I understand the convenience of installing bootstrapped extensions but there is a question that has been bugging me for a long while.
Has there ever been a performance & resource/memory usage comparison between overlay & bootstrapped extensions?
In overlay extensions, a lot of the work, ie XUL overlays etc are handled NATIVELY by the application (ie Firefox).
In a bootstrapped extension, all above work is left to the extension developer which often involves manually adding many event-listeners and observers to achieve the same (which could be not as native as the applications core).
I have noticed startless addons that fail to initiate on occasions on some windows. I have also noticed startless addons that on occasions, the insertion itself was noticeable (ie the functionality, image, icon comes slightly after the window is loaded). Furthermore, the type of the even-listener used is not uniform and varies greatly.
I have a nagging feeling that manually (and not natively) adding menus, context menus, functions, string-bundles, preferences, localization etc and Enumerating windows would use more resources (besides the fact that its efficiency would be greatly dependent on developer’s skills).
I look forward to your comments
How an add-on performs mostly depends on the actual implementation (what the add-on does and how) and data it keeps around. As such you cannot really just compare performance of overlay vs. restartless add-ons.
I converted add-ons from overlay to restartless ones that performed better afterwards, because I optimized some things along the way. The opposite might be true, of course, in other cases.
Memory consumption depends on what the add-on does, incl. how many event listeners it creates. Unless you create thousands upon thousands of event listeners (that also pseudo-leak stuff in closures), the memory consumed by these listeners is usually negligible as about:memory will tell you. You can have memory hungry overlay add-ons and lightweight restartless add-ons, or vice-versa.
You're right hat the efficiency depends greatly on the skills a developer has, i.e. the quality of the implementation and data structure designs which is usually directly correlated with said skills.
It is easy to create a simple "button" SDK add-on, but the SDK has lots and lots of abstractions to make it easy, and these abstractions consume resources (memory, CPU or even file I/O).
It is a bit harder to create an equivalent overlay add-on, but still you get quite a few things for free (overlay, style). These niceties are higher-level abstractions, too, and come at a cost.
It is quite difficult to create an equivalent bootstrapped add-on, but if done correctly it might outperform the other add-on types, even during startup (no chrome.manifest to read, parse and interpret, no sync loading of overlays and associated styles, etc.)
It's a bit like comparing C (restartless) to Java (overlay) to Ruby (SDK). People love the convenience of Ruby, but proper Java code easily outperforms it. Then again, Java will often outperform equivalent C programs written by novice developers (also those novice developers will more likely leak memory all over the place ;), but a C program written by skilled developer may outperform Java.
What you're asking here is essentially indicative of premature optimization. Instead code, measure and then optimize if necessary and according to your skill levels.
Once you notice that your add-on consumes tons of memory or runs slowly, then measure and/or debug the cause. Or just measure pro-actively. The point is: measure.
If it isn't your add-on that misbehaves, tell the author, or file a tech evangelism bug if it is real bad.
Since you ask about DOM manipulation/overlays, addEventListener vs. "native":
Overlays may be faster than calling a bunch of DOM methods from JS. But then again, overlays are XML and need to be read from disk, then parsed into a DOM, then the DOM needs to be merged with the DOM that is overlaid, following all kinds of rules, etc. That requires all kinds of I/O, (temp.) memory, CPU, etc. So overlays may be slower. Depends on the overlay.
addEventListener is usually blazingly fast. In fact, overlay "event" listeners, (those nasty oncommand/onclick/onwhatever attributes), use the same implementation internally (well, kinda), and additionally the string values from these attributes will be throw into the JS engine anyway by creating anonymous functions from these strings (and that takes time, too ;)
Anyway, on the few occasions I actually did measure UI initialization in restartless add-ons (only the DOM stuff in JS) and it always came out taking something in the (lower) double-digit milliseconds range for any add-on with a reasonable amount of DOM and listeners (<100).
I have also noticed startless addons that on occasions, the insertion itself was noticeable (ie the functionality, image, icon comes slightly after the window is loaded).
Yeah, some restartless add-ons e.g. load (toolbarbutton) images asynchronously, or delay (some) of their initialization to a later point (e.g. why populate the context menu before popupshowing?). This can be a little bit less efficient (because it can cause redraws) or can be more efficient (because the browser can continue to execute other initialization code while e.g. images load in the background).
