undefined method: connect_timeout - ruby-on-rails

Browser error:
undefined method `connect_timeout=' for #<Mysql2::Client:0x47f7570>
On my browser, an error comes up that connect_timeout is undefined. I'm pretty sure it has something to do with the client.rb file. I'll show you the file. I had to edit some of it to actually get Webrick up and running. When I started the server, an error always appeared on my command line unless I made the changes. I've commented on what I have edited. Sometimes edited random things and some of them worked but they produced different errors on my browser. I am using a windows 8 machine. Thank you for helping.
module Mysql2
class Client
attr_reader :query_options, :read_timeout
##default_query_options = {
:as => :hash, # the type of object you want each row back as; also supports :array (an array of values)
:async => false, # don't wait for a result after sending the query, you'll have to monitor the socket yourself then eventually call Mysql2::Client#async_result
:cast_booleans => false, # cast tinyint(1) fields as true/false in ruby
:symbolize_keys => false, # return field names as symbols instead of strings
:database_timezone => :local, # timezone Mysql2 will assume datetime objects are stored in
:application_timezone => nil, # timezone Mysql2 will convert to before handing the object back to the caller
:cache_rows => true, # tells Mysql2 to use it's internal row cache for results
#I had to delete the line above because for some reason the command prompt said that each of the constants were undefined were not used in the right place or something
:cast => true,
:default_file => nil,
:default_group => nil
def initialize (opts = {})
opts = Mysql2::Util.key_hash_as_symbols( opts )
#read_timeout = nil
#query_options = ##default_query_options.dup
#query_options.merge! opts
# the chrome page said that the above variable is undefined :P
# Set default connect_timeout to avoid unlimited retries from signal interruption
opts[:connect_timeout] = 120 unless opts.key?(:connect_timeout)
[:reconnect, :connect_timeout, :local_infile, :read_timeout, :write_timeout, :default_file, :default_group, :secure_auth, :init_command].each do |key|
next unless opts.key?(key)
case key
when :reconnect, :local_infile, :secure_auth
send(:"#{key}=", !!opts[key])
when :connect_timeout, :read_timeout, :write_timeout
send(:"#{key}=", opts[key].to_i)
send(:"#{key}=", opts[key])
# force the encoding to utf8
self.charset_name = opts[:encoding] || 'utf8'
ssl_options = opts.values_at(:sslkey, :sslcert, :sslca, :sslcapath, :sslcipher)
ssl_set(*ssl_options) if ssl_options.any?
if [:user,:pass,:hostname,:dbname,:db,:sock].any?{|k| #query_options.has_key?(k) }
warn "============= WARNING FROM mysql2 ============="
warn "The options :user, :pass, :hostname, :dbname, :db, and :sock will be deprecated at some point in the future."
warn "Instead, please use :username, :password, :host, :port, :database, :socket, :flags for the options."
warn "============= END WARNING FROM mysql2 ========="
user = opts[:username] || opts[:user]
pass = opts[:password] || opts[:pass]
host = opts[:host] || opts[:hostname]
port = opts[:port]
database = opts[:database] || opts[:dbname] || opts[:db]
socket = opts[:socket] || opts[:sock]
flags = opts[:flags] ? opts[:flags] | #query_options[:connect_flags] : #query_options[:connect_flags]
# Correct the data types before passing these values down to the C level
user = user.to_s unless user.nil?
pass = pass.to_s unless pass.nil?
host = host.to_s unless host.nil?
port = port.to_i unless port.nil?
database = database.to_s unless database.nil?
socket = socket.to_s unless socket.nil?
connect user, pass, host, port, database, socket, flags
def self.default_query_options
def query_info
info = query_info_string
return {} unless info
info_hash = {}
info.split.each_slice(2) { |s| info_hash[s[0].downcase.delete(':').to_sym] = s[1].to_i }
def self.local_offset
::Time.local(2010).utc_offset.to_r / 86400

Mysql2::Client#initialize called connect_timeout= but there isn't such attr_writer in the client.
when :connect_timeout, :read_timeout, :write_timeout
send(:"#{key}=", opts[key].to_i)
If this client is written by yourself, add attr_accessor :connect_timeout in Mysql2::Client's definition and make proper use of the attribute. If it is from other library, check your load path. You may have missed some files that opened Mysql2::Client and monkey patched it.


