Grails neo4j plugin issue - grails

I am trying to use 2.0.0-M1 version of grails plugin for neo4j but when i try to save any entity,it is giving me error :
The instance was updated by another user while you were editing. Stacktrace follows: org.grails.datastore.mapping.core.OptimisticLockingException: The instance was updated by another user while you were editing at
and if i try to use 2.0.0-M2 version,i got error :
groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: groovy.util.ConfigObject.startsWith() is applicable for argument types: (java.lang.String) values: [jdbc:neo4j:instance:]
Also tell me if 2.0.0-M2 is supporting rest or not.
Please reply fast.

Configuration has changed significantly from M1 to M2. Internally the plugin now uses the Neo4j JDBC driver. I didn't yet found enough time to update the docs, in the meantime refer to for a valid sample config.
The error you're mentioning seems to be caused by a incorrect configuration.
M2 is capable of working with remote database, just set datasource.url="jdbc:neo4j://localhost:7474/", see


Amazon DynamoDB with .Net Framework - ConditionalCheckFailedException

I have a .Net Framework MVC app and I integrated DynamoDB.
When I enter on any page, until the page is fully loaded, I get many DynamoDB errors.
Does anyone know what the issue can be?
I checked a lot (found out that is related to Http Modules) but can not find any reason.
I have AWSSDK.Core ( and AWSSDK.DynamoDBv2 ( packages installed.
After some more investigation I find that the error is because some files are missing. Example:
Locating source for 'D:\JenkinsWorkspaces\trebuchet-stage-release\AWSDotNetPublic\sdk\src\Core\Amazon.Runtime\Pipeline\ErrorHandler\HttpErrorResponseExceptionHandler.cs'.
The file 'D:\JenkinsWorkspaces\trebuchet-stage-release\AWSDotNetPublic\sdk\src\Core\Amazon.Runtime\Pipeline\ErrorHandler\HttpErrorResponseExceptionHandler.cs' does not exist
But I don't even have a D:\ partition. Where is this coming from?
You're doing some operation with a condition expression and that condition isn't fulfilled, that's why you're getting a ConditionalCheckFailed exception.
From the docs:
Message: The conditional request failed.
You specified a condition that evaluated to false. For example, you
might have tried to perform a conditional update on an item, but the
actual value of the attribute did not match the expected value in the
OK to retry? No
This is all I can tell you based on the amount of details (or lack thereof) you've provided.

Neo4j-enterprise does not allow deletions

I have been having this error for a while:
The environment I am using is:
Neo4j-enterprise 4.1.0 (AWS Ami ami-02a68ff704cf9a737)
I am trying to do a DETACH DELETE for cleaning up some nodes and I keep getting this error:
Neo4jError: Writing in reading access mode not allowed. Attempted to write to internal graph 0 (neo4j)
I have tried several things:
set flag dbms.read_only=false
create new users with permissions.
Signup for the startup program of neo4j with the same email I am using in AWS.
At this point, I am quite lost. I have to check many resources but I do not find the reason of this error.
Do you have any clue about this problem?
Thanks in advance!
I discovered the problem. It was nothing related to the Neo4j setup or with the configuration.
The problem is produced by an ORM I am using in JavaScript, Neode. I was using the function query, and it seems for some reason I had to use writeCypher after version 4.1.0 of Neo4j.

Grails warning about security issue when accessing domain object properties

I have a domain class called Profile. I tried to access its properties in the following code:
Profile p = new Profile()
// doing some changes = 'Larry'
// then I print out the properties, and this line of code raises warning.
Then the following warning message shows up:
WARN security.Security - An attempt was made to use the grailsSecurity bean, but there is no security bridge implementation defined. You must install a security plugin and/or provide a grailsSecurityBridge bean.
I do have a spring-security plugin. So I'm not so sure about the meaning of this security issue. A different security plugin?
I cannot find any information related to this issue. Could someone help me please? Thank you!
I did a search on "grailsSecurityBridge bean". The results led me to the Grails plugin platform-core:1.0.RC5, which was installed in my application.
So I created another project and tried to access the profile properties with and without the plugin. And the result showed that the plugin was the cause.
I'm not sure if I need this plugin in my application but at least I know the cause now.
I'm using another plugin "email confirmation" which depends on the platform-core plugin. So uninstall the platform-plugin is not the solution.
Instead, we should implement the graisSecurityBridge bean. Just follow the following links:

ORA-000904:"ATTRIBUTE". Invalid identifier 00904.00000-"%s:invalid identifier"

One of our client is getting error ORA-000904:"ATTRIBUTE". Invalid identifier 00904.00000-"%s:invalid identifier" while running script for creating the trigger in Oracle SQL Developer. I searched for this in the forums......i got this happens when using 1.5.4 version of oracle with the oracle9i. If they use 1.5.3 or lower version of Oracle SQL developer then this can be resolved.
But they tried 1.5.3 also but they are still facing the issue. They are also telling that this is happening due to the SHOW ERROR command after the Trigger Definition.
Can anybody have the idea about this???please help me...Thanks in advance
The error indicates that the trigger is referring to an identifier called ATTRIBUTE that does not exist in the current scope. If you post the code, we can be more specific, but I would guess that the trigger is incorrectly expecting a table to have a column named ATTRIBUTE or that the code is trying to use a local variable ATTRIBUTE that has not been declared.

When i used SMS plugin in grails i am getting error

i have service to send sms to the mobile through Application. I am getting the follwing error.
2011-06-06 19:37:35,729 [http-8080-2] ERROR sipgate.SipgateService - Server returned HTTP response code: 401 for URL:
This probably means you are using an invalid username or password
Have you set up the config as explained on the plugin page (at the top of the documentation)?
I also assume that this means your earlier problem was solved... Can you accept the answer if my answer helped, or explain what you did to fix it if it did not?
I agree with Tim. You can only log in, if your Sipgate-Registration was verified by Sipgate.
Points, which you can check to see if your account is not working:
Try to log in on the webpage
Use the Perl-Client given here:
The client can be downloaded at this location:
Hopefully you should not be able to do at least one of these things. Then you know you have to talk to the support # sipgate
The documentation on the plugin-page says, you have to have a 'conf/Config.groovy'-file. This means that you should have the basic Config.groovy file in the folder 'grails-app/conf/', which ships with every Grails installation. So my guess is that you might have created a different Config.groovy-file. So better check on the Config.groovy-file. The SMS-plugin should have generated some placeholders for you, where you need to enter your sipgate-account-data.
