how to put iOS app on more country's stores - ios

I have an app on the iOS app store at the moment, and I've been asked to make it available on more stores. I can't see how I can change this (or even see what stores it is on). I tried adding a new version to see if the option becomes available but I still can't see where I can put it on more stores.

Log into iTunes Connect. Manage your apps. Choose your app. Click on "Rights and Pricing". There's a link for choosing the countries.


NSUserTrackingDescription failure

I have a build that is stuck in prepare for submission, it keeps telling me the following:
Your app contains NSUserTrackingUsageDescription, indicating that you will request permission to track users. To publish this information on your app's product page, you must indicate which data types are tracking users. If this is incorrect, update your app binary and upload a new build to App Store Connect.
No matter what I say or do I can never get beyond this. I have uploaded binary after binary and even answering the questions nothing solves the problem.
Suggestions? I can't seem to find a way to delete this "prepare for submission" without deleting the app that is currently on the app store.
Step 1:
Under the "Usage Data" Section. Select "Advertising Data".
Step 2:
Then enable the common options.
Third-Party Advertising
No, advertising data collected from this app is not linked to the user’s identity
Yes, we use advertising data for tracking purposes
That's All. Be transparent, If you are really tracking the users then select the related options.
It's counter-intuitive, but you are publishing App Privacy for a version of the app that is already on the App Store, not for the update you are preparing to submit.
So if the app version that's already published has NSUserTrackingUsageDescription, you need to select "Yes, used for tracking purposes" for now.
After you upload a new binary with NSUserTrackingUsageDescription removed, and it passes review ("Ready for Sale") you can change App Privacy and select "No, not used for tracking purposes"
My app wasn't live and in the App Privacy section I ran into the same error as the op. My app uses Core Location. To address this issue go to App Store Connect > App Privacy:
1- under Data Types > Location > I selected Precise Location > Next > Save
2-under the gray Location/Precise Location Section (pictured below) press the blue Edit Button and tick these 3 selections:
• Used for App Functionality
• Linked to the user's identity
• Used for tracking purposes this is the last option, you must tick Yes, we use precise location data for tracking purposes. This will make the error go away
Now the Location section it looks likes this and the error went away
Apple has made it complicated as ever, thanks again Apple.
As mentioned above we could not change the Privacy data types in the Appstore connect because the current live version does use that permission.
We did upload a new binary with NSUserTrackingUsageDescription removed, and just got rejected. they ask us to add that permission or modify the privacy section, which we can not do. We replied explaining the situation, I'll modify this comment according to their reply.
Update: At first Apple review team insisted we should either change the privacy settings (can't) or submit a new app version. I found this help page:
Which under "Adding and removing data types" Mentions this part:
"If your app is currently available on the App Store, make sure your responses reflect the data collected only from that app version."
I quoted it to Apple review team, and now finally update was approved!
We solved this issue.
We choose one option in App Privacy and select
Yes, we use product interaction data for tracking purposes
Question was:
Do you or your third-party partners use product interaction data for
tracking purposes?
Btw, we added nsusertrackingdescription property and ask user for permissions since iOS 14.
Although we tried to upload build without this flag, but no success.

Can i have two versions of one App with different BundleIds and same display names?

We've an Application which is already live and used by many users. Now that we've came up with newer Programming language and new backend. We have created a new version of the App with completely different programming language as the older one.
We have some users who are still using the older(Legacy services).
Is it possible to create a new App with different bundleId than the older App but the same Display name and also the same Screenshots in App store as the older App?
According to App Store Review Guidelines,
Don’t create multiple Bundle IDs of the same app. If your app has different versions for specific locations, sports teams, universities, etc., consider submitting a single app and provide the variations using in-app purchase.
The problem is, we also require the older App for some of our customers, who have not migrated to the newer services.
Does Apple allows to have exactly same looking apps with different bundleIds and same display name in App Store?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
It is possible to set this new version up as a new app, you can even use the same screenshots. What you cannot re-use is the app name displayed to your customers on the App Store (Entered in App Store Connect). That is unique and you will get an error if you try to use the same name. You can of course use the same on device name (entered in Xcode).
As long as you do not spam the App Store with "copies" of the app, there should be no problem, I've seen this countless times and there are also some prominent examples of companies "phasing" out their old apps. It would probably appropriate to remove the "old" app from sale on the store in the mid- to long-term though.

Delete Existing iPhone App

I have an iPhone app that now needs to be removed. I can do this by following the steps in iTunes connect:
Untick all territories in pricing and availability
Then in Additional Information : Delete App
I have completed step 1 and am about to follow step 2 but I have a question that I cannot find answered on any of their help/docs nor online elsewhere. Once I delete the app - it will get removed from the app store, but will it still stay on all users iPhones that have already got the app downloaded and installed on their phone? Or will it automatically be deleted/removed from all phones?
Ideally I need to remove the app completely so that it can no longer be used be new or existing users even if they already have it on their phone.
It will stay on the user's phones.
In your case even worse for you: If they backed up/synchronized the application LOCALLY via iTunes, they got a local .ipa-file (an instance of your app), which they could even restore, after they setup the device once again.
For the users this is a pretty convenient way. So, if you want to delete your application. Inform users about that step and if you have a good exit strategy, users will adopt this and will delete it on their own.
The app will stay on the users IPhones. There is no way to remove it remotely.
The only thing you could do would be to release new version with a lock but then you will probably get trouble with Apple.

Releasing a version of iOS app to a specific AppStore and availing the older to the rest

Now I have a major feature to release and I want to see the impact of it on a specific app store. The question is, if I submitted the app to the store and approved it.
Would it kill all other instances on all stores and my app would be available on that one specific AppStore?
It's not possible to "soft launch" an update by itself via iTunes Connect (only new apps by choosing the available territories for sale).
If you change the availability of your app to one country, users would not be able to download/purchase/update your app anywhere else, which I guess is something you don't want.
But it's definitely something you can hard-code. (Question is, if you really want this/it makes sense)
I don't think so , since when releasing a new version it automatically remove the previous ones from the store , so the new and only version is valid for the territories you select.

How to know number of user installed my ios application

Can any one suggest,how to know number of users downloaded my iOS app,number of user installed my iOS app,number of users uninstalled my iOS app?
You can see how many different Apple IDs were used to download your app(s) through iTunes Connect's Sales and Trends page. Unfortunately, there isn't really a way to see how many users have uninstalled your app. The reasons for this are:
Apple doesn't report it to you
Apple doesn't warn the app that it's being deleted before deleting
it (on the device), therefore the app won't have a chance to send
some sort of value to your server indicating that the user has
deleted it
What you can do, however, is see if the user has opened your app and logged in to your server in the last 3 months (for example). If not, you can pretty much assume they've deleted the app.
Third party libraries like Crashlytics can also be used to track various things in your app.
You can check the number of downloads at sales and trends in the iTunesConnect .
you cannot track the uninstalls but, you can use some third party libraries for Analytics (ex- Flurry, etc) .
App Analytics in the iTunes Connect website lets you track 'App Units'.
Click the date filter dropdown at the top right and choose a custom range to cover (if possible) your apps' entire history. It only lets you go back to April 2015 (as of Jan 2017) but this was enough for my needs.
