Create Modal View with Save/Cancel button - ios

I'm pretty new to Xcode development (I'm using swift), and am building up my application flow in the storyboard. I'm attempting to create an "Add New" dialog in a similar style to that on the Calendar app.
In terms of structure, I have a UITableViewController that has a UINavigationItem on it (There is a UINavigationController before it in the storyboard. I have added a UIBarButtonItem with the Add Identifier, and created a Segue from it to a new UIViewController, using the "Present Modally" option to make the view appear in from the bottom.
On the "Add New" screen, I want to have a Navigation Bar at the top, with a Cancel Button, a Save Button and the page title (the same way the Calendar App Add Event view works).
Initially I figured I would just throw a UIToolBar item onto the page and create those items by hand. However, the apple standards seem to indicate that Toolbars should only ever appear at the bottom of the screen, not the top.
I can change the Segue to "Show", this causes the view to slide in from the right. It also sets the left hand button to a "Back" action (i.e. "
What is the apple-approved structure I should be using to do this? To summarise, I want to do the following:
Segue from the Add button on the List View to the Add View.
Animate the Add View in from the bottom
Display a Navigation Bar on the Add View containing three items:
Cancel (Far Left) - Returns to the Previous View (by sliding the view down)
Title (Middle)
Save (Far Right) - Performs a custom action (I can handle this myself)

You should present the "Add New" dialog inside another UINavigationController, even if you don't intent to push additional view controllers onto it once it is presented. This allows you to easily use navigation items again to show the buttons.


Dragging Bar Button Item to Navigation Controller fails

I am following a tutorial on Udemy about Navigation Controllers.
The instructions are to drag a Navigation Controller onto the storyboard, and then drag and drop a Bar Button Item on the right of its navigation bar to segue to another view controller.
However, when I drag the Bar Button Item to its would-be position on the navigation bar, no drop-zone gets highlighted, and the button gets added to a random tab at the bottom of the screen.
I have tried finding references to this problem but all solutions are programmatic and given the wysiwyg nature of iOS development I would like to solve it through XCode UI.
Is there some setup I must change or is this an XCode 7 discrepancy?
Try to add a ViewController and then in Editor -> Embed in -> NavigationController. Then it should work.
I have solved my problem by dragging the Bar Button Item into the Document Outline, below Root View Controller.
This automatically creates Left Bar Button Items and Right Bar Button Items, which gives you an opportunity to drag the Item in the section of the controller you like.

