Tracking Outbound links in Google Analytics not repoting - hyperlink

I have used the information on this site and at this page
to add tracking on my outbound links (pictures and texts) at this page
I am trying to view them in Google Analytics (Reporting > Behavior > Events > Overview) but no clicks are showing up. I have visited the site and clicked the links may times to test. It has been about 72 hours since I added the code.
Can someone view source at and see what I am doing wrong? I think it may be the image links

It looks like you've copied the "smart" quotes instead of the straight quotes. You currently have:
onclick=”trackOutboundLink(‘’); return false;"
When it should be...
onclick="trackOutboundLink(''); return false;"


<h1> <h2> seo link tag

i know <h2>Hamburger</h2> are good, but how about this:
<div><h2>Food » Hamburger</h2></div>
or thats are ok for google seo?
The tag with an anchor link inside it will work same as a normal tag for Google SEO. Both the methods are Ok, but the problem that can occur is your readers may go away because you added a hyperlink in the Heading text of your webpage. So, it is not a good practice to use hyperlinks in tags or any tag.

Google Sheets URL with "&rm=minimal" works perfectly -- but defeats script

When you append any Google Sheet URL with "&rm=minimal" (omitting the double quotes) - the Sheet will very nicely render in any browser without the Tool Bar or Formula bar.
This frees up a lot of space and is great for applications where you don't want/need those screen elements - and you just want users to see the sheet.
However, I have a couple of onOpen commands in my associated script which does not run in a sheet whose URL has been modified with "&rm=minimal"
function onOpen() {
Does anyone know why this is happening -- and if there is a workaround?
The fix for this is to add another iframe along with the original in html:
src="<url to the spreadsheet without the ?rm=minimal query>"
style="visibility:hidden; position: absolute;"
Using Google Documents iframes in Web Applications have a lot of caveats, another one is that it resets scroll to top by each page refresh for example.

Why data is different in Next Page Flow Report and PageView report?

This is related to Site-Catalyst reporting.
I was looking into 'Next Page Flow Report' for a particular page. The report says, for a particular time duration, the total path views were 4500. But when I looked into 'pageViews' report of the same page, it says, the pageViews of that page for the same duration was 5,000. Ideally, the pageViews and path views should match, since anyone who landed on that page (which is pageview) must either exit or should navigate to any next page (which comes in next page flow report). Not sure, why this difference is coming then.
Does anyone has any idea about this ? Please help.
For example, let's say you have 3 pages, and lets say that individually (looking at pages report), each page had 10 page views:
PageA : 10 page views
PageB : 10 page views
PageC : 10 page views
In your pages report, you should see it just like that. But page views within a pathing report are shown in relation to paths, not standalone page views. So for example, one path could be:
PageA (3 page views) > PageB (4 page views) > (exited site)
This just shows how many people took the same path throughout your site, where they diverged, etc..think of it like a choose-your-own-adventure book, where at each point of the story, the reader can choose which way the story goes, so that overall, there are different permutations of the story. A website works in much the same way. Visitors can start off on virtually any page accessible on your site (though usually the homepage or landing pages are the most common), and from there, they navigate to wherever else on your site.
So, if you were to add up the page views for PageA for all the paths, it should match what's in the base pages report, but if you are looking at page views for an individual path, it's not going to add up, because it's just page views for that page that happened in that one path (well, it's theoretically possible for them to match, e.g. if there's only one path, but that's highly unlikely to actually happen).
Path Views will always report Pure Page Views (yes, I call it Pure).
What does this mean? Well, it simply means that the Path Views for a Page is equal to the Total Page Views less the Reloads of that Page for a specific period.
Therefore, if your Path Views are 4500, and Page Views are 5000, then this means that your page was reloaded 500 times.

YouTube subscribe link

I am a new coder/web designer and i am trying to add a the youtube logo that when clicked confirm subscription to the users channel
i have a php file with the following coding within...
<div id="youtube">
<img src="/images/YouTube.png />
this links to confirm subscription and the image directory is correct
however the problem is that whenever i add this into the coding it stuffs everything up!
if you go to any page and right click and go 'inspect element' you will see that the like box for facebook has a box around it which has the room for the youtube picture link
but it doesnt work, as said, when i add it in everything just clumps up together and/or the menu clumps up and goes all weird
You had two problems by the looks of things. The first issue was your include filename was wrong and the second was that you missed the closing inverted comma "
This was on the img src= tag
Try to change your id to something else - like <div id="youtube-confirm">
The youtube id might be reserved in FB script and it messes up your and their stuff

Refresh the browser once on load or clear DOM

I have a dynamic MVC4, jQuery Mobile application that works for the most part quite well. I have an auto posting dropdown list that selects a list from the database via the following code.
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
$("#TownID").live('change', function () {
//$("#TownID").change(function () {
var actionUrl = $('#TheForm1').attr('action') + '/' + $('#TownID').val();
$('#TheForm1').attr('action', actionUrl);
#using (Html.BeginForm("SearchTown", "Home", FormMethod.Post, new { id = "TheForm1" }))
#Html.DropDownList("TownID", (SelectList)ViewBag.TownId, "Select a Town")
The problem is it only works properly the first time a search is performed unless I click refresh. I don’t think this has anything to do with MVC, I think the problem is with AJAX and jQuery Mobile.
The first time I search yields a result and woks fine, but the second time something seems to be left behind in the DOM??? and it looks for: also
I get 404 errors in my log and “Error Loading Page” but it still finds the results and displays the page correctly!
Then with a third search I get the error 404’s in my log and “Error Loading Page” but it has grown and now looks for: also
This then continues to grow after every search until at some seemingly random point on each test, it seems to give up and I get error 505
Additional Edit:
The code works perfectly if I take jQuery Mobile out of the question
Can anyone tell me what might be going on here?
Get rid of: $(function () {
And replace it with: $(document).delegate('[data-role="page"]', 'pageinit', function () {
Please read the big yellow sections at the top of this page:
You can't rely on document.ready or any other event that only fires once per page. Instead you have to get used to using jQuery Mobile's custom page events like pageinit so your code will work no-matter when the page is added to the DOM (which you don't know when this will happen in a jQuery Mobile website). There are a ton of events, so again, please read the documentation I linked-to above.
Firstly, dynamically generated html using a server side templating engine blows. I really don't understand what value people see in it.
My guess is that it used to make sense 10 years ago before AJAX became popular, and has just hung in there ever since because people have this feeling that it is "the right way to do it". It isn't. ESPECIALLY for mobile web apps.
Secondly, it looks like you are trying to do pretty simple search. All this MVC4 garbage makes it difficult for you to see what is really happening though. You don't need to append parameters to your URL for a simple form submission like this. In fact your TownId should already be part of the POST data when you submit, so you can just remove the URL modification bit.
Alternatively, don't use a form submission, but just a GET and AJAX. I don't know what your app is doing here, but I imagine you want to display the results on the page dynamically somehow, so a GET is more than enough.
Use your developer browser tools (F12) to see what exactly is getting submitted when you do the submit - it really helps. And for your next project, abandon MVC4! "Well established design patterns" my foot.
I have been bothered by this problem for a long time
There are same select element in the DOM I think so...
and I used $('.SelectCSS:last').val()
It seen work well.
I come from China , English is poor...
I guess this is one for the future, MVC and jQuery Mobile don't seem to blend completely right now. Maybe MS's response to the issue is Single Page Applications!
SPA may satisfy Danial also?
