Exporting Ad Hoc profile? - ios

I'm developing an app with a friend. I have created an ad hoc profile from my dev account. What do I need to supply to him so he can build the app on his machine as well? Do I need to supply him the .cer or the .p12 and in the case of the latter do I need to give him the password for my p12 (really dont want to do this)

If your friend has Developer account then u must prefer Fonix suggestion..
If your friend hasn't Developer account then u have to collect the device id of your friend. Then add a device in your developer account with your friend's device id. After that, create a adhoc profile and archive your project. From the organizer in Xcode 4.6.1 you could distribute your app by binding the adhoc profile as ipa format. You just send the adhoc profile and the ipa file of your project to your friend. Tell your friend to connect the device and drag both of the file on iTunes logo, then iTunes will show your project in app tab..... after that just press install then your friend could experience your project...

You dont need an ad hoc profile for that, that is purely for giving someone the app without having to upload it to the app store. he will just need to have his developer account added to your team, then he will need to upload his certificate to the team, and then add his certificate and his device to the development provisioning profile for the app
so in summary:
add your friend to your developer team
click on certificates and create a new developer certificate for your friend
(optional, probably already done this) create your app id (can be a wild card one for development, but easier if you just do this properly from the begining)
(optional, can just use the simulator) add you and your friends devices udids
create or edit your current development provisioning profile to include you and your friends certificates and devices, download this and double click to add to xcode automatically
and that should sort you out


After adding new UDIDs to provisioning profile, do I need to rebuild the IPA?

I have an app (adhoc dist.) and uploaded it to Diawi.
Now, I should add new UDIDs. After add them, do I need to recreate or rebuild the IPA and re-upload to Diawi?
Thanks in advance
An Ad-hoc IPA will only install on the devices listed in the embedded provisioning profile. If you want the app to be able to be installed on additional devices then yes, you need to provide an updated IPA with the updated profile.
Better yet, use TestFlight and avoid all of this hassle.
The answer to your query may be in two types of accounts
1) If you have an Enterprise Apple Account: No need to add tester UUDI to the account as the app can be released using Universal distribution binary which any device can install using OTA installation method.
2) If you have the developer account: your existing app will have no impact but yes for the new devices to install you have to regenerate the profile as the existing as on store account portal will get Invalid and needs to be updated for New IPA compilation. The old one will not work.
I would always recommend having an Enterprise account for a testing/building app company as Appstore Developer account is better for Distribution on Appstore or small scale company who rarely adds device ID for debugging and testing unless its standalone developer like scenario.

iOS: sign app for inhouse distribution with a customers provisoning profile

i'm having some troubles to code sign an app for in-house distribution. The customer got an iOS Enterprise Developer Account and set up a provisioning profile. However i don't know how to sign the app and if there are any prerequisites that have to be met.
Currently during the development the app is signed with via a profile of my company (the team my Apple-ID is in). Testing devices are added via UDID to this profile. The next step would be to use the customers Provisioning Profile and Certificate to build the app for in-house distribution. I have the respective files but somehow i'm stuck. When i try to bring the certificate or provisioning profile in i'm getting code signing errors.
Can anyone help me with the steps i have to take?
If that provisioning profile crated by there system (Client Mac) and you want to use this provisioning in to you system you just need to its system cer.p12 file and double click on it that instal in to you key-chain. Than you can use its provisioning from you system. No need to other stuff.
just tel the client for sending its cer .p12 file like Go to keyChain and select cer that appear in to there system keychain.
Just right click on that particular cer that pop-up appear like bellow screenshot:
select Export Option and save. now Just you need this .p12 file in to you system.
You have to use the enterprise account to generate p12, and then use p12 to generate the description file, so that you can sign the app.If you really don't understand.i can help you with the steps you have to take. Give me your email.
I will send you a software, I think this can help you

Install iPhone application in my device

I was recently developing an iPhone application using Xcode. Now I want to install this app on my iPhone in order to test it.How can I do this? could you tell me please a step by step answer because I am new to this.
I have already created an account on the
iPhone Dev Center
now what is the next step?
As per Apple guidelines:
To test your app on a variety of devices and iOS versions, create a special distribution provisioning profile, called an ad hoc provisioning profile, and send it, along with the app, to testers. An ad hoc provisioning profile doesn’t require that testers be enrolled in an Apple Developer Program, be added to your team, create signing certificates, or use Xcode to run your app. Instead, app testers simply install the app and the ad hoc provisioning profile on their device to launch the app. You can then collect and analyse crash reports or logs from these testers to resolve problems before you ship your app.
Can I do what is mentioned here? and if yes how ?
go to memeber login area and login with your credential..
go to certificate , Identifiers & Profile tab
go to keychain access and create a .csr file and save it, it'll
required for creating certificates
create a certificate from certificate tab
create App Ids from identifier tab
Register your device UDID from Devices tab
Create distribution profile from Provisioning Profile tab and download & save it.
Install the Provisioning profile to your device and build your project using that profile.
Archive your project and create .ipa file
Final step: Install that .ipa file to your device.
Hope it'll help you. Happy Coding.....
With the free account you can not test/run apps on a device.

iOS : Is there any way to test .ipa file in multiple device without jailbreak?

