OnShown event for TForm? - delphi

At program start, in the OnActivate event handler, I need to do something which blocks the program for a few seconds. During this time the form's client area is still not completely painted, which looks ugly for the user. (During this blocked time I don't need the program to respond to clicks or other user actions, so there is no need to put the blocking operation into a thread - I just need the form to be completely painted). So I use TForm.Update and Application-ProcessMessages to update the form before the blocking operation which works very well:
procedure TForm1.FormActivate(Sender: TObject);
However, I wonder whether there is not another more elegant solution for this problem. This could be for example a OnShown event implemented in a descendant of TForm which will be fired AFTER the form has been completely painted. How could such an event be implemented?

Your real problem is that you are blocking the UI thread. Simply put, you must never do that. Move the long running task onto a different thread and thus allow the UI to remain responsive.

If you are looking for event which is fired when application finishes loading/repainting you should use TApplication.OnIdle event
This event is fired once application is read to recieve users input. NOTE this event will be fired every time application becomes idle so you need to implement some controll variable which will tel you when OnIdle even was fired for the first time.
But as David already pointed out it is not good to block your UI (main thread). Why? When you block your main thread the application can't normally process its messages. This could lead to OS recognizing your application as being "Hanged". And aou definitly wanna avoid this becouse it could cause the users to go and forcefully kill your application whihc would probably lead to data loss. Also if you ever wanna design your application for any other platforms than Windows your application might fail the certification proces becouse of that.

In the past a simple PostMessage did the trick.
Essentially you fire it during DoShow of the base form:
procedure TBaseForm.DoShow;
PostMessage(Handle, APP_AFTERSHOW, 0, 0);
then catch the msg and create an AfterShow event for all forms inherited from this base form.
But that no longer works, well not if you are skinning and have a good number of VCL controls.
My next trick was to spawn a simple thread in DoShow and check for IsWindowVisible(Handle) and IsWindowEnabled(Handle). That really sped things up it cut 250ms from load time since db opening and other stuff was already in the AfterShow event.
Then finally I thought of madHooks, easy enough to hook the API ShowWindow for my application and fire APP_AFTERSHOW from that.
function ShowWindowCB(hWnd: HWND; nCmdShow: Integer): BOOL; stdcall;
Result := ShowWindowNext(hWnd, nCmdShow);
PostMessage(hWnd, APP_AFTERSHOW, 0, 0);
procedure TBaseForm.Loaded;
if not Assigned(Application.MainForm) then // Must be Mainform it gets assigned after creation completes
HookAPI(user32, 'ShowWindow', #ShowWindowCB, #ShowWindowNext);
To get the whole thing to completely paint before AfterShow it still needed a ProcessPaintMessages call
procedure TBaseForm.APPAFTERSHOW(var AMessage: TMessage);
procedure ProcessPaintMessages; // << not tested, pulled out of code
msg: TMsg;
while PeekMessage(msg, 0, WM_PAINT, WM_PAINT, PM_REMOVE) do
My final test was to add a Sleep to the AfterShow event and see the Form fully painted with empty db containers since the AfterShow events had not yet completed.
procedure TMainForm.AfterShow;


why does tmediaplayer delay a caption changing on a tpanel?

