Jenkins does not show changes from last build to latest build - jenkins

I am currently seeing an issue in jenkins that even if there is a change in the build, it always says 'No changes from last build'(which is taken from perforce). And in the console output I see that mail is triggered to concerned people who have modified the file in the latest build.
Any Idea what could be the reason ?
Thanks in adv

Have you seen this issue reported on the Jenkins site: 'Polling builds project regardless of changes'?
Perhaps it is related to the issue you are having.


source code management setting not saved in jenkins job configuration

I Installed locally Jenkins 2.224 using war file.
I am trying to set a job to pull files from git as on the screenshot below.
but when I save my job and then click configure again - None radiobutton is selected and all git settings are lost. Did it happen to anyone else? I cannot find what is the reason for this issue.
This is a bug in v2.224 that has been fixed in the subsequent version. Upgrading to the latest version should fix your issue.

Missing build from jenkins

I ran a build yesterday, hoping I would read some logs today.
I came today, and got an error 404 when trying to access the build. Strange.
Running another build, shows my build actually did run, but it is unreachable.
Is there a way to get my hands on the logs?
Notice build #10 is missing, even though it did start.
Probably a windows update is to blame for this.
The broken link is
More information on a run can usually be found using the context menu under Console Output. This is only accessible if you have the correct permissions set in Jenkins.
This of course does not work, if a build is missing. One reason could be that your Jenkins is configured in a way that only a certain number of historic builds are kept, see Build History Missing in Jenkins for an explanation how to deal with that.
However, your case seems to be different, because a build in the middle of the history is missing. For this, I suggest to look around in the jobs directory of your Jenkins installation where it stores all the configuration and run data.
Where does Jenkins store configuration files for the jobs it runs?

Jenkins job disables itself when svn checkout fails

My jenkins jobs started to disable by themselves when the svn checkout fails. I explored previous builds and they never disabled when failed. This new behaviour is not desired for me.
The message in the new build log is as follows:
One or more repository locations do not exist anymore for myJob1, project will be disabled.
The project has been disabled
ERROR: Failed to parse svn info for 'repourl'
I downgraded the jenkins Subversion plugin which was recently updated, and the multi scm plugin as well. However, the problem remains.
Any suggestion?
That message is coming from the Blame Subversion Plugin. Is it possible you recently installed that plugin? Or that you recently turned on SVN blame as an option?
I think this is an undocumented(?) behavior of the Subversion Plugin to automatically disable a job if the SVN URL is not valid (anymore). This behavior seems to be implemented for several years now, as this discussion from 2012 indicates. I just learned about this behavior only after moving a SVN project to a different folder which caused my project to be disabled. I did not find any information on how to disable this behavior.
Update 2021/09:
The behavior is apparently still present and there seems to be no way to disable it.
There is a corresponding feature request on the Jenkins JIRA though: JENKINS-10922
Please vote for this feature request!

Jenkins Loses Build History

I have been using Jenkins for about a year now and occasionally run into this issue. A build will be working fine and then seemingly at random it will lose all of my build history in the GUI.
I researched this issue and found the following question regarding it Jenkins - Not Showing Build History and like user: Ring Jenkins still has all of my builds under the project's build folder, but they wont show up in the GUI.
user: Ring's solution was to migrate to Hudson. Is there any solution that does not require ditching Jenkins?
I was trying to track down the issue through Jenkins JIRA tickets but it seems to end here without resolution they had another ticket JENKINS-17265 open but it was closed as being a duplicate of 16845.
Update your Jenkins to latest version, will help you!!! I had same problem, update and all OK.
You can look change log link

Jenkins - Not Showing Build History

I have a multi-module maven project that I'm building with Jenkins called MyApp. I also have another maven project that depends on MyApp, and this project runs integration tests on MyApp.
In Jenkins, when I view the status of the MyApp project it successfully displays a list of previously run builds and I can click on them to find out more information (and view the console output).
However, the integration test project, while it does build properly, it only displays previously run builds for about 5 minutes, at which point something happens and jenkins completely forgets the build ever ran.
On the filesystem, I am able to cd to:
/usr/share/tomcat6/.jenkins/jobs/My App Integration Test/builds
and ls reveals
me#myserver:/usr/share/tomcat6/.jenkins/jobs/My App Integration Test/builds$ ls
1 2 2013-01-24_16-46-59 2013-01-24_16-51-58 2013-01-24_18-05-09 2013-01-24_18-58-46 3 4
that all my previously run builds are right there, where they should be.
Jenkins has a "discard old builds" feature in its project configuration page, but I obviously have it unchecked.
I'm running jenkins in tomcat6 on Ubuntu.
Help please?
Jenkins has resolved this issue as of 1.505 I recommend everyone upgrade who does not wish to switch from Jenkins back to Hudson.
This can be done through the GUI via Manage Jenkins->Upgrade to Latest (Note for this to work you need to have the appropriate permissions for Jenkins)
More information can be found here For linux users aptitude update or yum update jenkins should also work for you.
I have jenkins running with 1.517, still facing the issue if the number of builds goes more than 65 without discard option. Found that reload configuration bring back the build history.
I've seen this issue and have always been able to resolve it by following these steps:
Going to \\[buildmachine]\C$\Jenkins\jobs\[jobname]
Removing the builds folder.
Removing shortcuts to lastStable and lastSuccessful.
Open file nextBuildNumber and change the number to 1.
Then build new jobs and they no longer disappear.
As mentioned by Dave Bacher, this appears to be a bug in Jenkins. I switched over to Hudson and problem fixed!
