Rebuild container after each change? - docker

The Docker documentation suggests to use the ONBUILD instruction if you have the following scenario:
For example, if your image is a reusable python application builder, it will require application source code to be added in a particular directory, and it might require a build script to be called after that. You can't just call ADD and RUN now, because you don't yet have access to the application source code, and it will be different for each application build. You could simply provide application developers with a boilerplate Dockerfile to copy-paste into their application, but that is inefficient, error-prone and difficult to update because it mixes with application-specific code.
Basically, this all sounds nice and good, but that does mean that I have to re-create the app container every single time I change something, even if it's only a typo.
This doesn't seem to be very efficient, e.g. when creating web applications where you are used to change something, save, and hit refresh in the browser.
How do you deal with this?

does mean that I have to re-create the app container every single time I change something, even if it's only a typo
not necessarily, you could use the -v option for the docker run command to inject your project files into a container. So you would not have to rebuild a docker image.
Note that the ONBUILD instruction is meant for cases where a Dockerfile inherits FROM a parent Dockerfile. The ONBUILD instructions found in the parent Dockerfile would be run when Docker builds an image of the child Dockerfile.
This doesn't seem to be very efficient, e.g. when creating web applications where you are used to change something, save, and hit refresh in the browser.
If you are using a Docker container to serve a web application while you are iterating on that application code, then I suggest you make a special Docker image which only contains everything to run your app but the app code.
Then share the directory that contains your app code on your host machine with the directory from which the application files are served within the docker container.
For instance, if I'm developing a static web site and my workspace is at /home/thomas/workspace/project1/, then I would start a container running nginx with:
docker run -d -p 80:80 -v /home/thomas/workspace/project1/:/usr/local/nginx/html:ro nginx
That way I can change files in /home/thomas/workspace/project1/ and the changes are reflected live without having to rebuild the docker image or even restart the docker container.


Why should our work inside the container shouldn't modify the content of the container itself?

I am reading an article related to docker images and containers.
It says that a container is an instance of an image. Fair enough. It also says that whenever you make some changes to a container, you should create an image of it which can be used later.
But at the same time it says:
Your work inside a container shouldn’t modify the container. Like
previously mentioned, files that you need to save past the end of a
container’s life should be kept in a shared folder. Modifying the
contents of a running container eliminates the benefits Docker
provides. Because one container might be different from another,
suddenly your guarantee that every container will work in every
situation is gone.
What I want to know is that, what is the problem with modifying container's contents? Isn't this what containers are for? where we make our own changes and then create an image which will work every time. Even if we are talking about modifying container's content itself and not just adding any additional packages, how will it harm anything since the image created from this container will also have these changes and other containers created from that image will inherit those changes too.
Treat the container filesystem as ephemeral. You can modify it all you want, but when you delete it, the changes you have made are gone.
This is based on a union filesystem, the most popular/recommended being overlay2 in current releases. The overlay filesystem merges together multiple lower layers of the image with an upper layer of the container. Reads will be performed through those layers until a match is found, either in the container or in the image filesystem. Writes and deletes are only performed in the container layer.
So if you install packages, and make other changes, when the container is deleted and recreated from the same image, you are back to the original image state without any of your changes, including a new/empty container layer in the overlay filesystem.
From a software development workflow, you want to package and release your changes to the application binaries and dependencies as new images, and those images should be created with a Dockerfile. Persistent data should be stored in a volume. Configuration should be injected as either a file, environment variable, or CLI parameter. And temp files should ideally be written to a tmpfs unless those files are large. When done this way, it's even possible to make the root FS of a container read-only, eliminating a large portion of attacks that rely on injecting code to run inside of the container filesystem.
The standard Docker workflow has two parts.
First you build an image:
Check out the relevant source tree from your source control system of choice.
If necessary, run some sort of ahead-of-time build process (compile static assets, build a Java .jar file, run Webpack, ...).
Run docker build, which uses the instructions in a Dockerfile and the content of the local source tree to produce an image.
Optionally docker push the resulting image to a Docker repository (Docker Hub, something cloud-hosted, something privately-run).
Then you run a container based off that image:
docker run the image name from the build phase. If it's not already on the local system, Docker will pull it from the repository for you.
Note that you don't need the local source tree just to run the image; having the image (or its name in a repository you can reach) is enough. Similarly, there's no "get a shell" or "start the service" in this workflow, just docker run on its own should bring everything up.
(It's helpful in this sense to think of an image the same way you think of a Web browser. You don't download the Chrome source to run it, and you never "get a shell in" your Web browser; it's almost always precompiled and you don't need access to its source, or if you do, you have a real development environment to work on it.)
Now: imagine there's some critical widespread security vulnerability in some core piece of software that your application is using (OpenSSL has had a couple, for example). It's prominent enough that all of the Docker base images have already updated. If you're using this workflow, updating your application is very easy: check out the source tree, update the FROM line in the Dockerfile to something newer, rebuild, and you're done.
Note that none of this workflow is "make arbitrary changes in a container and commit it". When you're forced to rebuild the image on a new base, you really don't want to be in a position where the binary you're running in production is something somebody produced by manually editing a container, but they've since left the company and there's no record of what they actually did.
In short: never run docker commit. While docker exec is a useful debugging tool it shouldn't be part of your core Docker workflow, and if you're routinely running it to set up containers or are thinking of scripting it, it's better to try to move that setup into the ordinary container startup instead.

