Added another developer account to my computer and the old one no longer works - ios

I just added a 2nd developer account to my computer to distribute apps. I wanted to keep everything seperated so I created another account for it.
I can validate and send apps with the new account, but now I get an error when I validate apps under the old account.
the error says my bundle contains a key value that is not allowed, the complete error message is
"Invalid code signing entitlments the entilment in your app bundle signature does not match the one conained in the provision profile. the budle key keu value that is not allowed 73pngm574.abctest
I'm using the xcode wildcard id for my app so abctest is the bundle id and 73pngm574 is my dveloper id

One thing that has worked for me is using Xcode to set things up correctly for you. Xcode --> Preferences --> Accounts. Use the account setup to link to your developer account and Xcode should sync things up for you.
You may need to remove any old keys or profiles you've copied in or tried setting up previously. Not exactly ideal, but "usually" works for me.


Xcode does not automatically create app id on developer portal

As indicated in the title, Xcode is not being able to automatically create app Id and provisioning profile for an app i’m developing. I have checked the “Automatically manage signing” option but on the developer portal i can’t see any app id or provisioning profile matching the provided bundle identifier.
The problem arises only if I select, in the “team” selection, my developer account . For example, by using my enterprise account, the “waiting to repair” message is shown in Xcode and i can see the new app id created in the enterprise account portal.
If I change the bundle identifier and I select again my developer account, nothing happens, no errors and no warnings. I’m able to install the application on a device and all seems to be good. However, in my developer portal I still do not see the app id and provisioning profile so i can’t send the application to iTunes connect in order to submit to the Apple store.
Moreover, trying with other apps, all is ok even using my developer account.
I searched on line but i can’t be able to find a similar problem, are there any particular settings that are preventing the automatic Xcode app id creation to work for my app?
it seems it’s not a problem related to the particular app. In fact I tried to create a new application fromo scratch and i have the same problem. I still do not have the problem on old apps (already uploaded on itunes connect) but i have the problem on all the newly created apps. Is that a problem with my developer certificate?
I noticed that for all the newly created applications the App ID is set to: " * " (see image below). In my old apps the App ID and iOS Team Provisioning Profile are not equals to " * ". I have also deleted the wildcard id from my developer portal but the problem still remain.
I had a similar problem and i solved with a workaround. I have enabled push notifications in the "capabilities" tab (i.e, adding them to the entitlements), in this way the app id and provisioning profile have been correctly generated on the developer portal. Later, I have disabled push notifications (not needed in my project).
It's only a workaround, hope it helps
Somewhat related: I played around with Apples provisioning profiles in a desperate attempt of trying to wrap my head around their signing nightmare. In the process I deleted all the app ids from apple.developer that Xcode had automatically generated.
Afterwards I couldn't get Xcode to regenerate the app ids and I didn't wanted to manually create them, so what I had to do was to delete the automatically generated provisioning profiles from ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/.

How to generate new ipa file in xcode 8.2.1?

When I make build file that time showing one error. So please help me how to solve this error after make new build file.
I created developer certificate. I used this Automatic select mode on Xcode. I select Generic iOS Device in Build scheme. I try to many time but I show same error.
I attached My screenshot so please check it and give me response.
It appears that the bundle id com.2048light is used in another developer account. You need to change the bundle id in your project to something unique across all iOS applications and try again. A common mechanism to solve this issue is to put a company identifier in your bundle id.
For example:
where you replace mycompany with your name or the name of the company you are building the app for.
This error can happen if the computer you are building on does NOT have that certificate and is trying to generate one with a different account (Auto-Provisioning).
For example, you might be using your own personal developers account with bundleID: com.2048light.
Then on your company's build machine, you might be using the company account and the same bundleID. You can't do that.
You can either do one of the following:
Use the company account to run it on your own personal device.
You create a new bundleID for the company and build using that.
You copy your personal certificates to the company computer and build with that.
I would suggest doing #1. My company adds our personal devices to their list and makes us a member so we don't have to keep changing the project settings. If you can't do that, then do option #2.

