Why is Heroku running so much slower than localhost? - ruby-on-rails

I created a simple stock screener (filters out stocks given certain criteria) in Rails. On my localhost the stocks update instantly, but on Heroku it can take anywhere from 10-15 seconds before the stock list is updated.
My Heroku app is here: http://fruthscreener.herokuapp.com/
Github is here: github dot com/anfruth/Fruth_Screener_Rails
The code involved in updating the queries can be found in the user_stocks model and in the stocks controller under def create.
Any ideas why this is happening and suggestions as to how to fix it?
Thank you.

Not slow for me
The only thing which will slow Heroku down is if your db connection is "off-site"
We've had apps before which ran super slowly due to the case that the database provider was a different host, in a different country.
Heroku runs on AWS, meaning it will run super fast if you have all the dependencies in the same data-center. One of the drawbacks of using one of these powerful "cloud" hosting providers is they need to keep all requests local to help their system run quickly; hence if your DB is "off-site", it will slow it down profusely.
You must remember that Rails apps can't run unless they have a db connection; so if your connectivity is slow, your app's performance is going to be hit hard
If your app is running slow on Heroku, the best thing to do is to make sure you're using Heroku's postgres database. This is deployed on Heroku's AWS cloud, meaning it's on the same network as your app, hence allowing it to run as quickly as possible
You'll need to change your app's database connection to the new production server like this:
.... #-> your Heroku db details here
This will allow you to run heroku run rake db:migrate after you push this new code to Heroku - which should define the db structure for you, allowing you to populate it as you wish

It sounds like you would benefit from using New Relic or another performance management package for Heroku in order to find out what is causing you trouble exactly. The free tier of New Relic should be enough to get you started.
By the way, if your app is a Heroku free tier app (one single web dyno), then your dyno will go to sleep when not in use, and you may be encountering dyno spin-up costs, which are frequently about 5-15 seconds. Repeat the same query several times in several minutes and see if the slowness persists for every request, or only the first one.


Using Heroku free tier for rails production low traffic website

I've a rails application which I am expecting to be low traffic, it is working fine on heroku free tier as of now.
Can I use Heroku free tier with my custom domain as my production environment? As of now I see 750 dyno hours will be fine for my website to work continuously but I want to know if there are any drawback of using free tier for production website.
For uploads I am already using amazon S3.
Yes, you can use custom domain for your production env on Heroku.
Heroku has database rows limitation for free tier; it takes away the INSERT privilege, if that limit is crossed and offers you to buy atleast basic (9$/month) database plan (10 million rows).
My service was shut down for same reason a while back; I got following email from them:
The database HEROKU_[hidden] on Heroku app [hidden] has
exceeded its allocated storage capacity. Immediate action is required.
The database contains 129,970 rows, exceeding the Dev plan limit of
10,000. INSERT privileges to the database will be automatically
revoked in 7 days. This will cause service failures in most
applications dependent on this database.
To avoid a disruption to your service, migrate the database to a Basic
($9/month) or Production plan:
Heroku free service is totally awesome for light production. Upgrade the performance by buying adequate dynos and database. You may need them when there are more incoming requests that they are getting queued up; consequently leading to occasional timeouts. John sufficiently answers when you may need more dynos here - https://stackoverflow.com/a/8428998/1376448
You will totally love it!

Heroku “psql: FATAL: remaining connection slots are reserved for non-replication superuser connections”

