How to configure keyboard using Phonegap in iOS? - ios

is it possible to hide this line, and touch outside to dismiss keyboard using Phonegap?

No, because PhoneGap uses a webview to display the app/contents and, therefore, uses the default UIWebView keyboard.
This is one of many drawbacks of non-native coding.


Is there a way to make custom browser default in iOS instead of Safari?

Is there a way to programmatically make your app's custom browser the default one instead of Safari in iOS? I remember having seen one project that seemed to do something similar but unable to recollect which one it was? If it was possible, will Apple approve such apps or reject them?
Thanks for ask question
Please do refer this link.
Might be it will help you.
You can use as follow.
1) Install library manually or using pods.
2) Do use as follow.
UINavigationController *webBrowserNavigationController = [KINWebBrowserViewController navigationControllerWithWebBrowser];
[self presentViewController:webBrowserNavigationController animated:YES completion:nil];
KINWebBrowserViewController *webBrowser = [webBrowserNavigationController rootWebBrowser];
[webBrowser loadURLString:#""];
Advantage of this library:
iOS 7 & 8 support for iPhone and iPad devices
Safari-like interface
Animated progress bar
Customizable UI including tint color
Portrait and landscape orientation support
Use with existing UINavigationController or present modally
Delegate protocol for status callbacks
Action button to allow users to copy URL, share, or open in Safari & Google Chrome
Sorry for the huge misunderstanding between us.
I am sorry to say that is not Possible to make custom browser default in iOS instead of Safari?

Integrate ios keyboard extension with native keyboard

I am creating a keyboard extension for ios
I just want an scroll strip at the upper part of the keyboard which would be some say some emojis.
But i want the native keyboard functioning as usual , jut a view on top of keboardview.
Do i need to implement the whole native keyboard ?
What the easy way to achieve this.
Please guide
Thank you
You can use inputAccessoryView
Please refer
What you want simply can't be done in the current version of iOS (9.2). If you want to add functionality to the keyboard on a systemwide basis, you have to implement it all yourself, including the keyboard.

Go back and forward in WebView using Screen Edge Pan Gesture Recognizer

I want to go back and forward in my iOS apps WebView using "Screen Edge Pan Gesture Recognizer" like in Apples mobile Safari browser. Best would be if animated like in Safari.
Currently I use "Swipe Gesture Recognizer" but it isn't very easy to use for the users. Especially it doesn't work if user has zoomed the webpage.
Does anybody have a sample code, a manual or any other help?
This functionality is much easier to implement in WKWebView. You should simply set allowsBackForwardNavigationGestures property to YES.
WKWebView is a modern replacement for UIWebView, made by Apple. See link for details. You should link with WebKit.framework to use it. Unfortunately there is no Interface Builder support, see this answer.
Note that WKWebView available starting from iOS 8. Most likely you will receive crash on application start on earlier iOS versions. But it's possible to use UIWebView on pre-iOS 8, and WKWebView for iOS 8 and later. Take a look on this github project as an example.

Multiple webview in an app or one

I'm creating an ios/android app that is implemented with partially native code and html5/css and built-in mobile webkit, I need to make it support both ios and Android, hence the html5/css selection. In my app I created a tabbar with 4 tab buttons, each tabview contains a webview, the tabs and tabbars are implemented natively, meaning the code for this is either objective-c or Java. What happens in those webviews are html5/css/js... I wonder if this is the appropriate way to implement it, or should I wrap the whole thing up in one single webview, and implement everything using html5, including the tabbar. Or let me ask this way, what did facebook do with its tabbars in its app? I'm concerning about user experience and seamless transition/animation.
If I can mimic the native ios/Android tabbar using html5, how may I? Anyone could maybe provide a link to a tutorial? Thanks!

Change font, font size of toast in iOS

I'm have used Toast before in Android. Is there a way to customize the font or font size of Toast on an UIView in iOS?
I am aware of the makeToast function, which seems to only have optional parameters for duration, position, image, and title. Or is there another messaging/notification system I should be using instead?
I already found this answer for Android.
Turns out toast is not native to obj-C like I originally thought? Growl/toast style notifications library for iOS
It looks like the github project was already included in some of the legacy code I've been going through... but adding such custom features would not be an iOS issue like I thought, it'd be working on the github project.
Also, turns out that there's a native iOS library message system: UIAlertView
There is no Toast-like in iOS, but you can use something similar called popover.
Popovers are from the documentations:
is used to manage the presentation of content in a popover. You use
popovers to present information temporarily. The popover content is
layered on top of your existing content and the background is dimmed
automatically. The popover remains visible until the user taps outside
of the popover window or you explicitly dismiss it. Popover
controllers are for use exclusively on iPad devices. Attempting to
create one on other devices results in an exception. However popovers
only available in iPads.
I would recommend the following control for you to use on iPhone and iPad, very easy to use and implement.
