Appium iOS Simulator Setup error - ios

I have a .app file that I copied to my mac in a local directory (Ex: /appium/ and I pointed appium to the .app file. I'm getting the following error when running in the simulator:
Could not save new Info.plist
Error: ENOTDIR, not a directory
Can any one resolve my issue? Correct me if i am doing any fundamental wrong.

I've gotten that error if I start the Appium server via the Mac App and point it at an .app directory in the Settings of the app.
You should try running Appium from the command line.


Xamarin IOS deployment fails. FileNotFoundException on info.plist

I have a Xamarin app which will not run. It builds fine but then fails with a FileNotFoundException:
Error: error MT1006: Could not install the application
on the device 'Counter's iPad': Could not find required file
. Please check the logs for more details.
I'm not sure what is up here - the info.plist file exists in the root of my iOS app and the app builds OK.
Can anyone help with this?
It is the normal issue with visual studio.
Delete bin and obj folder under the application, and run again.

running into error when running ionic cordova emulate ios

When trying to test my project on the ios emulator from Xcode on my Mac, i get the following error in the CLI :
"Error: tsconfig: Cannot read file '/Users/catalin/VetLab/platforms/ios/cordova/tsconfig.json': ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/Users/catalin/VetLab/platforms/ios/cordova/tsconfig.json'."
Thanks to everybody who has tried to help me with this problem. The solution I found was to run the command in the terminal after opening the IOS emulator in Xcode.

Appium iOS tests not running

I'm attempting to setup an automated testing environment using appium, however I'm running into trouble. The issue I'm seeing is that appium is extracting the zip containing the .app directory, but then claiming that it can't find the .app. My platform is mac. The exact error is below:
info: Unzipping /var/folders/0s/0kz_6kb13f35wxwjxkff9sdw0000gn/T/
info: Testing zip archive: /var/folders/0s/0kz_6kb13f35wxwjxkff9sdw0000gn/T/
info: Zip archive tested clean
info: Unzip successful
info: Got configuration error, not starting session
error: Failed to start an Appium session, err was: App zip unzipped OK, but we couldn't find a .app bundle in it. Make sure your archive contains the .app package and nothing else
info: Responding to client with error: {"status":6,"value":{"message":"A session is either terminated or not started","origValue":"App zip unzipped OK, but we couldn't find a .app bundle in it. Make sure your archive contains the .app package and nothing else"},"sessionId":null}
I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong in my code, below is the contents of my setup() method (which is basically copied from the official example).
DesiredCapabilities capabilities = new DesiredCapabilities();
capabilities.setCapability("device", "8b0949a1d3fe5d7283cc46ca5470acd67d6c5d7b");
File app = new File("/Users/user/path/to/zip");
capabilities.setCapability("version", "7.0");
capabilities.setCapability("app", app.getAbsolutePath());
driver = new RemoteWebDriver(new URL(""),
driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
Things to consider:
Your .zip should contain only the .app
The .app should be built in XCode with the same dev certificate that is used on the device (iPhone)
For me it worked this way: I built an .app from source in XCode and uploaded to the device. Then in Appium I just specified the Bundle ID (in XCode Window>Organizer>Apps if I remember it right) of the app.
For anyone with a similar problem: I fixed this issue by specifying the .app file but specifying the UDID of the device at the command line when running appium instead of in the test code. I think that specifying the 'device' capability causes an error (possibly makes appium think that it's android testing, despite writing out that it's looking for a .app)

Getting Error while deploying the application on iphone

I want to debug my database application after installing on device. The application is running fine over simulator but when deploying it over device I am getting error as:
Error launching remote program: failed to get the task for process 287
So I m not able to debug my application.
Please help to resolve this issue.
In the past errors like this were usually due to configuration issues.
In particolar to code signing entitlements plist file.
Try to check your project configuration and look for code signing entitlements plist file.
If such a file is present check the get-task-allow box in there.

Loading BlackBerry application from command line

I am following the instruction from "Using the BlackBerry Smartphone Simulator programmatically" to load a .cod file from the command line using fledgecontroller commands. I am calling LoadCod(D:\Sample.cod) and nothing happens; the application does not install on the simulator. However if I manually browse and load the cod from the simulator's “file->Load Java Program” option.
Do you get any error message at all?
If I try a similar thing (have a cod in C:\Sample.cod, connect using fledge and attempt LoadCod(C:\Sample.cod)) I get the following error message -
Jvm: could not open C:\Program Files\Research In Motion\BlackBerry Smartphone Simulators 4.5.0\ (8310)\sample.cod
I moved the sample.cod to that directory and it worked okay. If you get no error message I am not sure what the problem is. Are you definitely connected to the correct simulator session? What simulator and OS version are you using?
