RemoteFunction inside jQDateRangeSlider's UserValuesChanged Event - jquery-ui

I have one drop-down and a jQDateRangeSlider(a jQuery widget) in index.gsp of my Grails app.I am posting the value selected in the dropdown and the range selected over the slider to a query in my controller using remoteFunction.I want these three values(2 values from the slider and one value from the drop-down) to be posted to the controller when either of the following events occur:
Drop-down changes
Values over the slider change
The remoteFunction works fine from the onChange of the drop-down but when I replicate the remoteFunction inside the UserValuesChanged block of the slider, it throws an error.This is how my code looks like:
class PgtypController {
def ajaxGetMv = {
def pgtyp = Pgtyp.executeQuery("select p.date_hour ,p.visits,, p.browser,p.pagetype,p.platform,p.device,p.time_period from Pgtyp p where = ? and p.date_hour >= ? and p.date_hour <= ? order by col_0_0_ asc ",[ ] + params.list( 'date_hour' ))
render pgtyp as JSON
def dataSource
def datejson = {
def sql = new Sql(dataSource)
def rows = sql.rows("select min(date_hour) as a , max(date_hour) as b from pgtyp")
render rows as JSON
def index() {
<g:select from="['AFFILIATES', 'CSE','DISPLAYADS','EMAIL','MOBILEWEB','OTHERS','ORGANIC','SEO', 'SEM']" name="mv" id = "mv"
params:'\'mv=\' + escape(this.value)+\'&date_hour=\'+ z+\'&date_hour=\'+ b',
onSuccess: 'printpgtyp(data)')}"
dataFile = "http://localhost:8080/marchmock2/Pgtyp/datejson";
d3.json(dataFile, function(error,data) {
if (data)
dataset = data;
var min = dataset[0].a;
var min2 = new Date(min);
var max = dataset[dataset.length - 1].b;
var max2 = new Date(max);
function addZero(val) {
if (val < 10) {
return "0" + val;
return val;
var s = $j("#slider").dateRangeSlider({
bounds: {
"min": min2,
"max": max2
range: {
min: {
hours: 1
var m = moment(val);
return m.format("DD/MM/YYYY HH:00:00 ");
min: min2,
max: max2
x = (s.dateRangeSlider("values").min);
z = x.getFullYear()+'-'+(x.getMonth()+1)+ '-'+x.getDate()+' '+x.getHours()+':'+'00'+':'+'00' ;
var y = (s.dateRangeSlider("values").max);
b = y.getFullYear()+'-'+(y.getMonth()+1)+ '-'+y.getDate()+' '+y.getHours()+':'+'00'+':'+'00' ;
$j('#slider').on("userValuesChanged",function (e, data) {
var x = datavalues.min;
z = x.getFullYear()+'-'+(x.getMonth()+1)+ '-'+x.getDate()+' '+x.getHours()+':'+'00'+':'+'00' ;
var last = data.values.max;
b = last.getFullYear()+'-'+(last.getMonth()+1)+ '-'+last.getDate()+' '+last.getHours()+':'+'00'+':'+'00' ;
params:'\'mv=\' +$(\'mv\').value+\'&date_hour=\'+ z+\'&date_hour=\'+ b',
onSuccess: 'printpgtyp(data)')}
function printpgtyp(data)
}//end of printpgtyp
This however gives an error like this:
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token &
Can anyone tell me where exactly am I going wrong? If the code is working fine inside onChange of select tag then why am I getting this error inside UserValuesChanged of the slider?


OnMouseover - Hidden Tooltip for a particular series with C3 library

I have a LineChart with two simple lines, I have to have the possibility to hide the tooltips (render a line not selectable) for a particular series. Is it possible to achieve it with some apis provided?
I'm trying to develop my particular behaviour:
onmouseover: function (d, node){
if ("Requested")
__ what here?
I solved by adding the if statement in the content generator.
contents: function (d, defaultTitleFormat, defaultValueFormat, color)
var $$ = this, config = $$.config, CLASS = $$.CLASS,
titleFormat = config.tooltip_format_title || defaultTitleFormat,
nameFormat = config.tooltip_format_name || function (name) { return name; },
valueFormat = config.tooltip_format_value || defaultValueFormat,
text, i, title, value, name, bgcolor;
// You can access all of data like this:
var count=0;
for (i = 0; i < d.length; i++)
**if (d[i].id=="Requested")** {
if (! (d[i] && (d[i].value || d[i].value === 0))) { continue; }
// ADD
if (! text)
var formats=d3.time.format('%Y%m%d');
var date= new Date(formats.parse(scene[d[i].index].date));
title = date.getDate()+"/"+date.getMonth()+1+"/"+date.getFullYear();
text = "<table class='" + CLASS.tooltip + "'>" + (title || title === 0 ? "<tr><th colspan='2'>" + title + "</th></tr>" : "");
}//if requested

