TeeChart ScrolllPager Tool - activex

I want to implement Scroll Pager Tool in my code. But not Getting this tool detail in EToolClass. Can anyone let me know how this tool can be implemented with TeeChart201464.ocx

This feature is already present in the public tracker:


Side drawer/window using electron.js

I came around SideNotes. The main idea is having a side window similar to macOS notification center mainly for note taking.
Can this be done using electron.js or other cross-platform tools? I've been trying to search but found nothing. Thought I may find an answer here.

How do I use a toolbar in AngularDart?

I just found out about AngularDart today and I want to build a sample app but I got stuck.
I'm currently browsing https://material-components-web.appspot.com/toolbar/index.html and I'd like to use the Waterfall Flexible Toolbar for my dart web app.
I'm using this website in order to reference the angular components for Dart https://dart-lang.github.io/angular_components_example but I can't find any toolbar examples.
Does that mean that I have to build my own toolbar? How can I do that?
Apparently in this case it's called Application Layout https://github.com/dart-lang/angular_components/tree/master/lib/app_layout

Using Print settings with Chromium Embedded Framework 3

I'm using the Chromium Embedded Framework in my Delphi XE7 application through the DCEF3 version.
Loading web pages through the TChromium object works fine. I also managed to get printing to work.
Problem: I don't seem to find how I can set the specific printing settings through the TCefPrintSettings in ceflib. The class is explained here, but I don't seem to be able to find out how to use it.
Anyone here that can point me in the right direction? That would be very much appreciated!
CefPrintSettings is relevant in the context of CefPrintHandler which is only used when running on Linux. To my knowledge there is little control over print settings in CEF.
See a similar question here http://magpcss.org/ceforum/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=13036&p=26102

Infragistics XamDataGrid - track selected row in view model

We're using Infragistics WPF v9.2 and MVVM
I'd like to track the currently selected row from the XamDataGrid as a property in the view model but I'm struggling to see how this is done. It looks like ActiveDataItem property would be the way to go but it doesn't appear to be on the WPF v9.2 grid.
The ActiveDataItem property would allow you to bind what is the active record to a property in your VeiwModel but wouldn't give you the actual selection of the XamDataGrid. For this you would need to use a custom behavior. The following link has examples of this for some of the Infragistics Silverlight controls and you could use a similar approach with the XamDataGrid in WPF:
if you can, pls upgrade to 10.3.
had the same pain of trying to get WPF UltraGrid to work with MVVM with older 9 version.
v10.3 version is much easier and better integrated with MVVM.
not sure if upgrade costs money, we had sitewide license

Windows 7 integration with Delphi

I need components to integrate my app to Windows 7. I'm talking about the taskbar's ability to have progressbar, buttons, text and so on.
What is the best you know?
I don't know about components, but I've seen a few blog posts that explain how to implement this yourself. Check out http://www.drbob42.com/examines/examinC5.htm and http://alex.ciobanu.org/?p=215, for example.
Daniel Wischnewski is developing some Windows 7 components for Delphi.
This video on his blog, demonstrates some of the features.
There's a package of Windows 7 components, free with source, at delphi.fsprolabs.com. The best I can say is that the components perform as expected, when you work out how to use them: the implementation is not very elegant and I found it hard to get started with them. Mason Wheeler's link to DrBob's post will get you to about the same point but you will gain useful knowledge along the way.
There is also a project hosted on goolge code from The unknownones with a component set
called TaskbarListComponents.
It looks to be a very nice and a complete implementation.
You can see them in action here.
http://www.vimeo.com/14291783 TTaskbarListThumbButtons and TTaskbarListOverlayIcon
http://www.vimeo.com/14354328 TTaskbarListProgress
http://www.vimeo.com/14356627 TTaskbarlistFormTab and TTaskbarlistControlTab
