iOS: sign app for inhouse distribution with a customers provisoning profile - ios

i'm having some troubles to code sign an app for in-house distribution. The customer got an iOS Enterprise Developer Account and set up a provisioning profile. However i don't know how to sign the app and if there are any prerequisites that have to be met.
Currently during the development the app is signed with via a profile of my company (the team my Apple-ID is in). Testing devices are added via UDID to this profile. The next step would be to use the customers Provisioning Profile and Certificate to build the app for in-house distribution. I have the respective files but somehow i'm stuck. When i try to bring the certificate or provisioning profile in i'm getting code signing errors.
Can anyone help me with the steps i have to take?

If that provisioning profile crated by there system (Client Mac) and you want to use this provisioning in to you system you just need to its system cer.p12 file and double click on it that instal in to you key-chain. Than you can use its provisioning from you system. No need to other stuff.
just tel the client for sending its cer .p12 file like Go to keyChain and select cer that appear in to there system keychain.
Just right click on that particular cer that pop-up appear like bellow screenshot:
select Export Option and save. now Just you need this .p12 file in to you system.

You have to use the enterprise account to generate p12, and then use p12 to generate the description file, so that you can sign the app.If you really don't understand.i can help you with the steps you have to take. Give me your email.
I will send you a software, I think this can help you


iOS Dev: Certificates and hiring a freelancer

I have hired a freelancer to build an app for me. I have an individual dev account to which I have added him as a technical user. He has requested either that I send him distribution and development certs plus a provisioning profile OR to make him an admin role in iTunes Connect.
Should I create certificates with my name/email and send them to him? Or with his name/email? Or should I just make him an admin? What is the best/safest course of action? This is just for testing purposes and I will be receiving the source code upon project completion.
Totally new to iOS dev and have been scrounging around the web for a definitive answer. Sorry if this is rudimentary!
You don't need to add him as a Admin at all. If he has a free developer account you can sent him a request to add to your developer account team and can create a development and distribution profile from which developer can download. For certificate request developer need to send the request from him Mac and can download it from
For other option i am not sure if it will work because from latest XCode environment developer account needs to be added in Xcode but give it a try.
Other option if you don't at all want to give access to your developer account will be. Create and download the developer and distribution profile and share it with Freelancer.
For Certificate you would be requiring a Mac. Below is a process of creating a certificate:
Now goto your KeyChain access and can see your certificate there:
Right Click your certificate and export "iPhone Developer..." or "iPhone Distribution.." . Save it to your desktop. It will be a .p12 file and will ask for password while saving.
Share this .p12 file with the freelancer along with password. Share both Developer and Distribution certificate.
So now your freelancer has both Developer and Distribution certificate and provisional profile.
Since he is not the one that will be submitting the app to AppStore, then he should not be an admin. So the admin account is with your credentials.
Usually, if he is an iOS freelancer, most likely he already has an Apple account. So after he creates a certificate signing request, you should generate a development certificate for him, in order to test on real devices - that is, you must add his user to your created team.
However, the certificates-accounts process is not so easy, so I'd recommend you to also read: .

can a provisional profile created in one mac be used in other machine?

My client cannot disclouse his developer account credentials. So he created one app in apple.developer account with my app's bundle id and then created a provisional profile.
He has sent me the certificates,provisional profile. Now i am not able to use my machine and out of my home and want to give a reply.
Is it possible to make an ipa with that given things?
Follow below steps,
From MAC System which was used to create a certificates from apple account, Open Keychain App
Then Select developer and distribution certificates and export both as p12
file. You will need those certificates with export password from that
MAC system. Install those in your MAC's keychhain then you can use
provisioning profiles of that account.

Exporting Ad Hoc profile?

I'm developing an app with a friend. I have created an ad hoc profile from my dev account. What do I need to supply to him so he can build the app on his machine as well? Do I need to supply him the .cer or the .p12 and in the case of the latter do I need to give him the password for my p12 (really dont want to do this)
If your friend has Developer account then u must prefer Fonix suggestion..
If your friend hasn't Developer account then u have to collect the device id of your friend. Then add a device in your developer account with your friend's device id. After that, create a adhoc profile and archive your project. From the organizer in Xcode 4.6.1 you could distribute your app by binding the adhoc profile as ipa format. You just send the adhoc profile and the ipa file of your project to your friend. Tell your friend to connect the device and drag both of the file on iTunes logo, then iTunes will show your project in app tab..... after that just press install then your friend could experience your project...
You dont need an ad hoc profile for that, that is purely for giving someone the app without having to upload it to the app store. he will just need to have his developer account added to your team, then he will need to upload his certificate to the team, and then add his certificate and his device to the development provisioning profile for the app
so in summary:
add your friend to your developer team
click on certificates and create a new developer certificate for your friend
(optional, probably already done this) create your app id (can be a wild card one for development, but easier if you just do this properly from the begining)
(optional, can just use the simulator) add you and your friends devices udids
create or edit your current development provisioning profile to include you and your friends certificates and devices, download this and double click to add to xcode automatically
and that should sort you out

iOS ad hoc distribution with .p12 from customer

I have an app developed and working with our company's profile and distribution cert. I just recieved the .p12 from the company that we are going to be distributing to, and am trying to rebuild the app with their certificate. However, when I select 'Archive' I receive
"No unexpired provisioning profiles found that contain any of the keychains signing certificates"
I believe I'm missing something here, but google and I can't figure it out. Do I need a new profile with that certificate in it? If so how do I go about uploading the .p12?
Thankyou very much.
With the p12 you are enabling your computer to make releases for the outside company but what you need right now is the provisioning profile associated with that app (it will be specific if you have in app purchases or push notification otherwise it will be the default developer profile) and that .p12
Check out your keychain, distribution certificate has key. If not then install right certificate.

Code Signing Error

The company I am working for has a base app that they reskin and sell to different businesses. I have redesigned the app and am trying to upload it to their account but am getting:
[BEROR]Code Sign error: The identity 'iPhone Distribution' doesn't match any
valid certificate/private key pair in the default keychain
How do I add their developer account into my Xcode and acquire a certificate for distribution?
Thank you
Basically, you need to have maximum privileges in the Provisioning Portal to do the following, so if you don't, get it, and then do this:
Login and download a developer certificate. If you need to create one, select How To from the menu in the Provisioning Portal under certificates.
Download a distribution certificate. Again, if you need one, select How To.
Open both certificates and make sure they open in your Keychain Access
Select provisioning and download both a developer and distribution .mobileprovision provisioning profile. Create one if necessary using How To
Make sure you have XCode open and open both .mobileprovisioning profiles. Make sure that they open in the Organizer and show in the status that they are properly linked with a certificate that is valid in the Keychain Access. If they aren't, a flag will pop up, saying something like "There is no valid certificate associated with this profile" in bright red.
Check your code signing in both the Target and Project areas of your build. Make absolutely sure that both are trying to sign using your distribution profile.
Make sure that you are building the distribution scheme of your app (You may have to create this).
Finally set the build device to iOS Device, set the scheme to Distribution, and select Archive. It is imperative that when the program asks you to allow the code signing to use your private key, that you select "Allow" and not "Always Allow," as this is very buggy and often results in code signing errors.
If you need any more help, comment.
Hope this helps!
