How to obtain plain 'globe' Unicode character - ios

If you include Unicode characters in an NSString, a lot of them will take on the color set for that text - they're just regular glyphs for that font so they're displayed like any other character. But there are some Unicode characters that are colored, for example GLOBE WITH MERIDIANS which is a blue gradient with shadows. But I have seen this same glyph elsewhere that's a simple black outline without a shadow, for example in the iOS keyboard. I would like to use that glyph, but without the adornments, and without having to create and use an image. I wondered if a different font would render it in a different format, and while does show different styles (bolder, italics), they're all blue. Is it possible to get the simple plain version?
Surely it is possible, because that appears to be exactly what Apple has implemented with a Tip. Notice the globe is the exact same color as the text and it's included in the string along with all the other characters. Surely that's not a UIImage?
Character in different fonts:
EDIT: The solution provided in the linked question doesn't work for this character, as the variant character appears to be the exact same as the original - blue with shadows.

Unfortunately, iOS doesn't have a monochrome globe symbol you can use; the only built-in font that includes U+1F310 GLOBE WITH MERIDIANS is Apple Color Emoji.
If you really want a font that renders this character as a simple black outline, you could package a copy of Symbola (downloadable here) into your app.
Alternatively, you could make a bitmap image with the icon you want and use NSTextAttachment to put it into an attributed string. Apple is likely doing something along these lines, as many of their Tips include symbols that are definitely not Unicode characters:


is it possible to change font build by svg images color in iOS?

I have font build by group of images to save writing shape, so this font is unicode and each unicode character presents a single word, until now every thing working fine with font coloring in the application.
after we update the font to contain static colors (inside the font ttf) the issue appear that I cannot change the uncolored parts of the glyph.
please see the attached image that contain four characters the first two was colored correctly (blue) but the others were not.
is there any suggestion to replace the black color only in the character with white color to be used in the Dark mode ?

Slight FROWNING face unicode in iOS

I want to display slightly FROWNING face in my UILabel and the unicode whihc i am using is \u2639 but that's displaying white frowny face but i needed the yellow one. I checked everywhere but its the same unicode everywhere. could somebody tell me what is the unicode for yellow frowning face?
Edit - Attached is the screenshot for which i am looking for unicode which should be the one which i posted above but that is giving me white frowning face not the yellow one.
The slightly frowny face is U+1F641.
However, let's return to your original question. You are setting the label's text to "\u{2639}" and you are seeing the white frowny face.
The solution is to specify the variant of this glyph, like this: "\u{2639}\u{FE0F}". If you set the label's text to that, you will see the yellow frowny face.
(To understand why that is and what the variation selector means, see Basically, this unicode codepoint falls in the older text area, so if you want the newer emoji variant, you have to ask for it.)
But an even simpler solution is: don't use codepoint values at all! Swift strings are unicode. Just include the emoji directly in your string. Set the label's text to "☹️"! For example:
self.label.text = "☹️"
That way, you will see the emoji you specified in the string.

NSAttributedString: Strikethrough text with replacement text above it

I am trying to draw an NSAttributedString (actually, a constructed NSMutableAttributedString) where the "original" text has been struck and replacement text inserted above it (I'm trying to replicate the look/feel of an Ancient Greek manuscript).
My technique is a combination of NSBaselineOffsetAttributeName with NSKernAttributeName, but it appears that using a negative value for NSKernAttributeName "wipes away" the strikethrough of the text, even if the characters don't overlap.
If I put an extra space after the "A" character (in the original text), the "A" gets the strikethrough, but the "EI" is also offset to the right. So, it appears that the offset/kerning of the "EI" text affects how much of the strikethrough actually occurs.
Here's what I'd like to reproduce (I don't care about the angle; it's not about a picture-perfect reproduction; just the gist):
Here's what is currently happening:
This is when I add an extra space after the strikethrough:
So, the only other thing I can think of would be to render a separate NSAttributedString in the correct place, separate from the current one, but I have no idea how to calculate the location of a specific character in an NSAttributedString when it's drawn. I'm drawing to a PDF, not to any on-screen control like a UILabel. Alternatively, I could draw the "strikethrough" myself as a line, but that seems to still require knowing the coordinates for the text in question, which is calculated on-the-fly, and I hope to use this method to reproduce a large sample of ancient texts, which means doing it by hand just isn't a good answer here.
Anything I'm missing, or any out-of-the-box ideas to try?

How would I change the color of an emoji?

I have an emoji, and I want it to be white, but when I run the program it appears red. How do I change it to white?
rating.text = "\(♥♥♥♥♥)"
rating.textColor = UIColorRGB("ffffff")
The following answer explains why you can't change the color of Emoji characters. The glyphs are essentially images.
If you want to be able to use a heart symbol that you can color, try using one of the non-Emoji heart characters like ♥︎.
Or ensure the label's font isn't using the Apple Color Emoji font.
I needed to do this for a project and found a couple of ways to go about it. Each has its limitations, but still, usefull tricks to know.
First, you could append the unicode text presentation selector after the emoji to get it to render as text, then use your font color.
Text representation of that emoji might not be available and you get unknown character representation instead.
The detail of the text representation is often less
Alternatively, you can use CSS filters on the emoji itself to change its hue (plus saturation, contrast, grayscale, etc)
Requires access to the page's css (Works fine for your own webpage, but you couldn't, for instance, use this within an instagram post)
The emoji graphic is application-dependent, so the outcome
could be unpredictable. For instance, the folder icon on firefox is
(presently) an ugly blue color. I filter it to a yellow tint, but on
other browsers (which render it yellow to start with) the code below will cause the very problem I was trying to fix!
Anyway, here are some examples with both css and html variations of the approaches:
.folderitem_normal:before {
.folderitem_presentation_selector:before {
color: magenta;
.folderitem_css_filter:before {
filter: hue-rotate(180deg) brightness(1.5);
<div class="folderitem_normal">Normal appearance of emoji for comparison (HTML 📂)</div>
<div class="folderitem_presentation_selector">Presentation selector. Notice how it has been colored like normal text. (HTML 📂︎)</div>
<div class="folderitem_css_filter">Css filter looks nice, but results are application-dependent. (HTML = N/A)</div>

how to display custom quotation marks with sifr?

I have some text and quotation marks around it, but I want each of them to be a different font to be replaced by sifr. The problem is that the quotes need to go exactly around the text, but the text once turned into an tag becomes a block and the text isn't shaped necessarily like a rectangle. I thought about having the quotes be background images of the replaced text, but only safari 3 supports multiple background images. Any suggestions?
I don't think Flash provides enough control over text elements to get this as precise as you'd like.