I am a novice programmer, so apologies if this sounds very basic to you all.
I have a procedure which looks (essentially) like this:
procedure TForm1.BitBtn1Click(Sender: TObject);
panel1.caption:='This is a sentence';
with MediaPlayer1 do
The problem is that the caption on panel1 doesn't change until the mediaplayer has played the sound file; I need the caption to change, and the player to start playing, simultaneously. How can I ensure this?
I thought that the procedure would execute each line of code sequentially, meaning that the caption of panel1 changes, followed by the mediaplayer springing into action. Where have I gone wrong?
VCL components (like TPanel) usually have an internal method called Invalidate() that is called when a property (like Caption) changes and that change requires repainting part of the control (eg. to draw the new caption text).
This method only sets a flag inside the window control, but does not invoke the repaint method itself. The reason for that is to avoid calling the Repaint() method multiple times, if many properties are changed at once (sequentially, in short time).
The Repaint() method is actually called when the component receives a message to repaint via the main message loop (processed from the main thread of the application - the GUI thread).
The way you start playing the media player is blocking, because you set the Wait property to True, which makes the player block the calling thread (again the main thread) until the file has been played.
This does not give a chance to the main thread to process it's message queue and initiate the repaint.
Quick fix:
A quick fix to the problem is either the one suggested by becsystems, or this one:
panel1.Caption := 'This is a sentence';
Calling ProcessMessages() will give the main thread the opportunity to process the message queue and perform the update, just before starting to play the file.
This is a quick fix, as the main thread will still be blocked after starting to play, which will prevent other portions of the window to repaint (eg. Try moving the window around or minimizing and maximizing it while playing).
The code suggested by becsystems is similar, but instead of processing the message queue, just forces the control to repaint.
Proper fix:
To properly fix the problem you should not use the Wait property and instead handle the OnNotify event of the media player.
Here is an example, adapted from Swiss Delphi Center (not tested as I do not have Delphi installed at the moment):
procedure TForm1.BitBtn1Click(Sender: TObject);
panel1.Caption := 'This is a sentence';
with MediaPlayer1 do
Notify := True;
OnNotify := NotifyProc;
Filename := 'f:\untitled.wma';
procedure TForm1.NotifyProc(Sender: TObject);
with Sender as TMediaPlayer do
case Mode of
mpStopped: {do something here};
// Set to true to enable next-time notification
Notify := True;
Side notes:
There is a short explanation of the VCL message loop (part of Delphi Developer's Guide) published here:
Anatomy of a Message System: VCL
Also, not related to the problem, but take a look at Delphi Coding Style Guide. It's just nice when code posted is formatted.
Add a Refresh call after setting the caption, i.e.:
panel1.caption:='This is a sentence';

How to check if the Application.MainForm is valid?

How can I be sure that in some point of my VCL application lifetime the Application.MainForm is valid so I could post a message to it (from a MadExcept ExceptionHandler).
This could be at any point (in the context of any thread) in my application (also initialization, finalization etc...)
I was thinking:
if Assigned(Application)
and (not Application.Terminated)
and Assigned(Application.MainForm)
and Application.MainForm.HandleAllocated then
PostMessage(Application.MainForm.Handle, MyMessage, 0, 0);
Is this correct?
How can I be sure that in some point of my VCL application lifetime the Application.MainForm is valid so I could post a message to it.
This could be at any point (in the context of any thread) in my application (also initialization, finalization etc...)
Uh oh.
Is this correct?
No it certainly is not. Your code can never be made threadsafe because it is not permitted to access VCL objects from outside the main thread.
In your particular case consider the following sequence of events:
You perform your tests in the if culminating in your evaluating Application.MainForm.HandleAllocated as True. Ignore for a moment the fact that you are doing this outside the main thread.
You then set about preparing the call to PostMessage. But at this very instance, the main form is destroyed.
By the time your thread gets round to accessing Application.MainForm, it has gone.
You are going to need to work a little harder here. You'll need to do something like this:
// interface section of some unit
procedure RegisterMainFormHandle(Wnd: HWND);
procedure UnregisterMainFormHandle;
procedure PostMessageToMainForm(...);
// implementation section
MainFormHandleLock: TCriticalSection;
MainFormHandle: HWND;
procedure RegisterMainFormHandle(Wnd: HWND);
MainFormHandle := Wnd;
procedure UnregisterMainFormHandle;
MainFormHandle := 0;
procedure PostMessageToMainForm(...);
if MainFormHandle <> 0 then
PostMessage(MainFormHandle, ...)
You also need to create and destroy the critical section, but I assume that you know how to do that.
In your main form you override CreateWnd and DestroyWnd and arrange that they call RegisterMainFormHandle and UnregisterMainFormHandle.
Then you can call PostMessageToMainForm from any thread at any time.
Of course, if the main form's window is recreated then you'll lose some messages. Which sounds like it could be a problem. Using AllocateHwnd to have a window whose lifetime you control is usually a better option than using the main form's window like this.
Make some global variable flag = false at the beginning.
Make your mainform turn it to true.
Check that flag to see if main form was already initialised or not yet.
You can make it from such places as mainform's OnActivate event or overridden TMainForm.Loaded method
Similarly when your application would be terminating and the mainform would get hidden (and later even destroyed) - you would reset the flag back to false

Preventing crash when doing time consuming task with COM (SKYPE4COM)