If restartless add-ons fail to initialize, then well, that is a bug. But I did mention that restartless add-ons are rather difficult to write already.
PS: Gecko Profiler and about:memory are your friends ;)
Wicket uses the Session heavily which could mean “large memory footprint” (as stated by some developers) for larger apps with lots of pages. If you were to explain to a bunch of CTOs from Fortune 500 that they have to adopt Apache Wicket for their large web application deployments and that their fears about Wicket problems with scaling are just bad assumptions; what would you argue?
The question concerns only
Technical details and real world
examples are very welcomed.
IMO credibility for Apache Wicket in very large scale deployment is satisfied with the following URL: http://mobile.walmart.com View the source.
See also http://mexico.com, http://vegas.com, http://adscale.de, and look those domains up with alexa to see their ranking.
So, yes it is quite possible to build internet scale applications using Wicket. But whether or not you are using Wicket, Struts, SpringMVC, or just plain old JSPs: internet scale software development is hard. No framework can make that easy for you. No framework can give you software with a next-next-finish wizard that services 5M users.
Well, first of all, explain where the footprint comes from, and it is mainly the PageMap.
The next step would be to explain what a page map does, what is it for and what problems it solves (back buttons and popup dialogs for example). Problems, which would have to be solved manually, at similar memory costs but at a much bigger development cost and risk.
And finally, tell them how you can affect what goes in the page map, the secondary page cache and thus how the size can be kept under control.
Obviously you can also show them benchmarks, but probably an even better bet is to drop a line to Martijn Dashorst (although I believe he's reading this post anyway :)).
In any case, I'd try to put two points across:
There's nothing Wicket stores in memory which you wouldn't have to store in memory anyway. It's just better organised, easier to develop, keep consistent, and test.
Java itself means that you're carrying some inevitable excess baggage around all the time. If they are so worried about footprint, maybe Java isn't the language they want to use at all. There are hundreds of large traffic websites written in other languages, so that's a perfectly workable solution. The worst thing they can do is to go with Java, take on the excess baggage and then not use the advantages that come with an advanced framework.
Wicket saves the last N pages in the session. This is done to be able to load the page faster when it is needed. It is needed mostly in two cases - using browser back button or in Ajax applications.
The back button is clear, no need to explain, I think.
About Ajax - each ajax requests needs the current page (the last page in the session cache) to find a component in it and call its callback method, update some model, etc.
From their on the session size completely depends on your application code. It will be the same for any web framework.
The number of pages to cache (N above) is configurable, i.e. depending on the type of your application you may tweak it as your find appropriate. Even when there is no inmemory cache (N=0) the pages are stored in the disk (again configurable) and the page will be find again, just it will be a bit slower.
About some references:
http://fabulously40.com/ - social network with many users,
several education sites - I know two in USA and one in Netherlands. They also have quite a lot users,
currently I work on a project that expects to be used by several million users. Wicket 1.5 will be improved wherever we find hotspots.
Send this to your CTO ;-)
I have a c++ library which has functionality exposed to Lua, and am seeking opinions on the best ways to organise my lua code.
The library is a game engine, with a component based Game Object system. I want to be able to write some of these components as classes in Lua. I am using LuaBind, so I can do this but there are some implementation choices I must make, and would like to know how others have done it.
Should I have just one global lua_State, or one per object, one per scene, etc?
This sounds like a lot of memory overhead, but will keep everything nice and separate.
Should I have one GLOBALS table, or one per object, which can be put in place before a call to a member? This would seem to minimize the chances of some class deciding to use globals, and another accidentally overwriting it, with less memory overhead than having many lua_States.
Or should I just bung everything in the one globals table?
Another question involves the lua code ittself. Two strategies occur... Firstly shoving all class definitions in one place, loading them when the application launches, Secondly putting one class definition per file, and simply making sure that file is loaded when I need to instance it.
I'd appreciate anyone's thoughts on this, thanks.
While LuaBind is certainly very nifty and convenient, as your engine grows, so will your compile times, drastically.
If you already have, or are planning to add, a messaging system (which I heavily recommend, specially for networking), then it simplifies problems significantly. In this case, what you will need to do is simply bind a few key functions to interface with the messaging system. This will keep your compile times down, and give you a very flexible system.
Since you are doing a component based engine (Good choice BTW), It makes more sense to integrate scripting as an object component. This way, it usually makes more sense to make each scripting component a new coroutine that runs behavior for each particular object. You need not to worry about memory too much, Lua states are very light, and can be made really fast if you interface your memory manager with Lua.