Setting up a container from a users github source

Can be closed, not sure how to do it.
I am to be quite frank lost right now, the user whom published his source on github somehow failed to update the installation instructions when he released a new branch. Now, I am not dense, just uneducated when it comes to docker. I would really appreciate a push in the right direction. If I am missing any information from this post, please allow me to provide it in the comments.
Current Setup
O/S - Debian 8 Minimal (Latest kernel)
Hardware - 1GB VPS (KVM)
Docker - Installed with Compose (# docker info)
I am attempting to setup this (, first I should clone this git to my working directory? Lets say /home for example. I will run the following command;
git clone -b docker_and_rework
Which has successfully cloned the source files into /home/ddns/... (working dir)
Now I believe I am supposed to go ahead and build something*, so I go into the following directory;
Inside contains a docker-compose.yml file, I am not sure what this does but by looking at it, it appears to be sending a bunch of instructions which I can only presume is to do with actually deploying or building the whole container/image or magical thing right? From here I go ahead and do the following;
docker-compose build
As we can see, I believe its building the container or image or whatever its called, you get my point (here). After a short while, that completes and we can see the following (docker images running). Which is correct, I see all of the dependencies in there, but things like;
go version
It does not show as a command, so I presume I need to run it inside the container maybe? If so I dont have a clue how, I need to run 'ddns.go' which is inside /home/ddns, the execution command is;
ddns backend
I am also curious why the front end web page is not showing? There should be a page like this;
But again, I believe there is some more to do I just do not know what??
docker-compose build will only build the images.
You need to run this. It will build and run them.
docker-compose up -d
The -d option runs containers in the background
To check if it's running after docker-compose up
docker-compose ps
It will show what is running and what ports are exposed from the container.
Usually you can access services from your localhost
If you want to have a look inside the container
docker-compose exec SERVICE /bin/bash
Where SERVICE is the name of the service in docker-compose.yml
The instructions it runs that you probably care about are in the Dockerfile, which for that repo is in the docker/ddns/ directory. What you're missing is that Dockerfile creates an image, which is a template to create an instance. Every time you docker run you'll create a new instance from the image. docker run docker_ddns go version will create a new instance of the image, run go version and output it, then die. Running long running processes like the docker_ddns-web image probably does will run the process until something kills that process. The reason you can't see the web page is probably because you haven't run docker-compose up yet, which will create linked instances of all of the docker images specified in the docker-compose.yml file. Hope this helps

Making two Docker containers work together

I am seeking advices on how to dockerize my application. This is how the application works :
There is a website that is responsible to help the user create inputs for an executable. The inputs are two images, one uploaded by the user and one where the user draw something on his uploaded image. The website uses Python/Django and Apache2. When done, the website writes the two images on the server, stores them in a mysql database and calls an executable that uses the two images as input. The executable uses OpenCV 3.1 and can be called like that :
./ ./path_to_image1.jpg ./path_to_image2.jpg ./path_where_to_save_output.jpg
The executable then writes the output image on the server in the same location as the two other input images, and the website displays the result.
For now, a Docker-Compose orchestrates two containers, one with the official mysql image (I actually have no issue with this container, it works fine as I just need to tell Django where to find the database using the service name), and one I created with all Python/Django/Apache2/OpenCV3.1 dependencies. Meaning the website and the executable run in the same container. From what I understand of Docker, the website and the executable should run in separate containers. But I just can't figure out how can a container tell another container to execute something.
I can create an image i_cv31 that just installs OpenCV 3.1 and copy inside the executable :
FROM debian:jessie
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y ALL_OPENCV_DEPENDENCIES
Having images in a host folder, I can map this folder inside the container and call the executable on the host like that :
docker run -v /host/images:/images i_cv31 /images/image1.jpg /images/image2.jpg /images/result.png
The executable writes result.png on the volume, the container ends its task and stops.
Is there a way from the website container to send a signal to the host so that it creates an executable container ? I know we can map the docker.sock from the host to the containers with volumes but somehow I can't make it work and it looks like this is not really secure. As well, it seems the --link of docker run option is deprecated for security reasons, and I don't know how to access files from a container on another one with this option. There seems to be the docker networking option, which, if I understand correctly is what Docker-Compose does.
To summarize : My web container writes two images in a volume. This container requires Apache2/Python/Django. The same volume is accessible from another container that launches an executable if we provide it two images. This container requires OpenCV. What I am missing is this signal : The images are ready, launch the executable and give back the result so the website can display it.
Up to now, this signal was an Ajax call in a Javascript file. It sent the two images to Django, which called the executable and knew when the result image was ready so it could be displayed.
I'm really lost so thanks a lot for any help you can give me.