I am using the Skype4COM control. My program is trying to delete around 3K contacts from my contact list in Skype using a For loop, however
1) It takes a lot of time
2) it may crash, with a "MyApp has stopped working"
My guess is that somehow I need to "slow down" what I am doing.
Would I do that with Sleep();? Because I am not sure if that is also gonna "pause" the connection between Skype and my program.
To summarize: I am doing an action with a huge ammount of entries, and because of that big ammount, my program is hanging for a long time, and eventually crashes (sometimes). Is there a way to prevent that?
Skype4COM is STA by the way.
Move the processing into a separate thread. Your problem appears to be that Windows thinks the app has stopped responding because it's not processing it's message loop.
Calling Application.ProcessMessages is the wrong solution, because it does a lot more than you might think. You can end up with problems with reentrancy, or things happening that you don't expect.
Make sure that the thread calls CoInitialize before it creates the COM object, and calls CoUnitialize when it's done. You can find examples of using COM in a thread here; the article refers to ADO, but demonstrates the use of CoInitialize/CoUninitialize.
EDIT: After the comments, I'm adding an example of receiving a custom message in a Delphi app. The thread will need access to the UM_IDDELETED constant; you can do this by (preferably) adding it to a separate unit and using that unit in both your main form's unit and the thread's unit, or simply by defining it in both units.
// uCustomMsg.pas
// Form's unit
uses ..., uCustomMsg;
// ...
procedure UMIDDeleted(var Msg: TMessage); message UM_IDDELETED;
procedure TForm1.UMIDDeleted(var Msg: TMessage);
DeletedID: Integer;
DeletedID := Msg.WParam;
// Remove this item from the tree
// Thread unit
// IDListIdx is an integer index into the list or array
// of IDs you're deleting.
// TheFormHandle is the main form's handle you passed in
// to the thread's constructor, along with the IDList
// array or list.
procedure TYourThread.Execute;
IDToDelete: Integer; // Your ID to delete
while not Terminated and (IDListIdx < IdList.Count) do
IDToDelete := IDList[IDListIdx];
// ... Do whatever to delete ID
PostMessage(TheFormHandle, UM_IDDELETED, IDToDelete, 0);
if you are using a loop to delete each contact you can place a call to Application.ProcessMessages this should fix the issue
the call should be in the loop

Display progress from time consuming process

Sorry for my bad English...
Using Delphi 7 I want to create a dialog window to show that something is happening in my application when i have to run slow processes.
My idea was to do something that i can use like:
with TMyDialog.Create do
//call the time consuming method here
When i create the dialog, a window with an animation or something will show and will disappear after the time consuming method ends (on the free method) - it would be nice if I could manually update the progress from that dialog, in cases when the process give me such information:
with TMyDialog.Create do
while time_consuming_method do
but normally it would only be a animation to show that something is happening.
Has someone did something like that, knows a component or have any suggestions on whats the best way to do it in the most clean and simple way?
The bad but easy way to do this is to call Application.ProcessMessages or UpdateWindow(Handle) (to update the form) and increment a progressbar during your time_consuming_method. A slightly better method would be to wrap your time_consuming_method up into a class with an OnProgress event. Finally as other people have suggested you could use a separate thread for your time_consuming_method - which is the most powerful technique, but has the worst learning curve.
You will need to run your time consuming process in a separate thread, and have that thread report its' progress to your main UI thread using synchronization.
Here is an example that shows you how to start a new thread and have that thread do the synchronized progress reporting.
It's quite common to report progress in this way (using, for instance, a progress bar).
Your "time consuming process" needs to receive either a callback function that will be called every time it has some progress to report or, if you are willing to bind it more tightly with your user interface design, a reference to a component of some kind that it will know how to update. This can be a progress bar which it will step, a listbox or memo field that will receive a new line with status updates, a label control the caption of which will get updated, and so on.
Displaying a progress during long operations depend on several factors (limitations) :
Defined/undefined progress (you know,
may calculate, how many steps does
the operation take)
Interruptibility/segmentation (you
will be able, or have to, interrupt
the operation to refresh the progress
to the user)
The operation is thread-able (you may
put the operation a thread)
For defined progress it's common to display a segmented progress bar, and for undefined an animation or progress bar with the style "Marquee".
The main consideration is whether the operation is segmented/interruptible or not. Because if it's not, and you don't take care of it, your application will freeze until the operation finishes.
Searching for files is one example of segmented operation. Each found file is one segment , and it gives you the ability to display the progress to the user, and refresh the display.
TFrmUndefinedProgress = class(TForm)
FCallbackProc : TNotifyEvent;
procedure WndProc(var Message:TMessage); override;
constructor Create(aCallbackProc: TNotifyEvent);
procedure UpdateProgress(const aStr : string; aPercent : integer);
constructor TFrmUndefinedProgress.Create(aCallbackProc: TNotifyEvent);
inherited Create(nil);
FCallbackProc := aCallbackProc;
procedure TFrmUndefinedProgress.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
PostMessage(Handle, WM_START_UNDEFPROG, 0, 0);
Send message to window procedure on your form's OnShow, to make sure that it will be rendered first.
procedure TFrmUndefinedProgress.WndProc(var Message: TMessage);
if (Message.Msg = WM_START_UNDEFPROG) then begin
if Assigned(FCallbackProc) then
FCallbackProc(Self); --> Call your callback procedure
PostMessage(Handle, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0); --> close when finished
And if you make a regular procedure in your form's unit...
procedure ShowUndefinedProgress(aCallbackProc : TNotifyEvent);
FrmUndefinedProgress : TFrmUndefinedProgress;
FrmUndefinedProgress := nil;
FrmUndefinedProgress := TFrmUndefinedProgress.Create(aCallbackProc);
You then may call progress form like this:
where you pass your aCallbackProc.
Inside you put your operation:
procedure TForm1.HandleSomeOperation(Sender: TForm);
aProgress : TFrmUndefinedProgress;
--> Do something
aProgress := TFrmUndefinedProgress(Sender);
aProgress .UpdateProgress(SomeMessage, Percent);
Update the display for each found file ...
If you have operation that takes long time, but you have no way of interrupting it, then you should put it in a thread.
Create a descendant of the TThread object.
Override it's Execute method
Do your thing inside Execute
And use it:
Create a form
Start some animation on it's OnShow
Then run your thread
Close when thread finishes.

