Dart How to unit test a simple function - dart

I love the way that you can write clean concise code in Dart, but it appears that Dart is one of those languages that it easy to write but hard to test!
For example, given the following fairly simple method, how does one go about unit testing it?
typedef void HandleWebSocket(WebSocket webSocket);
Router createWebSocketRouter(HttpServer server, String context, HandleWebSocket handler) {
var router = new Router(server);
router.serve(context).transform(new WebSocketTransformer()).listen(handler);
return router;
You need to somehow replace the new Router() with some sort of factory method that returns a mock. The mock then needs to return a mock when serve is called. That then needs to have a mock transform* method that returns a mock stream.....and at that point most people will give up!
I have managed to write a unit test using the above approach but as it required 80 odd lines and polluted the actual class with a factory method I can hardly say I am happy with it!
Is there a better way of doing this?


ways of using ninject properly

One of the definition of ninject in internet is;
"Somewhere in the middle of your application, you're creating a class
inside another class. That means you're creating a dependency.
Dependency Injection is about passing in those dependencies, usually
through the constructor, instead of embedding them."
what i want to learn is, where ever we see a creation of a class inside another class should we use ninject or just we should use in some part of program that we want/need to apply loosely coupling for design purposes because maybe we would like to use different approaches in the future?
Sorry if this is a silly question.
It's a perfectly valid question, and there are no absolute right or wrong answers. Ninject and other IoC frameworks are designed to de-couple dependencies.
So the moment you do this:
public class MyClass1
public MyClass1()
MyClass2 mc2 = new MyClass2();
You can categorically say that MyClass1 has a dependency in MyClass2.
For me, my rule is this: do I need to unit test MyClass1, or is it likely I'll need to unit test MyClass1?
If I don't need to unit test it, then I don't find much value in decoupling the two classes.
However, if I do need to unit test MyClass1, then injecting in MyClass2 gives you much better control over your unit tests (and allows you to test MyClass1 in isolation).
You do need to evaluate each case separately though. In the above example, if I need to unit test MyClass1, and MyClass2 is just a basic string formatting class, then I probably wouldn't decouple it. However, if MyClass2 was an email sending class then I would de-couple it. I don't want my unit tests actually sending emails, so I would feed in a fake for my tests instead.
So I don't believe there are any solid rules, but hopefully the above gives you a better idea of when you might decouple, and when you might not decouple.

Why is mocking with DI better than mocking objects in objective-c?

this blog article says that:
While there are sometimes sensible ways to mock out objects without DI
(typically by mocking out class methods, as seen in the OCMock example
above), it’s often flat out not possible. Even when it is possible,
the complexity of the test setup might outweigh the benefits. If
you’re using dependency injection consistently, you’ll find writing
tests using stubs and mocks will be much easier.
but it doesn't explain why. What are possible scenarios where DI (injecting an id object conforming to protocol) will serve better for mocking in Objective-C, than simple OCMockito:
[given([mockArray objectAtIndex:0]) willReturn:#"first"];
[verifyCount(mockArray, times(1)) objectAtIndex:];
I've noticed that it is easier to create a separate class for test target when the original class do some async stuff.
Let assume you write a test for UIViewController which has a LoginSystem dependency which uses AFNetworking to do a request to the API. LoginSystem takes a block argument as a callback. (UIViewController->LoginSystem->AFNetworking).
If you make a mock of LoginSystem probably you will end with problems how to fire a callback block to test your UIViewController behaviour on success/failure. When I tried that I ended with MKTArgumentCaptor to retrieve a block argument and then I had to invoke it inside a test file.
On the other hand, if you create a separate class for LoginSystem (let call it LoginSystemStub which extends from LoginSystem) you are able to "mock" a behaviour in 3 lines of code and outside the test file. We should also keep our test file clean and readable.
Another case is that verify() doesn't work with checking asynchronous behaviour. It is much more easier to call expect(smth2).will.equal(smth)
Pointers to NSError (NSError**) also don't work well with verify() and it's better to create a stub :D
Imagine you are trying to test a more complex behavior of an object interacting with one of its child objects. To make certain that the parent object is operating correctly, you have to mock all the methods of the child object and even potentially track its changing state.
But if you do that, you just wrote an entirely new object in a confusing and convoluted way. It would have been simpler to write an entirely new object and tell the parent to use that.
With DI you inject your model at runtime, it's not bound in your classes but only in the configuration.
When you want to mock you just create a mock model and inject that instead of your real data. Besides the model, you changed your implementation in a single line.
See here for a hands on example or here for the idea behind it.
Disclaimer: Of course you can mock other stuff than the model, but that's probably the most common use-case.
The answer is: It's not better. It's only better if you need some super custom behavior.
The best thing about it is that you don't have to create an interface/protocol for every class you inject and you can limit to DI the modules you really need to inject making your code cleaner and more YAGNI.
It applies to any dynamic language, or language with reflection. Creating so much clutter just for the sake of Unit-Tests struck me as a bad idea.