mongoid - mongodb, mapreduce get scope varriable or pass it to output

In mapreduce I have a scope total_count to calculate something after grouping something.
How can I get back the that scope varriable in output?
map = %Q{
function() {
ttotal_commission += this.commission;
tuniq_commission += this.commission; // add first if it not goto reduce
emit({ip: this.ip, campaign_id: this.campaign_id}, {commission: this.commission, abc: this.commission});
reduce = %Q{
function(key, values) {
tuniq_commission += values[0].commission; // add 1 and substract laster for uniq
var total_commission = 0;
values.forEach(function(value) {
tuniq_commission -= value.commission;
total_commission += value.commission;
return {};
final = %Q{
function(key, reduceVal){
reduceVal.ttotal_commission = ttotal_commission;
reduceVal.tuniq_commission = tuniq_commission;
return reduceVal;
temp = Transaction.all.limit(45000).map_reduce(map, reduce).scope(ttotal_commission: 0, tuniq_commission: 0).finalize(final).out(inline: true).first

Open infowindow with sidebar on Google Fusion Table

For the life of me, I can't get this map to open infowindows on the sidebar link clicks:
Here's the fusion table:
Which looks like this (CSV):
"1101 Twin View Boulevard, Redding CA",Redding's finest media organization with decades of experience & class.,,,The Record Searchlight
"1500 Court Street, Redding CA",Shasta Courthouse,,,
"777 Cypress Avenue, Redding CA",City Hall,,,
All I want to do is be able to click on the links in the sidebar and have the associated infowindow open on the map.
I'm new to javascript so I wouldn't be surprised if there's something obvious I'm overlooking.
Code from the linked page:
function createSidebar() {
//set the query using the parameter
var query = new google.visualization.Query(queryText);
var queryText = encodeURIComponent("SELECT 'Name','Description' FROM 1uQLxgNdNR_etBFP8O_0YNDA38PqyZB3NidIJfsgX");
var query = new google.visualization.Query('' + queryText);
//set the callback function
function myFTclick(row) {
var Name = FTresponse.getDataTable().getValue(row,0);
var Description = FTresponse.getDataTable().getValue(row,1);
var Location = FTresponse.getDataTable().getValue(row,2);
var Photo = FTresponse.getDataTable().getValue(row,5);
var Winner = FTresponse.getDataTable().getValue(row,7);
var position = new google.maps.LatLng(lat, lng);
// Set up and create the infowindow
if (!infoWindow) infoWindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({});
var content = '<div class="FT_infowindow">' + name;
if (Description) content += '<br>'+Description;
if (Location) content += '<br>'+Location;
if (Photo) content += '<br>'+Photo;
if (extraContent) content += "<br>["+extraContent+"]";
content += '<br>'+'zoom in';
content += '</div>';
content: content,
pixelOffset: null,
position: position
// Infowindow-opening event handler;
var FTresponse = null;
//define callback function, this is called when the results are returned
function getData(response) {
if (!response) {
alert('no response');
if (response.isError()) {
alert('Error in query: ' + response.getMessage() + ' ' + response.getDetailedMessage());
FTresponse = response;
//for more information on the response object, see the documentation
numRows = response.getDataTable().getNumberOfRows();
numCols = response.getDataTable().getNumberOfColumns();
//concatenate the results into a string, you can build a table here
fusiontabledata = "<table><tr>";
fusiontabledata += "<th>" + response.getDataTable().getColumnLabel(1) + "</th>";
fusiontabledata += "</tr><tr>";
for(i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
fusiontabledata += "<td><a href='javascript:myFTclick("+i+")'>"+response.getDataTable().getValue(i, 1) + "</a></td>";
fusiontabledata += "</tr><tr>";
fusiontabledata += "</table>"
//display the results on the page
document.getElementById('sidebar').innerHTML = fusiontabledata;
You have a javascript error in your code, look at the javascript console: Uncaught Error: Invalid column index 2. Should be an integer in the range [0-1].
Your query only includes two columns from the table:
var queryText = encodeURIComponent("SELECT 'Name','Description' FROM 1uQLxgNdNR_etBFP8O_0YNDA38PqyZB3NidIJfsgX");
Which means you can't get any columns beyond 0 and 1, so this will not work:
function myFTclick(row) {
var Name = FTresponse.getDataTable().getValue(row,0);
var Description = FTresponse.getDataTable().getValue(row,1);
var Location = FTresponse.getDataTable().getValue(row,2);
var Photo = FTresponse.getDataTable().getValue(row,5);
var Winner = FTresponse.getDataTable().getValue(row,7);
You need to include those in your query:
var queryText = encodeURIComponent("SELECT 'Name','Description','Location','Photo','Winner' FROM 1uQLxgNdNR_etBFP8O_0YNDA38PqyZB3NidIJfsgX");
Then access them in that order:
function myFTclick(row) {
var Name = FTresponse.getDataTable().getValue(row,0);
var Description = FTresponse.getDataTable().getValue(row,1);
var Location = FTresponse.getDataTable().getValue(row,2);
var Photo = FTresponse.getDataTable().getValue(row,3);
var Winner = FTresponse.getDataTable().getValue(row,4);