I got the above error message running Heroku Postgres Basic (as per this question) and have been trying to diagnose the problem.
One of the suggestions is to use connection pooling but it seems Rails has this built in. Another suggestion is that the app is configured improperly and opens too many connections.
My app manages all it's connections through Active Record, and I had one direct connection to the database from Navicat (or at least I thought I had).
How would I debug this?
Turns out it was an Heroku issue. From Heroku support:
We've detected an issue on the server running your Basic database.
While we pinpoint this and address it, we would recommend you
provision a new Basic database and migrate over with PGBackups as
detailed here:
. That should put your database on a new server. I apologize for this
disruption – we're working to fix this issue and prevent it from
occurring in the future.
This has happened a few times on my app -- somehow there is a connection leak, then all of a sudden the database is getting 10 times as many connections as it should. If it is the case that you are getting swamped by an error like this, not traffic, try running this:
heroku pg:killall
That will terminate all connections to the database. If it is dangerous for your situation to possibly cut off queries be careful. I just have a rails app, and if it goes down, losing a couple queries is not a big deal, because the browser requests will have looooooong since timed out anyway.
You might be able to find why you have so many connections by inspecting view pg_stat_activity:
SELECT * FROM pg_stat_activity
Most likely, you have some stray loop that opens new connection(s) without closing it.
To save you the support call, here's the response I got from Heroku Support for a similar issue:
One of the limitations of the hobby tier databases is unannounced maintenance. Many hobby databases run on a single shared server, and we will occasionally need to restart that server for hardware maintenance purposes, or migrate databases to another server for load balancing. When that happens, you'll see an error in your logs or have problems connecting. If the server is restarting, it might take 15 minutes or more for the database to come back online.
Most apps that maintain a connection pool (like ActiveRecord in Rails) can just open a new connection to the database. However, in some cases an app won't be able to reconnect. If that happens, you can heroku restart your app to bring it back online.
This is one of the reasons we recommend against running hobby databases for critical production applications. Standard and Premium databases include notifications for downtime events, and are much more performant and stable in general. You can use pg:copy to migrate to a standard or premium plan.
If this continues, you can try provisioning a new database (on a different server) with heroku addons:add, then use pg:copy to move the data. Keep in mind that hobby tier rules apply to the $9 basic plan as well as the free database.

Moving Heroku Shared Database

I recently reached the 5mb database limit with heroku, the costs rise dramatically after this point so I'm looking to move the database elsewhere.
I am very new to using VPS and setting up servers from scratch, however, I have done this recently for another app.
I have a couple questions related to this:
Is it possible to create a database on a VPS and point my rails app on heroku to use that database?
If so, what would database.yml actually look like. What would be an example localhost with the database stored outside the app?
These may be elementary questions but my knowledge of servers and programming is very much self taught, so I admit, there may be huge loopholes in things that I "should" already understand.
Note: Other (simpler) suggestions for moving my database are welcomed. Thanks.
OK - for starters, yes you can host a database external to Heroku and point your database.yml at that server - it's simply a case of setting up the hostname to point at the right address, and give it the correct credentials.
However, you need to consider a couple of things:
1) Latency - unless you're hosting inside EC2 East the latency between Heroku and your DB will cause you all sorts of performance issues.
2) Setting up a database server is not a simple task. You need consider how secure it is, how it performs, keeping it up to date, keeping it backed up, and having to worry day and night about it being up. With Heroku you don't need to do this as it's fully managed.
Price wise, are you aware of the new low cost Postgres plans at Heroku? $15/mo will get you 20Gb (shared instance), and $50/mp will get you a terabyte (dedicated instance). To me, that is absurdly cheap as I value my time much more, and I know how many hours I would need to invest in making my own server to save maybe $10 a month.
It would be cheaper to use Amazon RDS, which is officially supported by Heroku and served from the same datacenter (Amazon US-East). If you do want to use a VPS, use an Amazon EC2 instance in US-East for maximum performance. This tutorial shows exactly how to do it with Django in detail. Even if you don't decide to use EC2, refer to that tutorial to see how to properly add external database information to your Heroku application so that Heroku doesn't try to overwrite it.
Still, Heroku's shared database is extremely cost-competitive -- far moreso than most VPSes and with much less setup and maintenance.