PostMessage in service applications

There is a problem I am unable to solve. I created two service applications in Delphi and tried to post messages within them. Of course, there are no windows in such applications and PostMessage needs a window handle parameter to send a message.
Therefore, I created a window handle using the AllocateHWnd(MyMethod: TWndMethod) function and passed, as the 'MyMethod' parameter, a procedure I want to be called when a message is received. If it was a windowed application, PostMessage() called using the handle returned by the AllocateHWnd method would certainly send a message that would then be received by the 'MyMethod' procedure.
The situation, however, is different in my service applications. I do not understand why, but in one of them posting messages this way works fine, whereas in the second one it does not (the messages are not received at all). Only when the service is being stopped do I notice that two messages are received by 'MyMethod': WM_DESTROY and WM_NCDESTROY. The messages I send using PostMessage are never received by this procedure. On the other hand, the first service always receives all messages I send.
Could you please give me a clue that would help me find the reason of the second service not receiving my messages? I do not know in what way they can differ. I checked the settings of the services and they seem to be identical. Why then one of them works fine and the second one does not (as far as sending messages is concerned)?
Thanks for any advice.
Without more information it will be difficult to help you debug this, especially why it works in one service but not in the other. However:
Instead of trying to fix the problem in your code you might want to remove the windows altogether, and use PostThreadMessage() instead of PostMessage(). For the posting of messages to work correctly you need a message loop, but not necessarily receiving windows.
Edit: I'm trying to reply to all your answers in one go.
First - if you want to make your life easy you should really check out OmniThreadLibrary by gabr. I don't know whether it does work in a Windows service application, I don't even know whether that has been tried yet. You could ask in the forum. It has however a lot of great features and is worth looking into, if only for the learning effect.
But of course you can also program this for yourself, and you will have to for Delphi versions prior to Delphi 2007. I will simply add some snippets from our internal library, which has evolved over the years and works in several dozen programs. I don't claim it to be bug-free though. You can compare it with your code, and if anything sticks out, feel free to ask and I'll try to clarify.
This is the simplified Execute() method of the worker thread base class:
procedure TCustomTestThread.Execute;
Msg: TMsg;
while not Terminated do begin
if (integer(GetMessage(Msg, HWND(0), 0, 0)) = -1) or Terminated then
if Msg.Message = WM_USER then begin
// handle differently according to wParam and lParam
// ...
on E: Exception do begin
It is important to not let exceptions get unhandled, so there is a top-level exception handler around everything. What you do with the exception is your choice and depends on the application, but all exceptions have to be caught, otherwise the application will get terminated. In a service your only option is probably to log them.
There is a special method to initiate thread shutdown, because the thread needs to be woken up when it is inside of GetMessage():
procedure TCustomTestThread.Shutdown;
Cancel; // internal method dealing with worker objects used in thread
procedure TCustomTestThread.DoSendMessage(AMessage: Cardinal;
AWParam: integer = 0; ALParam: integer = 0);
PostThreadMessage(ThreadID, AMessage, AWParam, ALParam);
Posting WM_QUIT will cause the message loop to exit. There is however the problem that code in descendant classes could rely on Windows messages being properly handled during shutdown of the thread, especially when COM interfaces are used. That's why instead of a simple WaitFor() the following code is used to free all running threads:
procedure TCustomTestController.BeforeDestruction;
i: integer;
ThreadHandle: THandle;
WaitRes: LongWord;
Msg: TMsg;
for i := Low(fPositionThreads) to High(fPositionThreads) do begin
if fPositionThreads[i] <> nil then try