Swap/ Transitioning between views iOS programming

I am a newbie to IOS programming and currently i have a tab bar application with two tabs. I have two questions.
The first tab shows a map, imagine it with some pushpins. There is a button on the navigation bar and when this is clicked i want the map view to to move out and a list view to come in. You can see the UI from the image. The button is called list.
Now when i click list I want this view to go away and the list view to come in. So here are my questions ?
1) How do i do this ? I tried the navigation model but i don't want that because I do not want a back button. I tried to make two different views and just dragged the button to that view but the app crashes. I just want the list button on the nab bar and when clicked the view changes to the list view and the button text changes to map. So now if I click the button again it should go back to the map view and the button changes to list.
2) How do i achieve the animations for this ? Ive seen some app where the page flips around and I've seen some options like reducing the opacity etc but I want to achieve the flip animation.
Thank You for any help I get. I really appreciate it.
Interface Builder can do most of this. Hold down the control key and drag from your map View Controller's UIBarButtonItem titled "List" to your list View Controller, then choose the Action Segue "modal". An arrow appears representing the segue; click on it and use the Attributes Inspector to change the Transition to "Flip Horizontal". Here's a video
Or, you could do this programmatically with presentViewController:animated:completion.
Now to get back to the map from the list, I believe that must be done programatically. Create a method that calls dismissViewControllerAnimated:completion: and make your list View Controller's UIBarButtonItem titled "Map" trigger it.
After reading your comments, I am wondering... if the structure of your app is logically a tabbed app structure (as indeed you refer to it as a 'tab bar application'), shouldn't you consider using the UITabViewController instead of a NavigationController? That is what it is designed to do, after all.
If you do use a TabViewController you should reconsider your desire for flip animation, as that doesn't really make UI-sense for tabs. If you can dispense with the flip animation, TabViewController could be a good way to go and you should at least experiment with that before dismissing the idea. It is also designed to grow... you can incorporate any number of tabs in a tab bar. Check out the apple docs (with pictures!)
You will notice that tabs are at the foot of the screen, whereas your 'tab' navController buttons are in a navbar at the top of the screen. This also helps as your app grows, as it is straightforward - from a UI design point of view and programmatically - to incorporate navControllers as navigation tools within individual tabs. For example, if your map/list flip routine does indeed make sense for this part of you app, you can keep this as a single tab (in it's own navigationController) and add other tabs for other parts of the app...
From your comment, you are saying that you are interested in the navController-inside-tabBarController setup. In this case here are some ways to get flip transitions AND no back button..
(1) modal presentation
The easiest way to get what you want is to set up one of your viewControllers (say the map view) to present the other one (the list view) modally.
If in the storyboard:
embed your mapViewController in a navController with a navbar button for navigation to the listView as in your picture
add your listViewController to the storyboard and embed it in it's own navContoller (not the mapViewController's navController). Drag a barButtonItem to this navController and wire it up to an IBAction in listViewController
CTRL-drag from mapViewController's 'list' button to the listViewController to create a segue. Select the segue and in the attributes inspector set the segue type to 'modal', with transition 'flips horizontal' and 'animated' checked. Give it a name in case you want to refer to it in code.
in the listViewController's IBAction add this:
[[self presentingViewController] dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil];
That should achieve your result. You can use the completion block to send information back from the list view to the map view, and/or set the map view as the listView's delegate.
If you are not using the storyboard check this apple guide
Presenting View Controllers from Other View Controllers
especially "Presenting a View Controller and Choosing a Transition Style".
There is one catch with this approach - when the presented view flips onto the screen, the entire previous view, including the tab bar, is flipped out of the way. The idea is that this is a modal view which the user is required to dismiss before doing anything else in the app.
(2) push/pop in a single navController If this does not suit your intent, you can navigate using a single NavigationController with push and popping of views, and you can hide the back button ... but you really would need to keep the back button functionality as you do want to go back to the mapView, not on to a new map view.
To hide the back button try:
self.navigationItem.hidesBackButton = YES
in the uppermost viewControllers' viewDidLoad
Then you can add a barButtonItem in the xib/storyboard, with this kind of IBAction:
[self popViewControllerAnimated:NO]
[self popToRootViewControllerAnimated:NO]
You would have to construct the flip animation in code as it is not supported as a built-in with UINavigationController (best left as an exercise for the reader!)
(3) swapping views in a single viewController As ghettopia has suggested, you could use a single viewController inside a navController (or with a manually place navBar) and swap two views around using the UIView class methods
This could be a good simplifying solution as your list and map are essentially two views of the same data model.

