I want to skew an image in objective C like pictured below, is this possible using CGAffineTransform? I'm not sure how to achieve such an effect and so far only get it to rotate or scale.
You can do it using the transform property of a layer, since a layer's transform is a 3D transform. In the code below, the anchor point of the layer is moved to the left edge, and then the 3D transform is applied. Note that self.anim3DView is just a standard UIImageView.
if ( self.anim3DView.layer.anchorPoint.x > 0.0 )
CGPoint position = self.anim3DView.layer.position;
position.x -= self.anim3DView.layer.bounds.size.width / 2.0;
self.anim3DView.layer.anchorPoint = CGPointMake( 0.0, 0.5 );
self.anim3DView.layer.position = position;
CATransform3D t = CATransform3DIdentity;
t.m34 = -0.005;
t = CATransform3DRotate( t, M_PI / 6.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 );
self.anim3DView.layer.transform = t;
I have a UIView on my screen. I am applying layer.transform to that view with translation and rotation according to users tap movement using tap and rotation gesture. At last i want to retrieve the final x and y position with the rotation separately. Could not find any such post here to get those information from transform. Can anyone help with this?
Here is the code am using to apply the transform.
var transform = CATransform3DIdentity
transform = CATransform3DTranslate(transform, displacementX, displacementY, 1.0)
transform = CATransform3DRotate(transform, gesture.rotation, 0, 0, 1.0)
self.currentItem.imageView.layer.transform = transform
Please refer the following code,
For Applying Transform,
let degrees = 90.0
let radians = CGFloat(degrees * Double.pi / 180)
sampleView.layer.transform = CATransform3DMakeRotation(radians, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
To get rotation angle after transform,
let radiansFromSampleView = atan2(sampleView.transform.b, sampleView.transform.a)
let DegreesFromRadiansOFSampleView = CGFloat(180 * Double(radiansFromSampleView) / Double.pi)
For x and y positions you can directly take from frame of the view even after transformation.
Hope this can be helpful.
I am trying to Apply 3D transform after scaling image from pinch Gesture Recognizer.. When a 3d Transform is applied The image get rescaled to default size ( i.e size before Pinch) . How can i Stop imageView from going back to the Previous state ( i.e before Pinch )
self.transform = CATransform3DIdentity
self.transform.m34 = 1.0 / 500.0;
self.transform = CATransform3DRotate(self.transform, CGFloat(145 * M_PI / 180), 0, 1, 0)
viewToDelete.layer.transform = self.transform
func handlePinch(_ nizer:UIPinchGestureRecognizer) {
nizer.view!.transform = nizer.view!.transform.scaledBy(x: nizer.scale, y: nizer.scale)
nizer.scale = 1
In the Image Left most view is the created view//.. view next to It is scaled using Pinch... 3rd downside is after 3dTransform
In my iOS application I have a texture applied to a sphere rendered in OpenGLES1. The sphere can be rotated by the user. How can I track where a given point on the texture is in 2D space at any given time?
For example, given point (200, 200) on a texture that's 1000px x 1000px, I'd like to place a UIButton on top of my OpenGL view that tracks the point as the sphere is manipulated.
What's the best way to do this?
On my first attempt, I tried to use a color-picking technique where I have a separate sphere in an off-screen framebuffer that uses a black texture with a red square at point (200, 200). Then, I used glReadPixels() to track the position of the red square and I moved my button accordingly. Unfortunately, grabbing all the pixel data and iterating it 60 times a second just isn't possible for obvious performance reasons. I tried a number of ways to optimize this hack (eg: iterating only the red pixels, iterating every 4th red pixel, etc), but it just didn't prove to be reliable.
I'm an OpenGL noob, so I'd appreciate any guidance. Is there a better solution? Thanks!
I think it's easier to keep track of where your ball is instead of searching for it with pixels. Then just have a couple of functions to translate your ball's coordinates to your view's coordinates (and back), then set your subview's center to the translated coordinates.