With Rails 4.2 and lograge, how do I enable date/times before each logged line?

I use the gem “Lograge” 0.3.6, and Rails 4.2. I have this configured in my config/environments/development.rb file
config.lograge.enabled = true
config.lograge.formatter = CustomLogstash.new
However, I notice the output in my log/development.log file doesn’t contain date/times in front of each line. How do I configure lograge (or maybe just my Rails logger?) to prefix each line in that file with a date and time?
As per the document, the lograge gem provides below log formatters.
Lograge::Formatters::Lines.new # need to install "lines" gem
Lograge::Formatters::KeyValue.new # default lograge format
Lograge::Formatters::Logstash.new # need to install "logstash-event" gem
Lograge::Formatters::Raw.new # Returns a ruby hash object
By default the lograge gem uses Lograge::Formatters::KeyValue.new format for log.
You can customize this and make it universal by using your CustomLogStash class with some changes.
class CustomLogStash < Lograge::Formatters::KeyValue
def call(data)
# I'm using timestamp key here, you can choose whatever you want.
data_hash = { timestamp: Time.now.utc.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%3N")}.merge!(data)
Same way you can use any Lograge::Formatters class and apply the custom format to the log.
Now add below code to your config/initializers/lograge.rb file.
Rails.application.configure do
config.lograge.enabled = true
config.lograge.formatter = CustomLogStash.new
Now restart your server and load a page in your browser. You will see the logs something like below:
timestamp=2021-11-21T17:14:10.726 method=GET path=/categories format=html controller=categories action=index status=200 duration=259.11 view=244.91 db=2.60
If you are looking for logs something like
then you don't need any gem for this. You can achieve this by adding below lines to your preferred environment development/production/test
config.log_level = :debug
config.log_formatter = ::Logger::Formatter.new
If you want to apply this across all environments then add above lines to the config/application.rb file.
Let me know if it helps.
Can you add the following in config if it helps.
config.lograge.formatter = ->(data) { data.reverse_merge({time: Time.now}) }# data is a ruby hash.
It will give you output like following
{:time=>2021-11-16 12:26:24.65362 +0000, :method=>"GET", :path=>"/", :format=>:html, :controller=>"Controller", :action=>"index", :status=>200, :duration=>393.41, :view=>85.55, :db=>1.38}
Can you paste contents of CustomLogstash class? From docs, this class should respond to call method and return Hash.
This works for me:
class CustomLogstash
def call(data)
{ time: Time.now, controller: data[:controller] } # this can be anything as long it is Hash, eg. data.merge(time: Time.now)
Sample output from above:
{:time=>"2021-11-18T20:31:41.486+01:00", :controller=>"calendar_events"}
As per official documentation for lograge, you can make use of custom_options
EDIT 1 : custom_options using time: Time.now or time:event.time
Rails.application.configure do
config.lograge.enabled = true
config.lograge.formatter = Lograge::Formatters::Logstash.new
# add time to lograge
config.lograge.custom_options = lambda do |event|
{ time: Time.now } #or use time:event.time
Note: When using the logstash output, you need to add the additional gem logstash-event. You can simply add it to your Gemfile like this
gem "logstash-event"
EDIT 2: Update based on comments custom_options using :time => event.time
MyApp::Application.configure do
config.lograge.enabled = true
# add time to lograge
config.lograge.custom_options = lambda do |event|
{:time => event.time}
OR the below custom options which was a fix in lograge issue to ensure both date and time logged using time: event.time.to_s(:db)
config.lograge.custom_options = lambda do |event|
unwanted_keys = %w[format action controller utf8]
params = event.payload[:params].reject { |key,_| unwanted_keys.include? key }
{time: event.time.to_s(:db), user: event.payload[:user], params: params}
ALTERNATIVELY you can use this Custom logger
# Define a setter to pass in a custom log formatter
class ActiveSupport::BufferedLogger
def formatter=(formatter)
#log.formatter = formatter
# Defines a custom log format (time, severity, message, PID, backtrace)... all with color!
class Formatter
SEVERITY_TO_TAG = {'DEBUG'=>'meh', 'INFO'=>'fyi', 'WARN'=>'hmm', 'ERROR'=>'wtf', 'FATAL'=>'omg', 'UNKNOWN'=>'???'}
SEVERITY_TO_COLOR = {'DEBUG'=>'37', 'INFO'=>'32', 'WARN'=>'33', 'ERROR'=>'31', 'FATAL'=>'31', 'UNKNOWN'=>'37'}
HUMOR_FOR_ENV = {development: true, test: true, production: false}
DEPTH_FOR_ENV = {development: 3, test: 3, production: 1}
EXCLUSION_REGEX = /log|active_support|active_record/
def humorous?
return #is_humorous if defined? #is_humorous
#is_humorous = HUMOR_FOR_ENV[ Rails.env.to_sym ]
def depth
#depth ||= DEPTH_FOR_ENV[ Rails.env.to_sym ]
def call(severity, time, progname, msg)
t = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.") << time.usec.to_s[0..2].rjust(3)
color = SEVERITY_TO_COLOR[severity]
sev = humorous? ? "%-3s" % SEVERITY_TO_TAG[severity] # pad to at least 3 characters
: "%-5s" % severity # pad to at least 5 characters
# 2013-05-01 19:16:00.785 [omg] oh noes! (pid:30976) (admin/user.rb:45:in `block (4 levels) in <top (required)>') <- `call' <- `content_for' <- `block (2 levels) in row' <- `block in build_tag'
"\033[0;37m#{t}\033[0m [\033[#{color}m#{sev}\033[0m] #{msg.strip} (pid:#{$$}) #{whodunit}\033[0m\n"
def whodunit
latest, *others = caller.select{ |a| a !~ EXCLUSION_REGEX }[0, depth]
latest = latest[/(lib|app)\/(.*)/,-1] || latest
string = ""
string << "\033[36m(#{latest})"
string << "\033[35m <- " + others.map{ |s| s[/`.*/] }.join(' <- ') if others.any?
Rails.logger.formatter = Formatter.new
For Rails 4.2 don’t forget to add ActiveSupport::TaggedLogging to be able to call custom logger like a default rails logger
ActiveSupport::TaggedLogging is used to wrap any standard logger instance to add "tags" to a log statement. A "tag" in this case usually describes a subdomain, and is used by the default Rails.logger to allow you to tag log statements with subdomains, request ids, etc. in your multi-user, multi-instance production applications.