An App ID with Identifier is not available. Please enter a different string

I've just enrolled in the Apple dev program, but when trying to create an APP ID in the Member center, I receive this message:
An App ID with Identifier is not available. Please enter a different
Before enrolling, I was using the same account (but not part of the developer program), and building my app for my own phone.
I'm 200% sure this bundle ID is not taken by anyone else but me.
How is that possible in such case? Can XCode register an APP ID by itself ?
I also notice an app id called "XC Wildcard" which is defined for any id "*"
I'm really kind of lost, so any help would be really apreciated.
This happened to me and it is because I had accidentally assigned the App ID to my personal account instead of my team account because I had automatically manage signing ticked in XCode. The error message means the ID has been taken and can't be used on your team account now.
You need to remove the App ID from your personal account, however because this is a free account you don't have access to do this so you need to contact Apple Developer Support and request that the App ID is to be removed from your personal account.
I called and they sorted it whilst I was on the phone. I was then able to setup the App ID with my team account. Don't forget to ask them to delete all versions of the App ID, for example, if you also have a .dev and .staging version of the same ID.
This one looks weird but this worked for me.
At first I had an App ID with Name "My App" with identifier "com.mycompany.myapp". I got the same error
"An App ID with bundle identifier X is not available. Please enter a
different string"
when I tried to export. But then I changed my App ID's name to "XC com mycompany my app" and left everything as it as. It worked now.
I have another use case, check if your App ID contains 'ios' in it e.g.
if so then you may need to remove it, this must be some recent change as I was able to register the App ID with ios earlier.
I am using Xcode 12.4. And I have been facing this issue with Free account. Now I added Bundle Id to my paid account. Went through so many answers but no luck.
Following steps solved my issue. May someone get help from this. thanks
Actual scenario so far I realized :
Main thing is when you build with Xcode then Bundle Id auto registered with account[free account]
Same Bundle Id is not working for new Paid account bcz of duplicacy
For free account it is not possible to remove app/Bundle Id from App Store Connect
So have to change Bundle Id for new Paid account.
If it was paid account then possible to remove Bundle Id from App Store Connect
Steps :
Sign with free account again on Xcode Team
Sync with Xcode which create provisioning profile to sync
Then change Bundle Id to com.domain.appnamefree and sync with free account again
That means apple auto registered with this Bundle Id for this free account
Once this change got applied, the real bundle id became free and available
Then delete the free account from Xcode account
Now add paid account to Xcode Team
Change Bundle Id to com.domain.appname
And sync again so that apple recognised this Bundle Id for this Paid account
You need delete all invalid provisioning profile from your Apple portal and create a new app id with bundleID like
Apple has just updated their Dev Center CGU. It seems that the app extension bundleId is stricter.
if your app bundleId format is :
your app extension bundleId now have to be :
Creating new appID and provisioning profile fix the issue.
here is link for more details
I have faced same problem like that 'An App ID with Identifier is not available. Please enter a different string'. I did removed all provisioning profiles from apple developer membercenter and removed account from XCode preference.
Afterward create new iOS development and distribution provision profiles manually. Download all via XCode and run... it working perfect and did export or upload next version to AppStore.
Please try this.
I got the same issue an app id with identifier is not available. please enter a different string. And i do this.
You have to create a new Provisioning Profile and the old provisioning profile which you are using delete it first And then create a new provisioning profile from whatever the Apple Developer account you are using.
Install your new Provisioning Profile and its working fine and you can archive the project easily.
It means what it states that someone has registered the same identifier already. Simply create a more unique string.
for me to solve the problem I changed my team to individual, from myusername(team), if you're an individual is what you should use, other wise if you're a company use your team.

WARNING ITMS-9000: "Potential Loss of Keychain Access"

I've got the following warning while uploading a new version of the application:
WARNING ITMS-9000: "Potential Loss of Keychain Access. The previous version of software has an application-identifier value of [''] and the new version of software being submitted has an application-identifier of [' This will result in a loss of keychain access. For more information, please consult (url)".
The issue may be because the application was transferred into another account.
The build was uploaded with the warning, but what does it mean?
From Apple's Documentation Archive, on Resolving the Potential Loss of Keychain Access warning
Potential Loss of Keychain Access. The previous version of software has an application-identifier value of '' and the new version of software being submitted has an application-identifier of ''. This will result in a loss of keychain access.
Note: This is a warning, not an error. You have the option of proceeding with the submission regardless of this warning, however this document should be used to determine whether you can safely ignore it.
This warning indicates that the App ID prefix of the pending submission differs from the App ID prefix of the live app in the app store.
Important: The only apps that can safely ignore this warning are those that do not use technologies that rely on the App ID prefix, like keychain access, Handoff, and UIPasteboard sharing.
Note: Apps that are migrating their App ID from an arbitrary Bundle Seed ID to their more-modern Team ID should expect this warning, and proceed with the submission.
For apps that do utilize technologies that rely on the App ID prefix, this warning should not be ignored. The Potential Loss of Keychain Access warning is an indication that the app was code signed with the wrong provisioning profile.
To resolve the problem:
You must locate or re-create a provisioning profile that uses the correct App ID prefix on the Certs IDs & Profiles website.
Click Edit on the profile to be certain the prefix is correct.
Click Download and save the profile to disk.
Optionally double check the App ID Prefix on the downloaded profile using the Terminal command in: How do I check the entitlements associated to my Provisioning Profile?
Drag the profile onto the Xcode icon on your Dock to install it.
Re-submit the app and code sign it with the newly restored profile that is associated to the right prefix.
"Keychain access" refers to all the functions in the Keychain Services Reference.
I think that the prefix is relationship to Apple Id. I migrate my App to other Apple Id and when i re create the App Id, was created a new prefix Id.
This error happened when I tried to submit an update my app. I got this working by setting the Provisioning Profile to a specific one instead of the default 'Automatic' setting which seems to use some default XC one.
If you have transferred your app from once organisation to another :
Note : A one-time loss in keychain data will occur if you switch your App ID prefix
I had same issue, finally resolved by deleting the provisional profile at ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles. and then downloading new from developer profile.
Go to the Finder then List item From the “Go” menu navigate down to “Go to Folder”
or Hit Command+Shift+G from the Mac OS X desktop or a Finder window
Search below Path ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles
Delete the profile which has wrong Bundle ID, if you click on file MacOS X will show details. You can verify the bundle ID.
I had the same warning. In my case I have a wild card application identifier.
So first of all I found this appID '' and removed it. Then I created new appID, but change teamID to 'A1B2C3D4E5'. As result I got a correct appID like this ''.
Then I regenerate all provision profile and everything works well. App didn't have strange behaviour in production.
But, pay attention please, I did it with wild card and I'm not sure if everything will be well with explicit application identifier.
This is a warning not an issue, when i got this error my build was
published to test flight by the way.
Scenario - When you transfer app from one account to another and then publish a build to appstore you get this error