I created .ipa file using ad-hoc as the app is in testing phase. I want to send this .ipa file to my friend in other country to test the app, but due to company policies, he cannot jailbreak the device. How to make .ipa file which can be executed in any iOS device?
Generated .ipa file from Xcode 4.6
Get his device's UDID and add it to your list of devices in the profisioning portal. Then include the device in the certificate, download the updated certificate and 1) import it in xcode and re-build and 2) add it to the mail with the ipa file. He is supposed to copy the certificate into the apps folder in itunes and then cops the ipa there and sync the device.
If you happen to have more betatesters on distributed locations then you should look for services like testflightapp. https://testflightapp.com/ which provides convenient aid for you and the testers.
Why don't you just register your friend's device to the Member Center and add it to your Ad-Hoc distribution certificate? Then re-distribute it.
Here is all the information you need : https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/IDEs/Conceptual/AppDistributionGuide/TestingYouriOSApp/TestingYouriOSApp.html
Add all of the devices to your developer account and adhoc profile and then distribute. Or sign up for an enterprise account and then you can distribute the app internally to your company.
Consider to use TestFlight: http://testflightapp.com/dashboard/
You can upload your ipa and invite your friends to be testers.
it is possible and very easy.
So, you say you already have an ad-hoc provisioning profile. But actually only with one (your own) device ID. So here is, how to add more device IDs - no jailbreak necessary!
Ask your friend to connect his device to iTunes, and eMail his Device UID (DUID) to you (40 characters string)
Go to Apples Developer Member Center (iOS) web site, login with your account and head over to "Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles".
Click on "Devices" and add your friends device (name and UDID).
Now click on "Provisioning Profiles" and select the existing ad-hoc distribution provisioning profile for your app and click "Edit" to add the new device of your friend
Now make Xcode refresh its internal provisioning profile database via menu "Window / Organizer" then click "Devices" tab and "Provisioning Profiles" on the top left. Then click menu "Editor / Refresh from Developer Portal"
Rebuild your app with your just updated provisioning profile (this should update the code signing of your app.
Via "Product Archive" generate your *.IPA
You should now EMail the *.ipa to your tester friend.
If you are fast with the above steps 2 to 8, your frind still has connected his device to iTunes (see step 1 above).
He now simply drag'n'drops the *.ipa file from your mail to iTunes and iTunes syncs the App to his device. The app should work. (Eventually the device installs the profile - but nothing can go wrong here).
If you have multiple testers and mutiple builds, then have a look at http://www.testflightapp.com - this free of charge website makes distrubution of iOS apps for ad hoc testing even more easy. But it only saves time if you have multiple testers and multiple to be tested apps (or versions of one app).
Have fun!
If you are developing on mac, Consider downloading multiple iOS and config your iphone simulator for those.

Testflight Workflow

I am trying to understand the testflight App distribution workflow
When a new tester wants to join my testing team - I ask them to create an account on test flight.
Next they need to give me their device UUID so that I can add that UUID to the Distribution profile.
Question - What is the best way to get the UUID from the tester. I do not want them to email it to me or give me the UUID over the phone. Since they have the testflight account and the iPhone - Can they upload their device UUID from the iPhone to the testflight account so that I can see that tester JohnDoe has UUID xyz - If so how? What do they(The tester) need to run on the iPhone so that their UUID shows up when I (The App Developer) log into TestFlight.
When I (The App Developer) have the newly Added UUID - I need to update the Distribution Provisioning Profile on my Apple Provisioning Portal with the new UUID - Save the updated Profile and then upload it back to Testflight.
Question - Can this (adding the new UUID to a profile) be done via Testflight itself? - i.e. can Testflight update my Profile with a new UUID or can this only be done via the Apple provisioning portal and then be brought back into Testflight
There are similar questions but none answer exactly the two questions I am looking for.
Best way to get UUID - is copy it from testers TestFlight profile when he will register device for testing.
You can update provisioning profile only at Developer Apple portal. But you can update provisioning profile for existing build by pressing Update Profile on build page.
1) You can always export device ID-s from your TestFlight users - exported file is
ready to be directly imported in your Apple Developer Portal.
And you always get an automatic email when new user (or new device) is added to you
TestFlight account.
As for what is the best way: who knows, it's really a matter of choice.
2) No. TestFlight can't create a new provisioning profile with devices added.
You have to create it by yourself (Apple Developer Portal):
add new devices to your developer account
add this devices to provisioning profile
regenerate and download provisioning profile
update provisioning profile for TestFlight build (https://stackoverflow.com/a/14265876/653513)
It's really much simpler:
Create team
Invite people by email
When they signup, they automatically email you their device UDID
Here's what TestFlight FAQ says about it: How does it work?
Step 4 is to manually add device id's into Apple site, generate new provision files, download and install, rebuild (hopefully using jenkins or something similar) and upload a new build to TestFlight (did I mention jenkins :))
1>Go to Project,Archive app.
2>In archive,click on distribute.
3>Click on save for enterprise or ad hoc deployment and save ipa file to your desktop
4>open https://testflightapp.com/dashboard/ and login
5>After login,click on upload your build button
6>Next click on drop your ipa file.Select .ipa file from desktop and upload it.
7>Selct provisioning profile by tick check mark and click update and notify button.
8>After clicking update and notify,Please click on share build button below update and notify.
9>Also you can see this share option by clicking permission on right hand menu.
10>After clicking share button,you need to provide your email id for showing testflight app in your mail inbox.
11>open test flight mail into your device and click on install button.
12>app automatically open testflight in your device,Please login with testflight,click on install profile button
13>After all click on app just you upload,click on install button. app will automatically install in your device.
Please tell me in case of any query regarding this.
try TestFlight.top
Simple to invite testers
When a user requests to participate in your application test, you do not need to do any operation. Applicants only need to click on the download link in the page to directly download the test application. It is as simple as using the App Store