to the Formatter class.

Rails + Resque: Error not going away after update

I have a background job being run by Resque and I the process begins correctly but then I see the error:
undefined method `path' for #<Hash:0x007f1900c25298>
/app/app/models/weigh_in.rb:373:in `import_without_check'
/app/app/jobs/uploads.rb:8:in `perform'
and initially this was an error but I've since updated my file and completely removed this line, pushed to heroku, restarted heroku as well as redis, yet still the error persists.
Here's the function being called in app/models/weigh_in:
def self.import_without_check(file, location_id)
error = []
success = []
options = {:key_mapping => #new_hash, :strings_as_keys => true, :keep_original_headers => true, :remove_unmapped_keys => true}
SmarterCSV.process(file, options) do |row|
hashed_row = row[0]
next if hashed_row[:scale_id].blank? || hashed_row[:scale_id].nil?
hashed_row[:unique_scale] = location_id + hashed_row[:scale_id].to_s
hashed_row = hashed_row.to_hash.except!(nil).as_json
p hashed_row
client = Client.select('id', 'name').find_by(unique_scale: hashed_row['unique_scale']) || Client.select('id', 'name').find_by(unique_mb: hashed_row['unique_scale'])
if client.nil?
error << hashed_row
hashed_row['client_id'] = client.id
program_id = client.programs.last.id
if program_id.nil? || hashed_row['client_id'].nil?
error << hashed_row
check_in = CheckIn.new(client_id: client.id, type_of_weighin: 'Standard', program_id: program_id)
unless hashed_row['date'].blank? || hashed_row['date'].nil?
p 'date', hashed_row['date']
hashed_row['date'] = Date.strptime(hashed_row["date"], "%m/%d/%y").strftime()
if check_in.save
hashed_row['check_in_id'] = check_in.id
if hashed_row['check_in_id'].nil?
error << hashed_row
weigh_in = WeighIn.new(hashed_row)
p weigh_in.valid?, weigh_in.errors.full_messages, weigh_in.errors
if weigh_in.save
success << hashed_row
return success, error
Is there something I need to do to make this error go away?
I solved this issue by connecting to the redis Heroku add-on via it's cli, then getting its clients, killing all connections, and restarting my heroku dynos. Once this was done, my changes were recorded:
$ heroku redis:cli
21579> client list # Returns clients
21579> client kill # use number from addr property returned with client list command
21579> quit # Exit cli
$ heroku restart
I hope this helps someone else