Application Identifier Entitlement Value has Changed?

I just got this warning when submit my app to app store, it is just warning, not error. This app was transferred from another developer account to my account before, so the prefix of the App ID is changed.. I think this should be unavoidable, but since I got this warning, what does it affect my app actually? What Keychain access would be lost?
Have you transferred the app from another developer account to your one? The previous provisioning ID will obviously be different.
UPDATE - For clarification
I have noticed that this answer is getting a lot of views so I will just edit it to include my further explanation from the comments below.
Basically the previous version of your application will NO longer be able to access keychain in order to save secure strings such as passwords (if it contains this functionality). This is because the distribution/provisioning profile it was signed with contains a different ID than the one you are using in your new distribution/provisioning profile because you have transferred your app from a previous account to your new one.
However any NEW versions of your app which are signed with the latest distribution/provisioning profile WILL be able to access keychain as normal in order to save secure data if they need this functionality because they are signed with a distribution/provisioning profile which contains the latest App ID for that app.
The warning informs you that your updated app will not be able to access items previously saved in the keychain. The old version of your app can still access and store items in the keychain, just like the new version. However the two versions cannot share information in the keychain.
In summary, all data saved in the keychain will be lost once a user updates to the new version. All information stored in UIPasteboard will also be lost.
You can see this message if:
The app was transferred to your account and you are updating it for the first time. In this case there is nothing you can do to prevent the warning (and side effects).
Your app was added to iTunes Connect before June 2011 and you recently updated the provisioning profile used by the app. Either your old provisioning profile was using a wildcard (*) App ID and the new one is now using a specific App ID, or the opposite (less likely). In the later case you can switch back and avoid the warning (choose the correct provisioning profile in Xcode). In the other case, chances are your app needs access to services like Game Center, Push Notifications (or anything that a wildcard App ID will not let you use) and you cannot avoid the warning.
If you want more details, the warning is related to the fact that App ID prefixes are attributed by Apple and cannot be changed. Check the "App IDs" section in Apple's "Certificate, Identifiers & Profiles" page ( - you need to sign in), press on an ID and look at the "Prefix" field. You can also check Apple's Technical Note 2311
Lastly, you might thing you could avoid the warning by changing the Keychain Access Groups (keychain-access-groups) field of your provisioning profile. This will not work as Apple will not let you have different prefixes for the App ID and for the Keychain Access Groups.
As of the stricter security in iOS 8.1.3, this is much more serious than the warning suggests; see It seems like the mismatch causes a failure to upgrade to the new version. When I try to update via Xcode, it fails with an error to the device console like that in the Tech Note: “Upgrade's application-identifier entitlement string [....] does not match installed application's application-identifier string [....]; rejecting upgrade.” Trying to update via iTunes seems to fail silently.
I hope that the answer is simply “this error is simply an indication that Xcode has chosen the wrong provisioning profile,” verified as in But I last submitted my app many Xcode versions ago, and finding the right one may be a challenge.
Note the phrasing “Xcode has chosen the wrong provisioning profile”; to make sure that it chose the profile you thought you chose, click on the arrow next to the chosen profile’s truncated name in the archive verification dialog. To double-check this, submit to the App Store with a known error (I inadvertently used a missing icon), so that you see whether the warning appears.