CGPoint translatePointFromGLCoordinatesToUIView(CGPoint coordinates, UIView *myGLView){
//if your drawing coordinates were between (horizontal {-1.0 -> 1.0} vertical {-1 -> 1})
CGFloat leftMostGLCoord = -1;
CGFloat rightMostGLCoord = 1;
CGFloat bottomMostGLCoord = -1;
CGFloat topMostGLCoord = 1;
CGPoint scale;
scale.x = (rightMostGLCoord - leftMostGLCoord) / myGLView.bounds.size.width;
scale.y = (topMostGLCoord - bottomMostGLCoord) / myGLView.bounds.size.height;
coordinates.x -= leftMostGLCoord;
coordinates.y -= bottomMostGLCoord;
CGPoint translatedPoint;
translatedPoint.x = coordinates.x / scale.x;
translatedPoint.y =coordinates.y / scale.y;
//flip y for iOS coordinates
translatedPoint.y = myGLView.bounds.size.height - translatedPoint.y;
return translatedPoint;
CGPoint translatePointFromUIViewToGLCoordinates(CGPoint pointInView, UIView *myGLView){
//if your drawing coordinates were between (horizontal {-1.0 -> 1.0} vertical {-1 -> 1})
CGFloat leftMostGLCoord = -1;
CGFloat rightMostGLCoord = 1;
CGFloat bottomMostGLCoord = -1;
CGFloat topMostGLCoord = 1;
CGPoint scale;
scale.x = (rightMostGLCoord - leftMostGLCoord) / myGLView.bounds.size.width;
scale.y = (topMostGLCoord - bottomMostGLCoord) / myGLView.bounds.size.height;
//flip y for iOS coordinates
pointInView.y = myGLView.bounds.size.height - pointInView.y;
CGPoint translatedPoint;
translatedPoint.x = leftMostGLCoord + (pointInView.x * scale.x);
translatedPoint.y = bottomMostGLCoord + (pointInView.y * scale.y);
return translatedPoint;
In my app I choose to use the iOS coordinate system for my drawing too. I just apply a projection matrix to my whole glkView the reconciles the coordinate system.
static GLKMatrix4 GLKMatrix4MakeIOSCoordsWithSize(CGSize screenSize){
GLKMatrix4 matrix4 = GLKMatrix4MakeScale(
2.0 / screenSize.width,
-2.0 / screenSize.height,
matrix4 = GLKMatrix4Translate(matrix4,-screenSize.width / 2.0, -screenSize.height / 2.0, 0);
return matrix4;
This way you don't have to translate anything.
I want to get scale factor and rotation angle form view. I've already applied CGAffineTransform to that view.
The current transformation of an UIView is stored in its transform property. This is a CGAffineTransform structure, you can read more about that here: https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/GraphicsImaging/Reference/CGAffineTransform/Reference/reference.html
You can get the angle in radians from the transform like this:
CGFloat angle = atan2f(yourView.transform.b, yourView.transform.a);
If you want the angle in degrees you need to convert it like this:
angle = angle * (180 / M_PI);
Get the scale like this:
CGFloat scaleX = view.transform.a;
CGFloat scaleY = view.transform.d;
I had the same problem, found this solution, but it only partially solved my problem.
In fact the proposed solution for extracting the scale from the transform:
(all code in swift)
scaleX = view.transform.a
scaleY = view.transform.d
only works when the rotation is 0.
When the rotation is not 0 the transform.a and transform.d are influenced by the rotation. To get the proper values you can use
scaleX = sqrt(pow(transform.a, 2) + pow(transform.c, 2))
scaleY = sqrt(pow(transform.b, 2) + pow(transform.d, 2))
note that the result is always positive. If you are also interested in the sign of the scaling (the view is flipped), then the sign of the scaling is the sign of transform.a for x flip and transform.d for y flip. One way to inherit the sign.
scaleX = (transform.a/abs(transform.a)) * sqrt(pow(transform.a, 2) + pow(transform.c, 2))
scaleY = (transform.d/abs(transform.d)) * sqrt(pow(transform.b, 2) + pow(transform.d, 2))
In Swift 3:
let rotation = atan2(view.transform.b, view.transform.a)
This is for an iPad application, but it is essentially a math question.
I need to draw a circular arc of varying (monotonically increasing) line width. At the beginning of the curve, it would have a starting thickness (let's say 2pts) and then the thickness would smoothly increase until the end of the arc where it would be at its greatest thickness (let's say 12pts).
I figure the best way to make this is by creating a UIBezierPath and filling the shape. My first attempt was to use two circular arcs (with offset centers), and that worked fine up to 90°, but the arc will often be between 90° and 180°, so that approach won't cut it.
My current approach is to make a slight spiral (one slightly growing from the circular arc and one slightly shrinking) using bezier quad or cubic curves. The question is where do I put the control points so that the deviation from the circular arc (aka the shape "thickness") is the value I want.
The shape must be able to start and end at an arbitrary angle (within 180° of each other)
The "thickness" of the shape (deviation from the circle) must start and end with the given values
The "thickness" must increase monotonically (it can't get bigger and then smaller again)
It has to look smooth to the eye, there can't be any sharp bends
I am open to other solutions as well.