RSpec be_equal not working

I am writing some rspec examples for a plain old ruby class in my rails project and I am facing the following problem.
I have this constructor:
class Server
def initialize(host='localhost',options={:port => 443, :password => '', :vpncmd_bin_path => '/usr/local/bin/vpncmd', :timeout => 5})
#host = host
#port = options[:port].present? ? options[:port] : 443
#password = options[:password].present? ? options[:password] : ''
#vpncmd_bin_path = options[:vpncmd_bin_path].present? ? options[:vpncmd_bin_path] : '/usr/local/bin/vpncmd'
#timeout = options[:timeout].present? ? options[:timeout] : 5
#hubs = {}
#hub_cache_dirty = true
#hub_password_cache = {}
This test example:
it "should have a default constructor that takes no argument" do
s = SoftEther::Server.new()
expect(s.host).to be_equal('localhost')
expect(s.port).to be_equal('443')
expect(s.timeout).to be_equal(5)
expect(s.vpncmd_bin_path).to be_equal('/usr/local/bin/vpncmd')
expect(s.password).to be_equal('')
And rspec gives me the following result with Rails 4.2.6, jruby- and 3.4.4:
1) SoftEtherSever should have a default constructor that takes no argument
Failure/Error: expect(s.host).to be_equal('localhost')
expected `"localhost".equal?("localhost")` to return true, got false
# ./spec/poro/softether_spec.rb:19:in `block in (root)'
What did I do wrong?
equal? checks whether two instances are the same. But it returns false when two strings contains the same value but refers to different objects:
# => false
What you should really use is eq()
expect(s.host).to eq('localhost')
Just to add an edge case to Simone's answer:
If you were to freeze the strings in question, you would get the result you expected:
irb(main):001:0> 'test'.equal? 'test'
=> false
irb(main):002:0> 'test'.freeze.equal? 'test'.freeze
=> true
In Ruby 2.3, this can be done by adding
# frozen_string_literal: true
to the top of the Ruby file.
With that said, Simone is right. You should use the eq matcher unless you truly want to test that you are using the same exact object instance. Then using equal is in order.