Docker separation of concerns / services

I have a laravel project which I am using with docker. Currently I am using a single container to host all the services (apache, mySQL etc) as well as the needed dependencies (project files, git, composer etc) I need for my project.
From what I am reading the current best practice is to put each service into a separate container. So far this seems simple enough since these services are designed to run at length (apache server, mySQL server). When I spin up these 'service' containers using -d they remain running (docker ps) since their main process continuously runs.
However, when I remove all the services from my project container, then there is no main process left to continuously run. This means my container immediately exits once spun up.
I have read the 'hacks' of running other processes like tail -f /dev/null, sleep infinity, using interactive mode, installing supervisord (which I assume would end up watching no processes in such containers?) and even leaving the container to run in the foreground (taking up a terminal console...).
How do I network such a container to keep it running like the abstracted services but detached without these hacks? I cannot seem to find much information on this in the official docker docs nor can I find any examples of other projects (please link any)
EDIT: I am not talking about volumes / storage containers to store the data my project processes, but rather how I can use a container to store the project itself and its dependencies that aren't services (project files, git, composer)
when you run the container try running with the flags ...
docker run -dt ..... etc
you might even try .....
docker run -dti ..... etc
let me know if this brings any joy. has certainly worked for me on occassions.
i know you wanted to avoid hacks but if the above fails then also add ...
CMD cat
to the end of your Dockerfile - it is a hack but is the cleanest hack :)
So after reading this a few times along with Joachim Isaksson's comment, I finally get it. Tools don't need the containers to run continuously to use. Proper separation of the project files, services (mySQL, apache) and tools (git, composer) are done differently.
The project files are persisted within a data volume container. The services are networked since they expose ports. The tools live in their own containers which share the project files data volume - they are not networked. Logs, databases and other output can be persisted in different volumes.
When you wish to run one of these tools, you spin up the tool container by passing the relevant command using docker run. The tool then manipulates the data within the directory persisted within the shared volume. The containers only persist as long as the command to manipulate the data within the shared volume takes to run and then the container stops.
I don't know why this took me so long to grasp, but this is the aha moment for me.

Recreating Docker images instead of reusing - for microservices

One microservice stays in one docker container. Now, let's say that I want to upgrade the microservice - for example, some configuration is changed, and I need to re-run it.
I have two options:
I can try to re-use existing image, by having a script that runs on containers startup and that updates the microservice by reading new config (if there is) from some shared volume. After the update, script runs the microservice.
I can simply drop the existing image and container and create the new image (with new name) and new container with updated configuration/code.
Solution #2 seems more robust to me. There is no 'update' procedure, just single container creation.
However, what bothers me is if this re-creation of the image has some bad side-effects? Like a lot of dangling images or something similar. Imagine that this may happens very often during the time user plays with the app - for example, if developer is trying out something, he wants to play with different configurations of microservice, and he will re-start it often. But once it is configured, this will not change. Also, when I say configuration I dont mean just config files, but also user code etc.
For production changes you'll want to deploy a new image for changes to the file. This ensures your process is repeatable.
However, developing by making a new image every time you write a new line of code would be a nightmare. The best option is to run your docker container and mount the source directory of the container to your file system. That way, when you make changes in your editor, the code in the container updates too.
You can achieve this like so:
docker run -v /Users/me/myapp:/src myapp_image
That way you only have to build myapp_image once and can easily make changes thereafter.
Now, if you had a running container that was not mounted and you wanted to make changes to the file, you can do that too. It's not recommended, but it's easy to see why you might want to.
If you run:
docker exec -it <my-container-id> bash
This will put you into the container and you can make changes in vim/nano/editor of your choice while you're inside.
Your option #2 is definitely preferable for a production environment. Ideally you should have some automation around this process, typically to perform something like a blue-green deploy where you replace containers based on the old image one by one with those from the new, testing as you go and then only when you are satisfied with the new deployment do you clean up the containers from the previous version and remove the image. That way you can quickly roll-back to the previous version if needed.
In a development environment you may want to take a different approach where you bind mount the application in to the container at runtime allowing you to make updates dynamically without having to rebuild the image. There is a nice example in the Docker Compose docs that illustrates how you can have a common base compose YML and then extend it so that you get different behavior in development and production scenarios.
