Text = "Products", Value="Product/Product/Index" });
FolderNode fNode = new FolderNode { Text = "Customers" };
fNode.Nodes.Add(new LeafNode() { Text = "Today's Customers", Value = "Customer/Customer/Today" });
nodes.Add(new LeafNode { Text = "Suppliers", Value = "Supplier/Supplier/Index" });
nodes.Add(new LeafNode { Text = "Employees", Value = "Employee/Employee/Index" });
nodes.Add(new LeafNode { Text = "Orders", Value = "Order/Order/Index" });
return tree.DataBind(nodes);
What I want to do is spawn a tab based on the Value of the selected node. I tried a lot but couldn't get hold of the selected node's value.
Later I checked the DOM of rendered page and found that the value is nowhere added to the node but magically when I select the node the value appears in a hidden control by the name treeview_selectedState (treeview being the id of the control). I even traced all ajax calls but couldn't find anything.
1) Where does it keep the Values of tree nodes?
2) How do I get the Selected Node's value in select event?
I even tried to get the treeview_selectedState control's value in select event but it returned [].
Then I added a button the view and hooked that onto a js function and found the value there. It makes me think that the value is not available in select event, am I right in thinking that?
I don't think getting selected node's value should be a this big deal? Am I missing something very obvious?
After trying so many things , I checked their demo and found the hints there (I shouldve done this as the first thing).
It was actually pretty straight forward
function spawnTabAction(args, event) {

Two related questions on jqGrid column header filters and the advanced filtering dialog

