Multiple webview in an app or one - ios

I'm creating an ios/android app that is implemented with partially native code and html5/css and built-in mobile webkit, I need to make it support both ios and Android, hence the html5/css selection. In my app I created a tabbar with 4 tab buttons, each tabview contains a webview, the tabs and tabbars are implemented natively, meaning the code for this is either objective-c or Java. What happens in those webviews are html5/css/js... I wonder if this is the appropriate way to implement it, or should I wrap the whole thing up in one single webview, and implement everything using html5, including the tabbar. Or let me ask this way, what did facebook do with its tabbars in its app? I'm concerning about user experience and seamless transition/animation.
If I can mimic the native ios/Android tabbar using html5, how may I? Anyone could maybe provide a link to a tutorial? Thanks!


Replicate iOS Pattern: Instagram Search-Style Swiping Tabs

I'm starting a new iOS project in Swift, and my experience programming native iOS applications is minimal, so please bear with me if I use some whacky terminology or overlook some simple solutions.
I'm looking to replicate a pattern in the Instagram application, as seen here:
Selected Tab
Swiping Transition
For those who don't use Instagram, what's essentially going on here is something like a UIPageViewController (with swiping functionality), but with the tabs on top indicating the selected page.
Like in Instagram, I'm planning to have this functionality within a child UIViewController of a UITabBarController (you can see the "main" tabs on the bottom).
What I started out doing was creating static tabs and adding left and right gesture recognizers to the child UIViewController, which would change the page and update the indicator of the selected page on the tabs.
This works but I'm not really loving the way it looks, nor the way it's written. I don't like the idea of needing 2 instances of the tabs, and that certainly doesn't seem to be the way Instagram is doing it, because as shown in the second image, the indicator slides between the tabs.
I've searched a fair bit, but all references to replicating Instagram patterns seem to be outdated and don't address this specific element. Like I said, though, I haven't been programming native iOS for very long (I'm an Android developer and have used Xamarin for iOS), so it's possible I'm just not using the right keywords.
I'd appreciate any help y'all can offer!

Hide Page Indicator Dot in WatchKit?

I'm new to native development on xcode and have gotten started working with WatchKit to put together a Watch extension for my HTML5 hybrid app. I'm trying to figure out how to hide the indicator dot on a page-based app view. It looks like the iOS analogue provides the ability to hide the dot, but I can't seem to find anything for WatchKit. The Apple reference site doesn't appear to indicate any such functionality, and don't see any config in the storyboard. I've Googled and searched on StackOverflow, and haven't found anything there either.
Is it possible to hide the page indicator dot on a page-based app view? If so, how might I accomplish this?
It is currently not possible to hide page indicator.

Special Transition/Effect on the AppStore on iPad

I want to know if there is a Library that produces the same effect as we have on the AppStore when we view an app and see the details of the app.
I want to use it on my iPad application.
(If you want to see the effect, it's only available on iPad)
This may help.
As well as This.
And This
The thing you want to use for this purpose is the UIViewController Transitioning API introduced in iOS7
There are plenty tutorial on custom transition in the web. (see the links)

Integrating Navigation of iPhone app and Xpages App

I am finishing an iPhone app for my company.
I am using Xcode and Xpages, as we are a Lotus Notes shop.
In Xcode I am using a UINavigation Controller with a Table View for selections. One selection is the Company Directory, which is an Xpage using the Xpages Mobile Controls (Single Page Application and then Application pages, etc.). This works fine EXCEPT for the navigation hand off between the Xcode parts of the app and Xpages. I end up with two sets of navigation controls, which is not good.
Any ideas how I can get around this?
OK, I think I figured this out.
It really isn't anything to do with Xpages, but with using UIWebViews within iOS.
The problem was that on the first webView, I wanted to show the iOS Navigation, but in any subsequent ones I didn't want to - would just prefer to use the web navigation.
There is a delegation method in iOS Web views that allows you to show or hide the navigation bar. I added this delegate and just check to see which page I am on. If on the first one, I show the iOS Navigation, else I suppress.
This works great!

How does one present a modal view using PhoneGap?

Having made a few iOS apps, I'm now taking my first steps in building a HTML5 app with PhoneGap.
One of the things that has stumped me is how to present a modal view. In iOS it's trivial:
[myViewController presentModalViewController:modalViewController animated:YES];
But after a bit of Googling, and checking out PhoneGap's API reference, I can't find a single example of how to present a modal view...something I thought would be a trivial task with 100s of tutorials.
Or maybe I'm just really bad at Googling! I think however, that I'm missing something blindingly obvious...
there is no presentModalViewController for phonegap, in phonegap you load all your code in a "webView", and all the code and page transitions have to be done with html+css+javascript, so you have to create your own flip, crossdisolve and other animations (or use jquery mobile, jqtouch, jqmobi or any other javascript framework with this animations), so you can reuse the code in other platforms, you don't have presentModalViewController on android or blackberry.
If you really want to use presentModalViewController on a iOS phonegap app, you have to create a plugin, or use phonegap as a component, then you create different views, loading different html files on them, and change betweem them with native code.
This will help you to
I much rather use bootstrap (