Response.BinaryWrite() in ASP.Net MVC Test Project

I am stuck in a situation, in which i am creating a test project in ASP.Net MVC, here i am testing a Method which is actually using to download a file, so whenever i am trying to test this method it gives
OutputStream is not available when a custom TextWriter is used
Error in Response.BinaryWrite(), everything is fine except this, can anyone tell me how to resolve this exception, i am using MOQ dll for Mocking, Please suggest me to get rid of this situation.
This is the line which is actually generating exception, now i have a question that- Is this good to test a download method or i have to leave it, if it is good then how to resolve this issue.
If you are writing a unit test you generally don't want to be writing a test that have dependencies that you can't control (e.g. writing to the database, filesystem or output stream). You can also assume that the Response.BinaryWrite does what it is supposed to.
You could do something like this to get around the error you are seeing.
public interface IBinaryWriter
void BinaryWrite(byte[] buffer);
public class ResponseBinaryWriteWrapper : IBinaryWriter
public void BinaryWrite(byte[] buffer)
This will give you the ability to inject the IBinaryWriter into the class you want to test as a mock and then you can check that BinaryWrite is called with the correct byte array. In your production code you then inject your concrete ResponseBinaryWriterWrapper class.

Understanding Mock Unit Testing

am trying to understand using Mock unit testing and i started with MOQ . this question can be answered in General as well.
Am just trying to reuse the code given in How to setup a simple Unit Test with Moq?
public void TestInit() {
List<string> theList = new List<string>();
_mockRepository = new Mock<IRepository>();
//The line below returns a null reference...
_mockRepository.Setup(s => s.list()).Returns(theList);
_service = new Service(_mockRepository.Object);
public void my_test()
var myList = _service.AllItems();
Assert.IsNotNull(myList, "myList is null.");
Assert.AreEqual(3, myList.Count());
Here is my question
1 . In testInitialize we are setting theList count to 3(string) and we are returning the same using MOQ and in the below line we are going to get the same
var myList = _service.AllItems(); //Which we know will return 3
So what we are testing here ?
2 . what are the possible scenarios where the Unit Testing fails ? yes we can give wrong values as 4 and fail the test. But in realtime i dont see any possiblity of failing ?
i guess am little backward in understanding these concepts. I do understand the code but am trying to get the insights !! Hope somebody can help me !
The system under test (SUT) in your example is the Service class. Naturally, the field _service uses the true implementation and not a mock. The method tested here is AllItems, do not confuse with the list() method of IRepository. This latter interface is a dependency of your SUT Service therefore it is mocked and passed to the Service class via constructor. I think you are confused by the fact that AllItems method seems to only return the call from list() method of its dependency IRepository. Hence, there is not a lot of logic involved there. Maybe, reconsider this example and add more expected logic for the AllItems method. For example you may assert that the AllItems returns the same elements provided by the list() method but reordered.
I hope I can help you with this one.
1.) As for this one, your basically testing he count. Sometimes in a collection, the data accumulates so it doesn't necessarily mean that each time you exectue the code is always 3. The next time you run, it adds 3 so it becomes 6 then 9 and so on.
2.) For unit testing, there are a lot of ways to fail like wrong computations, arithmetic overflow errors and such. Here's a good article.
The test is supposed to verify that the Service talks to its Repository correctly. We do this by setting up the mock Repository to return a canned answer that is easy to verify. However, with the test as it is now :
Service could perfectly return any list of 3 made-up strings without communicating with the Repository and the test would still pass. Suggestion : use Verify() on the mock to check that list() was really called.
3 is basically a magic number here. Changes to theList could put that number out of sync and break the test. Suggestion : use theList.Count instead of 3. Better : instead of checking the number of elements in the list, verify that AllItems() returns exactly what was passed to it by the Repository. You can use a CollectionAssert for that.
This means getting theList and _mockRepository out of TestInit() to make them accessible in a wider scope or directly inside the TestMethod, which is probably better anyways (not much use having a TestInitialize here).
The test would fail if the Service somehow stopped talking to its Repository, if it stopped returning exactly what the Repository gives it, or if the Repository's contract changed. More importantly, it wouldn't fail if there was a bug in the real implementation for IRepository - testing small units allows you to point your finger at the exact object that is failing and not its neighbors.

Overriding IOC Registration for use with Integration Testing

so I think I'm perhaps not fully understanding how you would use an IOC container for doing Integration tests.
Let's assume I have a couple of classes:
public class EmailComposer : IComposer
public EmailComposer(IEmailFormatter formatter)
public string Write(string message)
return _formatter.Format(message);
OK so for use during the real application (I'm using autofac here) I'd create a module and do something like:
protected override void Load(ContainerBuilder containerBuilder)
Makes perfect sense and works great.
When it comes to Unit Tests I wouldn't use the IOC container at all and would just mock out the formatter when I'm doing my tests. Again works great.
OK now when it comes to my integration tests...
Ideally I'd be running the full stack during integration tests obviously, but let's pretend the HtmlEmailFormatter is some slow external WebService so I decide it's in my best interest to use a Test Double instead.
But... I don't want to use the Test Double on all of my integration tests, just a subset (a set of smoke-test style tests that are quick to run).
At this point I want to inject a mock version of the webservice, so that I can validate the correct methods were still called on it.
So, the real question is:
If I have a class with a constructor that takes in multiple parameters, how do I make one of the parameters resolve to a an instance of an object (i.e. the correctly setup Mock) but the rest get populated by autofac?
I would say you use the SetUp and TearDown (NUnit) or ClassInitialize and ClassCleanup (MSTest) for this. In initialize you register your temporary test class and in cleanup you restore to normal state.
Having the DI container specify all the dependencies for you has the benefit of getting an entire object graph of dependencies resolved. However if there's a single test in which you want to use a different implementation I would use a Mocking framework instead.