Tabbar not showing in ios application

i am making one iOS tabbar application in that i have put 4 different tabs and whenever i click on 1 st tab and load another view after clicking of the first tab. After that when i press back button then tabbar is not displaying .So that i want hint that how can i show that
back the tabbar when we move from one tab from another and yes how i can use consistent the tabbar in whole application can you just guys help me on this i am new to iOS development.
here i am put the screen shot ...
here first screen is this one..
when i tap the video button that are first in the view then another window open
which are as under and see the tabbar is not there...
when in video controller there is tabbar is there but i drag and connect to that then tabbar is disabled
Looking at your screen snapshots, do I correctly assume you're attempting to transition to the "Videos" scene by touching the big "Videos" button in the center of the "Home" scene (rather than touching the tab bar button at the bottom of the screen, which I assume works fine)? If that's the case, you need to have your button tell the view controller's tab bar controller that you want to change the index of the tab bar, and it takes care of it for you. You cannot do the transition using a segue (or at least not without a custom segue, which is even more complicated than the procedure I outline below). If you're changing the view some other way (e.g. using a standard segue or using presentViewController, pushViewController programmatically, etc.), your tab bar can disappear on you.
You later said:
when in video controller there is tabbar is there but i drag and connect to that then tabbar is disabled
Yes, that's true. You cannot use a segue from one of your big buttons to one of the tabs in your tab bar. (Or technically, if you wanted to use a segue, it would be a custom segue which would do something very much like my below code, though perhaps a tad more complicated.) So, rather than using a segue for your big button, you need to write an IBAction (connected to the big Videos button on the Home scene), that tells the tab bar to change its selection:
- (IBAction)clickedVideosButton:(id)sender
[self.tabBarController setSelectedIndex:1];
A couple of comments:
My answer was predicated on the assumption that your tab bar works as expected when you tap on the buttons of the tab bar, itself. If you tap the buttons at the bottom of the screen, do you transition to your other views correctly and preserve the tab bar? If so, my answer above should solve your issues in getting the big buttons to work. If not, though, then the problem rests elsewhere and you need to show us your code that might account for that (either you're something non-standard in the UITabBarControllerDelegate methods, or your viewDidLoad of the view is doing something nonstandard).
If I understand your user interface design right, you have the tab bar at the bottom as well as the big buttons in the middle, which presumably do the same thing. That is, no offense, a curious user interface design (duplicative buttons, requiring extra tap on a button, etc.). You might want to choose to either use either big buttons (in which you can retire the tab bar, eliminate the IBAction code I've provided above, and just use a nice simple navigation controller and push segues, for example), or just use the tab bar (and lose the home screen, lose the big buttons, etc.).
You also made reference to "press back button", and I don't see any "back" button on any of your screen snapshots. Do I infer that you have a navigation controller and you're doing a pushViewController or push segue somewhere? If you're doing something with back buttons, you might need to clarify your question further.

Segue Into another view without Nav Bar

I have created a new ios application using Single view application template in xcode 4.3 and added another view to that. In the first view i careated a command button as "show second view" and on second view i added a command buttion as "Show first view". I created a segue (of type push) from first view command buttion to second view.
When i click the "show second view" button from the first view, the second view comes up. But it comes up with the default navigation bar containing the default back buttion. I want to hide this navigation bar and present the second widow in full scrren without title bar. and when I click the "Show first view" on the second view I want to show the fist view.
How do I make it so the second view comes up but without the navigation bar?
You can hide navigation bar by messaging this -
[self.navigationController setNavigationBarHidden:TRUE]
A modalViewController might be better suited for this situation.

storyboard uinavigationcontroller does not allow me to drag items in

I have an existing ios5/xcode 4.2 app, and I want a button to open a view that will display a list of items, and have a back button and an add new button.
I thought I could achieve this by adding a button to the main view controller, then dragging in to the storyboard a new UITableViewController, then embed a UINavigationController (editor->Embed In->Navigation Controller).
Then i right clicked on the button, dragged it to the navigation controller, and thought, ok this should work.
However, there is no back button, and xcode will not let me drag one in, nor will it allow me to drag in the button bar item "[+]" for the link to add new.
When I run the app, the list shows, of course I have no way to go back to the view controller with the button on it.
What am i doing wrong? - thanks.
(my question is similar to this
but for xcode 4.2)
Embed the main view controller, not the new one, in a UINavigationController. This should add a simulated UINavigationBar to the main view (if not, set one up under Simulated Metrics). At this point you should be able to drop in a UIBarButtonItem to the main view's simulated bar.
Next, draw a connection from your button to the new UITableViewController to set up a push segue. At runtime, the back button will appear in the bar automatically.
Make sure when you try and drag the items into your view controller that the storyboard is zoomed in. XCode won't let you add items if you are zoomed out.