If you implement scripting as a component, it is still a good idea to have global or per-level scripts loaded, (to coordinate event triggers by other objects, or maybe enemy spawning timers).
As far as loading scripts go, it would not be bad practice, to just load the scripts you will need for a level all at once, and keep them in a global table for fas accessing, loading of lua scripts is pretty fast, specially if you pre-compiled them.
One consideration is how you're planning to thread things. If you want to run the code for two Game Objects in parallel, for example, then they really ought to have their own separate lua_States so that they can both be running at the same time. (Of course, that also means that they can't really share any state, except via the C code where you'd need to be conscious of thread-safety.)
As to the Lua code, I'd recommend loading everything when the app launches (unless you really need to do "lazy" loading of your core classes on demand). It typically simplifies maintenance and debugging. And in the case of code being loaded that's no longer needed, the garbage collector will clean that up with a quickness. :-)
I am working on a game in C++. I've been told, though, that I should also use an embeddable scripting language like Lua or Angelscript, but to be honest, I have no idea how or why. What advantages would this bring me, over storing all of my data in some sort of text file? How do I get started? I tried to read some Lua examples, but I don't see how it works, or how exactly I am supposed to use it.
First the "why" question:
If you've made reasonable progress so far, you have game scenery where the action happens, and then a kind of GUI with your visible game controls: Maps, compass, hotkeys, chat box, whatever.
If you make the GUI (positions, sizes, settings, defaults, etc) configurable through a configuration file, that's OK for starters. But if you make it controllable by code then you can do many very cool things. Example: Minimize the map when entering a city. Show other player's portraits when in group. Update the map. Display different hot keys in combat. That kinda thing.
Now you can do your code-controlling of your GUI in C/C++ code, but one problem is that whenever you want to change the behavior, even if only a little, you need to recompile the whole dang game client. If you have a billion players, you have to ship them all a new game client. That's a turn-off. Another problem is that there's no way on earth that a player can customize the GUI.
A simple embedded language solves both problem. You can put that kind of code in separate files that get loaded at runtime and can be fiddled with to anyone's heart's content. If you want to update the GUI in some minor way, you can deliver updates of the GUI code separately from the game proper.
As for the how:
The simplest thing to do is to call a (e.g.) Lua "main" routine once for every frame, perhaps passing a bunch of parameters with the latest updatable information, and let that main routine call other functions to do whatever's needed. The thing to be aware of is that your embedded code only gets control for a short time, namely the time between two screen refreshes; so it does a little updating and painting, then it exits again and returns control to your C/C++ main program loop.
Technically, embedding a Lua interpreter in your program is pretty easy. The Lua interpreter has C source code, or there's pre-compiled libraries (DLLs) for Windows. Just link them into your program, initialize once, call the entry point on every iteration of the main frame loop, done.
Scripts are more powerful than storing all of your data in text files. You can assign arbitrary behavior, construct data from other data (e.g., orc captains are orcs with a bit more), and so on.
Scripts allow for faster development and easier maintenance than C++. No compile / edit / link cycle, you can even tweak the scripts while the game is running, and they're easier to update on end users' machines.
As far as the how, one suggestion would be to see how other games do it. For example, TOME, a Roguelike RPG written in C, uses Lua extensively.
For some inspiration, check out the Alternate Hard and Soft Layers pattern described on the C2 wiki.
As for my two cents, why embed a scripting language? Some reasons that I've experienced include,
easy string manipulation tools
leverage the power of loops, macros, and recursion within your data set
create dynamically generated content
wrappers to fetch content from the web
logic to provide default values if data is missing
unit tests written at the data set level
I am trying to write a statistics tool for a game by extracting values from game's process memory (as there is no other way). The biggest challenge is to find out required addresses that store data I am interested. What makes it even more harder is dynamic memory allocation - I need to find not only addresses that store data but also pointers to those memory blocks, because addresses are changing every time game restarts.
For now I am just manually searching game memory using memory editor (ArtMoney), and looking for addresses that change their values as data changes (or don't change). After address is found I am looking for a pointer that points to this memory block in a similar way.
I wonder what techniques/tools exist for such tasks? Maybe there are some articles I can read? Is mastering disassembler the only way to go? For example game trainers are solving similar tasks, but they make them in days and I am struggling already for weeks.
