webservices registration error - ios

After I return results from "GNSearchResponse" I get this error:
reportSearchResults = "RecognizeFromMicOperation: [5000] webservices registration error: GCSP: Hello error: [130] Please contact Gracenote ODP 04616 [Name: Steve McIntyre] [App: fb music] support.\n[Gracenote Error 130/74]";
Not sure what this error is. My app is registered. There's nothing that indicates I'm not registered. My app has worked up until a week ago.

I had to renew my contract for another year. Once I renewed, everything worked without changing any code.


Microsoft Graph returning Resource Not Found

I've registered an app in Azure AD and given it API permissions(both Application and delegated) to read all AD groups (Group.Read.All, also Directory.Read.All etc). Using this app I am using Graph Service Client to make a call to get user's AD groups.
public async Task<IEnumerable<GroupInfo>> GetAllGroupsOfUser(string mail)
IList<GroupInfo> result = new List<GroupInfo>();
IUserMemberOfCollectionWithReferencesPage memberOfGroups = await _graphServiceClient.Users[mail].MemberOf.Request().GetAsync();
.......... More code ........
It works fine for most of the users email but for few emails, which are present in the active directory, I'm getting the following exception
Code: Request_ResourceNotFound Message: Resource 'someuser#somedomain.co' does not exist or one of its queried reference-property objects are not present.
Your error is not that you lack certain permissions, and it has nothing to do with which api testing tool you are using. Your error is very simple. As your error message says, it is that you entered the wrong user email.
Your error message has clearly stated that there is no'someuser#somedomain.co' email, because this is not a correct email, it should be .com instead of .co.
So you must make sure that you enter the correct email without special characters or spaces.
This is my test result:

AWS Cognito Update user login issue in iOS

I am working on AWS Cognito login. It works fine in all cases such as SignUp, signIn, Forgot password etc. But it edit profile case, I am facing some technical problems. I edited my mobile number successfully.
In one of the case I provide wrong number and it throws an error like this,
[AWSJSONResponseSerializer responseObjectForResponse:originalRequest:currentRequest:data:error:] | Response body: {"__type":"InvalidParameterException","message":"Invalid phone number format.”}
I am using this set of code to update my profile,
[[user updateAttributes:#[attributes]] continueWithSuccessBlock:^id _Nullable(AWSTask<AWSCognitoIdentityUserUpdateAttributesResponse *> * _Nonnull task) {
return nil;
It provides only success responses. Failure responses are not coming inside this block. Can anyone help me how to get failure messages in this. I tried so many ways but still troubling to get proper solution. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks.

iTunes Connect submit for review - Your app information could not be saved. Try again

I get this error message when trying to submit a new version of my app for review:
While I've seen other threads about this error message, the solutions presented haven't worked for me and I haven't seen any mentions of the actual server error message I get. iTunes Connect responds with the following error message:
Error converting JSON string to object: Can not instantiate value of type [simple type, class com.apple.jingle.label.content.purple.to.LCSubmitForReviewTO] from JSON integral number; no single-int-arg constructor/factory method
Request details:
Remote Address:
Request URL:https://itunesconnect.apple.com/WebObjects/iTunesConnect.woa/ra/apps/123456789/version/submit/complete
Request Method:POST
Status Code:500 Internal Server Error
Full JSON response:
"messages": {
"Error converting JSON string to object: Can not instantiate value of type [simple type, class com.apple.jingle.label.content.purple.to.LCSubmitForReviewTO] from JSON integral number; no single-int-arg constructor/factory method"
I've tried clearing all cookies, and also changing to another browser, and I've also tried removing the build and adding it again, but I get the same issue regardless. Has anyone else had this exact problem? Did anyone find a way around it?
I just tried submitting my app again, after 12 hours of being unable to. It worked!

Paypal invalid token error when creating a recurring payment profile

I am trying to setup a recurring payment profile via the ExpressCheckout API of Paypal in Ruby on Rails with the help of paypal-express gem but i keep getting error code 11502 (Invalid token) => Paypal error code documentation
The documentation is a bit unclear because there it is not saying what's missing:
One or more subscription detail fields are missing from the request.
I have checked the required field in the documentation here but i don't think i missed any. No need for shipping details as we don't ship a product.
Here is a log of what is being sent to Paypal when i am doing the checkout and then creating the recurring profile:
2-month subscription x 2 staff", :LOCALECODE=>:fr}
{:TOKEN=>"EC-0H440138VJ9552235", :BILLINGPERIOD=>:Month,
:DESC=>"Plus x 2-month subscription x 2 staff", :MAXFAILEDPAYMENTS=>0,
:PROFILESTARTDATE=>"2015-04-25 16:39:24"}
Do you guys have any ideas of what could be wrong? I can execute a payment without any issue, the issue appear when creating a recurring profile.
Never mind!
I found what was wrong misread the gem wiki (https://github.com/nov/paypal-express/wiki/Recurring-Payment) and mistakenly mix instant payment request with recurring profile creation so there was no billing_agreement_description nor billing_agreements in the data sent to paypal...

QuickBooks Target is not reimbursable creating a check

VB.2010, QBFC12, Windows 7, QuickBooks 2010 Premier and Enterprise 14
When trying to create a check for expense accounts with non-billable and a customer name we get a error from QuickBooks
Status: Code = 3210, Message = The "billable status" field has an invalid value "NotBillable". QuickBooks error message: Target is not reimbursable., Severity = Error
It seems that it depends upon the account. But every account we try is defined the same in QB. All Expense accounts and the name. Nothing else is defined in the Edit Account.
What does this error really mean?
What is the 'target'?
How can I get it to create the Check with it marked Non-billable?
It is really strange. It seems that it can depend on which account even thought they are all defined the same.
Can any shed some light on this?