ThreadHandle := fPositionThreads[i].Handle;
while TRUE do begin
WaitRes := MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(1, ThreadHandle, FALSE, 30000,
if WaitRes = WAIT_OBJECT_0 then begin
if WaitRes = WAIT_TIMEOUT then
while PeekMessage(Msg, 0, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE) do begin
on E: Exception do
// ...
fPositionThreads[i] := nil;
This is in the overridden BeforeDestruction() method because all threads need to be freed before the destructor of the descendant controller class begins to free any objects the threads might use.
I'd suggest you consider using named pipes for IPC. That is what they are designed to do:
Looking for an alternative to windows messages used in inter-process communication
As Mghie mentioned, you need a message processing loop. That's why PeekMessage returns the messages correctly. It's not that the messages aren't there, it's that you aren't processing them. In a standard application, Delphi creates a TApplication class and calls Application.Run. This IS the message processing loop for a normal app. It basically consists of:
until Terminated;
If you want your service application to handle messages, you'll need to perform the same kind of work.
There's an example of using a service and handling PostThreadMessage dispatches here. Keep in mind, as Mick mentioned, you cannot use message handling between applications of differing security contexts (particularly in Vista). You should use named pipes or similar. Microsoft discusses this here.
Based on the code snippet that you posted, you may just be fighting a threading issue. AllocHWnd is not thread safe. See here for a really detailed explanation of the issue and a version that works correctly in threads.
Of course, this still leads us back to why you aren't using PostThreadMessage instead. The way your code sample is structured, it would be trivial to make the message handling a function of the thread and then pass it down into the class for disposition.
Thanks for all your answers. I think we can forget about the problem. I created a new service application and performed quick post message tests. The messages were delivered correctly, so I hope I can now state that normally everything works fine and something is wrong only with this one service I described. I know it is stupid, but I will just try to copy one fragment of code after another from the 'bad' service to a new one. Maybe this will help me find the reason of the problem.
I hope I can now consider the message-waiting loop unnecessary as long as everything works fine without it, can't I?
If it comes to the privileges, Microsoft says: "UAC uses WIM to block Windows messages from being sent between processes of different privilege levels.". My Vista's UAC is off and I did not set any privileges for those services I described. Apart from that I do not send messages between different processes. Messages are sent within one process.
To give you the idea of what I am doing, I'll show you a code snippet from a test service application.
uses ...;
TMyThread = class;
TMyClass = class
FThread: TMyThread;
procedure ReadMessage(var Msg: TMessage);
FHandle: HWND;
constructor Create;
destructor Destroy; override;
TMyThread = class(TThread)
FMyClass: TMyClass;
procedure Execute; override;
constructor Create(MyClass: TMyClass); reintroduce;
{ TMyClass }
constructor TMyClass.Create;
inherited Create;
FHandle := AllocateHWnd(ReadMessage);
FThread := TMyThread.Create(Self);
destructor TMyClass.Destroy;
inherited Destroy;
procedure TMyClass.ReadMessage(var Msg: TMessage);
Log.Log('message read: ' + IntToStr(Msg.Msg));
{ TMyThread }
constructor TMyThread.Create(MyClass: TMyClass);
inherited Create(True);
FMyClass := MyClass;
procedure TMyThread.Execute;
while not Terminated do
//do some work and
//send a message when finished
if PostMessage(FMyClass.FHandle, WM_USER, 0, 0) then
Log.Log('message sent')
Log.Log('message not sent: ' + SysErrorMessage(GetLastError));
//do something else...
This is only an example, but functioning of my real code bases on the same idea. When you create an object of this class, it will create a thread that will start sending messages to that class. Log.Log() saves data into a text file. When I use this code in a new service application, everything works fine. When i put it into the 'broken' service, it does not. Please note that I do not use any message-waiting loop to receive messages. I created a new service and just put the code above into it, then created an object of the class. That's all.