Ruby on Rails, Zendesk API integration not loading the client

I am trying to set up the Zendesk API in my app, I have decided to go with the API that was built by Zendesk
I have set up the initializer object to load the client.
require 'zendesk_api'
client = ZendeskAPI::Client.new do |config|
# Mandatory:
config.url = Rails.application.secrets[:zendesk][:url]
# Basic / Token Authentication
config.username = Rails.application.secrets[:zendesk][:username]
config.token = Rails.application.secrets[:zendesk][:token]
# Optional:
# Retry uses middleware to notify the user
# when hitting the rate limit, sleep automatically,
# then retry the request.
config.retry = true
# Logger prints to STDERR by default, to e.g. print to stdout:
require 'logger'
config.logger = Logger.new(STDOUT)
# Changes Faraday adapter
# config.adapter = :patron
# Merged with the default client options hash
# config.client_options = { :ssl => false }
# When getting the error 'hostname does not match the server certificate'
# use the API at https://yoursubdomain.zendesk.com/api/v2
This is pretty much copy paste from the site, but I have decided on using the token + username combination.
I then created a service object that I pass a JSON object and have it construct tickets. This service object is called from a controller.
class ZendeskNotifier
attr_reader :data
def initialize(data)
#data = data
def create_ticket
options = {:comment => { :value => data[:reasons] }, :priority => "urgent" }
if for_operations?
options[:subject] = "Ops to get additional info for CC"
options[:requester] = { :email => 'originations#testing1.com' }
elsif school_in_usa_or_canada?
options[:subject] = "SRM to communicate with student"
options[:requester] = { :email => 'srm#testing2.com' }
options[:subject] = "SRM to communicate with student"
options[:requester] = { :email => 'srm_row#testing3.com' }
ZendeskAPI::Ticket.create!(client, options)
def for_operations?
data[:delegate] == 1
def school_in_usa_or_canada?
data[:campus_country] == "US" || "CA"
But now I am getting
NameError - undefined local variable or method `client' for #<ZendeskNotifier:0x007fdc7e5882b8>:
app/services/zendesk_notifier.rb:20:in `create_ticket'
app/controllers/review_queue_applications_controller.rb:46:in `post_review'
I thought that the client was the same one defined in my config initializer. Somehow I think this is a different object now. I have tried looking at their documentation for more information but I am lost as to what this is?
If you want to use the client that is defined in the initializer you would need to make it global by changing it to $client. Currently you have it setup as a local variable.
I used a slightly different way of initializing the client, copying from this example rails app using the standard Zendesk API gem:
As danielrsmith noted, the client variable is out of scope. You could instead have an initializer like this:
class ZendeskClient < ZendeskAPI::Client
def self.instance
#instance ||= new do |config|
config.url = Rails.application.secrets[:zendesk][:url]
config.username = Rails.application.secrets[:zendesk][:username]
config.token = Rails.application.secrets[:zendesk][:token]
config.retry = true
config.logger = Logger.new(STDOUT)
Then return the client elsewhere by client = ZendeskClient.instance (abridged for brevity):
class ZendeskNotifier
attr_reader :data
def initialize(data)
#data = data
#client = ZendeskClient.instance
def create_ticket
options = {:comment => { :value => data[:reasons] }, :priority => "urgent" }
ZendeskAPI::Ticket.create!(#client, options)
Hope this helps.

How to pass parameters from a yaml file to a constructor, without expicitly mentioning each one?

I have this initialiser script for setting my RabbitMq connection using Bunny:
require 'yaml'
config = YAML.load_file('config/rabbitmq.yml')
puts config[Rails.env]
# $bunny = Bunny.new(config[Rails.env])
$bunny = Bunny.new(:host => config[Rails.env]["host"],
:vhost => config[Rails.env]["vhost"],
:user => config[Rails.env]["user"],
:password => config[Rails.env]["password"],
$bunny_channel = $bunny.create_channel
The contents of config[Rails.env] are:
{"<<"=>nil, "host"=>"spotted-monkey.rmq.cloudamqp.com", "user"=>"myuser", "password"=>"mypassord", "vhost"=>"myvhost"}
The verbose syntax of the Bunny.new command works correctly. However, when I comment out the verbose block, and leave this syntax:
$bunny = Bunny.new(config[Rails.env])
I get the following error message:
session.rb:296:in `rescue in start': Could not establish TCP connection to any of the configured hosts (Bunny::TCPConnectionFailedForAllHosts)
I was expecting it to work, since the keys are the same in both cases. Is there any way to call the constructor without specifying each parameter explicitly?
I tried to remove the "<<"=>nil line from the yaml file, with no change in behaviour.
Having look into source code I found this:
def hostnames_from(options)
options.fetch(:hosts_shuffle_strategy, #default_hosts_shuffle_strategy).call(
[ options[:hosts] || options[:host] || options[:hostname] || DEFAULT_HOST ].flatten
It seems it is expecting a symbol :host not, string 'host' which is practicaly the only difference between two ways you're calling initializer. Try:
config = HashWithIndifferentAccess.new YAML.load_file('config/rabbitmq.yml')
Probably the implementation of Bunny.new relies on the fact that the options can be accessed via symbol keys, but you get back string keys from YAML.load_file. You can fix that by using Hash#with_indifferent_access
$bunny = Bunny.new(config[Rails.env].with_indifferent_access)
