iOS. Settings bundle. Custom Child pane - ios

I have added Settings.Bundle to my app. I want to create several Child panes and I need to perform in them customization, like a cell in table view :(UITableViewCellStyleValue1 or any other).
It is possible to do such thing?
In my Root.plist I have specified 'Settings Page Title', but when my app is executed the title is not used.
The last Item(String) from 'Preference Items' is not displayed, why it's like that?
This is how I would like to customize Child Panes ( I mean text & position not color of background):
Is it possible to change fonts,frames of corresponding labels from code?
BTW, how to create preferences as Facebook, twitter, Flickr apps have?


Button with icon on Apple Watch

I'm creating an App for Apple Watch which has a menu with two buttons like the Instagram App does. I'm wondering how you can put an Image file and text inside one button.
(It's not two separate objects as both image and text grey out when you click it.)
The only thing I can think of is that the icon and text were created as an image file and used as the background image of the button. Could there be another way?
Add a group element and in the Layout property choose Overlap
now all objects in the group are stacked

How do I change the stacking order of objects in Xcode 6?

In my projects when I forget to add something in the Main Storyboard, I always have to redo the entire thing if I want to change the "layer order." For example, if I want to add an Image View (with full screen constraints) as the background after I've already some other elements, it will cover them. How do I change the "layer" that each element is on without deleting and remaking them? Thanks.
Click on the element you want to arrange, hit Editor > Arrange > Send to Back (or send backward depending on how you want to arrange it)

In Xcode Interface Builder - why are the options in the Editor--->Arrange menu (containing Send to Front, Send to Back) often disabled?

What I'm trying to do is simple: bring a label in front of an image within a subview.
But all of the options for arranging are disabled/un-selectable when my label is selected. I find this happens often.
What could be the reason that I'm almost never allowed to change the z-axis of my objects in the Arrange menu? Is it a better practice to avoid this feature and set the order of views programmatically?
It can depend on how you have selected the label (similar to how the label can only be moved with the keyboard when selected in some ways).
A simple alternative is to look at the list of view in the pane on the left and to drag the views up and down to change the order.
It happens sometimes. In that situation, click the view or image you want to send back then you will see little square box at the edges of image from which you can re size your image, Just click on it once and then go to Editor > Arrange > Choose option according your need.

JQueryMobile: Custom icons

I created a custom icon, when I assign it to a hard-coded list the custom icon shows. but when I place it to a programmatically added list in a table it doesn't show but instead displays the "plus" icon.
ironically when I try the "delete" built-in icon it properly shows but my custom made icon wont.
these are the scenario:
this is my custom button
$(".ui-icon-customicon").css({'background-image':'url("http://website/mycustomeicon.jpg")','backgroundRepeat':'no-repeat', 'height':'18px', 'width':'18px', 'background-position':'center', 'background-color':'white'});
when I use the above button to a hard-coded list in a Table it properly shows. But when I use it like this...
listItem = document.createElement('li');
my icon doesnt show. and instead it displays the "plus" icon. but when I try this....
listItem = document.createElement('li');
the button changes to the delete (builtin-icon) icon.
Anyone can help me whats the problem? please???
Updating lists
If you add items to a listview, you'll need to call the
refresh() method on it to update the styles and create any nested
lists that are added. For example,
Custom Icons
To use custom icons, specify a data-icon value that has a unique name
like myapp-email and the button plugin will generate a class by
prefixing ui-icon- to the data-icon value and apply it to the button.
You can then write a CSS rule that targets the ui-icon-myapp-email
class to specify the icon background source. To maintain visual
consistency, create a white icon 18x18 pixels saved as a PNG-8 with
alpha transparency.

Unable to edit content using admin part

I have to support a website developed in umbraco. I am totally new to this and this is am working on this for the very first time. My requirement is very straight-I need to edit the content of a webpage. When I too the page it opened with two tabs - Main Content and Properties. In the main content tab I can edit the Title, Banner image, Content header etc, but not the content of the page. It doesn't give any rich textbox to edit the content. I have uploaded the view of one of the page.
I need urgently need to edit the content.Please help with this.
The screenshot implies that the content should be under the "Content" headline in the right screen, but depending on how the documenttype for the frontpage i created, the content could be made up by sub nodes. try folding out the tree to see.
If it dos-nt make sence you can see what documentype a node is made on and what template it uses to display it by clicking the Properties tab. Then go to the Settings Tab in the bottom and see what that documenttype contains and how its displayed in the template
