Wifi scan in WinMo 6.5 - wifi

New to posting here, so please forgive if my question is kinda basic.
I'm trying to find a way to scan for all available wifi access points on a WinMo6.5 device. I need get every individual access point (by MAC address) and its signal strength, not just a list of available SSIDs. I thought I found the answer here, but the link posted in the answer is dead. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.


Settings in iPhone errors

So silly question here but if someone would humor me and lend any advice I would appreciate it SO much. I’ve had some issues since I’ve created my apple account, but one thing I keep noticing specifically that confuses me (my Apple ID once said it can not be changed, now it allows me the option to change my Apple ID and phone/email everything)
I wouldn’t be so concerned with this, but I’ve had reasons for safety/security concerns and then I noticed this. I see many “null” type messages in my data when I view it directly from my device as well. I’m not tech savvy at all so this is all beyond me. Forgive me please if I’m not posting this correctly. I receive error messages from apple when trying to download my data even. I’ve updated and reset my phone before but it doesn’t help. I want to just know this is user error on my end but I’m not finding information to confirm that anywhere I try to look. Thank you so much for anyone who might be able to point me in the right direction.

xcode - Network Strength in iOS

I know that it is not really going to help me out, but still I have some doubts related to "CTGetSignalStrength()" method of Core Telephony framework. What I know about this method is:
It is an undocumented method.
It belongs to a Private API.
If I use this method, App store will reject my application.
Also, I read that there is no public API to get the Signal Strength in iOS.
My reason to pick this topic up again because all the other answers are atleast 2 years old.
And also, I have seen some applications on App store which really tells about the cellular/Wifi Strength(Like Dr.Wifi-something).
If its not possible to get the signal Strength, how those applications are getting it? Or there is some other way now through which we can get the network Strength. I would really appreciate if someone can enlighten me on this. Thank you.
EDIT : I have checked that question before, the one in the comment, but please see that :
1. The answer is really old.
2. In the comments, you can see someone asked "How OpenSignal is doing there signal strength measurement?" and there is no reply to that.
3. Every opportunity to get signal strength is either removed in the updated iOS version, or giving null or 0 as output.
So I am not really sure if there is no solution present for the problem or, the solution is not yet updated to that question.
from iOS 9 and later it seems you can get wifi signal strength look at this https://developer.apple.com/documentation/networkextension/nehotspothelper
But also you must get entitlement. From Apple docs
The com.apple.developer.networking.HotspotHelper entitlement is required
in order to use NEHotspotHelper. To request this entitlement, complete
the questionnaire at
hope this helps.

Add Fing like/Network Scanning to Application

I have seen a lot of questions related to obtaining a list of devices on the network and i'm not sure any of them meet my needs. I need to be able to show a list of devices connected to the network, with IP address/Mac address. I've seen ARP cache mentioned, as well as scanning a subnet mask, and ICMP broadcast. Which of these is the best way to get this functionality? I have concerns about some of the solutions I have seen posted, as most mention non-public API's it would seem. A point in the right direction would be greatly appreciated, I am also not highly familiar with straight C, which a lot of the mentioned solutions use.

Interface between iOS and miniadsb (or other ADS-B receiver)

Here's a question the likes of which have not been seen before on stackoverflow :-)
I am trying to figure out how to interface a miniadsb gadget -- http://miniadsb.web99.de -- with iOS. Or, failing that, I would like to interface any ADS-B receiver to iOS.
Any pointers in the right direction would be greatly appreciated!
I know this is an old post, but this answer may help some people.
ADS-B data is broadcasted by hardware and received by hardware. Sometimes, software decodes these broadcasts and forwards them over the network to a "Virtual" Radar or track management system. In the past, this hardware was very expensive but is now affordable due to new companies and the year 2020 mandate coming closer. Here are links to easy ways to get ADS-B data to show up on an iOS device.

Getting applications information installed on the device

I want to get the information of the installed applications on the device by code. Like for example when entering the settings in the device then applications you can see all the applications installed ... well I want to get that by code... how to do that?
Any idea about that topic?
Check out the API documentation on CodeModuleManager.
And, part of the way StackOverflow works is that when you get an answer that solves your problem you should accept that answer. This is how you repay people for taking the time to help you out. You are a new user, and not too many questions yet, but if you get to far ahead of yourself without accepting answers people may stop answering them.