Trigger cocoon add_association from javascript

I am using cocoon and I want to automatically add a child record when a date(can be multiple dates) in a date picker is selected.
I can trap the date selections in coffeescript like this, but I don't know how to get a child record added through cocoon i.e. by emulating what happens when the link_to_add_association is fired.
$(".form_multidate").datepicker().on 'changeDate', (e) -> alert(e.dates)
the cocoon setup is a standard nested form, no tricks, working fine on the page.
EDIT: Code mentioned in comment re binding calendar:
$(document).ready(function() {
.bind('cocoon:after-insert', function() {
return $('.datepicker-single').datepicker({
dateFormat: "DD, dd M yy"
Calling a JS function in order to add a new record with Cocoon is not possible. The only thing you can do is trigger the click event of the add association button.
If you see Cocoon's library code you will see that all new record functionality is bound to the click button
$(document).on('click', '.add_fields', function(e) {
var $this = $(this),
assoc = $'association'),
assocs = $'associations'),
content = $'association-insertion-template'),
insertionMethod = $'association-insertion-method') || $'association-insertion-position') || 'before',
insertionNode = $'association-insertion-node'),
insertionTraversal = $'association-insertion-traversal'),
count = parseInt($'count'), 10),
regexp_braced = new RegExp('\\[new_' + assoc + '\\](.*?\\s)', 'g'),
regexp_underscord = new RegExp('_new_' + assoc + '_(\\w*)', 'g'),
new_id = create_new_id(),
new_content = content.replace(regexp_braced, newcontent_braced(new_id)),
new_contents = [];
if (new_content == content) {
regexp_braced = new RegExp('\\[new_' + assocs + '\\](.*?\\s)', 'g');
regexp_underscord = new RegExp('_new_' + assocs + '_(\\w*)', 'g');
new_content = content.replace(regexp_braced, newcontent_braced(new_id));
new_content = new_content.replace(regexp_underscord, newcontent_underscord(new_id));
new_contents = [new_content];
count = (isNaN(count) ? 1 : Math.max(count, 1));
count -= 1;
while (count) {
new_id = create_new_id();
new_content = content.replace(regexp_braced, newcontent_braced(new_id));
new_content = new_content.replace(regexp_underscord, newcontent_underscord(new_id));
count -= 1;
var insertionNodeElem = getInsertionNodeElem(insertionNode, insertionTraversal, $this)
if( !insertionNodeElem || (insertionNodeElem.length == 0) ){
console.warn("Couldn't find the element to insert the template. Make sure your `data-association-insertion-*` on `link_to_add_association` is correct.")
$.each(new_contents, function(i, node) {
var contentNode = $(node);
insertionNodeElem.trigger('cocoon:before-insert', [contentNode]);
// allow any of the jquery dom manipulation methods (after, before, append, prepend, etc)
// to be called on the node. allows the insertion node to be the parent of the inserted
// code and doesn't force it to be a sibling like after/before does. default: 'before'
var addedContent = insertionNodeElem[insertionMethod](contentNode);
insertionNodeElem.trigger('cocoon:after-insert', [contentNode]);

How to sort the items within each stacking column?

How to sort the items within each stacking column? Asc or desc.
Each series added to a chart is drawn on the chart in the order it was received. To change the order of the chart series you will need to change which series is the first in your list of series items.
That being said - what I think you want to do is to, independently of the series order, sort on each stack by value. I do not think this is possible in HighCharts.
You can only set global index of serie, but you cannot position each single "stack".
You may use the script below to sort the Stacked Chart Bars by category name.
var sortData = function(chartSource) {
var series = chartSource.series;
var axis = chartSource.xAxis[0];
var categories = [];
if($.isArray(series)) {
var ser =
$.grep(series, function(ser, seriesIndex)
return ser.visible;
function(dataIndex, datum)
console.log(datum.category + ':' + datum.stackTotal);
var obj = {
name: datum.category,
index: dataIndex,
stackTotal: datum.stackTotal
categories.sort(function(a, b) {
var aName =;
var bName =;
var aTotal = a.stackTotal;
var bTotal = b.stackTotal;
//if(aTotal === bTotal) {
return ((aName < bName) ? -1 : ((aName > bName) ? 1 : 0));
//} else {
// return ((aTotal > bTotal) ? -1 : ((aTotal < bTotal) ? 1 : 0));
var mappedIndex = $.map(categories, function(category, index) {
return category.index;
categories = $.map(categories, function(category, index) {
var newDataArray = [];
$.each(series, function(seriesIndex, ser) {
newDataArray = [];
var data = $.map(mappedIndex, function(mappedIndex2, origIndex) {
var ydata =[mappedIndex2];
var y = ydata.y
return y;
return null;
