Getting Error while deploying the application on iphone - ios

I want to debug my database application after installing on device. The application is running fine over simulator but when deploying it over device I am getting error as:
Error launching remote program: failed to get the task for process 287
So I m not able to debug my application.
Please help to resolve this issue.

In the past errors like this were usually due to configuration issues.
In particolar to code signing entitlements plist file.
Try to check your project configuration and look for code signing entitlements plist file.
If such a file is present check the get-task-allow box in there.


Xamarin IOS deployment fails. FileNotFoundException on info.plist

I have a Xamarin app which will not run. It builds fine but then fails with a FileNotFoundException:
Error: error MT1006: Could not install the application
on the device 'Counter's iPad': Could not find required file
. Please check the logs for more details.
I'm not sure what is up here - the info.plist file exists in the root of my iOS app and the app builds OK.
Can anyone help with this?
It is the normal issue with visual studio.
Delete bin and obj folder under the application, and run again.

"No valid iOS code signing keys found in keychain"

I want to test an iOS application using Xamarin Test Recorder using iOS simulator. To do that I want to publish the project. When trying to publish it for archive, I got this error:
/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/External/xbuild/Xamarin/iOS/Xamarin.iOS.Common.targets: Error: No valid iOS code signing keys found in keychain. You need to request a codesigning certificate from (MobileApp1.iOS)
Do we need a certificate to publish the project?
When I drag and drop the .app to simulator it doesn't get installed. When I tried to install debug version it gives below error. Failed to chmod /Users/../Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/8A0508B3-0‌​2E8-4601-A239-B6712F‌​67FF4D/data/Library/‌​Caches/‌​tainermanagerd/Bundl‌​e/Application/1B8A7B‌​17-D9D0-44A6-8584-65‌​7FF1AB5815/MobileApp‌​ : No such file or directory" Release app also not get installed(No error or warning). Note that this is a xamarin project.What shall I do now?
First of all you do not need to sign/publish your app to use it with Test Recorder.
You can start recording tests from .app located on bin/iPhoneSimulator/Debug/ folder.
The “No valid iOS code signing keys found in keychain” happens when there are no provisioning profiles on your machine. The easiest fix is to create a new app from XCode and deploy it on the device, XCode will automatically downloads the required profiles and certificates

iPhone simulator reporting error when re-installing an app from Xcode

I'm using Xcode 6 with the iOS Simulator version 8.1 (build 550.3).
When I choose the "Build and Run" in Xcode everything works good, if the app isn't already installed in the simulator. If it is, however, I get the following error in Xcode:
Unable to run app in Simulator
An error was encountered while running (Domain = LaunchServicesError, Code = 0)
And the logs for the simulator show the following:
less ~/Library/Logs/CoreSimulator/CoreSimulator.log
Nov 6 11:53:47 Yggdrasil.local[4389] <Error>:
Error Domain=LaunchServicesError Code=0 "The operation couldn’t be completed.
(LaunchServicesError error 0.)" UserInfo=0x7fa697742360
{Error=PackagePatchFailed, ErrorDescription=Could not hardlink copy
to /Volumes/UsersData/Users/kender/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/AAD57C40-E208-4964-B63A-46B968B3EB36/data/Library/Caches/
with manifest /Volumes/UsersData/Users/kender/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/AAD57C40-E208-4964-B63A-46B968B3EB36/data/Library/Caches/}
(/Volumes/UsersData/Users/kender is my $HOME).
I tried to remove all simulators (from the Devices window in Xcode and re-add them - no luck.
I removed the entire ~/Library/Developer directory and allowed Xcode to recreate it - same issue after that.
So right now I'm stuck with Build and Run -> Make changes -> Remove app -> Build and Run flow, which kind of sucks... Anyone encountered a problem like this and found a solution, or maybe you guys have some pointers for me...
I had the same problem and it was due to localisation of the Info.plist.
My app is localised into several languages and each localisation has an InfoPlist.strings file with the CFBundleShortVersionString key. I had changed the Version string on the Target information, but not in the InfoPlist.strings files.
So I deleted the app in the Simulator, updated CFBundleShortVersionString in all the localised Info.plist files to match the version on the Target, and that resolved the issue for me.
The error indicates that installation failed because of hard linking. I suspect the filesystem for your $HOME does not support hard links. Please update your question to specify what type of filesystem /Volumes/UsersData is.
If it's not possible to support hard links on /Volumes/UsersData, then I suggest you make a local directory for your simulator data and create a symlink from ~/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices to it.
Also on a side note, deleting all of ~/Library/Developer can wreck havoc on the running simulator service. If you do that, make sure Xcode, iOS Simulator, Instruments, etc are quit, but ALSO make sure the service is killed as well by running killall -9

Appium iOS Simulator Setup error

I have a .app file that I copied to my mac in a local directory (Ex: /appium/ and I pointed appium to the .app file. I'm getting the following error when running in the simulator:
Could not save new Info.plist
Error: ENOTDIR, not a directory
Can any one resolve my issue? Correct me if i am doing any fundamental wrong.
I've gotten that error if I start the Appium server via the Mac App and point it at an .app directory in the Settings of the app.
You should try running Appium from the command line.

Valid signature not found while deploying sencha application package(.app) to iPad device

I want to deploy a sencha application to iPad device. I am reffering the following link.!/guide/native_packaging
By following the deployment steps(mentioned in above link), I am able to run the package on simulator but unable to deploy it on the iPad device. As we drag the .app to iTunes or the xCode organizer, it gives me an error "Valid signature not found". I had mentioned the correct certificate alias in the config file.
Please suggest how to resolve it.