My approach just constructs 2 circular arcs and fills the region in between. The tricky bit is figuring out the centers and radii of these arcs. Looks quite good provided the thicknesses are not too large. (Cut and paste and decide for yourself if it meet your needs.) Could possibly be improved by use of a clipping path.
- (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect
CGContextRef context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
CGMutablePathRef path = CGPathCreateMutable();
// As appropriate for iOS, the code below assumes a coordinate system with
// the x-axis pointing to the right and the y-axis pointing down (flipped from the standard Cartesian convention).
// Therefore, 0 degrees = East, 90 degrees = South, 180 degrees = West,
// -90 degrees = 270 degrees = North (once again, flipped from the standard Cartesian convention).
CGFloat startingAngle = 90.0; // South
CGFloat endingAngle = -45.0; // North-East
BOOL weGoFromTheStartingAngleToTheEndingAngleInACounterClockwiseDirection = YES; // change this to NO if necessary
CGFloat startingThickness = 2.0;
CGFloat endingThickness = 12.0;
CGPoint center = CGPointMake(CGRectGetMidX(self.bounds), CGRectGetMidY(self.bounds));
CGFloat meanRadius = 0.9 * fminf(self.bounds.size.width / 2.0, self.bounds.size.height / 2.0);
// the parameters above should be supplied by the user
// the parameters below are derived from the parameters supplied above
CGFloat deltaAngle = fabsf(endingAngle - startingAngle);
// projectedEndingThickness is the ending thickness we would have if the two arcs
// subtended an angle of 180 degrees at their respective centers instead of deltaAngle
CGFloat projectedEndingThickness = startingThickness + (endingThickness - startingThickness) * (180.0 / deltaAngle);
CGFloat centerOffset = (projectedEndingThickness - startingThickness) / 4.0;
CGPoint centerForInnerArc = CGPointMake(center.x + centerOffset * cos(startingAngle * M_PI / 180.0),
center.y + centerOffset * sin(startingAngle * M_PI / 180.0));
CGPoint centerForOuterArc = CGPointMake(center.x - centerOffset * cos(startingAngle * M_PI / 180.0),
center.y - centerOffset * sin(startingAngle * M_PI / 180.0));
CGFloat radiusForInnerArc = meanRadius - (startingThickness + projectedEndingThickness) / 4.0;
CGFloat radiusForOuterArc = meanRadius + (startingThickness + projectedEndingThickness) / 4.0;
endingAngle * (M_PI / 180.0),
startingAngle * (M_PI / 180.0),
startingAngle * (M_PI / 180.0),
endingAngle * (M_PI / 180.0),
CGContextAddPath(context, path);
CGContextSetFillColorWithColor(context, [UIColor redColor].CGColor);
One solution could be to generate a polyline manually. This is simple but it has the disadvantage that you'd have to scale up the amount of points you generate if the control is displayed at high resolution. I don't know enough about iOS to give you iOS/ObjC sample code, but here's some python-ish pseudocode:
# lower: the starting angle
# upper: the ending angle
# radius: the radius of the circle
# we'll fill these with polar coordinates and transform later
innerSidePoints = []
outerSidePoints = []
widthStep = maxWidth / (upper - lower)
width = 0
# could use a finer step if needed
for angle in range(lower, upper):
innerSidePoints.append(angle, radius - (width / 2))
outerSidePoints.append(angle, radius + (width / 2))
width += widthStep
# now we have to flip one of the arrays and join them to make
# a continuous path. We could have built one of the arrays backwards
# from the beginning to avoid this.
allPoints = innerSidePoints + outerSidePoints # array concatenation
xyPoints = polarToRectangular(allPoints) # if needed
A view with a spiral .. 2023
It's very easy to draw a spiral mathematically and there are plenty of examples around.
Put it in a view in the obvious way:
class Example: UIView {
private lazy var spiral: CAShapeLayer = {
let s = CAShapeLayer()
s.strokeColor = UIColor.systemPurple.cgColor
s.fillColor = UIColor.clear.cgColor
s.lineWidth = 12.0
s.lineCap = .round
return s
private lazy var sp: CGPath = {
let s = UIBezierPath.getSpiralPath(
center: bounds.centerOfCGRect(),
startRadius: 0,
spacePerLoop: 4,
startTheta: 0,
endTheta: CGFloat.pi * 2 * 5,
thetaStep: 10.radians)
return s.cgPath
override func layoutSubviews() {
clipsToBounds = true
spiral.path = sp