Rails + Heroku + Amazon RDS - Production vs Development

It is my first time working with a Rails app on Heroku. It uses a mysql db hosted on Amazon RDS. At some point I want to move it from development to production. I want to keep developing and adding features. What is the best way to accomplish this?
I see Heroku has some kind of staging app feature. Is that the best option for me to keep a separate app to test? And what about the database? I'm guessing I need to create a separate db on Amazon RDS for development and for production?
I am on a budget so I don't want to have to pay for 2 apps on Heroku and 2 db's on Amazon. Can I create both on the fly each time I do development work and then destroy them when I'm done, or is that too much? If so can I then copy the production data over to the development data? I would do local testing but I feel like I need to make sure it's working on Heroku as well.
I'm just trying to get a general idea of what workflow is best practice or most commonly used. Any comments are appreciated.
Unfortunately, as you're on RDS you're going to have to pay for two. If you were using Heroku Postgres you'd be able to get a simple small PG database for free.
Regarding applications - Heroku apps are free if you use less than 750 'dyno' hours a month (which is a little bit more than one dyno for an entire month), which is normally fine for staging small apps as long as you don't have masses of workers required.
You certainly could create the staging env whenever you need it, but only you know how complex this application is and what sort of overhead that would provide.

Zero downtime on Heroku

Is it possible to do something like the Github zero downtime deploy on Heroku using Unicorn on the Cedar stack?
I'm not entirely sure how the restart works on Heroku and what control we have over restarting processes, but I like the possibility of zero downtime deploys and up until now, from what I've read, it's not possible
There are a few things that would be required for this to work.
First off, we'd need backwards compatible migrations. I leave that up to our team to figure out.
Secondly, we'd want to migrate the db right after a push, but before the restart (assuming our migrations are fully backwards compatible, this should not affect anything)
Thirdly, we'd want to instruct Unicorn to launch a new master process and fork some workers, then swap the PIDs and gracefully shut down the old process/workers
I've scoured the docs but I can't find anything that would indicate this is possible on Heroku. Any thoughts?
I can't address migrations, but the part about restarting processes and avoiding wait time:
There is an beta feature for heroku called preboot. After a deploy, it boots your new dynos first and waits a while before switching traffic and killing the old ones:
I also wrote a blog post that has some measurements on my app's performance improvements using this feature:
You might be interested in their feature called preboot.
Taken from their documentation:
This feature provides seamless deploys by booting web dynos with new code before killing existing web dynos.
Some apps take a long time to boot up, and this can cause unacceptable delays in serving HTTP requests during deployment.
There are a few caveats:
You must have at least two web dynos to use this feature. If you have your web process type scaled to 1 or 0, preboot will be disabled.
Whoever is doing the deployment will have to wait a few minutes before the new code starts serving user requests; this happens later than it would without preboot (but in the meanwhile, user requests are still served promptly by old dynos).
There will be a short period (a minute or two) where heroku ps shows the status of the new code, but user requests are still being served by old code.
There is much more information about it, so refer to their documentation.
It is possible, but requires a fair amount of forward planning. As of Rails 3.1 there's three tasks that need carrying out
Upload the new code
Run any database migrations
Sync the assets
Uploading code and restarting is fairly straightforward, the main problem lies with the other two, but the way round them is the pretty much the same.
Essentially you need to:
Make the code compatible with the migration you need to run
Run the migration, and remove any code written specifically for it
For instance, if you want to remove a column, you’ll need to deploy a patch telling ActiveRecord to ignore it first. Only then you can deploy the migration, and clean up that patch.
In short, you need to consider your database and the code compatability an work around them so that the two can overlap in terms of versioning.
An alternative to this method might be to have two versions of the application running on Heroku at the same time. When you deploy, switch the domain to the other version, do the deploy, and switch it back again. This will help in most instances, but again, database compat is an issue.
Personally, I would say that if your deployments are significant to require this sort of consideration, taking parts of the application offline are probably the safest answer. By breaking up an application into several smaller applications can help mitigate this and is a mechanism that I use regularly.
No - this is currently not possible using Unicorn on Heroku cedar. I've been bugging Heroku about this for weeks.
Here was Heroku Support's reply to my email on March 8, 2012:
Hi, you could enable maintenance mode when doing a deploy, at least your users would see a maintenance page instead of an error, and also request queue wouldn't build up.
We're definitely aware this is a pain and we're working to offer rolling / zero-downtime deploys in the future. We have no ETA to announce, though.
