I have the following email that gets sent via Devise after I create a new admin.
<p>Welcome <%= #email %>!</p>
<p>You can confirm your account email through the link below:</p>
<p><%= link_to 'Confirm my account', "http://admin.myapp.com/devise_admin/admins/confirmation?confirmation_token=#{#token}" %></p>
The issue I'm having is that even though I explicitly list http://admin.myapp.com... as my subdomain. In the actual email, the link takes me to http://www.myapp.com...
How is devise overwriting my subdomain when I've hardcoded it? Is it perhaps not using this view to generate the email?
There is a host configuration in the devise initializer
Actually its in the environments/[ENVIRONMENT] files
config.action_mailer.default_url_options = {host: "localhost",port: 3000}
I have customized the registration process with devise to happen all within a modal. It works similarly to a paywall, where you visit a path that needs registration and are prompted to register at that moment in a modal.
When the confirmation email is sent it routes the new user to the homepage but I would like to route them the path where they originally signed up on.
So if they signed up at www.example.com/sample_path when they confirm they should be routed there rather then www.example.com
I know that this line is what creates the registration link but I am not sure how to customize the path at this point
<%= link_to 'Next, confirm your account', confirmation_url(#resource, confirmation_token: #token) %>
When confirming account creation, I'm having an issue with the clickable link not displaying in some mail clients, namely gmail.
It worked fine in browser-generated emails in local development, but is now having issues in staging development. The code is as follows:
Confirm address <%= link_to 'Confirm my account', confirmation_url(#resource, confirmation_token: #token) %>
In outlook, it displays both static text "Confirm address" and a clickable "confirm my account" link but in gmail it only displays the text, no ruby code.
Since this is embedded-ruby in html, I'd just put a href in but I don't know how to translate the ruby code into html when the ruby code calls on #token to create a unique account confirmation URL. Any help is greatly appreciated!
let's try this:
Confirm address
Regardless of what I have tried and I have looked through this Github thread, I keep getting the error The invitation token provided is not valid!
I have the form embedded onto a separate page on my website and the invitation is sending, but the token seems to be wrong.
I do have this line in my mailer code
<p><%= link_to I18n.t("devise.mailer.invitation_instructions.accept"), accept_invitation_url(#resource, :invitation_token => #token) %></p>
I am also using a custom controller, but don't yet have anything in it.
Sometimes our users' confirmation emails get hung up, and I need to generate a confirmation link to send to them manually. I grabbed the code from Devise's mail view, but the link it generates is not the same that gets generated by the auto-generated confirmation email:
Code from Devise's confirmation mailer view:
<p><%= link_to 'Confirm my account', confirmation_url(#resource, :confirmation_token => #token) %></p>
Example confirmation link:
Code I'm using in custom confirmation link generator:
<p><%= link_to 'Confirm my account', confirmation_url(#user, :confirmation_token => #user.confirmation_token) %></p>
Example confirmation link (Different from above- doesn't work):
How can I generate a Devise confirmation link?
This is because devise relatively recently (3.1+ I think?) increased security by encrypting tokens (including the confirmation token) before storing them in the database. So the second long token is the encrypted version of the first, shorter token and therefore won't work. The only place the confirmation token exists in unencrypted form is in the original email sent to the user.
This means that a new token needs to be generated each time a confirmation email is sent for a user. Devise can allow users to request another confirmation email (ConfirmationsController) - have you disabled that? It calls the send_confirmation_instructions class method on your user class (which is in devise's Confirmable module and in turn calls ends up calling resend_confirmation_instructions, which calls the send_confirmation_instructions instance method which can generate a new token). You could probably call the send_confirmation_instructions class method on your user class yourself, but it would be easier to allow users to request another confirmation email themselves using the standard devise ConfirmationsController and routes/views.
Alternative if you just want to REDIRECT the user after clicking the confirmation, just
override the after_confirmation_path_for in your confirmations_controller:
Create a new confirmations_controller.rb in app/controllers directory:
class ConfirmationsController < Devise::ConfirmationsController
def after_confirmation_path_for(resource_name, resource)
STEP 2 In config/routes.rb, add this line so that Devise will use your custom ConfirmationsController. This assumes Devise operates on users table (you may edit to match yours).
devise_for :users, controllers: { confirmations: 'confirmations' }
STEP 3 Restart the web server
I successfully installed devise in my rails app and the user registration works perfect. I've also set it up such that users can confirm their accounts by sending an email. This works fine when the user signs up for the first time (They get the confirmation message with a confirmation link).
However, when the user changes his/her email address from exampleuser#gmail.com to exampleuser#hotmail.com, the mail gets delivered to exampleuser#gmail.com and the confirmation link has no confirmation token it looks like
Instead of the normal
When I resave the new email exampleuser#hotmail.com it now gets delivered to this address but the confirmation token is invalid as it does not match the one in the db.
I don't know what went wrong.
<p>Welcome <%= #resource.unconfirmed_email? ? #resource.unconfirmed_email : #resource.email %>!</p>
<p>You can confirm your account email through the link below:</p>
<p><%= link_to 'Confirm my account', confirmation_url(#resource, :confirmation_token => #resource.confirmation_token) %></p>
I also have config.reconfirmable = true in devise initializer
Am also using sideqik for delayed jobs. The emails are all processed by sideqik
Any help?
I realise it is sometime since you posted, but I have run into this same issue and resolved it.
In my case I had upgraded devise from v2.0.4 to v2.2.6 - which appears to be the newest version that supports Rails 3.
I'd skimmed the change log which mentions this change in v2.2.0:
All mailer methods now expect a second argument with delivery options.
Unfortunately it doesn't say what that second argument is specifically used for; however it turns out is literally what you'd expect... The options hash that is passed to your Mailers mail method.
I'm guessing if you're like me, your previous Devise::Mailer had a line something like the following:
def confirmation_instructions(record, opts)
mail :to => record.email, :template_name => 'confirmation_instructions'
The problem is that email is the previous confirmed email address, not the new unconfirmed one. Hence you probably want to call mail with the options hash you were passed, which will now contain the unconfirmed_email in its :to key, e.g.
{:to => "unconfirmed#email.com"}
So simply change your mail calls to something more like:
def confirmation_instructions(record, opts)
mail opts.merge(:template_name => 'confirmation_instructions')