If I get to know why this does not work in the 'broken' service, I'll write about it.
Thanks for the time you devoted me.
Here's what I would try:
Check the return value and GetLastError of PostMessage
Is this a Vista/2008 machine? If yes, check if the sending application have sufficient priviliges to do send the message.
I have to have more information to help you further.
I spent long hours trying to find the reason of the messages not being received. As I showed in my code snippet, the constructor of the class creates a window handle which I used to send messages to. As long as the class was constructed by the main thread, everything worked fine for the window handle (if I understand it correctly) existed in the context of the main thread which, by default, awaits messages. In the 'broken' service, as I called it by mistake, my class was created by another thread, so the handle must have existed in the context of that thread. Therefore, when I sent messages using this window handle, they were received by that thread, not by the main one. Because of the fact that this thread did not have any message-waiting loop, my messages were not received at all.
I just did not know it worked this way. To solve the problem in an easy way, I create and destroy the class in the main thread even though I use it in the second one.
Thanks for your time and all the information you gave me.
Mghie, I think you are absolutely right. I implemented a message waiting loop this way:
procedure TAsyncSerialPort.Execute;
Msg: tagMSG;
while GetMessage(Msg, 0, 0, 0) do
{thread message}
if Msg.hwnd = 0 then
case Msg.message of
WM_DATA_READ: Log.Log('data read');
WM_READ_TIMEOUT: Log.Log('read timeout');
WM_DATA_WRITTEN: Log.Log('data written');
WM_COMM_ERROR: Log.Log('comm error');
I'm doing it for the first time, so please, could you check the code whether it is correct? In fact, this is my real class code snippet (the logs will be substituted with a real code). It handles overlapped comm port. There are two threads that send thread messages to the thread above, informing it that they wrote or received some data from comm port, etc. When the thread gets such a message, it takes an action - it gets the received data from a queue, where the threads first put it and then calls an external method that, lets say, analyses the received data. I don't want to go into details for it is unimportant :). I send thread messages like this: PostThreadMessage(MyThreadId, WM_DATA_READ, 0, 0).
This code works properly as I checked, but I would like to be sure everything is correct, so I'm asking you about that. I would be grateful if you answered.
To free the thread I do the following:
destructor TAsyncSerialPort.Destroy;
{send a quit message to the thread so that GetMessage returns false and the loop ends}
PostThreadMessage(ThreadID, WM_QUIT, 0, 0);
{terminate the thread but wait until it finishes before the following objects
(critical sections) are destroyed for the thread might use them before it quits}
if Suspended then
inherited Destroy;
I hope this is the proper way to end the message loop.
Thank you very much for your help.
BTW, I hope my English language is understandable, isn't it? :) Sorry if you have difficulties understanding me.
There's one trick in message loops in threads. Windows won't create a message queue for a thread immediately so there will be some time when posting messages to a thread will fail. Details are here. In my msg loop thread I use the technique MS proposes:
constructor TMsgLoopThread.Create;
inherited Create(True);
FEvMsgQueueReady := CreateEvent(nil, True, False, nil);
if FEvMsgQueueReady = 0 then
Error('CreateEvent: '+LastErrMsg);
procedure TMsgLoopThread.Execute;
MsgRec: TMsg;
// Call fake PeekMessage for OS to create message queue for the thread.
// When it finishes, signal the event. In the main app execution will wait
// for this event.
PeekMessage(MsgRec, 0, WM_USER, WM_USER, PM_NOREMOVE);
// Start the thread with waitinig for it to get ready
function TMsgLoopThread.Start(WaitInterval: DWORD): DWORD;
inherited Start;
Result := WaitForSingleObject(FEvMsgQueueReady, WaitInterval);
But in your case I'd strongly recommend using other means of IPC.