In developing my first ASP.NET MVC 3 app using the jqGrid to display some data, I'm using the column header filters and also allowing for the advanced filter toolbar filtering to be done. Independently these things work pretty well.
First question - Has anyone a solution for communicating the current column header filter settings to the advanced filters?
As an example, a user can filter on the "Ice Cream Name" column, entering a partial name, e.g., "Chocolate", and it'll filter down to "Chocolate Explosion", "Dark Chocolate", etc. - great. What would be nice would be to open the advanced filter and have that "contains 'Chocolate'" column filter automatically populated in the advanced filter. I recognize that the other direction (where someone could AND or OR two values for the same column, e.g. 'Chocolate' OR 'Caramel') becomes problematic but in the other direction, it seems like it might be possible. Perhaps this is just a setting of the grid I'm missing. Anyone solved this?
Second question - I currently can do some filtering with the column header filters, show some result set in the grid and then go into the advanced filter dialog and set up a different filter. That will display the correct results but the column header filters are not cleared, giving the impression that the filtering is not working. How can I reset those column header filters after the use clicks the "Find" button on the dialog?
I find your question very interesting, so I prepared the demo which demonstrate how one can combine Advanced Searching dialog and Toolbar Searching in one grid.
One important, but simple trick is the usage of recreateFilter: true. Per default the searching dialog will be created once and then will be only hide or show. As the result the postData.filters parameter will be not refreshed. After setting recreateFilter: true the problem with filling of the advanced searching dialog with the values from the searching toolbar will be solved. I personally set the default searching options as the following
multipleSearch: true,
multipleGroup: true,
recreateFilter: true,
overlay: 0
Now to more complex part of the solution is the function refreshSerchingToolbar which I wrote. The function is not so simple, but it's simply in use:
loadComplete: function () {
refreshSerchingToolbar($(this), 'cn');
The last parameter is the same parameter which you used as defaultSearch property of the searching toolbar method filterToolbar (the default value is 'bw', but I personally prefer to use 'cn' and set jqGrid parameter ignoreCase: true).
If you fill the advanced searching dialog of the demo with the following field
and click the "Find" button, you will have the following grid:
(I marked the 'Total' column as non-searchable with respect of search: false to show only that all works correctly in the case also)
One can see that all fields of the searching toolbar excepting "Amount" are filled with the values from the searching dialog. The field are not filled because we used "grater or equal" operation instead of "equal". The function refreshSerchingToolbar fills only the elements of the searching toolbar which can be produced by the
Just as a reminder I should mention that in case of the usage of Filter Toolbar it is very important to define searchoptions.sopt options of the colModel. For all non-string column contains (dates, numbers, selects, int, currency) it is extremely important to have 'eq' as the first element of the sopt array. See here and here for details.
If you change the filter of the Advanced Dialog to the following
you will have as expected
At the end I include the code of the refreshSerchingToolbar function:
var getColumnIndex = function (grid, columnIndex) {
var cm = grid.jqGrid('getGridParam', 'colModel'), i = 0, l = cm.length;
for (; i < l; i += 1) {
if ((cm[i].index || cm[i].name) === columnIndex) {
return i; // return the colModel index
return -1;
refreshSerchingToolbar = function ($grid, myDefaultSearch) {
var postData = $grid.jqGrid('getGridParam', 'postData'), filters, i, l,
rules, rule, iCol, cm = $grid.jqGrid('getGridParam', 'colModel'),
cmi, control, tagName;
for (i = 0, l = cm.length; i < l; i += 1) {
control = $("#gs_" + $.jgrid.jqID(cm[i].name));
if (control.length > 0) {
tagName = control[0].tagName.toUpperCase();
if (tagName === "SELECT") { // && cmi.stype === "select"
.attr('selected', 'selected');
} else if (tagName === "INPUT") {
if (typeof (postData.filters) === "string" &&
typeof ($grid[0].ftoolbar) === "boolean" && $grid[0].ftoolbar) {
filters = $.parseJSON(postData.filters);
if (filters && filters.groupOp === "AND" && typeof (filters.groups) === "undefined") {
// only in case of advance searching without grouping we import filters in the
// searching toolbar
rules = filters.rules;
for (i = 0, l = rules.length; i < l; i += 1) {
rule = rules[i];
iCol = getColumnIndex($grid, rule.field);
cmi = cm[iCol];
control = $("#gs_" + $.jgrid.jqID(cmi.name));
if (iCol >= 0 && control.length > 0) {
tagName = control[0].tagName.toUpperCase();
if (((typeof (cmi.searchoptions) === "undefined" ||
typeof (cmi.searchoptions.sopt) === "undefined")
&& rule.op === myDefaultSearch) ||
(typeof (cmi.searchoptions) === "object" &&
$.isArray(cmi.searchoptions.sopt) &&
cmi.searchoptions.sopt[0] === rule.op)) {
if (tagName === "SELECT") { // && cmi.stype === "select"
control.find("option[value='" + $.jgrid.jqID(rule.data) + "']")
.attr('selected', 'selected');
} else if (tagName === "INPUT") {
UPDATED: The above code is no more needed in case of usage free jqGrid 4.13.1 or higher. It contains the new default option loadFilterDefaults: true of the filterToolbar, which refreshes the values of the filter toolbar and the filter operations (if searchOperators: true option of filterToolbar is ised) if postData.filters and search: true are set (the filter is applied). Free jqGrid refreshes the filter toolbar on jqGridAfterLoadComplete (if loadFilterDefaults: true are set) or if the event jqGridRefreshFilterValues are explicitly triggered.
I know it's an old post - but if you have multiple grids on the same page the above code can add the filter text to the wrong grid.
Changing this in the first loop in refreshSearchingToolbar, from
control = $("#gs_" + $.jgrid.jqID(cm[i].name));
control = $("#gview_"+$grid.attr('id')+" #gs_" + $.jgrid.jqID(cm[i].name));
and this in the second loop from
control = $("#gs_" + $.jgrid.jqID(cmi.name));
control = $("#gview_"+$grid.attr('id')+" #gs_" + $.jgrid.jqID(cmi.name));
should do the trick.
Kudos to Oleg

jQuery UI Datepicker - How can i, on select, highlight a particular range of dates?

I want to, when the user selects a date, highlight the following 11 days. The intention is to show a 12-day range selected depending on whatever day was chosen.
I've seen the "date range picker" from http://www.filamentgroup.com/ suggested, but this doesnt really give me the visualization i want, it just lets a user pick a range (from/to) as i understand it.
Any suggestion on how i can realize this?
You can use the beforeShowDay event to give a CSS style for the dates you need to highlight.
var selected = null;
$('#datePicker').datepicker({beforeShowDay: function(date) {
if (selected != null && date.getTime() > selected.getTime() &&
(date.getTime() - selected.getTime()) < 12*24*3600*1000) {
return [true, "highlighted"];
return [true, ""];
$("#datePicker").datepicker( 'option' , 'onSelect', function() {
str = $(this).val().toString();
selected=$.datepicker.parseDate('mm/dd/yy', str);
