ORA-000904:"ATTRIBUTE". Invalid identifier 00904.00000-"%s:invalid identifier" - oracle9i

One of our client is getting error ORA-000904:"ATTRIBUTE". Invalid identifier 00904.00000-"%s:invalid identifier" while running script for creating the trigger in Oracle SQL Developer. I searched for this in the forums......i got this happens when using 1.5.4 version of oracle with the oracle9i. If they use 1.5.3 or lower version of Oracle SQL developer then this can be resolved.
But they tried 1.5.3 also but they are still facing the issue. They are also telling that this is happening due to the SHOW ERROR command after the Trigger Definition.
Can anybody have the idea about this???please help me...Thanks in advance

The error indicates that the trigger is referring to an identifier called ATTRIBUTE that does not exist in the current scope. If you post the code, we can be more specific, but I would guess that the trigger is incorrectly expecting a table to have a column named ATTRIBUTE or that the code is trying to use a local variable ATTRIBUTE that has not been declared.


Error The database you are trying to open requires a newer version of Microsoft Access

I have a 2016 access file, when I try to access this file with an SQL or Access datasource in visual studio I get the following error message:
Database schema could not be retrieved for this connection. Please make sure the connection settings are correct and that the database is online.
The database you are trying to open requires a newer version of Microsoft Access
I checked my database and I don't have any Large Number in it so I'm not sure what exactly is the problem.
It was working fine before I did some changes with a few Date/Time data type but I since changed all the Date/Time to Short Text. I'm not certain if it has any relation to the error message but it was the only change I've made before the error.
Can anyone help?
I had this problem and its stems from the use of new data fields.
Eliminating them alone did not do the trick. When you use one of the new field types it steps the version up to 16.7, which is not compatible with earlier access versions.
Note that you can get the version number with ? Currentdb.Version in the immediate window
I had to run the compact and repair routine in order to get the version to step down.

How to display error occurred in script?

I think my question is already asked, but I didn't find any topic about that.
When I try somme script with kivy, I have sometimes errors (such as undeclared variable, bad indentation...), but Qpython don't display them.
I lunch kivy with:
and consequently, there is no console. A log is however present, but it's empty.
Is there a way to remedy this ?
Should I add a line to display error ?
PS: The "print" command is also useful, but not working (no console). I think it's the same problem.
The newest 1.2.0 version had fixed this blank log issue.

Grails neo4j plugin issue

I am trying to use 2.0.0-M1 version of grails plugin for neo4j but when i try to save any entity,it is giving me error :
The instance was updated by another user while you were editing. Stacktrace follows: org.grails.datastore.mapping.core.OptimisticLockingException: The instance was updated by another user while you were editing at org.grails.datastore.gorm.neo4j.NodePendingUpdate.run(NodePendingUpdate.java:83)
and if i try to use 2.0.0-M2 version,i got error :
groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: groovy.util.ConfigObject.startsWith() is applicable for argument types: (java.lang.String) values: [jdbc:neo4j:instance:]
Also tell me if 2.0.0-M2 is supporting rest or not.
Please reply fast.
Configuration has changed significantly from M1 to M2. Internally the plugin now uses the Neo4j JDBC driver. I didn't yet found enough time to update the docs, in the meantime refer to https://github.com/sarmbruster/neo4jsample/blob/neo4j_2.0/grails-app/conf/DataSource.groovy for a valid sample config.
The error you're mentioning seems to be caused by a incorrect configuration.
M2 is capable of working with remote database, just set datasource.url="jdbc:neo4j://localhost:7474/", see https://github.com/sarmbruster/neo4jsample/blob/neo4j_2.0/grails-app/conf/DataSource.groovy#L13

Umbraco 7. Can't leave numeric field empty

I am correctly upgrading a version 6.0.5 umbraco instance to version 7. The install seems to have been successful and all database changes seem to have completed as planned. However when trying to save a content node which contains a not required numeric field with no content supplied in the field, it fails to save with a validation error stating "The value is not a valid integer".
Has anyone else found this issue and a way to fix it as it's stopping me proceeding with the upgrade?
Thank you in advance
This has been added as a confirmed issue after other people could replicate it.
See my Umbraco forum post here.
Umbraco issue details available here
Thank you for the help

Do we need to update Orbeon?

We are trying to use the fr:error-summary component inside a 4 year old orbeon project but we can't make it work. We get the following error message:
Error Message
Cannot load "/xbl/orbeon/error-summary/error-summary.xbl" with webapp loader
Exception Class org.orbeon.oxf.resources.ResourceNotFoundException
The project is now using orbeon v3.7.1 and exist v1.3. Is this error due to an out-of-date build of orbeon? If not, how can orbeon be configured in order to make these lines work?
<fr:error-summary observer="my-group">
<fr:label>Your Form Contains the Following Errors</fr:label>
Thanks in advance!!
In short, you can't use fr:error-summary in 3.7.1 because it was not available as an separate, reusable component in that release.
You can see how it's hooked up in Form Runner in 3.7.1 here and here.