PS. It's all under windows.
Is mastering disassembler the only way to go?
Yes; go download WinDbg from http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/devtools/debugging/default.mspx, or if you've got some money to blow, IDA Pro is probably the best tool for doing this
If you know how to code in C, it is easy to search for memory values. If you don't know C, this page might point you to your solution if you can code in C#. It will not be hard to port the C# they have to Java.
You might take a look at DynInst (Dynamic Instrumentation). In particular, look at the Dynamic Probe Class Library (DPCL). These tools will let you attach to running processes via the debugger interface and insert your own instrumentation (via special probe classes) into them while they're running. You could probably use this to instrument the routines that access your data structures and trace when the values you're interested in are created or modified.
You might have an easier time doing it this way than doing everything manually. There are a bunch of papers on those pages you can look at to see how other people built similar tools, too.
I believe the Windows support is maintained, but I have not used it myself.
Most of the literature on Virtual Memory point out that the as a Application developer,understanding Virtual Memory can help me in harnessing its powerful capabilities. I have been involved in developing applications on Linux for sometime but but didn't care about Virtual Memory intricacies while I code. Am I missing something? If so, please shed some light on how I can leverage the workings of Virtual Memory. Else let me know if am I not making sense with the question!
Well, the concept is pretty simple actually. I won't repeat it here, but you should pick up any book on OS design and it will be explained there. I recommend the "Operating System Concepts" from Silberscahtz and Galvin - it's what I had to use in the University and it's good.
A couple of things that I can think of what Virtual Memory knowledge might give you are:
Learning to allocate memory on page boundaries to avoid waste (applies only to virtual memory, not the usual heap/stack memory);
Lock some pages in RAM so they don't get swapped to HDD;
Guardian pages;
Reserving some address range and committing actual memory later;
Perhaps using the NX (non-executable) bit to increase security, but im not sure on this one.
PAE for accessing >4GB on a 32-bit system.
Still, all of these things would have uses only in quite specific scenarios. Indeed, 99% of applications need not concern themselves about this.
Added: That said, it's definately good to know all these things, so that you can identify such scenarios when they arise. Just beware - with power comes responsibility.
It's a bit of a vague question.
The way you can use virtual memory, is chiefly through the use of memory-mapped files. See the mmap() man page for more details.
Although, you are probably using it implicitly anyway, as any dynamic library is implemented as a mapped file, and many database libraries use them too.
The interface to use mapped files from higher level languages is often quite inconvenient, which makes them less useful.
The chief benefits of using mapped files are:
No system call overhead when accessing parts of the file (this actually might be a disadvantage, as a page fault probably has as much overhead anyway, if it happens)
No need to copy data from OS buffers to application buffers - this can improve performance
Ability to share memory between processes.
Some drawbacks are:
32-bit machines can run out of address space easily
Tricky to handle file extending correctly
No easy way to see how many / which pages are currently resident (there may be some ways however)
Not good for real-time applications, as a page fault may cause an IO request, which blocks the thread (the file can be locked in memory however, but only if there is enough).
May be 9 out of 10 cases you need not worry about virtual memory management. That's the job of the kernel. May be in some highly specialized applications do you need to tweak around them.
I know of one article that talks about computer memory management with an emphasis on Linux [ http://lwn.net/Articles/250967 ]. Hope this helps.
For most applications today, the programmer can remain unaware of the workings of computer memory without any harm. But sometimes -- for example the case when you want to improve the footprint of your program -- you do end up having to manipulate memory yourself. In such situations, knowing how memory is designed to work is essential.
In other words, although you can indeed survive without it, learning about virtual memory will only make you a better programmer.
And I would think the Wikipedia article can be a good start.
If you are concerned with performance -- understanding memory hierarchy is important.
For small data sets which are fully contained in physical memory you need to be concerned with caching (accessing memory from the cache is much faster).
When dealing with large data sets -- which may be paged out due to lack of physical memory you need to be careful to keep your access patterns localized.
For example if you declare a matrix in C (int a[rows][cols]), it is allocated by rows. Thus when scanning the matrix, you need to scan by rows rather than by columns. Otherwise you will be paging the same data in and out many times.
Another issue is the difference between dirty and clean data held in memory. Clean data is information loaded from file that was not modified by the program. The OS may page out clean data (perhaps depending on how it was loaded) without writing it to disk. Dirty pages must first be written to the swap file.